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04 Jun 2020, 09:42

This lib has 5 functions, documented at following separate posts in this same topic:

The functions:

Code: Select all

OSDTIP_Alert(P*) {                        ; OSDTIP_Alert v0.54 by SKAN on D37P/D383 @ tiny.cc/osdtip
Static FN:="", ID:=0, PS:="", PM:="", P8:=(A_PtrSize=8 ? "Ptr" : "")
  If !IsObject(FN)
    FN := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc) 

  If (P.Count()=0 || P[1]==A_ThisFunc) {
    If (P[4]=0x201) ;            WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN=0xA1, HTCAPTION=2       ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN=0x201
    Return DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr",ID, "Int",0xA1,"Ptr",2, "Ptr",0)  ;   
    OnMessage(0x201, FN, 0),  OnMessage(0x010, FN, 0)                     ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_CLOSE 
    SetTimer, %FN%, OFF
    Progress, 6:OFF                       
    Return ID:=0                                                              

  MT:=P[1], ST:=P[2], OP := P[4] . A_Space, TMR:=P[3], FONT:=P[5] ? P[5] : "Segoe UI",  
  TRN :=Round(P[6]) ? P[6] & 255 : 255, Title := (TMR=0 ? "0x0" : A_ScriptHwnd) . ":" . A_ThisFunc
  OP.= InStr(OP,"V1") ? "CWFFFFE2 CT856442 CBEBB800" : InStr(OP,"V2") ? "CWF0F8FF CT1A4482 CB3399FF" 
    :  InStr(OP,"V3") ? "CWF0FFE9 CT155724 CB429300" : InStr(OP,"V4") ? "CWFFEEED CT721C24 CBE40000" 
    :  InStr(OP,"V0") ? "CW3F3F3F CTDADADA CB797979" : ""
  PBG := (F := InStr(OP,"CB",1)) ? SubStr(OP, F+2, 6) : "797979"
  PBG := Format("0x{5:}{6:}{3:}{4:}{1:}{2:}", StrSplit(PBG)*)

  WinClose, ahk_id %ID%
  DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
  SetWinDelay, % (-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)  
  SetControlDelay, % (0, SCD:=A_WinDelay)

  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",0)
  Progress, 6: ZX6 ZY4 ZH16 FS10 FM11 WS400 WM800 C00 CT222222 %OP% B1 M Hide
          , %ST%, %MT%, %Title%, %FONT%
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",7)
  WinWait, %Title% ahk_class AutoHotkey2
  ControlGetPos,,,,         PBS, msctls_progress321
  ControlGetPos, X1,,,, Static1
  ControlGetPos, X2,,,, Static2
  NM := X1+Round(PBS//2)
  Progress, 6: ZY4 ZH16 FS10 FM11 WS400 WM800 C00 CT222222 CB797979 %OP% ZX%NM% B1 M Hide
          , %ST%, %MT%, %Title%, %FONT%
  WinWait, %Title% ahk_class AutoHotkey2          

  WinSet, Transparent, %TRN%, % "ahk_id" . (ID:=WinExist())
  WinGetPos, WX, WY, WW, WH
  ControlGetPos,,,,         PBS, msctls_progress321
  ControlGetPos,, Y1, W1, H1, Static1
  ControlGetPos,, Y2, W2, H2, Static2  
  WH := Y1 + H1 + Round(H2) + 2

  SysGet, M, MonitorWorkArea, % Round(P[9])
  mX := mLeft, mY := mTop, mW := mRight-mLeft, mH := mBottom-mTop 
  WX := mX + ( P[7]="" ? (mW//2)-(WW//2) : P[7]<0 ? mW-WW+P[7]+1 : P[7] )
  WY := mY + ( P[8]="" ? (mH//2)-(WH//2) : P[8]<0 ? mH-WH+P[8]+1 : P[8] )    
  WinMove,,, % WX , % WY , % WW, % WH

  ControlMove, Static1, % X1+PBS, % Y1,      % W1, % H1
  ControlMove, Static2, % X2+PBS, % Y1+H1+2, % W2, % H2
  Control, ExStyle, -0x20000,    msctls_progress321                      ; WS_EX_STATICEDGE, removed
  SendMessage, 0x2001, 1, % PBG, msctls_progress321                      ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR
  ControlMove, msctls_progress321, 0, 0, % PBS, % WH  

  SetControlDelay, %SCD%
  SetWinDelay, %SWD%
  DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
  SC := DllCall("GetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "UInt")        ; GCL_STYLE
  DllCall("SetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "Ptr",SC|0x20000)    ; GCL_STYLE, CS_DROPSHADOW    
  Progress, 6:SHOW                                                     
  DllCall("SetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "Ptr",SC)            ; GCL_STYLE

