MS Office Excel COM Interface Constants

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MS Office Excel COM Interface Constants

Post by jeeswg » 01 Jul 2017, 10:33

[2051 constants (via OfficeInfo.ahk)]
[ms office constants (excel).ahk]
jeeswg/AutoHotkey-scripts: AutoHotkey scripts

see also:
MS Office Word COM Interface Constants - AutoHotkey Community


A script to look for variables that start with 'xl' or 'wd', and retrieve their contents, to check if they are defined or blank.

Code: Select all

q:: ;check if MS Office (Excel/Word) constants are defined
Clipboard := ""
SendInput ^c
ClipWait, 3
vText := Clipboard
vText := RegExReplace(vText, "\W+", " ")
vList := "`n"
vOutput := ""
Loop, Parse, vText, % " "
	vTemp := A_LoopField
	if ((SubStr(vTemp, 1, 2) = "xl") ;Excel
	|| (SubStr(vTemp, 1, 2) = "wd")) ;Word
	&& !InStr(vList, "`n" vTemp "`n")
		vList .= vTemp "`n", vOutput .= vTemp " := " %vTemp% "`r`n"
vList := ""
Clipboard := vOutput
MsgBox, % vOutput

Using OfficeInfo.ahk by kon, and ImportTypeLib.ahk by maul.esel, you can create an object with lots of MS Office constants and their values (in my case 10343 constants), which you can use to get the value for a particular MS Office constant. (Tested with MS Office 2007.)

Code: Select all

;[ImportTypeLib.ahk][click 'Download (for regular users)']
;[AHK_L] ImportTypeLib - extended COM support! - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community

;[OfficeInfo.ahk][3rd code box at:]
;OfficeInfo - MS Office COM constants - AutoHotkey Community

#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\ImportTypeLib.ahk
#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\OfficeInfo.ahk


q:: ;get values for a list of Office constants
oOfficeInfo := new OfficeInfo
vList := "xlClipboardFormatToolFace,ppMediaTypeMixed,wdLayoutModeGenko,msoAfterLastSibling" ;this list is from an example script by kon
vOutput := ""
Loop, Parse, vList, % ","
	vOutput .= A_LoopField " := " oOfficeInfo[A_LoopField] "`r`n"
Clipboard := vOutput
oOfficeInfo := ""
MsgBox, % vOutput


w:: ;check selected text for Excel/Word constants and try to retrieve their values
oOfficeInfo := new OfficeInfo
Clipboard := ""
SendInput ^c
ClipWait, 3
vText := Clipboard
vText := RegExReplace(vText, "\W+", " ")
vList := "`n"
vOutput := ""
Loop, Parse, vText, % " "
	vTemp := A_LoopField
	if ((SubStr(vTemp, 1, 2) = "xl") ;Excel
	|| (SubStr(vTemp, 1, 2) = "wd")) ;Word
	&& !InStr(vList, "`n" vTemp "`n")
		vList .= vTemp "`n", vOutput .= vTemp " := " oOfficeInfo[vTemp] "`r`n"
vList := ""
Clipboard := vOutput
oOfficeInfo := ""
MsgBox, % vOutput


e:: ;get constants from OfficeInfo object
oOfficeInfo := new OfficeInfo
vOutput := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput, 1000000*2)
for vKey, vValue in oOfficeInfo
	vOutput .= vKey " := " vValue "`r`n"
Clipboard := vOutput
oOfficeInfo := ""
MsgBox, % "done"

Re. True and False:

Excel COM Help - AutoHotkey Community ... 54#p156354

Excel (sheets): True:1, False:0
Excel (VBA/macro): True:-1, False:0
In my experience, (numbers are roughly estimated)
  • 1 Works 90% of the time
  • -1 Works 99% of the time
  • ComObj(0xB,-1) works when the other two fail.
MS Office COM Basics - AutoHotkey Community ... 84#p111484
Classic VB - Why is TRUE equal to -1 and not 1?-VBForums ... -and-not-1
Last edited by jeeswg on 03 Jul 2017, 20:31, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: MS Office COM Interface Constants (as libraries)

