DragToScroll - updated

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DragToScroll - updated

17 Oct 2017, 11:12

DragToScroll allows you to scroll by dragging your mouse while you hold down a button. By default, you hold down right-click, and then drag your mouse, and you get the scrolling effect. It will not interfere with normal RButton behavior. Or you could use another mouse button or keyboard key as the 'hold' button.

This originally came from the old ahk forums. I've been using this script for years in conjunction with my Logitech Trackman Marble Mouse, since this trackball has no scroll wheel. The script works well. I had made some changes and updates to the script long ago, but I just finally cleaned it up and put it on github.

Some changes:

- removed the phone-home web update checker from the original
- fixed for unicode AHK_L
- added option to KeepCursorStationary
- added nicer replacement cursor
- fixed gui stuff

Get it here:


Last edited by guest3456 on 16 Dec 2017, 12:50, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

18 Oct 2017, 06:31

Hello guest3456 :wave:
Very nice one, thanks for sharing :thumbup:
It seems to work very well, I'd say it has good value even if you have a scroll wheel.

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

19 Oct 2017, 11:22

Thanks Helgef

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

05 Dec 2017, 01:23

- This is nice, thanks.
- I find it works well for vertical or horizontal scrolling, although if you try to do both at the same time, in a text editor, with no images, it's hard to follow what position you are at.
- Great solution for one key to do both vertical and horizontal scrolling.
- Works well with Internet Explorer, it even works well with Notepad.
- Also, the icon looks very cool.
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Re: DragToScroll - updated

09 Dec 2017, 10:30


Nice job there!

I have been using the old one for a month now, it is so helpful even if you have the scrollwheel...

I did try your new version, I that you are able to change the icon is very helpful! but can I use a .png as the icon? because somehow every .ico that I use gets minimized so much and it just doesn't look good at all...

Also not sure why but this version is very laggy... I will see what the old version's settings were...

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

11 Dec 2017, 15:39

fenchai wrote: I did try your new version, I that you are able to change the icon is very helpful! but can I use a .png as the icon? because somehow every .ico that I use gets minimized so much and it just doesn't look good at all...
not sure, all I'm doing is creating a GUI and putting the ico as a picture on there, maybe you could substitute a png
fenchai wrote: Also not sure why but this version is very laggy... I will see what the old version's settings were...
let me know if you find better settings

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

12 Dec 2017, 18:02

guest3456 wrote:
fenchai wrote: I did try your new version, I that you are able to change the icon is very helpful! but can I use a .png as the icon? because somehow every .ico that I use gets minimized so much and it just doesn't look good at all...
not sure, all I'm doing is creating a GUI and putting the ico as a picture on there, maybe you could substitute a png
fenchai wrote: Also not sure why but this version is very laggy... I will see what the old version's settings were...
let me know if you find better settings
I gave up on changing the settings... I changed all settings to the old version and your version still lagged. Scrolling is so much smoother on the old version but I like how customizable your new version is...

I guess we can't have good thing from both worlds...
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Re: DragToScroll - updated

12 Dec 2017, 19:27

fenchai wrote: I gave up on changing the settings... I changed all settings to the old version and your version still lagged. Scrolling is so much smoother on the old version but I like how customizable your new version is...

I guess we can't have good thing from both worlds...
i'd like to figure out why its lagging for you if possible

i'm not seeing any lag at all

what if you choose the exact same settings, with the same old icon, does it still lag? what version of Windows are you on?

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

15 Dec 2017, 05:39

Without running this script I tried right-click + drag down in my QtWeb browser to see what happens - it closed last tab. Did it again, closed another tab. Apparently QtWeb uses mouse gestures and this script will interfere with that. Not that I use gestures or anything - just saying, in case anyone stumbles into such issue.

However, QtWeb has a very fine built-in scrolling routine, available on middle-click. Directions are shown using standard cursors, speed is variable depending on the distance between original middle-click point and current cursor position. All directions are available, including NW, NE, SE, SW.
Now that'd be nice to see in an AHK script. ;)
Part of my AHK work can be found here.
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Re: DragToScroll - updated

15 Dec 2017, 18:16

guest3456 wrote:
fenchai wrote: I gave up on changing the settings... I changed all settings to the old version and your version still lagged. Scrolling is so much smoother on the old version but I like how customizable your new version is...

I guess we can't have good thing from both worlds...
i'd like to figure out why its lagging for you if possible

i'm not seeing any lag at all

what if you choose the exact same settings, with the same old icon, does it still lag? what version of Windows are you on?
check this out, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kiIcHI ... e=youtu.be

I am on windows 10 btw
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Re: DragToScroll - updated

15 Dec 2017, 20:03

fenchai wrote:check this out, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kiIcHI ... e=youtu.be

I am on windows 10 btw
yes i see, it looks slower, i dont know if i would say laggy. but you are using different settings still. i wanted you to try with the new script but with the old settings.

so use the old cursor style ("cursorHand"), and turn off the 'keep cursor stationary' setting

and check the top of each of the scripts for the other settings too. it could be the 'scroll momentum' or it could be the 'scroll method'

here are some settings that i changed:
https://github.com/mmikeww/DragToScroll ... e3b2a7e1f1

but you should check your old script and the new script and make sure the settings are the same

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

15 Dec 2017, 20:28

guest3456 wrote:
fenchai wrote:check this out, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kiIcHI ... e=youtu.be

I am on windows 10 btw
yes i see, it looks slower, i dont know if i would say laggy. but you are using different settings still. i wanted you to try with the new script but with the old settings.

so use the old cursor style ("cursorHand"), and turn off the 'keep cursor stationary' setting

and check the top of each of the scripts for the other settings too. it could be the 'scroll momentum' or it could be the 'scroll method'

here are some settings that i changed:
https://github.com/mmikeww/DragToScroll ... e3b2a7e1f1

but you should check your old script and the new script and make sure the settings are the same
That was useful! I changed the script to all the red lines (old code) and it works well! but something stopped working...

Setting("KeepCursorStationary", false)

As you can see, I have it on false and it still stays in the same position... changed to true/false, but still stays as stationary

here is the code

Code: Select all


new discussion:

old discussion:

Scroll any active window by clicking and dragging with the right mouse button. 
Should not interfere with normal right clicking. 
See the discussion link above for more information.

This script has one dependency, on Tuncay's ini lib, found at:


#SingleInstance Force
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\ini.ahk
GoSub, Init

; Settings

; Global toggle. Should generally always be false
Setting("ScrollDisabled", false)

; The chosen hotkey button
; Should work with pretty much any button, though 
; mouse or KB special keys (ctrl, alt, etc) are preferred.
Setting("Button", "RButton")                

; Delay time before drag starts
; You must click and release "Button" before this time;
; Increase if you are having trouble getting "normal behavior"
Setting("DragDelay", 150)                     ; in ms. 

