Timezone Converter for UTC and others

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Timezone Converter for UTC and others

24 Mar 2020, 15:45

I've swiped a lot of code examples over the years. I'm giving back in case anyone had a need for such a thing for themselves or to modify.

I originally posted this on Reddit. I meant to post it here as well but forgot until today. This version has all the modifications I've made to it since the original post on Reddit.

I needed a tool to help people at work, across multiple time zones, to both help others understand what time it is for them, and help schedule various maintenance & Meetings during UTC time and to understand what local time that is for everyone else.

I started off with a snippet of someone else's code that only adjusted minutes of the currently selected day and expanded on it, into this tool.
NOW, this should be fully working for UTC, India time, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones for a selected date and time.

If you can make it better, awesome! but this should be fully functional out of the box:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
Gui, add, checkbox, x2 y162 vdst, Check if you're observing DST right now.
Gui, add, combobox, x2 w235 vtzselect, Select Your Timezone||UTC|INDIAN|EASTERN|CENTRAL|MOUNTAIN|PACIFIC

Gui, add, groupbox, x8 y201 w95 h50 cpurple,
Gui, Add, Text, x18 y210 w80 h20 ,24-HH :  Min
Gui, Add, Edit, x20 y228 w30 h18 vth Number Limit2,  ;hour 
Gui, Add, Text, x53 y230 w5 h18 , :
Gui, Add, Edit, x+1 y228 w30 h18 vtm Number Limit2,  ;mins

Gui, Add, Button, x110 y208 w130 h40 gConvertTime, Convert Timezones
Gui, Add, MonthCal, x2 y0 w240 h160 vdt, 

Gui, Add, Edit,ReadOnly x2 w243 r1 cred vutc, UTC: 
Gui, Add, Edit,ReadOnly x2 w243 r6 vallutc, India:`nET:`nCT:`nMT:`nPT:

Gui, Add, button, x2 gcopyall, Copy All
Gui, Add, button, x+25 grightnow, HH/MM Now
Gui, Add, button, x+25  cgray gabout, About

Gui, Show, x318 y270 h400 w250, UTCnator



; Set the selected date in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
TotalDate := dt th tm "00" 

; Convert adjustments for "Your" timezone to other people's time zones
If  (tzselect = "Select Your Timezone") {
	MsgBox You didn't set YOUR local timezone

thLength := StrLen(th)
If  (thLength < "2") {
	MsgBox, You must use 2 digits for hours.`n`nExample:`n02 for 2AM.`n14 for 2PM

tmLength := StrLen(tm)
If  (tmLength < "2") {
	MsgBox, You must enter 2 digits for minutes.`n05 for 5 minutes etc.

; UTC time set
; UTC +5.5 for Indian.
; UTC -4 for Eastern
; UTC -5 for Central
; UTC -6 for Mountain
; UTC -7 for Pacific
If  (tzselect = "UTC") {
	if (dst = "1"){
		eutc = -5
		cutc = -6
		mutc = -7
		putc = -8
		eutc = -4
		cutc = -5
		mutc = -6
		putc = -7

	gosub, setbasetimezone	
	;~ UTotalDate += -5.5, Hours		; Create UTC for India
	ITotalDate += 5.5, Hours		
	ETotalDate += eutc, Hours	
	CTotalDate += cutc, Hours
	MTotalDate += mutc, Hours
	PTotalDate += putc, Hours
	gosub, settime

; INDIA time set
If  (tzselect = "INDIAN") {
	; UTC +5.5 for Indian.  India does not observe DST. No DST adjustments will be made.

	gosub, setbasetimezone	
	UTotalDate += -5.5, Hours		; Create UTC for India
	ETotalDate += -9.5, Hours		
	CTotalDate += -10.5, Hours
	MTotalDate += -11.5, Hours
	PTotalDate += -12.5, Hours
	gosub, settime