  If (Round(TMR)<0)
    SetTimer, %FN%, %TMR%
  OnMessage(0x202, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1),  OnMessage(0x010, FN)            ; WM_LBUTTONUP,  WM_CLOSE
Return ID := WinExist()

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OSDTIP_Desktop(P*) {                    ; OSDTIP_Desktop v0.50 by SKAN on D35P/D36E @ tiny.cc/osdtip
Static FN:="", ID:=0, PS:="", PM:="", P8:=(A_PtrSize=8 ? "Ptr" : "")

  If !IsObject(FN)
    FN := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc) 

  If (P.Count()=0 || P[1]==A_ThisFunc) {
    If (P[4]=0x201) ;            WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN=0xA1, HTCAPTION=2      ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN=0x201
    Return DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr",ID, "Int",0xA1,"Ptr",2, "Ptr",0) ;   
    OnMessage(0x201, FN, 0),  OnMessage(0x010, FN, 0)                    ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_CLOSE 
    SetTimer, %FN%, OFF
    Progress, 7:OFF                       
    Return ID:=0                                                              
  MT:=P[1], ST:=P[2], TMR:=P[3], OP:=P[4], FONT:=P[5] ? P[5] : "Segoe UI"
  TRN:=P[6] ? P[6] : "A0A0A0 127", Title := (TMR=0 ? "0x0" : A_ScriptHwnd) . ":" . A_ThisFunc
  If (ID) {                           
    Progress, 7:, % (ST=PS ? "" : PS:=ST), % (MT=PM ? "" : PM:=MT), %Title%        
    SetTimer, %FN%, % Round(TMR)<0 ? TMR : "OFF"
    OnMessage(0x201, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1)                                 ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN 
    Return ID

  DetectHiddenWindows, % ("Off", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
  If !hSDV:=DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr",WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "UInt",5, "Ptr")  ; GW_CHILD=5
      hSDV:=DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr",WinExist("ahk_class WorkerW"), "UInt",5, "Ptr")  ; GW_CHILD=5
  DetectHiddenWindows, On     
  SetWinDelay, % (-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)

  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",0)
  Progress, 7: ZX0 ZY0 ZH1 w200 FS14 FM28 CWA0A0A0 CTFEFEFE B %OP% M HIDE
          , %ST%, %MT%, %Title%, %FONT%
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",7)
  WinWait %Title% ahk_class AutoHotkey2

  Control, Style,   0x50000000,  msctls_progress321                      ; WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD
  Control, ExStyle,-0x20000,     msctls_progress321                      ; WS_EX_STATICEDGE 
  If !InStr(OP,"U4") {
    Control, Style,  0x50000002, Static1                                 ; WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD
    Control, Style,  0x50000002, Static2                                 ; | SS_RIGHT
  SendMessage, 0x2001, 0, P[9]!="" ? P[9] : 0xFFFFFF, msctls_progress321 ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR=0x2001
  WinSet, TransColor, %TRN%
  WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H
  SysGet, M, MonitorWorkArea
  If !InStr(OP,"U5") 
    X:=MRight-W-14, Y:=MBottom-H-14
    X := P[7]="" ? (MRight/2) -(W/2) : P[7]<0 ? MRight -W+P[7] : P[7]
  , Y := P[8]="" ? (MBottom/2)-(H/2) : P[8]<0 ? MBottom-H+P[8] : P[8]    
  ID:=WinExist()               ; SetWindowPos HWND_BOTTOM=1, SWP_SHOWWINDOW=0x40 SWP_NOACTIVATE=0x10
  DllCall("SetWindowPos", "Ptr",ID, "Ptr",1, "Int",X, "Int",Y, "Int",W+2, "Int",H, "UInt",0x40|0x10)
  DllCall("SetWindowPos", "Ptr",ID, "Ptr",1, "Int",X, "Int",Y, "Int",W+0, "Int",H, "UInt",0x40|0x10)
  DllCall("SetWindowLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-8, "Ptr",hSDV)          ; GWL_HWNDPARENT
  SetWinDelay, %SWD%
  DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
  Progress, 7:SHOW  
  If (Round(TMR)<0) 
    SetTimer, %FN%, %TMR%
  OnMessage(0x201, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1),  OnMessage(0x010, FN)            ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN,  WM_CLOSE
Return ID

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OSDTIP_Volume(P*) {                      ; OSDTIP_Volume v0.50 by SKAN on D35P/D369 @ tiny.cc/osdtip
Static FN:="", ID:=0, PV:=0, P8:=(A_PtrSize=8 ? "Ptr" : "") 

  If !IsObject(FN)
    FN := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc) 