; How often to poll for mouse movement & drag
; The major time unit for this script, everything happens on this
; schedule. Affects script responsiveness, scroll speed, etc.
Setting("PollFrequency", 20)                  ; in ms

; Speed
; Affects the overall speed of scrolling before acceleration
; Speed is "normalized" to 1.0 as a default
Setting("DragThreshold", 0)                   ; in pixels
Setting("SpeedX", 1.0)
Setting("SpeedY", 1.0)

; MovementCheck
; if enabled, this check will abort dragging
; if you have not moved the mouse over MovementThreshold
; within the first MovementCheckDelay ms
; This is used for compatibility with other button-hold actions
Setting("UseMovementCheck", false)
Setting("MovementCheckDelay", 200)            ; in ms
Setting("MovementThreshold", 0)               ; in px

; scroll method
; choose one of: mWheelKey, mWheelMessage, mScrollMessage
; WheelMessage & WheelKey are preferred; your results may vary
Setting("ScrollMethodX", mScrollMessage)
Setting("ScrollMethodY", mWheelMessage)

; invert drag
; by default, you "drag" the document; moving up drags the document up,
; showing more of the document below. This behavior is the inverse of 
; scrolling up, where you see more of the document above.
; The invert flag switches the drag to the "scroll" behavior
Setting("InvertDrag", true)

; Edge Scrolling
; allows you to hover over a window edge
; to continue scrolling, at a fixed rate
Setting("UseEdgeScrolling", true)
Setting("EdgeScrollingThreshold", 15)         ; in px, distance from window edge
Setting("EdgeScrollSpeed", 2.0)               ; in 'speed'; 1.0 is about 5px/sec drag

; Targeting
; if Confine is enabled, drag will be immediately halted
; if the mouse leaves the target window or control
; it is advisable to not use BOTH confine and EdgeScrolling
; in that case, edge scrolling will only work if you
; never leave the bounds of the window edge
Setting("UseControlTargeting", true)
Setting("ConfineToWindow", false)
Setting("ConfineToControl", false)

; Acceleration & momentum
Setting("UseAccelerationX", false)
Setting("UseAccelerationY", true)
Setting("MomentumThreshold", 0.7)             ; in 'speed'. Minimum speed to trigger momentum. 1 is always
Setting("MomentumStopSpeed", 0.25)            ; in 'speed'. Scrolling is stopped when momentum slows to this value
Setting("MomentumInertia", .93)               ; (0 < VALUE < 1) Describes how fast the scroll momentum dampens
Setting("UseScrollMomentum", true)

; Acceleration function
; - modify very carefully!!
; - default is a pretty modest curve

; Based on the initial speed "arg", accelerate and return the updated value
; Think of this function as a graph of drag-speed v.s. scroll-speed.
  return .006 * arg **3 + arg

; double-click checking
; If enabled, a custom action can be performed a double-click is detected.
; Simply set UseDoubleClickCheck := true
; Define ButtonDoubleClick (below) to do anything you want
Setting("DoubleClickThreshold", DllCall("GetDoubleClickTime"))
Setting("UseDoubleClickCheck", true)

; Gesture checking
; If enabled, simple gestures are detected, (only supports flick UDLR)
; and gesture events are called for custom actions, 
; rather than dragging with momentum.
Setting("UseGestureCheck", false)
Setting("GestureThreshold", 30)
Setting("GesturePageSize", 15)
Setting("GestureBrowserNames", "chrome.exe,firefox.exe,iexplore.exe")

; Change Mouse Cursor 
; If enabled, mouse cursor is set to the cursor specified below
Setting("ChangeMouseCursor", true)

; If the above ChangeMouseCursor setting is true, this determines what cursor style
; Choose either:
;       "cursorHand"           -  the original DragToScroll hand icon
;       "cursorScrollPointer"  -  the scrollbar and pointer icon (SYNTPRES.ico)
;                                 this cursor will mostly stay stationary but you should
;                                 still have the KeepCursorStationary set to 'true'
Setting("ChangedCursorStyle", "cursorScrollPointer")

; If enabled, cursor will stay in its initial position for the duration of the drag
; This can look jittery with the "cursorHand" style because it updates based
; on the PollFrequency setting above
Setting("KeepCursorStationary", false)

; User-Customizable Handlers

; double-click handler
; this label is called by DoubleClickCheck
  ; change this to whatever you want to happen at Button double-click 
  ; default behavior below toggles "slow mode"
  ; close the menu that probably popped up   
  ; the extra "menu" popup is unavoidable. 
  ; You may however attempt to close it automatically 
  ; this may yield unintended results, sending a random {esc}
  Sleep 200
  Send {Esc}

  slowSpeed := .5
  bSlowMode := !bSlowMode
  Tooltip((bSlowMode ? "Slow" : "Fast") . " Mode")

  if (bSlowMode)
    SpeedY *= slowSpeed
    SpeedX *= slowSpeed
    SpeedY /= slowSpeed
    SpeedX /= slowSpeed

; Handlers for gesture actions
; The Up/Down gestures will scroll the page 
  if (WinProcessName = "AcroRd32.exe")
    Send, ^{PgDn}
  else if (Get("ScrollMethodY") = mWheelMessage)
    Loop, % GesturePageSize
      Scroll(-1 * (GesturePageSize-A_Index))
    Send, {PgDn}

  if (WinProcessName = "AcroRd32.exe")
    Send, ^{PgUp}
  else if (Get("ScrollMethodY") = mWheelMessage)
    Loop, % GesturePageSize
    Send, {PgUp}

  if WinProcessName in %GestureBrowserNames%
    ToolTip("Back", 1)
    Send {Browser_Back}
    Send {Home}

  if WinProcessName in %GestureBrowserNames%
    ToolTip("Forward", 1)
    Send {Browser_Forward}
    Send {End}


; Init
  CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  Gosub, Constants
  Gosub, Reset
  Gosub, LoadLocalSettings
  ; initialize non-setting & non-reset vars
  ;ScrollDisabled := false
  DragStatus := DS_NEW
  TimeOfLastButtonDown := 0
  TimeOf2ndLastButtonDown:= 0
  TimeOfLastButtonUp := 0
  ; Initialize menus & Hotkeys
  Gosub, MenuInit
  ; Initialize icons
  Menu, Tray, Icon
  GoSub, TrayIconInit
  GoSub, UpdateTrayIcon

  ; Initialize GUI for new cursor
  if (ChangeMouseCursor) && (ChangedCursorStyle = "cursorScrollPointer")
     Gui, 98: Add, Pic, x0 y0 vMyIconVar hWndMyIconHwnd 0x3, %A_ScriptDir%\SYNTPRES.ico      ; 0x3 = SS_ICON
     Gui, 98: Color, gray
     Gui, 98: +LastFound -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
     WinSet, TransColor, gray


; Constants
  VERSION = 2.5
  DEBUG = 0
  WM_HSCROLL = 0x114
  WM_VSCROLL = 0x115
  X_ADJUST = .2     ; constant. normalizes user setting Speed to 1.0
  Y_ADJUST = .2     ; constant. normalizes user setting Speed to 1.0
  DS_NEW = 0        ; click has taken place, no action taken yet
  DS_DRAGGING = 1   ; handler has picked up the click, suppressed normal behavior, and started a drag
  DS_HANDLED = 2    ; click is handled; either finished dragging, normal behavior, or double-clicked
  DS_HOLDING = 3    ; drag has been skipped, user is holding down button
  DS_MOMENTUM = 4   ; drag is finished, in the momentum phase
  INI_GENERAL := "General"
  INI_EXCLUDE = ServerSettings
  ; scroll method
  mWheelKey := "WheelKey"              ; simulate mousewheel
  mWheelMessage := "WheelMessage"      ; send WHEEL messages
  mScrollMessage := "ScrollMessage"    ; send SCROLL messages
  URL_DISCUSSION := "https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=38457"

; Cleans up after each drag. 
; Ensures there are no false results from info about the previous drag

; Implementation

; Hotkey Handler for button down
; Critical forces a hotkey handler thread to be attended to handling any others.
; If not, a rapid click could cause the Button-Up event to be processed
; before Button-Down, thanks to AHK's pseudo-multithreaded handling of hotkeys.
; Thanks to 'Guest' for an update to these hotkey routines.
; This update further cleans up, bigfixes, and simplifies the updates.