Post by jeeswg » 01 Jul 2017, 10:34

[2051 constants (via OfficeInfo.ahk)]
[ms office constants (excel).ahk]
jeeswg/AutoHotkey-scripts: AutoHotkey scripts

Code: Select all

;[773 constants (from TLM's list)]
;MS Office COM Interface Constants - AutoHotkey Community

xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture := 492
xlDialogAutoCorrect := 485
xlDialogFileSharing := 481
xlDialogVbaMakeAddin := 478
xlDialogActiveCellFont := 476
xlDialogFindFile := 475
xlDialogProperties := 474
xlDialogSummaryInfo := 474
xlDialogScenarioMerge := 473
xlDialogStandardWidth := 472
xlDialogMailEditMailer := 470
xlDialogSeriesOrder := 466
xlDialogFormatChart := 465
xlDialogErrorbarY := 464
xlDialogErrorbarX := 463
xlDialogSeriesY := 462
xlDialogSeriesX := 461
xlDialogSeriesAxes := 460
xlDialogOptionsListsAdd := 458
xlDialogSaveCopyAs := 456
xlDialogFunctionWizard := 450
xlDialogFilter := 447
xlDialogPushbuttonProperties := 445
xlDialogOpenText := 441
xlDialogEditboxProperties := 438
xlDialogListboxProperties := 437
xlDialogLabelProperties := 436
xlDialogCheckboxProperties := 435
xlDialogPivotFieldUngroup := 434
xlDialogPivotFieldGroup := 433
xlDialogFormatCharttype := 423
xlDialogTextToColumns := 422
xlDialogPivotShowPages := 421
xlDialogScrollbarProperties := 420
xlDialogWorkbookProtect := 417
xlDialogWorkbookTabSplit := 415
xlDialogSubtotalCreate := 398
xlDialogTabOrder := 394
xlDialogChartAddData := 392
xlDialogAddChartAutoformat := 390
xlDialogGalleryCustom := 388
xlDialogWorkbookName := 386
xlDialogWorkbookUnhide := 384
xlDialogMacroOptions := 382
xlDialogFontProperties := 381
xlDialogInsertTitle := 380
xlDialogDataLabel := 379
xlDialogMailNextLetter := 378
xlDialogFilterAdvanced := 370
xlDialogOptionsGeneral := 356
xlDialogOptionsTransition := 355
xlDialogWorkbookInsert := 354
xlDialogChartTrend := 350
xlDialogGalleryDoughnut := 344
xlDialogInsertPicture := 342
xlDialogMailLogon := 339
xlDialogRoutingSlip := 336
xlDialogVbaProcedureDefinition := 330
xlDialogVbaInsertFile := 328
xlDialogOptionsChart := 325
xlDialogAttachToolbars := 323
xlDialogMenuEditor := 322
xlDialogAddinManager := 321
xlDialogOptionsView := 320
xlDialogOptionsEdit := 319
xlDialogOptionsCalculation := 318
xlDialogPivotFieldProperties := 313
xlDialogPivotTableWizard := 312
xlDialogScenarioSummary := 311
xlDialogScenarioEdit := 308
xlDialogScenarioAdd := 307
xlDialogScenarioCells := 305
xlDialogWorkbookNew := 302
xlDialogFillWorkgroup := 301
xlDialogPlacement := 300
xlDialogAssignToTool := 293
xlDialogChartWizard := 288
xlDialogSaveWorkspace := 285
xlDialogWorkbookOptions := 284
xlDialogWorkbookCopy := 283
xlDialogWorkbookMove := 282
xlDialogWorkbookAdd := 281
xlDialogCustomizeToolbar := 276
xlDialogGallery3dSurface := 273
xlDialogGallery3dBar := 272
xlDialogFormatAuto := 269
xlDialogMove := 262
xlDialogSize := 261
xlDialogInsertObject := 259
xlDialogZoom := 256
xlDialogEditionOptions := 251
