[Tool] Gui Prototype Maker

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[Tool] Gui Prototype Maker

12 Sep 2021, 14:36

I started working on a new editor for myself the other day. Shortly into the project I decided to take one of the elements of the larger project, repackage it into a functioning tool and then experiment with it a bit to see what I like and don't like and take that info back into the other project.

This tool likely will require you to have basic knowledge about creating guis (adding controls, etc.)

To start using this.

1.Run the script.
2. Press the 3 buttons at the top in order. (new , add , show)
3. Press the update button (you should see the gui you just made )
4. Press the clipboard button and then paste into a script.
That is the basics, play around with adding different elements and then pressing update.

Any feedback is wanted.

20210912153337.png (42.52 KiB) Viewed 1273 times

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1

class Main	{
	;Written By: Hellbent
	;Date: Sept 11th , 2021
		This.ParamCountList := { 	New: 				{ count: 3 , 	prototype: "GuiHwnd := Gui.New( Options , Name )" 							, Defaults: { Param1: "GuiHwnd" , Param2: "+AlwaysOnTop" } 	} 
								,	Show: 				{ count: 3 , 	prototype: "Gui.Show( Options , Title , Name )" 							, Defaults: { Param1: "AutoSize NA" }	} 
								, 	Hide: 				{ count: 1 , 	prototype: "Gui.Hide( Name )" } 											;No Defaults
								,	Enable: 			{ count: 1 , 	prototype: "Gui.Enable( Name )" } 											;No Defaults
								,	Disable: 			{ count: 1 , 	prototype: "Gui.Disable( Name )" } 											;No Defaults
								,	Destroy: 			{ count: 1 , 	prototype: "Gui.Destroy( Name )" } 											;No Defaults
								,	Get: 				{ count: 4 , 	prototype: "Output := Gui.Get( Control , SubCommand , Name )" 				, Defaults: { Param1: "Output" } 	}
								,	Set: 				{ count: 4 , 	prototype: "Gui.Set( Control , Value , SubCommand , Name )" }				;No Defaults
								,	Margin: 			{ count: 3 , 	prototype: "Gui.Margin( X , Y , Name )" 									, Defaults: { Param1: "10" , Param2: "10" }	} 	
								,	Color: 				{ count: 3 , 	prototype: "Gui.Color( Color1 , Color2 , Name )"  							, Defaults: { Param1: "F0F0F0" , Param2: "FFFFFF" }	} 
								,	WindowPosition: 	{ count: 2 , 	prototype: "WindowPosition := Gui.WindowPosition( HWND )" 					, Defaults: { Param1: "WindowPosition" , Param2: "GuiHwnd" }	}
								,	ControlPosition:	{ count: 3 , 	prototype: "ControlPosition := Gui.ControlPosition( Control , Name )" 		, Defaults: { Param1: "ControlPosition" }	}	
								,	Add: 				{ count: 5 , 	prototype: "ControlName := Gui.Add( Type , Options , Display , Name )" 		, Defaults: { Param1: "ControlName" , Param2: "Button" , Parma3: "xm ym" , Param4: "Button" }	}	
								,	Font: 				{ count: 3 , 	prototype: "Gui.Font( Font , Options , Name )"  							, Defaults: { Param1: "Segoe UI" , Param2: "s8 cBlack q5" } 	}
								,	Options: 			{ count: 2 , 	prototype: "Gui.Options( Options , Name )" 									, Defaults: { Param1: "+Resize" } 	}
								,	Bind: 				{ count: 4 , 	prototype: "Gui.Bind( Control , Method , BoundObject , Name )" }  }			;No Defaults
		This.Controls := {}
		This.Handles := []
		This.GuiName := "Gui1"
		This.Tog := 0
		This.GuiHwnd := Gui.New( "+AlwaysOnTop +Delimiter~ " , "HBMain" )
		Gui.Margin( 10 , 10 , "HBMain" )
		Gui.Color( "F0F0F0" , "" , "HBMain" )
		;New Button
		This.Controls.NewButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xm ym w100 r1" , "New Window" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.NewButton , "_AddNewWindow" )
		;AddControl Button
		This.Controls.AddControlButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "x+10 ym w100 r1" , "Add Control" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.AddControlButton , "_AddAddControl" )
		;Show Button
		This.Controls.ShowButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "x+10 ym w100 r1" , "Show Window" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.ShowButton , "_AddShowWindow" )
		;Method DDL
		This.Controls.MethodDDL := Gui.Add( "DDL" , "xm  w150 r20" , "New~~Show~Hide~Enable~Disable~Destroy~Get~Set~Margin~Color~WindowPosition~ControlPosition~Add~Font~Options~Bind~" , "HBMain" )
		;Add Button