   ; Initialize DragStatus, indicating a new click
   DragStatus := DS_NEW
   GoSub, Reset

   ; Keep track of the last two click times.
   ; This allows us to check for double clicks.
   ; Move the previously recorded time out, for the latest button press event.
   ; Record the current time at the last click
   ; The stack has only 2 spaces; older values are discarded.
   TimeOf2ndLastButtonDown := TimeOfLastButtonDown
   TimeOfLastButtonDown := A_TickCount

    ; Capture the original position mouse position
    ; Window and Control Hwnds being hovered over
    ; for use w/ "Constrain" mode & messaging
    ; Get class names, and process name for per-app settings
    MouseGetPos, OriginalX, OriginalY, WinHwnd, CtrlHwnd, 3
    MouseGetPos, ,,, CtrlClass, 1
    WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %WinHwnd%
    WinGet, WinProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %WinHwnd%
    WinGet, WinProcessID, PID, ahk_id %WinHwnd%
    WinProcessPath := GetModuleFileNameEx(WinProcessID)

    ; Figure out the target
    if (UseControlTargeting && CtrlHwnd)
      Target := "Ahk_ID " . CtrlHwnd
    else if (WinHwnd)
      Target := "Ahk_ID " . WinHwnd
      Target := ""
    ;ToolTip("Target: " . Target . "    ID-WC:" . WinHwnd . "/" . CtrlHwnd . "     X/Y:" . OriginalX . "/" . OriginalY . "     Class-WC:" . WinClass . "/" CtrlClass . "     Process:" . WinProcessPath)
    ;ToolTip("Process Name:" . WinProcessName . "Process:" . WinProcessPath)
    ; if we're using the WheelKey method for this window,
    ; activate the window, so that the wheel key messages get picked up
    if (Get("ScrollMethodY") = mWheelKey && !WinActive("ahk_id " . WinHwnd))
      WinActivate, ahk_id %WinHwnd%  
   ; Optionally start a timer to see if 
   ; user is holding but not moving the mouse
   if (Get("UseMovementCheck"))
     SetTimer, MovementCheck, % -1 * Abs(MovementCheckDelay)

   if (!Get("ScrollDisabled"))
     ; if scrolling is enabled,
     ; schedule the drag to start after the delay.
     ; specifying a negative interval forces the timer to run once
     SetTimer, DragStart, % -1 * Abs(DragDelay)
     GoSub, HoldStart

; Hotkey Handler for button up

  ; Check for a double-click
  ; DoubleClickCheck may mark DragStatus as HANDLED
  if (UseDoubleClickCheck)
    GoSub CheckDoubleClick

  ; abort any pending checks to click/hold mouse
  ; and release any holds already started.
  SetTimer, MovementCheck, Off
  if (DragStatus == DS_HOLDING && GetKeyState(Button))
      GoSub, HoldStop

  ; If status is still NEW (not already dragging, or otherwise handled),
  ; then the user has released before the drag threshold.
  ; Check if the user has performed a gesture.
  if (DragStatus == DS_NEW && UseGestureCheck)
    GoSub, GestureCheck
  ; If status is STILL NEW (not a gesture either)
  ; then user has quick press-released, without moving.
  ; Skip dragging, and treat like a normal click.
  if (DragStatus == DS_NEW)
    GoSub, DragSkip

  ; update icons & cursor
  ; done before handling momentum since we've already released the button
  GoSub UpdateTrayIcon
  if (ChangeMouseCursor)
    if (ChangedCursorStyle = "cursorScrollPointer")
      Gui, 98: Hide

  ; check for and apply momentum
  if (DragStatus == DS_DRAGGING)
    GoSub, DragMomentum

  ; Always stop the drag.
  ; This marks the status as HANDLED,
  ; and cleans up any drag that may have started.
  GoSub, DragStop

  Send, {%Button% Down}

  Send, {%Button% Up}

; Handler for dragging
; Checking to see if scrolling should take place
; for both horizontal and vertical scrolling.
; This handler repeatedly calls itself to continue
; the drag once it has been started. Dragging will continue
; until stopped by calling DragStop, halting the timmer.
  ; double check that the click wasn't already handled
  if (DragStatus == DS_HANDLED)

  ; schedule the next run of this handler
  SetTimer, DragStart, % -1 * Abs(PollFrequency)

  ; if status is still NEW
  ; user is starting to drag
  ; initialize scrolling
  if (DragStatus == DS_NEW)
    ; Update the status, we're dragging now
    DragStatus := DS_DRAGGING
    ; Update the cursor & trayicon
    if (ChangeMouseCursor)
      if (ChangedCursorStyle = "cursorScrollPointer")
        ;// show GUI with scrolling icon
        Gui, 98: Show, x%OriginalX% y%OriginalY% NoActivate
        Gui, 98: +LastFound
        WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On
        ;// "hide" cursor by replacing it with blank cursor (from the AHK help file for DllCall command)
        VarSetCapacity(AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF)
        VarSetCapacity(XorMask, 32*4, 0)
        SetSystemCursor(DllCall("CreateCursor", "uint", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 32, "int", 32, "uint", &AndMask, "uint", &XorMask))

    ; set up for next pass
    ; to find the difference (New - Old)
    OldX := OriginalX
    OldY := OriginalY
    ; DragStatus is now DRAGGING
    ; get the new mouse position and new hovering window
    MouseGetPos, NewX, NewY, NewWinHwnd, NewCtrlHwnd, 3

    ;ToolTip % "@(" . NewX . "X , " . NewY . "Y) ctrl_" . CtrlClass . "   win_" . WinClass . "     " . WinProcessName

    ; If the old and new HWNDs do not match,
    ; We have moved out of the original window.
    ; If "Constrain" mode is on, stop scrolling.
    if (ConfineToControl && CtrlHwnd != NewCtrlHwnd)
      GoSub DragStop
    if (ConfineToWindow && WinHwnd != NewWinHwnd)
      GoSub DragStop

    ; Calculate/Scroll - X
    ; Find the absolute difference in X values
    ; i.e. the amount the mouse moved in _this iteration_ of the DragStart handler
    ; If the distance the mouse moved is over the threshold,
    ; then scroll the window & update the coords for the next pass
    DiffX := NewX - OldX
    if (abs(DiffX) > DragThreshold)
      SetTimer, MovementCheck, Off
      Scroll(DiffX, true)
      if (DragThreshold > 0) && (!KeepCursorStationary)
        OldX := NewX

