MacBook Touch Bar causes accidental F-key presses – a workaround for that (Windows)

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Joined: 19 Dec 2015, 15:49

MacBook Touch Bar causes accidental F-key presses – a workaround for that (Windows)

26 Jul 2020, 17:46

If you're like me and you install Windows onto MacBook (Pro) with the Touch Bar, you probably notice that F-keys are all the time triggered accidentally (or the media keys if you have them on by default). So how to cancel out accidental touch bar keypresses? This is one solution (workaround) for that:

Code: Select all

	CapsTime=1000 ; timer in ms (actual time is longer due to possible slowness of this code)
	HotKey, Capslock, PressedKey, On
		Sleep 10
		If (CapsCounter>=CapsTime)
			HotKey, Capslock, PressedKey, Off
			Return 0
		If Pressed
			Return 1



; $ means when Sending the same key as in the hotkey, loop is prevented
;   (the hotkey will not trigger itself when $ is used)
	GetKeyState, shiftState, Shift
	GetKeyState, controlState, Control
	GetKeyState, winkeyState, LWin
	GetKeyState, altState, Alt
	ThisKeyNow := StrReplace(A_ThisHotkey, "*") ; just remove that *
	ThisKeyNow := StrReplace(ThisKeyNow, "$") ; just remove that $
	If ( controlState == "D" || winkeyState == "D" || altState == "D")
		If ( shiftState == "D" )
			myModifier := "+"
		If ( controlState == "D" )
			myModifier := myModifier . "^"
		If ( winkeyState == "D" )
			myModifier := myModifier . "#"
		If ( altState == "D" )
			myModifier := myModifier . "!"
		Send %myModifier%{%ThisKeyNow%}
		TrayTip %myModifier%%ThisKeyNow%,`n
		Return ; stop here if other modifiers than shift was held down
	If (shiftState == "D")
		myModifier = Shift+
	TrayTip, CapsLock confirms %myModifier%%ThisKeyNow%,(if in 1000ms)
	If WaitSecForCapslock()
		if (myModifier == "Shift+")
			Send +{%ThisKeyNow%}
			TrayTip, Shift+%ThisKeyNow%,`n
			Send {%ThisKeyNow%}
			TrayTip, %ThisKeyNow%,`n
		TrayTip, CapsLock confirms %myModifier%%ThisKeyNow%,(timeout)
The idea is you have to confirm your F-key press with CapsLock (by pressing it after the F-key). You also have to confirm Shift+F-key the same way. With other modifiers, I didn't add the confirmation to them because they are more rare. However this is work in progress so I might improve this later. One problem is that with a hotkey like #F2, it apparently triggers the hotkey, but upon lifting LWin, Start Menu is opened. I couldn't figure out how to fix that (any ideas?).

About CapsLock, it's normal function is just nulled on the code. On my setup I use CapsLock for many purposes (depending on how long I hold CapsLock I get different functions). But that's another topic.
Posts: 40
Joined: 19 Dec 2015, 15:49

Re: MacBook Touch Bar causes accidental F-key presses – a workaround for that (Windows)

27 Jul 2020, 15:12

Looks like I found a workaround for that specific problem of Start Menu appearing unnecessarily. This is a very ugly fix, but seems to work for now. You have to add this after the If ( winKeyState == "D" ) row:

Code: Select all

		myModifier := myModifier . "#"
		Hotkey, LWin up, WorkaroundStartMenuCancel, On
And also add this after the last Return:

Code: Select all

	Hotkey, LWin up,, Off
	Send {LWin up}

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