@dbgba, I'd be curious to see some code where you've integrated SeleniumBasic with Chrome.ahk. Sounds interesting!
Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK
Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK
@burque505, I just did a simple integration, mainly to stop relying on Chrome.ahk for JS calls. Many times Xpath is more efficient to use
Code: Select all
wd := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.IWebDriver")
svc := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.ChromeDriverService")
options := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.ChromeOptions")
svc.CreateDefaultService.driverPath := "I:\Chrome"
options.BinaryLocation := "I:\Chrome\chrome.exe"
svc.HideCommandPromptWindow := True
options.AddArgument("--remote-debugging-port=9222 ")
options.AddExcludedArgument("--enable-automation ")
wd.New_ChromeDriver(svc, options)
ChromeInst := new Chrome("ChromeProfile", , , options.BinaryLocation, , 1)
Chrome := ChromeInst.GetPage()
wd.URL := ("https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/")
Chrome.Evaluate("document.querySelector('#keywords').value='SeleniumBasic';") ; Enter text in the search box
Chrome.Evaluate("document.querySelector('#search > fieldset > button').click();") ; Click the search button
Chrome.WaitForLoad() ; Wait for the page to finish loading
MsgBox % "Chrome: " Chrome.Evaluate("document.title;").Value
MsgBox % "SeleniumBasic: " wd.executeScript("return document.title;")
Loop 300
if (wd.FindElementByXpath("//*[@id='page-body']/div[3]/div/div/div/div").text)
Sleep 100
MsgBox % wd.FindElementByXpath("//*[@id='page-body']/div[3]/div/div/div/div").text
class Chrome
static DebugPort := 9222
Escape a string in a manner suitable for command line parameters
return """" RegExReplace(Param, "(\\*)""", "$1$1\""") """"
Finds instances of chrome in debug mode and the ports they're running
on. If no instances are found, returns a false value. If one or more
instances are found, returns an associative array where the keys are
the ports, and the values are the full command line texts used to start
the processes.
One example of how this may be used would be to open chrome on a
different port if an instance of chrome is already open on the port
you wanted to used.
; If the wanted port is taken, use the largest taken port plus one
DebugPort := 9222
if (Chromes := Chrome.FindInstances()).HasKey(DebugPort)
DebugPort := Chromes.MaxIndex() + 1
ChromeInst := new Chrome(ProfilePath,,,, DebugPort)
Another use would be to scan for running instances and attach to one
instead of starting a new instance.
if (Chromes := Chrome.FindInstances())
ChromeInst := {"base": Chrome, "DebugPort": Chromes.MinIndex(), PID: Chromes[Chromes.MinIndex(), "PID"]}
ChromeInst := new Chrome(ProfilePath)
Out := {}
for Item in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = 'chrome.exe'")
if RegExMatch(Item.CommandLine, "i)chrome.exe""?\s+--remote-debugging-port=(\d+)", Match)
Out[Match1] := {cmd: Item.CommandLine, PID: Item.ProcessId}
return Out.MaxIndex() ? Out : False
ProfilePath - Path to the user profile directory to use. Will use the standard if left blank.
URLs - The page or array of pages for Chrome to load when it opens
Flags - Additional flags for chrome when launching
ChromePath - Path to chrome.exe, will detect from start menu when left blank
DebugPort - What port should Chrome's remote debugging server run on
__New(ProfilePath:="ChromeProfile", URLs:="about:blank", Flags:="", ChromePath:="", DebugPort:="", Runexe:=0)
if (ProfilePath == "")
throw Exception("Need a profile directory")
; Verify ProfilePath
if (!InStr(FileExist(ProfilePath), "D"))
FileCreateDir, %ProfilePath%
if (ErrorLevel = 1)
throw Exception("Failed to create the profile directory")
this.ProfilePath := ProfilePath
; Verify ChromePath
if (ChromePath == "")
; By using winmgmts to get the path of a shortcut file we fix an edge case where the path is retreived incorrectly
; if using the ahk executable with a different architecture than the OS (using 32bit AHK on a 64bit OS for example)
try ChromePath := ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ShortcutFile where Name=""" StrReplace(A_StartMenuCommon "\Programs\Google Chrome.lnk", "\", "\\") """").ItemIndex(0).Target
; FileGetShortcut, %A_StartMenuCommon%\Programs\Google Chrome.lnk, ChromePath
if (ChromePath == "")
RegRead, ChromePath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe
if !FileExist(ChromePath)
throw Exception("Chrome could not be found")
this.ChromePath := ChromePath
; Verify DebugPort
if (DebugPort != "")
if DebugPort is not integer
throw Exception("DebugPort must be a positive integer")
else if (DebugPort <= 0)
throw Exception("DebugPort must be a positive integer")
this.DebugPort := DebugPort
; Escape the URL(s)
for Index, URL in IsObject(URLs) ? URLs : [URLs]
URLString .= " " this.CliEscape(URL)
if !Runexe
Run, % this.CliEscape(ChromePath)
. " --remote-debugging-port=" this.DebugPort
. (ProfilePath ? " --user-data-dir=" this.CliEscape(ProfilePath) : "")
. (Flags ? " " Flags : "")
. URLString
,,, OutputVarPID
this.PID := OutputVarPID
End Chrome by terminating the process.