  If (P.Count()=0 || P[1]==A_ThisFunc) {
    OnMessage(0x202, FN, 0),  OnMessage(0x010, FN, 0)                   ; WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_CLOSE 
    SetTimer, %FN%, OFF
    Progress, 8:OFF                       
    Return ID:=0                                                              
  M:=P[1], V:=P[2], VSigned:=InStr("+-",SubStr(V,1,1)), TMR:=P[3]
  OP:=P[4], FONT:=P[5] ? P[5] : "Trebuchet MS",  TRN:=Round(P[6]) ? P[6] & 255 : 222
  Title := (TMR=0 ? "0x0" : A_ScriptHwnd) . ":" . A_ThisFunc
  If (M!="") 
    SoundSet, %M%,, MUTE
  SoundGet, M,, MUTE
  If ( V!="" && !VSigned)
    SoundSet, %V%  
  SoundGet, VOL

  If WinExist("ahk_id" . ID) 
      If (V && VSigned)
        SoundSet, % VOL:=(VOL:=V ? Round((VOL+V)/V)*V : VOL)>100 ? 100 : VOL<0 ? 0 : Round(VOL)
      SendMessage, 0x0409, 1, % (M="On" ? 0x0030FF:0x00FFAA), msctls_progress321 ; PBM_SETBARCOLOR
      SendMessage, 0x2001, 0, % (M="On" ? 0x00175A:0x00402E), msctls_progress321 ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR
      Progress, 8:%VOL%, % PV!=VOL ? PV:=VOL : "",, %Title% 
      SetTimer, %FN%, % Round(TMR)<0 ? TMR : "OFF"
      Return ID

  DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
  SetWinDelay, % (-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)  
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",0)
  Progress, 8:C11 w318 ZH24 ZX28 ZY4 WM400 WS600 FM16 FS22 CT111111 CWF0F0F0 %OP% B1 HIDE
          , % PV:=VOL, V O L U M E, %Title%, %FONT%
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",7)
  WinWait, %Title% ahk_class AutoHotkey2

  WinSet, Transparent, %TRN%, % "ahk_id" . (ID:=WinExist())
  SendMessage, 0x0409, 1, % (M="On" ? 0x0030FF:0x00FFAA), msctls_progress321 ; PBM_SETBARCOLOR
  SendMessage, 0x2001, 0, % (M="On" ? 0x00175A:0x00402E), msctls_progress321 ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR
  Control, ExStyle, -0x20000, msctls_progress321
  DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
  Progress, 8:%VOL% 
  SC := DllCall("GetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "UInt")       ; GCL_STYLE
  DllCall("SetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "Ptr",SC|0x20000)   ; GCL_STYLE, CS_DROPSHADOW    
  Progress, 8:SHOW
  DllCall("SetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "Ptr",SC)           ; GCL_STYLE
  If (Round(TMR)<0) 
    SetTimer, %FN%, %TMR%
  OnMessage(0x202, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1),  OnMessage(0x010, FN)           ; WM_LBUTTONUP,  WM_CLOSE
Return ID := WinExist()

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OSDTIP_KBLeds(P*) {                      ; OSDTIP_KBLeds v0.50 by SKAN on D361/D367 @ tiny.cc/osdtip 
Static FN:="", ID:=0 

  If !IsObject(FN)
    FN := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc) 

  If (P.Count()=0 || P[1]==A_ThisFunc) {
    OnMessage(0x202, FN, 0),  OnMessage(0x010, FN, 0)                   ; WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_CLOSE 
    SetTimer, %FN%, OFF
    Progress, 9:OFF                       
    Return ID:=0                                                              

  Key := P[1], ST:=P[2], TMR:=P[3], OP:=P[4], FONT:=P[5] ? P[5] : "Trebuchet MS"
  Title := (TMR=0 ? "0x0" : A_ScriptHwnd) . ":" . A_ThisFunc, TRN:=Round(P[6]) ? P[6] & 255 : 222
  If WinExist("ahk_id" . ID) {                                          
    ST.=InStr(ST,"off") || InStr(ST,"on") ? "" :  GetKeyState(Key,"T") ? "Off" : "On"
    Switch (Key) {
      Case "CapsLock"   : SetCapsLockState,   %ST%
      Case "ScrollLock" : SetScrollLockState, %ST%
      Case "NumLock"    : SetNumLockState,    %ST%
    C:=GetKeyState("CapsLock","T"), S:=GetKeyState("ScrollLock","T"), N:=GetKeyState("NumLock","T")
    SendMessage, 0x2001, 1,% C ? 0x00FFAA:0x808080, msctls_progress321 ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR
    SendMessage, 0x2001, 1,% S ? 0x00AAFF:0x808080, msctls_progress322 ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR  
    SendMessage, 0x2001, 1,% N ? 0x00FFAA:0x808080, msctls_progress323 ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR

    If (Key="CapsLock" && C=1) || (Key="NumLock" && N=0)
    If ( InStr(OP,"U2",1) && FileExist(WAV:=A_WinDir . "\Media\Windows Default.wav") )
      DllCall("winmm\PlaySoundW", "WStr",WAV, "Ptr",0, "Int",0x220013)  ; SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC   

    SetTimer, %FN%, % Round(TMR)<0 ? TMR : "OFF" 
    Progress, 9:,,,%Title%
    Return ID
  DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
  SetWinDelay, % (-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)
  SetControlDelay, % (0, SCD:=A_ControlDelay)                  
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",0)
  Progress, 9:ZX32 ZY6 ZH32 W172 WM600 WS400 FM16 FS16 CT101010 CWF0F0F0 %OP% C00 B1 HIDE
          , ScrollLock, CapsLock, %Title%, %FONT%
  WinWait %Title% ahk_class AutoHotkey2                                  

  WinGetPos, WX, WY, WW, WH, % "ahk_id" . (ID:=WinExist())
  Loop, Parse, % "msctls_progress32|msctls_progress32|Static", | 
  DllCall("CreateWindowEx", "Int",0, "Str",A_LoopField, "Str","NumLock" ; WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD
       ,"Int",0x50000000, "Int",0, "Int",0, "Int",10, "Int",10, "Ptr",ID, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0)
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",7)                     
  SendMessage, 0x31, 0, 0,            Static1                           ; WM_GETFONT
  SendMessage, 0x30, %ErrorLevel%, 1, Static3                           ; WM_SETFONT
  ControlGetPos, CX, CY, CW, CH, Static1
  YM:=CY-1, NX:=CX+CH+24, WW:=WW+CH+24, WH:=(CH*3)+(YM*4)+2, PH:=Round(CH/2), PY:=CY+(PH/2) 
  WX:=(A_ScreenWidth/2)-(WW/2), WY := (A_ScreenHeight/2)-(WH/2)
  WinMove,% "ahk_id" WinExist(),,% WX,% WY,% WW, % WH
  ControlMove, Static1,            % NX, % CY,             % CW, % CH
  ControlMove, Static2,            % NX, % CY+CH+YM,       % CW, % CH
  ControlMove, Static3,            % NX, % CY+CH+YM+CH+YM, % CW, % CH
  ControlMove, msctls_progress321, % CX, % PY,             % CH, % PH
  ControlMove, msctls_progress322, % CX, % PY+CH+YM,       % CH, % PH
  ControlMove, msctls_progress323, % CX, % PY+CH+YM+CH+YM, % CH, % PH
  Loop 3
  Control, Style, +0x202, Static%A_Index%                               ; SS_RIGHT | SS_CENTERIMAGE
  WinSet, Transparent, %TRN%
  SetControlDelay, %SCD%
  SetWinDelay, %SWD%
  DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%

  P8 := (A_PtrSize=8 ? "Ptr":"")
  SC := DllCall("GetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "UInt")       ; GCL_STYLE
  DllCall("SetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "Ptr",SC|0x20000)   ; GCL_STYLE, CS_DROPSHADOW    
  Progress, 9:SHOW
  DllCall("SetClassLong" . P8, "Ptr",ID, "Int",-26, "Ptr",SC)           ; GCL_STYLE

  P[3]:=0, n:=%A_ThisFunc%(P*)
  If (Round(TMR)<0) 
    SetTimer, %FN%, %TMR%
  OnMessage(0x202, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1),  OnMessage(0x010, FN)           ; WM_LBUTTONUP,  WM_CLOSE
Return ID  

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OSDTIP_Pop(P*) {                            ; OSDTIP_Pop v0.55 by SKAN on D361/D36E @ tiny.cc/osdtip 
Static FN:="", ID:=0, PM:="", PS:="" 

  If !IsObject(FN)
    FN := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc) 

  If (P.Count()=0 || P[1]==A_ThisFunc) {
    OnMessage(0x202, FN, 0),  OnMessage(0x010, FN, 0)                   ; WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_CLOSE 
    SetTimer, %FN%, OFF
    DllCall("AnimateWindow", "Ptr",ID, "Int",200, "Int",0x50004)        ; AW_VER_POSITIVE | AW_SLIDE
    Progress, 10:OFF                                                    ; | AW_HIDE
    Return ID:=0

  MT:=P[1], ST:=P[2], TMR:=P[3], OP:=P[4], FONT:=P[5] ? P[5] : "Segoe UI"
  Title := (TMR=0 ? "0x0" : A_ScriptHwnd) . ":" . A_ThisFunc
  If (ID) {
    Progress, 10:, % (ST=PS ? "" : PS:=ST), % (MT=PM ? "" : PM:=MT), %Title%
    OnMessage(0x202, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1)                                ; v0.55
    SetTimer, %FN%, % Round(TMR)<0 ? TMR : "OFF" 
    Return ID