    ; Calculate/Scroll  - Y
    ; SAME AS X
    DiffY := NewY - OldY
    if (abs(DiffY) > DragThreshold)
      SetTimer, MovementCheck, Off
      if (DragThreshold > 0) && (!KeepCursorStationary)
        OldY := NewY

    if (KeepCursorStationary)
      MouseMove, OriginalX, OriginalY

    ; Check for window edge scrolling 
    GoSub CheckEdgeScrolling

    ; a threshold of 0 means we update coords
    ; and attempt to drag every iteration.
    ; whereas with a positive non-zero threshold,
    ; coords are updated only when threshold crossing (above)
    if (DragThreshold <= 0) && (!KeepCursorStationary)
      OldX := NewX
      OldY := NewY

; Handler for stopping and cleaning up after a drag is started
; We should always call this after every click is handled
  ; stop drag timer immediately
  SetTimer, DragStart, Off

  ; finish drag
  DragStatus := DS_HANDLED

; Handler for skipping a drag
; This just passes the mouse click.
     DragStatus := DS_HANDLED
     Send {%Button%}

; Entering the HOLDING state
  ; abort any pending drag, update status, start holding
  SetTimer, DragStart, Off
  DragStatus := DS_HOLDING
  Send, {%Button% Down}
  GoSub UpdateTrayIcon
  if (ChangeMouseCursor)
    if (ChangedCursorStyle = "cursorScrollPointer")
      Gui, 98: Hide

; Exiting the HOLDING state. 
; Should probably mark DragStatus as handled
  DragStatus := DS_HANDLED
  Send {%Button% Up}
  GoSub UpdateTrayIcon

; This handler allows a click-hold to abort dragging,
; if the mouse has not moved beyond a threshold
  ; Calculate the distance moved, pythagorean thm
  MouseGetPos, MoveX, MoveY
  MoveDist := sqrt((OriginalX - MoveX)**2 + (OriginalY - MoveY)**2)

  ; if we havent moved past the threshold start hold
  if (MoveDist <= MovementThreshold)
    GoSub, HoldStart
  Critical, Off

; Handler to apply momentum at DragStop
; This code continues to scroll the window if
; a "fling" action is detected, where the user drags
; and releases the drag while moving at a minimum speed

  ; Check for abort cases
  ;  momentum disabled
  ;  below threshold to use momentum
  if (abs(DiffYSpeed) <= MomentumThreshold)
  if (!Get("UseScrollMomentum"))

  ; passed checks, now using momentum
  DragStatus := DS_MOMENTUM
  ; Immediately stop dragging, 
  ; momentum should not respond to mouse movement
  SetTimer, DragStart, Off
  ; capture the speed when mouse released
  ; we want to gradually slow to scroll speed
  ; down to a stop from this initial speed
  mSpeed := DiffYSpeed * (Get("InvertDrag")?-1:1)

    ; stop case: status changed, indicating a user abort
    ; another hotkey thread has picked up execution from here
    ; simply exit, do not reset.
    if (DragStatus != DS_MOMENTUM)
    ; stop case: momentum slowed to minum speed
    if (abs(mSpeed) <= MomentumStopSpeed)
    ; for each iteration in the loop,
    ; reduce the momentum speed linearly
    ; scroll the window
    mSpeed *= MomentumInertia
    Scroll(mSpeed, false, "speed")

    Sleep % Abs(PollFrequency)

; Implementation of Scroll
; Summary:
;  This is the business end, it simulates input to scroll the window.
;  This handler is called when the mouse cursor has been click-dragged
;  past the drag threshold.
;  Arguments:
;  * arg
;   - measured in Pixels, can just pass mouse coords difference
;   - the sign determins direction: positive is down or right
;   - the magnitude determines speed
;  * horizontal
;   - Any non-zero/null/empty value 
;     will scroll horizontally instead of vertically
;  * format
;   - Used in some rare cases where passing in 'speed' instead of px
;  The goal is to take the amount dragged (arg), and convert it into
;  an appropriate amount of scroll in the window (Factor).
;  First we scale the drag-ammount, according to speed and acceleration
;  to the final scroll amount.
;  Then we scroll the window, according to the method selected.
Scroll(arg, horizontal="", format="px")
  local Direction, Factor, Method, wparam

  ; get the speed and direction from arg arg
  Direction := ( arg < 0 ? -1 : 1 ) * ( Get("InvertDrag") ? -1 : 1 )
  Factor := abs( arg )
  ; Special "hidden" setting, for edge cases (visual studio 2010)
  if (horizontal && Get("InvertDragX"))
    Direction *= -1

  ; Do the math to convert this raw px measure into scroll speed
  if (format = "px")
    ; Scale by the user-set scroll speed & const adjust
    if (!horizontal)
      Factor *= Get("SpeedY") * Y_ADJUST
      Factor *= Get("SpeedX") * X_ADJUST
    ; Scale by the acceleration function, if enabled
    if (!horizontal && Get("UseAccelerationY"))
      Factor := Accelerate(Factor)
    if (horizontal && Get("UseAccelerationX"))
      Factor := Accelerate(Factor)

  ;if (!horizontal) ToolTip, Speed: %arg% -> %Factor%

  ; Capture the current speed
  if (!horizontal)
    DiffYSpeed := Factor * Direction
    DiffXSpeed := Factor * Direction

  ; Get the requested scroll method    
  if (!horizontal)
    Method := Get("ScrollMethodY")
    Method := Get("ScrollMethodX")
  ; Do scroll
  ;  According to selected method
  ;  wparam is used in all methods, as the final "message" to send.
  ;  All methods check for direction by comparing (NewY < OldY)
  if (Method = mWheelMessage)
    ; format wparam; one wheel tick scaled by yFactor
    ; format and send the message to the original window, at the original mouse location
    wparam := WHEEL_DELTA * Direction * Factor
    ;ToolTip, %arg% -> %factor% -> %wparam%
    if (!horizontal)
      PostMessage, WM_MOUSEWHEEL, (wparam<<16), (OriginalY<<16)|OriginalX,, %Target%
      wparam *= -1 ; reverse the direction for horizontal
      PostMessage, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL, (wparam<<16), (OriginalY<<16)|OriginalX,, %Target%
  else if (Method = mWheelKey)
    ; format wparam; either WheelUp or WheelDown
    ; send as many messages needed to scroll at the desired speed
    if (!horizontal)
      wparam := Direction < 0 ? "{WheelDown}" : "{WheelUp}"
      wparam := Direction < 0 ? "{WheelRight}" : "{WheelLeft}"
    Loop, %Factor%
      Send, %wparam%
  else if (Method = mScrollMessage)
    ; format wparam; either LINEUP, LINEDOWN, LINELEFT, or LINERIGHT
    ; send as many messages needed to scroll at the desired speed
    if (!horizontal)
      wparam := Direction < 0 ? SB_LINEDOWN : SB_LINEUP
      Loop, %Factor%
        PostMessage, WM_VSCROLL, wparam, 0,, Ahk_ID %CtrlHwnd%
      wparam := Direction < 0 ? SB_LINERIGHT : SB_LINELEFT
      Loop, %Factor%
        PostMessage, WM_HSCROLL, wparam, 0,, Ahk_ID %CtrlHwnd%