Process, Close, % this.PID
Queries chrome for a list of pages that expose a debug interface.
In addition to standard tabs, these include pages such as extension
configuration pages.
http := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
StartTime := A_TickCount
while (A_TickCount-StartTime < 10*1000)
; It is easy to fail here because "new chrome()" takes a long time to execute.
; Therefore, it will be tried again and again within 10 seconds until it succeeds or timeout.
http.Open("GET", "" this.DebugPort "/json", true)
if (http.Status = 200)
Sleep, 50
return LightJson.Parse(http.responseText)
Returns a connection to the debug interface of a page that matches the
provided criteria. When multiple pages match the criteria, they appear
ordered by how recently the pages were opened.
Key - The key from the page list to search for, such as "url" or "title"
Value - The value to search for in the provided key
MatchMode - What kind of search to use, such as "exact", "contains", "startswith", or "regex"
Index - If multiple pages match the given criteria, which one of them to return
Timeout - Maximum number of seconds to wait for the page connection
fnCallback - A function to be called whenever message is received from the page
GetPageBy(Key, Value, MatchMode:="exact", Index:=1, Timeout:=30, fnCallback:="", fnClose:="")
Count := 0
for n, PageData in this.GetPageList()
if (((MatchMode = "exact" && PageData[Key] = Value) ; Case insensitive
|| (MatchMode = "contains" && InStr(PageData[Key], Value))
|| (MatchMode = "startswith" && InStr(PageData[Key], Value) == 1)
|| (MatchMode = "regex" && PageData[Key] ~= Value))
&& ++Count == Index)
return new this.Page(PageData.webSocketDebuggerUrl, Timeout, fnCallback, fnClose)
Shorthand for GetPageBy("url", Value, "startswith")
GetPageByURL(Value, MatchMode:="startswith", Index:=1, Timeout:=30, fnCallback:="", fnClose:="")
return this.GetPageBy("url", Value, MatchMode, Index, Timeout, fnCallback, fnClose)
Shorthand for GetPageBy("title", Value, "startswith")
GetPageByTitle(Value, MatchMode:="startswith", Index:=1, Timeout:=30, fnCallback:="", fnClose:="")
return this.GetPageBy("title", Value, MatchMode, Index, Timeout, fnCallback, fnClose)
Shorthand for GetPageBy("type", Type, "exact")
The default type to search for is "page", which is the visible area of
a normal Chrome tab.
GetPage(Index:=1, Type:="page", Timeout:=30, fnCallback:="", fnClose:="")
return this.GetPageBy("type", Type, "exact", Index, Timeout, fnCallback, fnClose)
Connects to the debug interface of a page given its WebSocket URL.