; EASTERN time set
If  (tzselect = "EASTERN") {
	; UTC -4 for Eastern
	if (dst = "1"){
		eutc = 5
		eutc = 4

	gosub, setbasetimezone
	UTotalDate += eutc, Hours		; Create UTC for Eastern
	ITotalDate += 9.5, Hours	
	CTotalDate += -1, Hours
	MTotalDate += -2, Hours
	PTotalDate += -3, Hours
	gosub, settime

; CENTRAL time set
If (tzselect = "CENTRAL") {
	; UTC -5 for Central
	if (dst = "1"){
		eutc = 6
		eutc = 5
	gosub, setbasetimezone
	UTotalDate += eutc, Hours		; Create UTC for Central
	ITotalDate += 10.5, Hours	
	ETotalDate += 1, Hours
	MTotalDate += -1, Hours
	PTotalDate += -2, Hours	
	gosub, settime

; MOUNTAIN time set
If (tzselect = "MOUNTAIN") {
	; UTC -6 for Mountain
	if (dst = "1"){
		eutc = 7
		eutc = 6

	gosub, setbasetimezone
	UTotalDate += eutc, Hours		; Create UTC for Mountain
	ITotalDate += 11.5, Hours	
	ETotalDate += 2, Hours
	CTotalDate += 1, Hours
	PTotalDate += -1, Hours
	gosub, settime

; PACIFIC time set
If (tzselect = "PACIFIC") {
	; UTC -7 for Pacific
	if (dst = "1"){
		eutc = 8
		eutc = 7

	gosub, setbasetimezone
	UTotalDate += eutc, Hours		; Create UTC for Pacific
	ITotalDate += 12.5, Hours	
	ETotalDate += 3, Hours
	CTotalDate += 2, Hours
	MTotalDate += 1, Hours
	gosub, settime

; Set Local time variables before TimeZone adjustments

; Format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS into time & long date & Set inside GUI
	; Format time into long date
	FormatTime, utctime, %Utotaldate%, 
	FormatTime, itime, %ITotalDate%, 	
	FormatTime, etime, %ETotalDate%, 
	FormatTime, ctime, %CTotalDate%, 
	FormatTime, mtime, %MTotalDate%, 
	FormatTime, ptime, %PTotalDate%, 

	; Show new formatted times in GUI
	GuiControl,,utc, UTC: %utctime%
	GuiControl,,allutc, India: %itime%`nET: %etime%`nCT: %ctime%`nMT: %mtime%`nPT: %ptime%
	;~ GuiControl,,et, ET: %etime%
	;~ GuiControl,,ct, CT: %ctime%
	;~ GuiControl,,mt, MT: %mtime%
	;~ GuiControl,,pt, PT: %ptime%


GuiControl,,utc, UTC: %utctime%
GuiControl,,allutc, India:`nET: `nCT: `nMT: `nPT: 
GuiControl,,th, %A_Hour%
GuiControl,,tm, %A_Min%

; Copy All Button
If  (tzselect = "Select Your Timezone") {
	MsgBox You didn't set YOUR local timezone
clipboard = UTC: %utctime%`nIndia:%itime%`nET: %etime%`nCT: %ctime%`nMT: %mtime%`nPT: %ptime%
MsgBox, The following has been copied to your clipboard:`n`nUTC: %utctime%`nIndia:%itime%`nET: %etime%`nCT: %ctime%`nMT: %mtime%`nPT: %ptime%

; About Link
MsgBox, The DST checkbox will affect UTC time but not the current selected time for the local.`n`nFor example, On the East Coast, UTC is:`n- 5 hours ahead of local time during winter.`n- 4 hours ahead during summer.`n`n** India does not observe Daylight Savings Time so no adjustments to UTC when the local timezone is set to India.

Posts: 265
Joined: 20 Jun 2014, 16:48

Re: Timezone Converter for UTC and others

17 Apr 2020, 19:31

Thanks, one of the best AHK utilities I have ever used! :bravo:
Posts: 1
Joined: 06 Apr 2024, 11:47

Re: Timezone Converter for UTC and others

06 Apr 2024, 11:50

I replaced India with Hawaii, but I seem to be having an issue getting UTC -10 to convert. Do you have any suggestions?

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