; Handler to check for a double-click of the right mouse button
; (press-release-press-release), quickly.
; This is called every time the button is released.
; We assume that if the mouse button was released,
; then it had to be pressed down to begin with (reasonable?);
; this should be handled by AHK's 'Critical' declaration.
   if (!UseDoubleClickCheck)

   ; Record latest button release time and
   ; Calculate difference between previous click-release and re-click
   ; if the difference is below the threshold, treat it as a double-click
   TimeOfLastButtonUp := A_TickCount
   DClickDiff := TimeOfLastButtonUp - TimeOf2ndLastButtonDown
   if (DClickDiff <= DoubleClickThreshold)
      ; Mark the status as Handled,
      ; so the user-configurable ButtonDoubleClick doesn't have to
      ; Call the user defined function.
      DragStatus := DS_HANDLED
      GoSub ButtonDoubleClick

; Handler to check for edge scrolling
; Activated when the mouse is dragging and stops
; within a set threshold of the window's edge
; Causes the window to keep scrolling at a set rate
  if (!Get("UseEdgeScrolling"))

  ; Get scrolling window position
  WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, ahk_id %WinHwnd%
  ; Find mouse position relative to the window
  WinMouseX := NewX - WinX
  WinMouseY := NewY - WinY

  ; find which edge we're closest to and the distance to it
  InLowerHalf :=  (WinMouseY > WinHeight/2)
  EdgeDistance := (InLowerHalf) ? Abs( WinHeight - WinMouseY ) : Abs( WinMouseY )
  ;atEdge := (EdgeDistance <= EdgeScrollingThreshold ? " @Edge" : "")         ;debug 
  ;ToolTip, %WinHwnd%: %WinMouseY% / %WinHeight% -> %EdgeDistance%  %atEdge%  ;debug

  ; if we're close enough, scroll the window
  if (EdgeDistance <= EdgeScrollingThreshold)
    ; prep and call scrolling
    ; the second arg requests the scroll at the set speed without accel
    arg := (InLowerHalf ? 1 : -1) * (Get("InvertDrag") ? -1 : 1) * Get("EdgeScrollSpeed")
    Scroll(arg, false, "speed")

; Handler to check for gesture actions
; This handler only supports simple "flick" gestures; 
; because the whole gesture needs to be completed before DragThreshold,
; and also makes the logic easy, by a simple threshold
  MouseGetPos, MoveX, MoveY
  MoveAmount := (abs(OriginalY-MoveY) >= abs(OriginalX-MoveX)) ? OriginalY-MoveY : OriginalX-MoveX
  MoveDirection := (abs(OriginalY-MoveY) >= abs(OriginalX-MoveX)) ? (OriginalY>MoveY ? "U" : "D") : (OriginalX>MoveX ? "L" : "R")

  ; If the move amount is above the threshold,
  ; Immediately stop/cancel dragging and call the correct gesture handler  
  if (abs(MoveAmount) >= GestureThreshold)
    GoSub, DragStop
    GoSub, Gesture%MoveDirection%

; Settings Functions

; A wrapper around the GetSetting function.
; Returns the ini GetSetting value, or the
; in-memory global variable of the same name.
; Provides and easy and seamless wrapper to 
; overlay user preferences on top of app settings.
Get(name, SectionName="")
  local temp

  if (DEBUG)
    temp := %name%
    return temp    
  temp := GetSetting(name, SectionName)
  if (temp != "")
    return temp
    temp := %name%
    return temp    

; Retrieves a named setting from the global ini
; This function operates both as a "search" of
; the ini, as well as a named get. You can optionally
; specify a section name to retrieve a specific value.
; By Default, this searches the ini file in any of
; a set of valid SectionNames. The default section 'General'
; is a last resort, if an app specific setting was not found.
; Section names are searched for the target control class,
; window class, and process name. If any of these named sections
; exist in ini, its key value is returned first.
GetSetting(name, SectionName="")
  global INI_GENERAL
  global CtrlClass, WinClass, WinProcessName, WinProcessPath
  global ini, ConfigSections
  ; find the section, using the cached list
  if (!SectionName)
    ; by control class
    IfNotEqual, CtrlClass
      If CtrlClass in %ConfigSections%
        SectionName := CtrlClass
    ; by window class
    IfNotEqual, WinClass
      If WinClass in %ConfigSections%
        SectionName := WinClass
    ; by process name
    IfNotEqual, WinProcessName
      If WinProcessName in %ConfigSections%
        SectionName := WinProcessName
    ; by process path
    IfNotEqual, WinProcessPath, 
      If WinProcessPath in %ConfigSections%
        SectionName := WinProcessPath
    ; last chance
    if (!SectionName)
      SectionName := INI_GENERAL

  ;get the value
  temp := ini_getValue(ini, SectionName, name)
  ; check for special keywords
  if (temp = "false")
    temp := 0
  if (temp = "true")
    temp := 1

  ;if (SectionName != INI_GENERAL)
  ;  ToolTip, % "Request " . name . ":`n" . ini_getSection(ini, SectionName)
  return temp

; Saves a setting/variable to the ini file
; in the given section name (default General)
; with the given value, or the current variable value
SaveSetting(name, value="", SectionName="General")
  ; prep value
  local keyList, temp

  if (SectionName = "")
    MsgBox, 16, DtS, Setting Save Failed `nEmpty SectionName
  keyList := ini_getAllKeyNames(ini, SectionName)
  if (!value)
    value := %name%
  ; if no section
  if SectionName not in %ConfigSections%
    if (!ini_insertSection(ini, SectionName, name . "=" . value))
      MsgBox, 16, DtS, Setting Save Failed `ninsertSection %ErrorLevel%
    ConfigSections := ini_getAllSectionNames(ini)
  ; if no value
  else if name not in %keyList%
    if (!ini_insertKey(ini, SectionName, name . "=" . value))
      MsgBox, 16, DtS, Setting Save Failed `ninsertKey %ErrorLevel%
  ; value exists, Update
    if (!ini_replaceValue(ini, SectionName, name, value))
      MsgBox, 16, DtS, Setting Save Failed `nreplaceValue %ErrorLevel%
  ; finally save the setings
  if (ErrorLevel)
    MsgBox, 16, DtS, Settings File Write Failed

; An initialization function for settings
; The given variable name should be created
; with the value loaded from ini General Section
; or, if not set, the provided default 
Setting(variableName, defaultValue)
  local value

  %variableName%_d := defaultValue

  if variableName not in %SettingsList%
    SettingsList .= (SettingsList != "" ? "," : "") . variableName

  value := GetSetting(variableName, INI_GENERAL)
  if (value != "")
    %variableName% := value
    %variableName% := defaultValue

; check and reload of settings
  changed := (temp != ini)
  if (temp = "" && SettingsList = "")
    GoSub, ApplySettings
  if (A_ThisMenuItem != "")
    ToolTip("Reloading Settings..." . (changed ? " Change detected." : ""))

  if (!changed || temp = "")