  If ( InStr(OP,"U2",1) && FileExist(WAV:=A_WinDir . "\Media\Windows Notify.wav") )
    DllCall("winmm\PlaySoundW", "WStr",WAV, "Ptr",0, "Int",0x220013)    ; SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC   
                                                                        ; | SND_NODEFAULT   
  DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)             ; | SND_NOSTOP | SND_SYSTEM  
  SetWinDelay, % (-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)                            
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",0)
  Progress, 10:C00 ZH1 FM9 FS10 CWF0F0F0 CT101010 %OP% B1 M HIDE,% PS:=ST, % PM:=MT, %Title%, %FONT%
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",7)                     ; STAP_ALLOW_NONCLIENT
                                                                        ; | STAP_ALLOW_CONTROLS
  WinWait, %Title% ahk_class AutoHotkey2                                ; | STAP_ALLOW_WEBCONTENT
  WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H                                                 
  SysGet, M, MonitorWorkArea
  WinMove,% "ahk_id" . WinExist(),,% MRight-W,% MBottom-(H:=InStr(OP,"U1",1) ? H : Max(H,100)), W, H
  If ( TRN:=Round(P[6]) & 255 )
    WinSet, Transparent, %TRN% 
  ControlGetPos,,,,H, msctls_progress321       
  If (H>2) {
    ColorMQ:=Round(P[7]),  ColorBG:=P[8]!="" ? Round(P[8]) : 0xF0F0F0,  SpeedMQ:=Round(P[9])
    Control, ExStyle, -0x20000,        msctls_progress321               ; v0.55 WS_EX_STATICEDGE
    Control, Style, +0x8,              msctls_progress321               ; PBS_MARQUEE
    SendMessage, 0x040A, 1, %SpeedMQ%, msctls_progress321               ; PBM_SETMARQUEE
    SendMessage, 0x0409, 1, %ColorMQ%, msctls_progress321               ; PBM_SETBARCOLOR
    SendMessage, 0x2001, 1, %ColorBG%, msctls_progress321               ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR
  DllCall("AnimateWindow", "Ptr",WinExist(), "Int",200, "Int",0x40008)  ; AW_VER_NEGATIVE | AW_SLIDE
  SetWinDelay, %SWD%
  DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
  If (Round(TMR)<0)
    SetTimer, %FN%, %TMR%
  OnMessage(0x202, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1),  OnMessage(0x010, FN)           ; WM_LBUTTONUP,  WM_CLOSE
Return ID:=WinExist()

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OSDTIP(hWnd:="") {
  If (hWnd="")
     Return A_ScriptHwnd . ":OSDTIP_" . "ahk_class AutoHotkey2"
  If !WinExist("ahk_id" . hWnd)  
     Return 0  
  WinGetTitle, OSDTIP
  OSDTIP := StrSplit(OSDTIP,":")
  If ( OSDTIP[1] = A_ScriptHwnd ) 

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My Scripts and Functions: V1  V2
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Posts: 1561
Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 16:58

OSDTIP_Pop() : Custom notification popup

04 Jun 2020, 09:42

OSDTIP_Pop(MainText, SubText, TimeOut, Options, FontName, Transparency)
Note: Total parameters are variadic. This function uses Progress UI to display the notification. You need to be well versed with its options.

Simple usage call: OSDTIP_Pop("Notification", "Message", -3000)
The above will popup the UI within the work area at right-bottom corner of Primary monitor.

Parameters explained:
  • MainText : Main text will be BOLD by default. Pass WM400 in options to normalize it. Default font size is 9pt. Use FM option, like FM16 to make it bigger.
  • SubText : Displayed in normal font weight. Pass WS600 in options for BOLD text. Default font size is 10pt. . Use FS option, like FS16 to make it bigger.
    By default, both MainText and SubText are left aligned. In options, pass C01 to display MainText centered or C10 to center SubText or C11 to display both centered.
  • TimeOut :
    Pass number of milliseconds expressed as a negative number. For eg. -3000 will auto-dismiss the UI in 3 seconds.
    If this parameter is omitted, the UI wil stay on until OSDTIP_Pop() (without any parameters) is called. If a positive value is passed, eg.3000, it will be ignored.
    When the parameter is either omitted or is a negative number, the UI can be dismissed with a mouse left click.
    If this parameter is 0, mouse left click will not work and OSDTIP_Pop() has to be called to dismiss UI.
  • Options : See Progress command for available options. B1 M is forced.. Other options can be overridden.
    To control the width and height of UI specify it like W200 H100. This will create a 201x101 UI as the window will have 1px border around it.
    Also note that, by default this function will enforce a minimum height of 102px. To override and have a natural height, use the custom option value U1.
    Pass custom option U2 to play a sound when UI is popping up. This will play "Windows\Media\Windows Notify.wav" as a system sound.
    Note that SoundPlay will play a sound at "Master volume level", but this function calls PlaySound() API to play the sound at "System sounds" level.
    By default, the progress bar height is 1px and so it appears as a horizontal gray line between MainText and SubText. To hide it, pass ZH0 in options.
    If you pass ZH3 or greater ( except ZH4 ), the bar of the progress bar will be visible with PBS_MARQUEE style applied to it.
    The color of marquee is BLACK by default and can be set with MarqueeColor parameter.
  • FontName : Default is Segoe UI. Trebuchet MS is a good alternative.
  • Transparency : This OSDTIP is opaque by default. You may try a value in range: 100-240 (full range: 0-255)
  • Marquee : Use parameters 7,8,9 to set the color/bg/speed of Marquee when Progress bar height is 3px or more. (See example below)
    The default values are 0x000000/0xF0F0F0/0 (note: 0 is fastest and Marquee will run with a delay of 30ms)
  • Examples