		This.Controls.AddButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "x+10 w70 r1" , "Add" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.AddButton , "_AddElement" )
		This.Controls.ElementListBox := Gui.Add( "ListBox" , " xm  w250 r25 -E0x200 AltSubmit" ,  , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.ElementListBox , "_SelectElement" )
		;Lock CheckBox
		This.Controls.LockCheckBox := Gui.Add( "CheckBox" , "x+10 section" , "Unlock" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.LockCheckBox , "_ToggleLock" )
		;Delete Button
		This.Controls.RemoveButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xs w70 Disabled" , "Remove" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.RemoveButton , "_RemoveElement" )
		;Copy Button
		This.Controls.CopyButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xs y+5 w70" , "Copy" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.CopyButton , "_CopyElement" )
		;Up Button
		This.Controls.UpButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xs y+5 w70" , "Up" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.UpButton , "_MoveElement" )
		;Down Button
		This.Controls.DownButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xs y+5 w70" , "Down" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.DownButton , "_MoveElement" )
		;Clipboard Button
		This.Controls.ClipButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xs y+5 w70" , "Clipboard" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.ClipButton , "_ClipProject" )
		;Update Button
		This.Controls.UpdateButton := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xs y+5 w70" , "Update" , "HBMain" )
		This._Bind( This.Controls.UpdateButton , "_UpdateProject" )
		Gui.Font( "Segoe UI" , "s8 Bold Q5" , "HBMain" )
		;Prototype text line
		This.Controls.PrototypeEdit := Gui.Add( "Edit" , "cPurple xm w330 r1 Center Border ReadOnly " , "" , "HBMain" ) 
		This.Controls.Param1Text := Gui.Add( "Text" , "cRed x30 y+20 w70 r1" , "Param1:" , "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param1Edit := Gui.Add( "Edit" , "c336699 x+10 yp-2 w200 r1 center" ,, "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param2Text := Gui.Add( "Text" , "cRed x30 y+10 w70 r1" , "Param2:" , "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param2Edit := Gui.Add( "Edit" , "c336699 x+10 yp-2 w200 r1 center" ,, "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param3Text := Gui.Add( "Text" , "cRed x30 y+10 w70 r1" , "Param3:" , "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param3Edit := Gui.Add( "Edit" , "c336699 x+10 yp-2 w200 r1 center" ,, "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param4Text := Gui.Add( "Text" , "cRed x30 y+10 w70 r1" , "Param4:" , "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param4Edit := Gui.Add( "Edit" , "c336699 x+10 yp-2 w200 r1 center" ,, "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param5Text := Gui.Add( "Text" , "cRed x30 y+10 w70 r1" , "Param5:" , "HBMain" )
		This.Controls.Param5Edit := Gui.Add( "Edit" , "c336699 x+10 yp-2 w200 r1 center" ,, "HBMain" )
		Gui.Show( , "Gui Prototype Maker" , "HBMain" )
		This.Elements := []
		This.ElementActive := ""
		This.ElementCount := 0
		This.ElementList := ""
		This.Clone := 0
		This.Output := 1
		This.Clip := "`nAutoGui := {} `n"
		This.Val := "New"
		This.Val := "Add"
		This.Val := "Show"
		This._AddElement( )
		Gui.Destroy( This.GUIName )
		Loop, % This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Count 
			This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ][ "Param" A_Index ] := Gui.Get( This.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Edit" ] ,, "HBMain" )
		for k, v in This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Defaults	
			This.Elements[ This.ElementCount ][k] := v
		This.Elements[ This.ElementCount ][ "Param" This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Count ] := This.GUIName
		Loop, % This.ElementCount	{
			This._Switch( This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method , This.Elements[ A_Index ] )
		if( This.output ){
			Clipboard := This.Clip
			sleep, 200
			This.Clip := ""
			This.output := 0
	_Switch( Input , obj ){
		local temp , parambackup , ta 
		Switch Input
			case "New":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "`nAutoGui." obj.param3 ":= {}`n"