  ; apply new ini
  ini := temp
  GoSub, LoadLocalSettingSections
  GoSub, ApplySettings
  Critical, Off
    ; apply new config sections
    temp := ini_getAllSectionNames(ini)
    Loop, Parse, temp, `,
      ConfigSections .= (ConfigSections != "" ? "," : "") . A_LoopField
      if A_LoopField not in %INI_EXCLUDE%
        ConfigProfileSections .= (ConfigProfileSections != "" ? "," : "") . A_LoopField

; Retrieve the full path of a process with ProcessID
; thanks to HuBa & shimanov
; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18550
GetModuleFileNameEx(ProcessID)  ; modified version of shimanov's function
  if A_OSVersion in WIN_95, WIN_98, WIN_ME
  ; #define PROCESS_VM_READ           (0x0010)
  ; #define PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION (0x0400)
  hProcess := DllCall( "OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x10|0x400, "Int", False, "UInt", ProcessID)
  if (ErrorLevel or hProcess = 0)
  FileNameSize := 260 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)
  VarSetCapacity(ModuleFileName, FileNameSize, 0)
  CallResult := DllCall("Psapi.dll\GetModuleFileNameEx", "Ptr", hProcess, "Ptr", 0, "Str", ModuleFileName, "UInt", FileNameSize)
  DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProcess)
  Return ModuleFileName

; Settings Gui : App Settings

  if (!GuiAppBuilt)
    GoSub, GuiAppSettingsBuild
  Gui, 2:Show,, DtS App Settings
  GoSub, GuiAppSectionLoad
  GuiAppBuilt := true
  Gui +Delimiter|
  Gui, 2:Default
  Gui, Add, Text, x10 y5, Process name (chrome.exe) or window class:
  Gui, Add, ComboBox, x10 y20 w225 h20 r10 vGuiAppSection gGuiAppSectionChange
  Gui, Add, Button, x240 y20 w20 h20 gGuiAppSectionRemove , -
  Gui, Add, GroupBox, x10 y42 w250 h76 , Scroll Method
  Gui, Add, Text, x20 y63 w10 h10 , Y
  Gui, Add, Text, x20 y93 w10 h10 , X
  Gui, Add, DropDownList, x32 y60 w218 h20 r3 Choose1 vGuiScrollMethodY , WheelMessage|WheelKey|ScrollMessage
  Gui, Add, DropDownList, x32 y90 w218 h20 r3 Choose1 vGuiScrollMethodX , WheelMessage|WheelKey|ScrollMessage
  Gui, Add, GroupBox, x10 y120 w250 h80 , Speed && Acceleration
  Gui, Add, Text, x20 y143 w10 h20 , Y
  Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y140 w40 h20 vGuiSpeedY
  Gui, Add, UpDown
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x75 y140 w50 h20 vGuiUseAccelerationY , Accel
  Gui, Add, Text, x140 y143 w10 h20 , X
  Gui, Add, Edit, x150 y140 w40 h20 vGuiSpeedX
  Gui, Add, UpDown
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x195 y140 w50 h20 vGuiUseAccelerationX , Accel
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y165 w100 h20 vGuiUseEdgeScrolling , Edge Scrolling
  Gui, Add, Edit, x150 y170 w40 h20 vGuiEdgeScrollSpeed
  Gui, Add, UpDown
  Gui, Add, Text, x195 y168 w60 r2, Edge Speed
  Gui, Add, GroupBox, x10 y200 w250 h110 , Options
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y220 w170 h20 vGuiScrollDisabled , Scroll Disabled
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y240 w170 h20 vGuiUseScrollMomentum , Scroll Momentum
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y260 w170 h20 vGuiInvertDrag , Invert Drag
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y280 w170 h20 vGuiUseMovementCheck , Movement Check
  Gui, Add, Button, x10 y315 w120 h30 Default gGuiAppApply , Apply
  Gui, Add, Button, x140 y315 w120 h30 gGuiClose , Close

  Gui, +Delimiter`,
  GuiControlGet, temp,, GuiAppSection
  GuiControl, , GuiAppSection, % "," . ConfigProfileSections
  if temp in %ConfigProfileSections%
    GuiControl, ChooseString, GuiAppSection, %temp%
    GuiControl, Choose, GuiAppSection, 1
  GoSub, GuiAppSectionChange

  GuiControlGet, GuiAppSection
  if (GuiAppSection = INI_GENERAL)
    Msgbox, 16, DtS Configuration, Cannot delete the general settings section
  MsgBox, 36, DtS Configuration, Are you sure you want to delete settings for this section?`n  %GuiAppSection%
  IfMsgBox, Yes
    ini_replaceSection(ini, GuiAppSection)
    GoSub, LoadLocalSettingSections
    GoSub, GuiAppSectionLoad

  GuiControlGet, GuiAppSection
  if (GuiAppSection not in ConfigProfileSections)
  Loop, Parse, temp, `,
    GuiControl, Choose, Gui%A_LoopField%, % Get(A_LoopField, GuiAppSection)
  ;Checkboxes & Edit boxes
  Loop, Parse, temp, `,
    GuiControl,, Gui%A_LoopField%, % Get(A_LoopField, GuiAppSection)

  GuiControlGet, GuiAppSection
  if (GuiAppSection = "")
    MsgBox, Type in an application's process name, or window class, or process path
    GuiControl, Focus, GuiAppSection
  Loop, Parse, temp, `,
    GuiControlGet, value,, Gui%A_LoopField%
    SaveSetting(A_LoopField, value, GuiAppSection)
  GoSub, LoadLocalSettingSections
  GoSub, GuiAppSectionLoad

; Settings Gui : All Settings

  if (!GuiAllBuilt)
    GoSub, BuildGuiAllSettings
  Gui, 3:Show,, DtS All Settings
  GuiAllBuilt := true
  Gui, 3:Default
  wSp := 5, wCH := 20, wCW := 150, wOffset := 60, wCX := wSp*2 + wCW, wCX2 := wSp*4 + wCW*2, wCX3 := wSp*5 + wCW*3
  Gui, Add, Text, x%wSp% y%wSp%, This lists all settings registered with this script. `nChanging values and pressing 'Ok' immediately updates the setting in memory, `nand writes your changes to the ini General section
  Loop, Parse, SettingsList, `,
    if (A_LoopField = "")

    temp := A_LoopField . "_d"
    color := ( %A_LoopField% == %temp% ? "" : "cBlue")
    temp := %A_LoopField%

    left := !left    
    if (left)
      Gui, Add, Text, x%wSp% y%wOffset% w%wCW% h%wCH% right, %A_LoopField%
      Gui, Add, Edit, x%wCX% y%wOffset% w%wCW% h%wCH% center %color% v%A_LoopField% gGuiAllEvent, %temp%
      Gui, Add, Text, x%wCX2% y%wOffset% w%wCW% h%wCH% right, %A_LoopField%
      Gui, Add, Edit, x%wCX3% y%wOffset% w%wCW% h%wCH% center %color% v%A_LoopField% gGuiAllEvent, %temp%
      wOffset += wCH + wSp
  if (left)
    wOffset += wCH + wSp * 3
    wOffset += wSp * 2
  Gui, Font, bold
  Gui, Add, Button, x%wCX% y%wOffset% w%wCW% h%wCH% Default gGuiAllOk, Ok
  Gui, Add, Button, x%wCX2% y%wOffset% w%wCW% h%wCH% gGuiClose, Cancel
  wOffset += wCH + wSp