    Simple auto-dismiss notification:

    Code: Select all

    OSDTIP_Pop("Notification", "Message", -3000) ; #Persistent required

    Stress test:

    Code: Select all

    OSDTIP_Pop("C L O C K", A_Hour . ":" . A_Min . ":" . A_Sec, 0, "C11 CW101010 CTF0F0F0 FM12 FS36")

    Marquee test:

    Code: Select all

    OSDTIP_Pop("Notification", "Message", 0, "C11 zh7 w160 CW101010 CTD3D3D3 U1 U2",,,0x00FFFF, 0x808080, 1000)
    Parameters 7,8,9 are MarqueeColor, MarqueeBG and MarqueeSpeed.
    I slowed down the Marquee to 1000ms - did 17 Alt+PrintScreen shots and converted to AGIF @ https://gifmaker.me/ with delays of 30ms, 50ms, 100ms

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04 Jun 2020, 09:53

Code: Select all

CB := CB ? CB : Format(RegisterCallback(A_ThisFunc), FN:=Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc)) 
Why use format like this?

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04 Jun 2020, 11:50

Helgef wrote:
04 Jun 2020, 09:53

Code: Select all

CB := CB ? CB : Format(RegisterCallback(A_ThisFunc), FN:=Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc)) 
Why use format like this?
Because I'm an AHK veteran, and in earlier days hacks were the only way of life.. :D
Seriously.. Why not? Is this hack very ugly? :roll:
This OSDTIP doesn't use a callback and is an artifact from an another OSDTIP.
Since I had to edit anyway, I have removed all abused Format() from the code.

Cheers! :thumbup:
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04 Jun 2020, 12:17

The line would have worked fine by just removing the word format. And then it wouldn't go against the recommendation of the documentation,
objects wrote: If an object is used in any context where an object is not expected, it is treated as an empty string. [...] Do not rely on this behaviour as it may change.
I doubt it will change though, in v1 that is.
Is this hack very ugly?
I'm not sure what the hack is (or was?) supposed to hack, but yes, it is very ugly ;) .

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04 Jun 2020, 12:56

Helgef wrote:The line would have worked fine by just removing the word format.
Ah! Yes. I've seen that in Sean's code.., Never used it.
Helgef wrote:I'm not sure what the hack is (or was?) supposed to hack
You got so annoyed by that line you didn't read past that, I suppose :)
The hack was to save/set a setting in the same line (discussed in this topic)

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, % Format(1, DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)        
SetWinDelay, % Format(-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)
Going by your suggestion, the following seems to work:

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, % "On",  ADH:=A_DetectHiddenWindows
MsgBox % "Saved`t" ADH "`nCurrent`t" A_DetectHiddenWindows
Do you see any problem with it?
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04 Jun 2020, 13:17

I'd keep the () though, it looks like detecthiddenwindows has two parameters, I find it odd that that would work. So,

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On",  ADH:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
Cheers :beer:.
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04 Jun 2020, 13:24

And the examples look great, well done, as usual. :thumbup:

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04 Jun 2020, 16:52

Helgef wrote: I'd keep the () though, it looks like detecthiddenwindows has two parameters, I find it odd that that would work. So,

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On",  ADH:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)

Wonderful! The line doesn't look like a hackish workaround anymore. :thumbup:
Many thanks.
I have updated the code.
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05 Jun 2020, 20:52


Hey Skan - been using ahk for about a decade, your contributions are always top notch. I still use your w32 constants script often, works great.

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06 Jun 2020, 04:04

Very nice work as always SKAN.
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07 Jun 2020, 09:32

elModo7 wrote:Neat!
@elModo7 Thanks :)
imustbeamoron wrote:
05 Jun 2020, 20:52

Hey Skan - been using ahk for about a decade, your contributions are always top notch. I still use your w32 constants script often, works great.