					This.Clip .= "AutoGui." obj.param3 ".Controls := {} `n"
					This.Clip .= "AutoGui." obj.param3 ".Handles := [] `n`n"
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param3 ":New, "  obj.param2 " +hwndHwnd `n"
					This.Clip .= "AutoGui." obj.param3 ".Hwnd := hwnd `n`n"
					temp := obj.Param1
					%Temp% := Gui.New( obj.param2 , obj.param3 )
			case "Show":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param3 ":Show, " obj.param1 ", " obj.param2 " `n" 
					Gui.Show( obj.param1 , obj.param2 , obj.param3 )
			case "Hide":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param1 ":Hide,`n" 
					Gui.Hide( obj.param1 )
			case "Enable":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param1 ":-Disabled,`n" 
					Gui.Enable( obj.param1 )
			case "Disable":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param1 ":+Disabled,`n" 
					Gui.Disable( obj.param1 )
			case "Destroy":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param1 ":Destroy,`n" 
					Gui.Destroy( obj.param1 )
			case "Get":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "GuiControlGet, " obj.param1 " , " obj.param4 ": " obj.param3 " , " obj.param2 "`n"
					temp := obj.Param1
					%Temp% := Gui.Get( obj.param2 , obj.param3 , obj.param4 )
			case "Set":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "GuiControl, " obj.param4 ":" obj.param3 " , " obj.param1 " , " obj.param2 "`n"
					Gui.Set( obj.param1 , obj.param2 , obj.param3 , obj.param4 )
			case "Margin":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param3 ":Margin, " obj.param1 " , " obj.param2 "`n"
					Gui.Margin( obj.param1 , obj.param2 , obj.param3 )
			case "Color":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param3 ":Color, " obj.param1 " , " obj.param2 "`n"
					Gui.Color( obj.param1 , obj.param2 , obj.param3 )
			case "WindowPosition":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= obj.param1 ":= Gui.WindowPosition( " obj.param2 " )`n"
					temp := obj.param1
					%temp% := Gui.WindowPosition( obj.param2 )
			case "ControlPosition":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= obj.param1 ":= Gui.ControlPosition( " obj.param2 " , " obj.param3 " )`n"
					temp := obj.param1
					%temp% := Gui.ControlPosition( obj.param2 , obj.param3 )
			case "Add":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= ";" obj.param2 "`nGui, " obj.param5 ":Add, " obj.param2 " ," obj.param3 " hwndhwnd , " obj.param4 "`n"
					This.Clip .= "AutoGui." obj.param5 "." obj.param1 " := { Hwnd: hwnd , Value: """ obj.param4 """ }`n"
					This.Clip .= "AutoGui." obj.param5 ".Handles[hwnd] := """ obj.param1 """`n`n"
					temp := obj.param1
					if( instr( obj.param3 , "g" ) ){
						ta := StrSplit( obj.param3 , " " )
						loop, % ta.Length()	{
							if( instr( ta[A_index] , "g" ) != 1 )
								parambackup .= ta[A_Index] " "
						parambackup := obj.param3
					%temp% := Gui.Add( obj.param2 , parambackup , obj.param4 , obj.param5 )
			case "Font":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param3 ":Font, " obj.param2 " , " obj.param1 "`n"
					Gui.Font( obj.param1 , obj.param2 , obj.param3 )
			case "Options":
				if( This.output ){
					This.Clip .= "Gui, " obj.param2 ":" obj.param1 "`n"
					Gui.Options( obj.param1 , obj.param2 )
			case "Bind":
				ToolTip, Bind Not avaialable in the editor
				sleep, 1000
		local temp 
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl , 2
		if( ctrl = This.Controls.UpButton ){
			if( ( This.ElementActive - 1 ) < 1 )
			temp := This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ] 
			This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ] := This.Elements[ This.ElementActive - 1 ] 
			This.Elements[ This.ElementActive - 1 ] := temp
			if( ( This.ElementActive + 1 ) > This.ElementCount )
			temp := This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ] 
			This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ] := This.Elements[ This.ElementActive + 1 ] 
			This.Elements[ This.ElementActive + 1 ] := temp
		This.Clone := 1
		Gui.Set( This.Controls.RemoveButton , "" , ( Gui.Get( This.Controls.LockCheckBox , , "HBMain" ) ) ? ( "Enable" ) : ( "Disable" ) , "HBMain" )
		This.ElementActive := Gui.Get( This.Controls.ElementListBox , , "HBMain" )
	_Bind( Control , Method , Name := "HBMain" ){