  GuiControlGet, value,, %A_GuiControl%
  temp := A_GuiControl . "_d"
  temp := %temp%

  if (temp != value)
    GuiControl, +cBlue, %A_GuiControl%
    GuiControl, +cDefault, %A_GuiControl%

  GuiControlGet, temp, ,Button
  Hotkey, %temp%,, UseErrorLevel
  if ErrorLevel in 5,6
    HotKey, %Button%, Off
    HotKey, %Button% Up, Off
    HotKey, ^%Button%, Off
    HotKey, ^%Button% Up, Off
  Gui, Submit
  Loop, Parse, SettingsList, `,
    if (A_LoopField = "")
  GoSub, mnuEnabledInit

  Gui, %A_Gui%:Cancel

; Menu

; This section builds the menu of system-tray icon for this script
; MenuInit is called in the auto-exec section of this script at the top.


Menu, mnuScript, ADD, Reload, mnuScriptReload
Menu, mnuScript, ADD, Reload Settings, LoadLocalSettings

Menu, mnuScript, ADD, Debug, mnuScriptDebug

Menu, mnuScript, ADD
if (!A_IsCompiled)
  Menu, mnuScript, ADD, Open/Edit Script, mnuScriptEdit
Menu, mnuScript, ADD, Open Directory, mnuScriptOpenDir
Menu, mnuScript, ADD, Open Settings File,  mnuScriptOpenSettingsIni
IfExist, Readme.txt
  Menu, mnuScript, ADD, Open Readme, mnuScriptOpenReadme
Menu, mnuScript, Add, Open Discussion, mnuScriptOpenDiscussion


Menu, mnuSettings, ADD, All Settings, GuiAllSettings
Menu, mnuSettings, ADD, App Specific Settings, GuiAppSettings


; remove standard, and add name (w/ reload)
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, ADD, Drag To Scroll v%VERSION%, mnuEnabled
Menu, Tray, Default, Drag To Scroll v%VERSION%

; Enable/Disable
; Add the menu item and initialize its state
Menu, Tray, ADD, Enabled, mnuEnabled
GoSub, mnuEnabledInit

; submenus
Menu, Tray, ADD, Script, :mnuScript
Menu, TRAY, ADD, Settings, :mnuSettings

; exit
Menu, TRAY, ADD, Exit, mnuExit


; Menu Handlers

; Simple menu handlers for 'standard' replacements


  Run, %A_ScriptDir%


  IfExist, DragToScroll.ini
    Run DragToScroll.ini
    MsgBox, 16, DtS, DragToScroll.ini not found...

  IfExist, Readme.txt
    Run, Readme.txt
    MsgBox, 16, DtS, Readme.txt not found...



; This section defines the handlers for these above menu items
; Each handler has an inner 'init' label that allows the handler to
; both to set the initial value and to change the value, keeping the menu in sync.
; Each handler either sets, or toggles the associated property

  ScrollDisabled := !ScrollDisabled
  ToolTip("Scrolling " . (ScrollDisabled ? "Disabled" : "Enabled"), 1)
  GoSub, DragStop ; safety measure. force stop all drags
  if (!ScrollDisabled)
    Menu, TRAY, Check, Enabled
    Menu, TRAY, tip, Drag To Scroll v%VERSION%
    HotKey, %Button%, ButtonDown, On
    HotKey, %Button% Up, ButtonUp, On
    HotKey, ^%Button%, DisabledButtonDown, On
    HotKey, ^%Button% Up, DisabledButtonUp, On
    HotKey, ~LButton, ToolTipCancel, On
    Menu, TRAY, Uncheck, Enabled
    Menu, TRAY, tip, Drag To Scroll v%VERSION% (Disabled)
    HotKey, %Button%, Off
    HotKey, %Button% Up, Off
    HotKey, ^%Button%, Off
    HotKey, ^%Button% Up, Off
  Gosub, UpdateTrayIcon

; Icons
; The following section contains HEX data and code to load+parse data & set tray icons 
; adapted from http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic33955.html
  ; ENABLED icon data
  IconEnabledHex =
  ( join
  ; Load above data into a handle, hIconEnabled
  hIconEnabled := CreateIconResource(IconEnabledHex)
  IconEnabledHex := ""

  ; DISABLED icon data
  IconDisabledHex =
  ( join
  ; Load above data into a handle, hIconDisabled
  hIconDisabled := CreateIconResource(IconDisabledHex)
  IconDisabledHex := ""
  ; DRAGGING icon data
  IconDraggingHex =
  ( join
  ; Load above data into a handle, hIconDisabled
  hIconDragging := CreateIconResource(IconDraggingHex)
  IconDraggingHex := ""  
; Create and returns an icon resource handle 
; from raw (ASCII) hex data
  VarSetCapacity( IconData,( nSize:=StrLen(data)//2) )
  Loop %nSize% 
    NumPut( "0x" . SubStr(data,2*A_Index-1,2), IconData, A_Index-1, "Char" )

  Return % DllCall( "CreateIconFromResourceEx", UInt,&IconData+22, UInt,NumGet(IconData,14), Int,1, UInt,0x30000, Int,16, Int,16, UInt,0 )

; Update the tray icon for the current script
; to the icon represented by the handle
  PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId"), VarSetCapacity( NID,444,0 ), NumPut( 444,NID )
  DetectHiddenWindows, On
  NumPut( WinExist( A_ScriptFullPath " ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " PID),NID,4 )
  DetectHiddenWindows, Off
  NumPut( 1028,NID,8 ), NumPut( 2,NID,12 ), NumPut( iconHandle,NID,20 )
  DllCall( "shell32\Shell_NotifyIcon", UInt,0x1, UInt,&NID )

; Set the mouse cursor
; Thanks go to Serenity -- http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic35600.html
  Cursors = 32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32640,32641,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650,32651
  Loop, Parse, Cursors, `,
    temp := DllCall( "CopyIcon", UInt,cursorHandle)
    DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,temp, Int,A_Loopfield )

   DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", UInt,0x57, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0 )

; Update the tray icon automatically
; to the Enabled or Disabled state
; Called by the menu handler
  if (ScrollDisabled)

; Function wrapper to set a tooltip with automatic timeout
ToolTip(Text, visibleSec=2)
  ToolTip, %Text%
  SetTimer, ToolTipCancel, % abs(visibleSec) * -1000


Posts: 3463
Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 02:25

fenchai wrote:
guest3456 wrote: so use the old cursor style ("cursorHand"), and turn off the 'keep cursor stationary' setting
That was useful! I changed the script to all the red lines (old code) and it works well! but something stopped working...