class Page
Connected := False
ID := 0
Responses := []
wsurl - The desired page's WebSocket URL
timeout - Maximum number of seconds to wait for the page connection
fnCallback - A function to be called whenever message is received
fnClose - A function to be called whenever the page connection is lost
__New(wsurl, timeout:=30, fnCallback:="", fnClose:="")
this.fnCallback := fnCallback
this.fnClose := fnClose
; Here is no waiting for a response so no need to add a timeout
this.BoundKeepAlive := this.Call.Bind(this, "Browser.getVersion",, False)
; TODO: Throw exception on invalid objects
if IsObject(wsurl)
wsurl := wsurl.webSocketDebuggerUrl
wsurl := StrReplace(wsurl, "localhost", "")
this.ws := {"base": this.WebSocket, "_Event": this.Event, "Parent": this}
this.ws.__New(wsurl, timeout)
; The timeout here is perhaps duplicated with the previous line
StartTime := A_TickCount
while !this.Connected
if (A_TickCount-StartTime > timeout*1000)
throw Exception("Page connection timeout")
Sleep, 50
Calls the specified endpoint and provides it with the given
DomainAndMethod - The endpoint domain and method name for the
endpoint you would like to call. For example:
Params - An associative array of parameters to be provided to the
endpoint. For example:
PageInst.Call("Page.printToPDF", {"scale": 0.5 ; Numeric Value
, "landscape": LightJson.true ; Boolean Value
, "pageRanges: "1-5, 8, 11-13"}) ; String value
PageInst.Call("Page.navigate", {"url": "https://autohotkey.com/"})
WaitForResponse - Whether to block until a response is received from
Chrome, which is necessary to receive a return value, or whether
to continue on with the script without waiting for a response.
Timeout - Maximum number of seconds to wait for a response.
Call(DomainAndMethod, Params:="", WaitForResponse:=True, Timeout:=30)
if !this.Connected
throw Exception("Not connected to tab")
; Use a temporary variable for ID in case more calls are made
; before we receive a response.
ID := this.ID += 1
this.ws.Send(LightJson.Stringify({"id": ID
, "params": Params ? Params : {}
, "method": DomainAndMethod}))
if !WaitForResponse
; Wait for the response
this.responses[ID] := False
StartTime := A_TickCount
while !this.responses[ID]
if (A_TickCount-StartTime > Timeout*1000)
throw Exception(DomainAndMethod " response timeout")
Sleep, 50
; Get the response, check if it's an error
response := this.responses.Delete(ID)
if (response.error)
throw Exception("Chrome indicated error in response",, LightJson.Stringify(response.error))
return response.result
Run some JavaScript on the page. For example:
PageInst.Evaluate("alert(""I can't believe it's not IE!"");")
Evaluate(JS, Timeout:=30)
response := this.Call("Runtime.evaluate",
( LTrim Join
"expression": JS,
"objectGroup": "console",
"includeCommandLineAPI": LightJson.true,
"silent": LightJson.false,
"returnByValue": LightJson.false,
"userGesture": LightJson.true,
"awaitPromise": LightJson.false
), Timeout)
if (response.exceptionDetails)
throw Exception(response.result.description,, LightJson.Stringify(response.exceptionDetails))
return response.result
Waits for the page's readyState to match the DesiredState.
DesiredState - The state to wait for the page's ReadyState to match
Interval - How often it should check whether the state matches
Timeout - Maximum number of seconds to wait for the page's ReadyState to match
WaitForLoad(DesiredState:="complete", Interval:=100, Timeout:=30)
StartTime := A_TickCount
while this.Evaluate("document.readyState").value != DesiredState
if (A_TickCount-StartTime > Timeout*1000)
throw Exception("Wait for page " DesiredState " timeout")
Sleep, Interval
Internal function triggered when the script receives a message on
the WebSocket connected to the page.
Event(EventName, Event)
; If it was called from the WebSocket adjust the class context
if this.Parent
this := this.Parent
; TODO: Handle Error events
if (EventName == "Open")
this.Connected := True
BoundKeepAlive := this.BoundKeepAlive
SetTimer, %BoundKeepAlive%, 15000
else if (EventName == "Message")
data := LightJson.Parse(Event.data)
; Run the callback routine
fnCallback := this.fnCallback
if (newData := %fnCallback%(data))
data := newData
if this.responses.HasKey(data.ID)
this.responses[data.ID] := data
else if (EventName == "Close")
else if (EventName == "Error")
throw Exception("Websocket Error!")
Disconnect from the page's debug interface, allowing the instance
to be garbage collected.
