Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

09 Feb 2017, 14:43

I dont have the WMPLOC.DLL on my computer so i get errors, im on windows 10
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

09 Feb 2017, 15:28

Just comment out the lines that call it. You won't have the icon for the menu items that used it but that is the quickest/easiest way to remedy it.

Or you could download it here and put it in these locations:
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

14 May 2017, 20:59

I'm looking forward to our Webinar this Tuesday @ 4 EST on Web scraping with AutoHotkey.
Here's the original post and signup link
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

24 Jul 2017, 18:07

Hi Joe,
thanks for the awesome tutorial.
one simple script , but I cannot get it work,

Here my script
. First I have an error that says
C:\IT\AutoHotKey\SciTE\OMSItrade.ahk (1) : ==> Function library not found.
Specifically: #Include <default_Settings>

Code: Select all

#Include <default_Settings>
pwb := WBGet()

var:=pwb.LocationURL ;grab current url

MsgBox,,page url, % var

so I tried to just remove #Include <default_Settings>. to get over the error.
I have IE page open to amazon login just like your first video. I press the green triangle button but there is no message box?

any idea? thank you
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

24 Jul 2017, 21:51

Hi bobnoob,
Yes, definitely comment out the #include default. It is a file on my computer that I use "everywhere" but is not needed.

If you're using the syntax writer you should have had the "WBGet" function also pasted to that page when you used it. Basically you're trying to use the wbGET function when your code shows: pwb :=WBGet()

The syntax writer would have inserted the following :

Code: Select all

pwb := WBGet()

;************Pointer to Open IE Window******************
WBGet(WinTitle="ahk_class IEFrame", Svr#=1) {               ;// based on ComObjQuery docs
   static msg := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "str", "WM_HTML_GETOBJECT")
        , IID := "{0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"   ;// IID_IWebBrowserApp
;//     , IID := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}"   ;// IID_IHTMLWindow2
   SendMessage msg, 0, 0, Internet Explorer_Server%Svr#%, %WinTitle%

   if (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") {
      lResult:=ErrorLevel, VarSetCapacity(GUID,16,0)
      if DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr","{332C4425-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}", "ptr",&GUID) >= 0 {
         DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr",lResult, "ptr",&GUID, "ptr",0, "ptr*",pdoc)
         return ComObj(9,ComObjQuery(pdoc,IID,IID),1), ObjRelease(pdoc)
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

25 Jul 2017, 16:11

Sorry Yes, it does have that too.
I just push it down , as I was watching your video and I follow step by step . unfortunately it didn't go as well as the video.

do I just click the green Triangle and it will show message box right?

does it matter that I am running my SciTE.exe from this location: C:\IT\AutoHotKey\SciTE\SciTE.exe

here is some screenshot. I click the green triangle .. but I don't see a message box.

thank you again
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

25 Jul 2017, 16:24

do I just click the green Triangle and it will show message box right?
Press Browser_Back.
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

25 Jul 2017, 17:20

Helgef wrote:
do I just click the green Triangle and it will show message box right?
Press Browser_Back.

sorry I am :crazy: slow... where do I press browser_back?

you mean press with my left mouse click?

this browser back

or this?

thank you
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

25 Jul 2017, 21:53

Hi bobnoob,

It would be a bit time consuming for me to answer in an post. Do you want to email me at Joe@the-Automator.com and we'll plan a time to have a webex type call where I can walk you through some things?
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

26 Jul 2017, 23:49

OK it;s working now.
The fix is to get rid of

Code: Select all


Now I can fill in the user name and password for the website I tried to scrap. But I cannot click the button.
Can you please check this website and advise on how to click the logon button??

thank you so much for replying

I have tried using iWB2 Learner. it says the login button has ID and index. but it has no name.

I tried this code to click the login. but it does not work. pwb.document.all.getElementByID("ext-gen32").click()

I did some success with this code. I just simulate enter key.
Sleep, 1000
SendInput {Enter 2}

I think I am off to a good start.

I still have a lot of questions. But I will start my own thread.

Thank you very much!!
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

29 Jul 2017, 17:40

Code: Select all

This works. Apparently, when you try it with the "get ID" method, it gives you the text area on the button, but not the button itself. I think normally "click" on such a text area works, but not on this page. So I used "get elements by class name" to get at one of the layers above the button text: any of the layers that have something with "btn" works on this page, apparently.

Notice the "[1]". The thingy "get elements" gives a collection of results, not just a single results. But you can only act on a single thing or get the content of a single thing (at least in this way). That's why you always need a number when you use a "plural" get/select thingy, if you want to act on it.

Note also that 1 means the second element, and 0 means the first element: that's called "zero indexing", and for some reason that fails to convince me, many computer languages use zero indexing.
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

28 Aug 2017, 09:54

I want to get the "current" url of the 2nd frame of 2 frame frameset. It displays many different pages, while the address bar shows the original
url you started out with. It never changes. When I grab the location.href or the src, it keeps coming back with the address bar url. I need the
active url of the fames page. I do not see anything in these frame pages source code to indicate their url.

These return the address bar only. Not what I want.
;myURL := wb.document.parentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("frame")[1].src
;myURL := wb.document.parentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("frame")[1].document.location.href

I would prefer COM solution.

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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

28 Aug 2017, 10:19

This gets it right.
myURL := wb.document.parentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("frame")[1].LocationURL
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

28 Aug 2017, 15:06

I tried your code on a page that I use having frames and it did not work. I'm guessing it is something that is going to be different depending on how view page is built. Thank you for sharing
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

17 Mar 2018, 08:20

Hello 8-)
I would like to read values from a website and store them in a variable.
I use the iWB2 Learner program which gives me the following information:

index: 2050 (change depending on the fields)
name :(empty)
ID :(empty)
Frame # : IFRAME.1
index : 411 (never changes)
name : z1menuAppFrame (never changes)
id : z1menuAppFrame (never changes)
InnerText : 123456 (change depending on the fields)
OuterHTML : <div tabindex = "- 1" style = "width: 79px; text-align: left;"> 123456 </ div>

I can not use
Var:=pwb.document.all.XXXXXXX.Value ;Unique ID -no dashes
Var:=pwb.document.GetElementsByName("XXXX")[0].Value ;Object Name- Get array value
Var:=pwb.document.getElementByID("XXX").Value ;Unique ID-with dashes
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

17 Mar 2018, 08:33

The fact you have frames is what is causing you the issue. Check out my video dealing with frames.
http://the-automator.com/web-scraping-w ... 04-frames/
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

17 Mar 2018, 09:07

Don't thank me yet. Frames suck! LOL
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Re: Web Scraping with AutoHotkey & COM Tutorial- GUI syntax writer and demo videos

19 Mar 2018, 09:57

Actually it's complicated! :evil:
I looked at the source code of the page. the data is here

Code: Select all

var Data_1=[new Array(1,"blank.gif","A","ABCDEFG","123456","sSSSSS","55","BOUBOU","")

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