Thanks for the nice words :)
ozzii wrote:
06 Jun 2020, 04:04
Very nice work as always SKAN.
@ozzii Thanks!
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07 Jun 2020, 10:32

Are you doing this to save one line of code, or are there other reasons I don't understand?

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On",  ADH:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
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07 Jun 2020, 10:56

haichen wrote:Are you doing this to save one line of code, or are there other reasons I don't understand?
Well, 3 lines less in my next OSDTIP

Code: Select all

  DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
  SetWinDelay, % (-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)
  SetControlDelay, % (0, SCD:=A_ControlDelay)                  
  SetControlDelay, %SCD%
  SetWinDelay, %SWD%
  DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
Its not about saving lines... Command line syntax can get too verbose.. My code-readability improves when I'm less verbose.
Shouldn't be a problem when V2 becomes mainstream.

I like to do things like this.

Code: Select all

Loop % (100, A:=0, B:=0)
 A++, B--
MsgBox % A "`n" B
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OSDTIP_KBLeds() : UI for SetCapsLockState / SetNumLockState / SetScrollLockState

07 Jun 2020, 13:21

OSDTIP_KBLeds(Keyname, State, TimeOut, Options, FontName, Transparency)
Note: Total parameters are variadic. This function uses Progress UI to display the notification. You need to be well versed with its options.

Simple usage call:

Code: Select all

CapsLock::   OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock",,  -2000)
ScrollLock:: OSDTIP_KBLeds("ScrollLock",,-2000)
NumLock::    OSDTIP_KBLeds("NumLock",,   -2000)  
  • Pressing the Hotkeys would show a center-screen UI like follows:
Parameters explained:
  • KeyName : Can be one of these: CapsLock, ScrollLock, NumLock. If called without a KeyName the UI will displayed without affecting any KeyState.
  • State : This can be on of these: On, Off, AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, This parameter needs to contain an On or Off otherwise appropriate state
    needed to toggle will be appended automatically. The following are possible calls for CapsLock. It is ditto for NumLock and ScrollLock

    Code: Select all

    OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock", "On")    
    OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock")        ; Toggle current state
    OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock", "Off") 
    OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock", "AlwaysOn")
    OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock", "Always")    ; Toggle current state
    OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock", "AlwaysOff")
    Formatting: CapsLock and NumsLock are MainText and ScrollLock is SubText. Refer Progress command and use FM FS WM WS to control the size and weight of these text.
  • TimeOut :
    Pass number of milliseconds expressed as a negative number. For eg. -3000 will auto-dismiss the UI in 3 seconds.
    If this parameter is omitted, the UI wil stay on until OSDTIP_KBLeds() (without any parameters) is called. If a positive value is passed, eg.3000, it will be ignored.
  • Options : See Progress command for available options. B1 and text alignment is forced.. Other options can be overridden.
    This UI is disabled by default. If you want to dismiss it with a mouse click, pass M in Options.
    Pass custom option U2 to play a sound when either CapsLock becomes On or NumLock becomes Off
    The sound played will be "Windows\Media\Windows Default.wav" . Note that SoundPlay will play a sound at "Master volume level", but this function calls
    PlaySound() API to play the sound at "System sounds" level.
  • FontName : Default is Trebuchet MS.
  • Transparency : This OSDTIP uses transparency level: 222 by default. You may pass a custom value or 255 to make the window opaque.

Following example based on this topic. Thanks @survargs / @Nextron

Code: Select all


#If GetKeyState("CapsLock","P")
 1:: OSDTIP_KBLeds("CapsLock",,  -2000) 
 2:: OSDTIP_KBLeds("ScrollLock",,-2000)
 3:: OSDTIP_KBLeds("NumLock",,   -2000)
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OSDTIP_Volume() : UI for SoundSet > Master Volume & Mute

08 Jun 2020, 13:52

OSDTIP_Volume(MuteOn, VolumeLevel, TimeOut, Options, FontName, Transparency)
Note: Total parameters are variadic. This function uses Progress UI to display the notification. You need to be well versed with its options.

Simple usage example:

Code: Select all

Volume_Mute:: OSDTIP_Volume("+1",   "", -2000)
Volume_Up::   OSDTIP_Volume(  "", "+5", -2000)
Volume_Down:: OSDTIP_Volume(  "", "-5", -2000)
  • Pressing the Hotkeys would show a center-screen UI like follows:
    (The volume bar will be red when Mute is On)
    Image            Image
Parameters explained:
  • MuteOn : True or False. Pass "+1" to toggle the state
  • VolumeLevel : You may pass an absolute value (Range 0-100) or pass a signed value like "-1" or "+10" to decrement/increment current level.
    It is possible Mute/Unmute and set volume level simultaneously: For eg. OSDTIP_Volume(1,25) will mute and also set volume level to 25%
  • TimeOut :
    Pass number of milliseconds expressed as a negative number. For eg. -2000 will auto-dismiss the UI in 2 seconds.
    If this parameter is omitted, the UI wil stay on until OSDTIP_Volume() (without any parameters) is called. If a positive value is passed, eg.2000, it will be ignored.
  • Options : See Progress command for available options. B1 is forced.. Other options can be overridden.
    This UI is disabled by default. If you want to dismiss it with a mouse click, pass M in Options.
  • FontName : Default is Trebuchet MS.
  • Transparency : This OSDTIP uses transparency level: 222 by default. You may pass a custom value or 255 to make the window opaque.