This method should always be called when you are finished with a
page or else your script will leak memory.
if !this.Connected
this.Connected := False
BoundKeepAlive := this.BoundKeepAlive
SetTimer, %BoundKeepAlive%, Delete
class WebSocket
__New(WS_URL, Timeout:=30)
static wb
; Create an IE instance
Gui, +hWndhOld
Gui, New, +hWndhWnd
this.hWnd := hWnd
Gui, Add, ActiveX, vWB, Shell.Explorer
Gui, %hOld%: Default
; Write an appropriate document
WB.Navigate("about:<!DOCTYPE html><meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'"
. "content='IE=edge'><body></body>")
StartTime := A_TickCount
while (WB.ReadyState < 4)
if (A_TickCount-StartTime > Timeout*1000)
throw Exception("Connect to a WebSocket server timeout")
Sleep, 50
this.document := WB.document
; Add our handlers to the JavaScript namespace
this.document.parentWindow.ahk_savews := this._SaveWS.Bind(this)
this.document.parentWindow.ahk_event := this._Event.Bind(this)
this.document.parentWindow.ahk_ws_url := WS_URL
; Add some JavaScript to the page to open a socket
; Here is the JS code, no need to add a timeout
Script := this.document.createElement("script")
Script.text := "ws = new WebSocket(ahk_ws_url);`n"
. "ws.onopen = function(event){ ahk_event('Open', event); };`n"
. "ws.onclose = function(event){ ahk_event('Close', event); };`n"
. "ws.onerror = function(event){ ahk_event('Error', event); };`n"
. "ws.onmessage = function(event){ ahk_event('Message', event); };"
; Called by the JS in response to WS events
_Event(EventName, Event)
this["On" EventName](Event)
; Sends data through the WebSocket
; Closes the WebSocket connection
Close(Code:=1000, Reason:="")
this.document.parentWindow.ws.close(Code, Reason)
; Closes and deletes the WebSocket, removing
; references so the class can be garbage collected
if this.hWnd
Gui, % this.hWnd ": Destroy"
this.hWnd := False
class LightJson
static JS := LightJson.GetJS(), true := {}, false := {}, null := {}
Parse(json, _rec := false) {
if !_rec
obj := this.Parse(this.JS.JSON.parse(json), true)
else if !IsObject(json)
obj := json
else if this.JS.Object.prototype.toString.call(json) == "[object Array]" {
obj := []
Loop % json.length
obj.Push( this.Parse(json[A_Index - 1], true) )
else {
obj := {}
keys := this.JS.Object.keys(json)
Loop % keys.length {
k := keys[A_Index - 1]
obj[k] := this.Parse(json[k], true)
Return obj
Stringify(obj, indent := "") {
if indent|1 {
for k, v in ["true", "false", "null"]
if (obj = this[v])
Return v
if IsObject( obj ) {
isArray := true
for key in obj {
if IsObject(key)
throw Exception("Invalid key")
if !( key = A_Index || isArray := false )
for k, v in obj
str .= ( A_Index = 1 ? "" : "," ) . ( isArray ? "" : this.Stringify(k, true) . ":" ) . this.Stringify(v, true)
Return str = "" ? "{}" : isArray ? "[" . str . "]" : "{" . str . "}"
else if !(obj*1 = "" || RegExMatch(obj, "^-?0|\s"))
Return obj
for k, v in [["\", "\\"], [A_Tab, "\t"], ["""", "\"""], ["/", "\/"], ["`n", "\n"], ["`r", "\r"], [Chr(12), "\f"], [Chr(8), "\b"]]
obj := StrReplace( obj, v[1], v[2] )
Return """" obj """"
sObj := this.Stringify(obj, true)
Return this.JS.eval("JSON.stringify(" . sObj . ",'','" . indent . "')")
GetJS() {
static Doc, JS
if !Doc {
Doc := ComObjCreate("htmlfile")
Doc.write("<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=9"">")
JS := Doc.parentWindow
( Doc.documentMode < 9 && JS.execScript() )
Return JS
Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK
@dbgba, thanks for sharing this!
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 12 Apr 2022, 05:52
Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK
Thank you very much for your codes and help, it helped a lot, now I have finished my code to the end. [Mod edit: Removed spammy link.]
Last edited by gregster on 12 Apr 2022, 06:03, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK
Is it possible to control the debug port in chrome that already exists?
I tried the selenium code below but it doesn't work
Is there any other way to debug it?
Is it possible to control the debug port in chrome that already exists?
I tried the selenium code below but it doesn't work
Is there any other way to debug it?
Code: Select all
run % "chrome.exe --start-maximized -incognito --remote-debugging-port=9222"
wd.SetCapability("debuggerAddress", "")
options.SetCapability("debuggerAddress", "")
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