		local fn := This[ Method ].Bind( This )
		Gui.Set( Control , fn , "+g" , Name )
		if( !This.ElementCount )
		This.Elements.RemoveAt( This.ElementActive )
		( This.ElementActive > This.ElementCount ) ? ( This.ElementActive := This.ElementCount )
		if( This.Clone && !This.Clone := 0 ){
			This.Elements[ This.ElementCount + 1 ] := {}
			for k, v in This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ]
				This.Elements[ This.ElementCount +1 ][k] := v
			This.ElementActive := ++This.ElementCount 
			This.ElementActive := ++This.ElementCount
			This.Elements[ This.ElementCount ] := {}
				This.Elements[ This.ElementCount ].Method := Gui.Get( This.Controls.MethodDDL ,, "HBMain" )
			}else {
				This.Elements[ This.ElementCount ].Method := This.Val
				This.Val := 0
		Loop, % 5	
			Gui.Set( This.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Edit" ] , "" , "Hide" , "HBMain" )
			, Gui.Set( This.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Text" ] , "" , "Hide" , "HBMain" )
		Loop, % This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Count
			Gui.Set( This.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Edit" ] , "" , "Show" , "HBMain" )
			, Gui.Set( This.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Text" ] , "" , "Show" , "HBMain" )
		Loop, % This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Count	
			Gui.Set( This.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Edit" ] , This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ][ "Param" A_Index ] ,, "HBMain")
		Gui.Set( This.Controls.PrototypeEdit , This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Prototype , , "HBMain" )
		Gui.Show( "AutoSize" , , "HBMain" )
		local tn := This.GuiName
		Loop, % This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Count	
			This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ][ "Param" A_Index ] := Gui.Get( This.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Edit" ] ,, "HBMain" )
		This.GuiName := This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ][ "Param" This.ParamCountList[ This.Elements[ This.ElementActive ].Method ].Count ]  
		( !This.GuiName ) ? ( This.GuiName := tn )
		Gui.Set( This.Controls.ElementListBox , This.ElementList , , "HBMain" )
		Gui.Set( This.Controls.ElementListBox , This.ElementActive , "Choose" , "HBMain" )
		This.ElementList := "~"
		Loop, % This.ElementCount	{
			if( This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method = "Add")
				This.ElementList .= This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method "`t" This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param2 "`t`t"  This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param4  "~"
			else if( This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method = "Margin" )
				This.ElementList .= This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method "`t`t`t" This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param1 "`t"  This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param2  "~"
			else if( This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method = "Color" )
				This.ElementList .= This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method "`t`t`t" This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param1 "`t"  This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param2  "~"
			else if( This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method = "New" )
				This.ElementList .= This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method "`t" This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param3 "`t`t"  This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param2  "~"
			else if( This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method = "Font" )
				This.ElementList .= This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method "`t`t" This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param1 "`t`t"  This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param2  "~"
			else if( This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method = "Options" )
				This.ElementList .= This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method "`t`t`t" This.Elements[ A_Index ].Param1  "~"
				This.ElementList .= This.Elements[ A_Index ].Method "~"