  • I intend to use this like follows (I haven't used #If before):

    Code: Select all

    #SingleInstance, Force
    SetScrollLockState, AlwaysOff
    #If GetKeyState("ScrollLock","P")
    PrintScreen::  OSDTIP_Volume("", (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey>100 ? "-1" : "-5"), -2000)
    Pause::        OSDTIP_Volume("", (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey>100 ? "+1" : "+5"), -2000)
    +PrintScreen:: OSDTIP_Volume("", "-15", -2000)
    +Pause::       OSDTIP_Volume("", "+15", -2000)
    F12::          OSDTIP_Volume("+1",,-2000) ; Mute

    • Image
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13 Jun 2020, 12:47

Wow, cool updates, the ones to enable/disable keys come in very handy.
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13 Jun 2020, 15:55

elModo7 wrote:
13 Jun 2020, 12:47
Wow, cool updates, the ones to enable/disable keys come in very handy.
Thanks for the feedback! :thumbup: :)
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OSDTIP_Desktop() : AlwaysAtBottom UI

13 Jun 2020, 15:56

OSDTIP_Desktop(MainText, SubText, TimeOut, Options, FontName, Transparency)
Note: Total parameters are variadic. This function uses Progress UI to display the notification. You need to be well versed with its options.

Simple usage call: OSDTIP_Desktop("MainText", "SubText") ; Script needs #Persistent
The above will apparently stick the UI within the work area at right-bottom corner of Desktop (Primary monitor).
  • The text will be 50% transparent on a 100% transparent window
Parameters explained:
  • MainText : Main text will be BOLD by default. Pass WM400 in options to normalize it. Default font size is 28pt. Use FM option, like FM18 to make it smaller.
  • SubText : Displayed in normal font weight. Pass WS600 in options for BOLD text. Default font size is 14pt. . Use FS option, like FS18 to make it bigger.
    By default, both MainText and SubText are both right aligned. In options, pass custom option U4 to override this to make both text centered. Additionally, pass
    C01 to display SubText left-aligned or C10 to display MainText left-aligned or C00 to display both left-aligned.
  • TimeOut :
    Pass number of milliseconds expressed as a negative number. For eg. -3000 will auto-dismiss the UI in 3 seconds.
    If this parameter is omitted, the UI wil stay on until OSDTIP_Desktop() (without any parameters) is called. If a positive value is passed, eg.3000, it will be ignored.
    When the parameter is either omitted or is a negative number, the UI can be moved around the desktop with a mouse left click.
    If this parameter is 0, mouse left click will not work and the UI will appear to a part of Desktop.
  • Options : See Progress command for available options. M is forced.. Other options can be overridden.
    By default, the UI is placed on Bottom-Right corner. Use custom option U5 to over-ride this, which will result in screen-centered UI.
    When U5 is specified, you may use parameters 7 & 8 to position the UI relative to any edge of the screen.
    By default, the progress bar height is 1px and it appears as a white line between MainText and SubText. To hide it, pass ZH0 in options or to increase it use
    something like ZH3 to set its height to 3px. The color of the Progress can be specified as parameter 9.
  • FontName : Default is Segoe UI.
  • Transparency : This OSDTIP is full transparent by default and the default value is A0A0A0 127. A0A0A0 is window color that is fully transparent and
    127 makes the text 50% transparent. You may try a value in range: 100-240 (full range: 0-255) without changing A0A0A0 else window will be visible.
  • XOffset, YOffset : When U5 is specified in options, the UI will be centered on screen. You may use these to parameters to place the UI at a different corner
    The default values are -10,-10, and a positive values like 10,10 will place the UI on the Left-Top corner of the Desktop.
    You may refer the image posted at WinPos_ for a better understanding
  • LineColor : Default Line color is White. You may pass a custom color in 0xbbggrr format.

A real world example to show Current user and User logon-datetime on Desktop.
Note: Script needs #Persistent and one dependency : UserLastLogon()
  • Code: Select all

    OSDTIP_Desktop(A_UserName, UserLastLogon(A_UserName,,"d MMM, hh:mm tt"), 0)
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