xlDialogGalleryRadar := 249
xlDialogDefineStyle := 229
xlDialogEditSeries := 228
xlDialogFormatOverlay := 226
xlDialogFormatMain := 225
xlDialogEditColor := 223
xlDialogPrintPreview := 222
xlDialogShowToolbar := 220
xlDialogSubscribeTo := 218
xlDialogCreatePublisher := 217
xlDialogObjectProtection := 214
xlDialogAssignToObject := 213
xlDialogApplyStyle := 212
xlDialogSaveNewObject := 208
xlDialogObjectProperties := 207
xlDialogShowDetail := 204
xlDialogDemote := 203
xlDialogPromote := 202
xlDialogUpdateLink := 201
xlDialogFillGroup := 200
xlDialogWorkgroup := 199
xlDialogGoalSeek := 198
xlDialogView3d := 197
xlDialogGallery3dPie := 196
xlDialogGallery3dLine := 195
xlDialogGallery3dColumn := 194
xlDialogGallery3dArea := 193
xlDialogSortSpecial := 192
xlDialogConsolidate := 191
xlDialogStandardFont := 190
xlDialogSendMail := 189
xlDialogOpenMail := 188
xlDialogOverlayChartType := 186
xlDialogMainChartType := 185
xlDialogAppSize := 171
xlDialogAppMove := 170
xlDialogChangeLink := 166
xlDialogColorPalette := 161
xlDialogSetUpdateStatus := 159
xlDialogNote := 154
xlDialogFormatFont := 150
xlDialogCopyChart := 147
xlDialogSaveWorkbook := 145
xlDialogOutline := 142
xlDialogSplit := 137
xlDialogReplaceFont := 134
xlDialogApplyNames := 133
xlDialogSelectSpecial := 132
xlDialogFormulaReplace := 130
xlDialogFormatSize := 129
xlDialogFormatMove := 128
xlDialogRowHeight := 127
xlDialogNew := 119
xlDialogDeleteFormat := 111
xlDialogDeleteName := 110
xlDialogCopyPicture := 108
xlDialogActivate := 103
xlDialogWorkspace := 95
xlDialogUnhide := 94
xlDialogParse := 91
xlDialogFormatText := 89
xlDialogFormatLegend := 88
xlDialogScale := 87
xlDialogOverlay := 86
xlDialogMainChart := 85
xlDialogPatterns := 84
xlDialogAttachText := 80
xlDialogAxes := 78
xlDialogGridlines := 76
xlDialogCombination := 73
xlDialogGalleryScatter := 72
xlDialogGalleryPie := 71
xlDialogGalleryLine := 70
xlDialogGalleryColumn := 69
xlDialogGalleryBar := 68
xlDialogGalleryArea := 67
xlDialogFormulaFind := 64
xlDialogFormulaGoto := 63
xlDialogCreateNames := 62
xlDialogDefineName := 61
xlDialogInsert := 55
xlDialogEditDelete := 54
xlDialogPasteSpecial := 53
xlDialogClear := 52
xlDialogColumnWidth := 47
xlDialogCellProtection := 46
xlDialogBorder := 45
xlDialogStyle := 44
xlDialogAlignment := 43
xlDialogFormatNumber := 42
xlDialogTable := 41
xlDialogDataSeries := 40
xlDialogSort := 39
xlDialogDataDelete := 36
xlDialogExtract := 35
xlDialogCalculation := 32
xlDialogProtectDocument := 28
xlDialogDisplay := 27
xlDialogFont := 26
xlDialogSetPrintTitles := 23
xlDialogRun := 17
xlDialogWindowMove := 14
xlDialogWindowSize := 13
xlDialogArrangeAll := 12
xlDialogPrinterSetup := 9
xlDialogPrint := 8
xlDialogPageSetup := 7
xlDialogFileDelete := 6
xlDialogSaveAs := 5
xlDialogOpenLinks := 2
xlDialogOpen := 1
xlZero := 2
xlYes := 1
xlYearCode := 19
xlYear := 4
xlY := 1
xlXYScatter := -4169
xlX := -4168
xlWQ1 := 34