Setting("KeepCursorStationary", false)

As you can see, I have it on false and it still stays in the same position... changed to true/false, but still stays as stationary
you still didn't change back to the old cursor style:

Code: Select all

; If the above ChangeMouseCursor setting is true, this determines what cursor style
; Choose either:
;       "cursorHand"           -  the original DragToScroll hand icon
;       "cursorScrollPointer"  -  the scrollbar and pointer icon (SYNTPRES.ico)
;                                 this cursor will mostly stay stationary but you should
;                                 still have the KeepCursorStationary set to 'true'
Setting("ChangedCursorStyle", "cursorScrollPointer")

Posts: 292
Joined: 28 Mar 2016, 07:57

Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 06:37

guest3456 wrote:
fenchai wrote:
guest3456 wrote: so use the old cursor style ("cursorHand"), and turn off the 'keep cursor stationary' setting
That was useful! I changed the script to all the red lines (old code) and it works well! but something stopped working...

Setting("KeepCursorStationary", false)

As you can see, I have it on false and it still stays in the same position... changed to true/false, but still stays as stationary
you still didn't change back to the old cursor style:

Code: Select all

; If the above ChangeMouseCursor setting is true, this determines what cursor style
; Choose either:
;       "cursorHand"           -  the original DragToScroll hand icon
;       "cursorScrollPointer"  -  the scrollbar and pointer icon (SYNTPRES.ico)
;                                 this cursor will mostly stay stationary but you should
;                                 still have the KeepCursorStationary set to 'true'
Setting("ChangedCursorStyle", "cursorScrollPointer")
I did, it seemed to not affect the speed of the script so I left it at cursorScrollPointer. Oh So New cursor is always stationary? damn I liked it following my drag... Is there anyway to change the old icon then?
Posts: 3463
Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 12:38

fenchai wrote: I did, it seemed to not affect the speed of the script so I left it at cursorScrollPointer.
ahhh ok
fenchai wrote:Oh So New cursor is always stationary? damn I liked it following my drag...
well if you look at the code, the new cursor is really just an alwaysontop gui with a picture. i didn't want it to move, so i didn't try to implement that. but since you asked, i just added that ability now. :) either download again or just add these two lines so you dont have to change all your settings:
https://github.com/mmikeww/DragToScroll ... 9bba485183
fenchai wrote:Is there anyway to change the old icon then?
if you want to change the old hand icon, you'd need have some icon files and convert them into hex code. if you look at the code, that was what was originally done. the icons are really stored as hex inside the script itself. and then the hex code is converted back into an icon, and then the system icons are temporarily replaced. you can find the relevant section of the code here:
https://github.com/mmikeww/DragToScroll ... .ahk#L1424

if you decide to do that, please share, and then i can add some other cursor options into the script

Posts: 3463
Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 12:49

Drugwash wrote:Without running this script I tried right-click + drag down in my QtWeb browser to see what happens - it closed last tab. Did it again, closed another tab. Apparently QtWeb uses mouse gestures and this script will interfere with that. Not that I use gestures or anything - just saying, in case anyone stumbles into such issue.
you don't have to use RButton with this script, you could use another mouse key, or even a keyboard key if you wanted:
https://github.com/mmikeww/DragToScroll ... ll.ahk#L35
Drugwash wrote:However, QtWeb has a very fine built-in scrolling routine, available on middle-click. Directions are shown using standard cursors, speed is variable depending on the distance between original middle-click point and current cursor position. All directions are available, including NW, NE, SE, SW.
Now that'd be nice to see in an AHK script. ;)
unless i'm misunderstanding, thats exactly what this DragToScroll script does

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Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 13:18

Well, it's good that settings can be changed (in regard to button/key to hold down), I just tried to draw attention on the default implementation, should anyone find script's behavior faulty in conjunction with QtWeb and/or any other application that uses that particular mouse gesture.

[EDIT] I just tested the script and it cannot override QtWeb's default behavior, it briefly shows the drag icon an then bails out, leaving the browser to close the current tab instead of scrolling on right-click + drag down. Please try to test to confirm this behavior: QtWeb homepage.

QtWeb doesn't require a key/button to be held down in order to scroll - it's a "press once to get into scroll mode, press again to exit scroll mode". Fairly similar but not quite the same. Maybe this script could be improved to handle both scroll modes: on demand (with key/button down) and continuous (toggle scroll mode).
Last edited by Drugwash on 16 Dec 2017, 13:36, edited 1 time in total.
Part of my AHK work can be found here.
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Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 13:24

guest3456 wrote:unless i'm misunderstanding, thats exactly what this DragToScroll script does
From what I saw, DragToScroll doesn't continuously scroll with speed based on distance between original middle-click point and current cursor position (like the standard middle-button click works with many programs, such as Chrome). DragToScroll requires you to continue to drag the mouse to keep scrolling (with a standard mouse, requiring you to pick it up and put it back down), correct? If it could be made to work as Drugwash described, it would fit better for how I would like to use it.

If DragToScroll is capable of this, I guess I couldn't figure out how to configure to behave like that.

Edit: After reading Drugwash's latest post, I guess there is a mode that I didn't implement that would have it work like that. I'll check it out.

Edit 2: Revisiting the readme file and the configuration settings, I don't see that there is a mode other than dragging. Am I wrong?
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Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 13:36

boiler wrote:
guest3456 wrote:unless i'm misunderstanding, thats exactly what this DragToScroll script does
From what I saw, DragToScroll doesn't continuously scroll with speed based on distance between original middle-click point and current cursor position (like the standard middle-button click works with many programs, such as Chrome). DragToScroll requires you to continue to drag the mouse to keep scrolling (with a standard mouse, requiring you to pick it up and put it back down), correct? If it could be made to work as Drugwash described, it would fit better for how I would like to use it.

If DragToScroll is capable of this, I guess I couldn't figure out how to configure to behave like that.

Edit: After reading Drugwash's latest post, I guess there is a mode that I didn't implement that would have it work like that. I'll check it out.

Edit 2: Revisiting the readme file and the configuration settings, I don't see that there is a mode other than dragging. Am I wrong?
ahhhh yes i see... i just plugged in my normal mouse to test this on Chrome. hrmmm, yeah i don't believe there is any setting to replicate this behavior. i wonder how difficult it is to add

Posts: 3463
Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: DragToScroll - updated

16 Dec 2017, 13:43

Drugwash wrote:Well, it's good that settings can be changed (in regard to button/key to hold down), I just tried to draw attention on the default implementation, should anyone find script's behavior faulty in conjunction with QtWeb and/or any other application that uses that particular mouse gesture.

[EDIT] I just tested the script and it cannot override QtWeb's default behavior, it briefly shows the drag icon an then bails out, leaving the browser to close the current tab instead of scrolling on right-click + drag down. Please try to test to confirm this behavior: QtWeb homepage.
if QtWeb has built-in mouse gestures, then yes I wouldn't expect any external program (including AHK) to be able to override it.
Drugwash wrote:QtWeb doesn't require a key/button to be held down in order to scroll - it's a "press once to get into scroll mode, press again to exit scroll mode". Fairly similar but not quite the same. Maybe this script could be improved to handle both scroll modes: on demand (with key/button down) and continuous (toggle scroll mode).
good to know. i just tested it on Chrome as boiler suggested, and firefox, and both of those allow a middle click down and release, and then move the cursor to scroll, and then another middle click to cancel.

that feature does seem nice, but how would that work in conjunction with a normal right click? that would be an issue

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