class Gui	{
	;Written By: Hellbent
	;Date: Sept 9th, 2021
	New( Options := "+AlwaysOnTop" , Name := 1 ){
		local hwnd
		Gui, % Name ":New", % Options " hwndhwnd "
		Gui[Name] := {}
		Gui[Name].ControlCount := 0
		Gui[Name].Handles := []
		Gui[Name].Controls := []
		Gui[Name].Hwnd := hwnd
		Gui[Hwnd] := Gui[Name]
		return hwnd
	Show( Options := "" , Title := "" , Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Show", % Options, % Title
	Hide( Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Hide"
	Enable( Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":-Disabled"
	Disable( Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":+Disabled"
	Destroy( Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Destroy"
		Gui[Name] := ""
	Get( Control , SubCommand := "" , Name := 1 ){
		local output
		GuiControlGet, output, % Name ":" SubCommand, % Control
		return output
	Set( Control , Value := "" , SubCommand := "" , Name := 1 ){
		GuiControl, % Name ":" SubCommand , % Control , % Value
	Margin( x := 10 , y := 10 , Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Margin", % x , % y
	Color( Color1 := "22262a" , Color2 := "000000" , Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Color", % Color1 , % Color2
	WindowPosition( Hwnd ){
		local x , y , w , h
		WinGetPos, x , y , w , h , % "ahk_id " Hwnd
		return { X: x , Y: y , W: w , H: h }
	ControlPosition( Hwnd , Name := 1 ){
		local x , y , w , h , pos
		GuiControlGet, pos , % Name ":pos", % Hwnd
		return { X: x , Y: y , W: w , H: h }
	Add( Type := "Button" , Options := "" , Display := "" , Name := 1 ){
		local hwnd 
		Gui, % Name ":Add", % Type, % Options " hwndhwnd " , % Display
		return Gui[Name].Controls[ ( Gui[Name].Handles[ hwnd ] := ++Gui[Name].ControlCount ) ] := hwnd
	Font( Font , Options := "" , Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Font", % Options, % Font
	Options( Options , Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":" Options
	Bind( Control , Method , BoundObject , Name := 1 ){
		local fn := Func( Method ).Bind( BoundObject )
		GuiControl, % Name ":+g", % Control, % fn
		Gui.Helper := {}
		Gui.Helper.MethodString := "New||Show|Hide|Enable|Disable|Destroy|Get|Set|Margin|Color|WindowPosition|ControlPosition|Add|Font|Options|Bind|"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList := {}
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.New := "GuiHwnd := Gui.New( options := ""+AlwaysOnTop"" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Show := "Gui.Show( Options := """" , Title := "" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Hide := "Gui.Hide( Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Enable := "Gui.Enable( Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Disable := "Gui.Disable( Name := 1 )" 
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Destroy := "Gui.Destroy( Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Get := "Output := Gui.Get( Control , SubCommand := """" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Set := "Gui.Set( Control , Value , SubCommand := """" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Margin := "Gui.Margin( x := 10 , y := 10 , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Color := "Gui.Color( Color1 := ""F0F0F0"" , Color2 := ""FFFFFF"" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.WindowPosition := "Pos := Gui.WindowPosition( GuiHwnd )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.ControlPosition := "Pos := Gui.ControlPosition( Control , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Add := "ControlHwnd := Gui.Add( Type := ""Button"" , Options := """" , Display := """" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Font := "Gui.Font( Font := """" , Options := """" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Options := "Gui.Options( Options := """" , Name := 1 )"
		Gui.Helper.MethodList.Bind := "Gui.Bind(  Control , Method , BoundObject , Name := 1  )"
		Gui.Destroy( "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.New( "+AlwaysOnTop" , "GuiHelper" , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Color( "22262a" , "62768a" , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Margin( 10 , 20 , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Font( "Segoe UI" , "s10 cWhite Bold Q5"  , Name := "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Helper.ListBox := Gui.Add( "ListBox" , "xm ym w350 r" Gui.Helper.MethodList.Count() , Gui.Helper.MethodString , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Helper.Button := Gui.Add( "Button" , "xm w350 " , "Clipboard Method" , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Bind( Gui.Helper.Button , "Gui._HelperClipIt" , "" , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Bind( Gui.Helper.ListBox , "Gui._HelperDisplayIt" , "" , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Helper.Edit := Gui.Add( "Edit" , "xm w350 r1" , "" , "GuiHelper" )
		Gui.Show( , , "GuiHelper" )
		local selected := Gui.Get( Gui.Helper.ListBox ,, "GuiHelper" ) , cc := Gui.Helper.MethodList
		Clipboard := Gui.Helper.MethodList[selected]
		local selected := Gui.Get( Gui.Helper.ListBox ,, "GuiHelper" ) , cc := Gui.Helper.MethodList
		Gui.Set( Gui.Helper.Edit , Gui.Helper.MethodList[selected] , , "GuiHelper" )
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Posts: 296
Joined: 07 Jun 2020, 16:57

Re: [Tool] Gui Prototype Maker

25 Jul 2022, 11:34

Very useful. Wish I had this earlier. Lol

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