Writing to SCITE output panel

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Writing to SCITE output panel

02 Nov 2013, 02:26

hi, I writed a simple function to output information to SCITE panel, it's useful for debug.


Code: Select all

; repeat three times, "#" means the head, "@`n" means the tail
print("ABC", 3, "@`n", "#") 
; output: #ABCABCABC@

; Only repeat two times
print("ABC", 2)
; output: ABCABC

print("ABC", "###`n")
; output: ABC###

print("ABC", "`n", "!!!!")
; output: !!!!ABC

print(2 + 1, 5)
; output: 33333

Code: Select all

print(anyvar, params*)
	outputStr := ""	; output strings
	times := 1		; The number of "str" to repeat in outputStr
	tailStr := ""	; Appeared in the end of outputStr
	headStr := ""	; The begining of outputStr
	for index, var in params
		if (index >= 4), return	; Ignore the remaining paraments
		vType := _type(var)
		if (vType = "Integer")  ; suppose all inputs are vaild, "Integer" will appear no more than once
			times := var
		else if (vType = "String") 
			if (tailStr = "")	; tail comes first
				tailStr := var
				headStr := var
	outputStr := headStr
	Loop % times
		outputStr .= anyvar
	outputStr .= tailStr
	; write to ouput panel of SCITE
	FileAppend , % outputStr, *
	return outputStr

	; V2 supports type function
	if (SubStr(A_AhkVersion, 1, 1) = 2)
		return type(n)
	; V1
	ret := (RegExMatch(n, "^[+]?[0-9]+$") > 0) or (RegExMatch(n, "i)^0x[0-9a-f]+$") > 0) ; An integer
	if (ret)
		return "Integer"
	return "String"

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Joe Glines
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 20:49
Location: Dallas

Re: Writing to SCITE output panel

17 Dec 2015, 19:45

I tried using this but it reported an error on line 47 under the _type(n) function. Below as the actual line.

Code: Select all

return type(n)
Any suggestions?
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