xlWPG := 3
xlWorksheetShort := 5
xlWorksheetCell := 3
xlWorksheet4 := 1
xlWorksheet := -4167
xlWorks2FarEast := 28
xlWorkbookTab := 6
xlWorkbook := 1
xlWMF := 2
xlWKS := 4
xlWK3FM3 := 32
xlWK3 := 15
xlWK1FMT := 30
xlWK1ALL := 31
xlWK1 := 5
xlWJ2WD1 := 14
xlWindows := 2
xlWide := 3
xlWhole := 1
xlWeekdayNameChars := 31
xlWeekday := 2
xlWatchPane := 11
xlWait := 2
xlVisible := 12
xlVeryHidden := 2
xlVertical := -4166
xlVarP := -4165
xlVar := -4164
xlValues := -4163
xlValue := 2
xlVALU := 8
xlUserResolution := 1
xlUpward := -4171
xlUpperCaseRowLetter := 6
xlUpperCaseColumnLetter := 7
xlUpdateSubscriber := 2
xlUpdateState := 1
xlUp := -4162
xlTriangle := 3
xlTransparent := 2
xlToRight := -4161
xlTopToBottom := 1
xlTop10Percent := 5
xlTop10Items := 3
xlTop := -4160
xlToolbarButton := 2
xlToolbar := 1
xlToLeft := -4159
xlTitleBar := 8
xlTimeSeparator := 18
xlTimeLeadingZero := 45
xlTiled := 1
xlTIF := 9
xlThousandsSeparator := 4
xlThin := 2
xlThick := 4
xlTextWindows := 20
xlTextValues := 2
xlTextPrinter := 36
xlTextMSDOS := 21
xlTextMac := 19
xlTextBox := 16
xlText := -4158
xlTemplate := 17
xlTableBody := 8
xlSyllabary := 1
xlSYLK := 2
xlSum := -4157
xlSubtract := 3
xlSubscribers := 6
xlSubscriber := 2
xlStrict := 2
xlStretch := 1
xlStError := 4
xlStDevP := -4156
xlStDev := -4155
xlStar := 5
xlStandardSummary := 1
xlStack := 2
xlSquare := 1
xlSortValues := 1
xlSortLabels := 2
xlSolid := 1
xlSingleQuote := 2
xlSingleAccounting := 4
xlSingle := 2
xlSimple := -4154
xlShowValue := 2
xlShowPercent := 3
xlShowLabelAndPercent := 5
xlShowLabel := 4
xlShort := 1
xlShared := 2
xlSeries := 3
xlSendPublisher := 2
xlSemiGray75 := 10
xlSemiautomatic := 2
xlSelect := 3
xlSecondCode := 24
xlSecondary := 2
xlScreenSize := 1
xlScreen := 1
xlScale := 3
xlRunningTotal := 5
xlRTF := 4
xlRowThenColumn := 1
xlRowSeparator := 15
xlRows := 1
xlRowItem := 4
xlRowHeader := -4153
xlRowField := 1
xlRoutingInProgress := 1
xlRoutingComplete := 2
xlRightBracket := 11
xlRightBrace := 13
xlRight := -4152
xlRelRowAbsColumn := 3
xlRelative := 4
xlReference := 4
xlReadWrite := 2
xlReadOnly := 3
xlRadar := -4151
xlR1C1 := -4150
xlPublishers := 5
xlPublisher := 1
xlProduct := -4149
xlPrinter := 2
xlPrimary := 1
xlPrevious := 2
xlPowerTalk := 2
xlPower := 4
xlPortrait := 1
xlPolynomial := 3
xlPlusValues := 2
xlPlus := 9
xlPLT := 12
xlPlotArea := 19
xlPlaceholders := 2
xlPivotTable := -4148
xlPie := 5
xlPicture := -4147
xlPICT := 1
xlPIC := 11
xlPercentOfTotal := 8
xlPercentOfRow := 6
xlPercentOfColumn := 7
xlPercentOf := 3
xlPercentDifferenceFrom := 4
xlPercent := 2
xlPCX := 10
xlPCT := 13
xlPart := 2
xlPaperUser := 256
xlPaperTabloid := 3
xlPaperStatement := 6
xlPaperQuarto := 15
xlPaperNote := 18
xlPaperLetterSmall := 2
xlPaperLetter := 1
xlPaperLegal := 5
xlPaperLedger := 4
xlPaperFolio := 14
xlPaperFanfoldUS := 39
xlPaperFanfoldStdGerman := 40
xlPaperFanfoldLegalGerman := 41
xlPaperExecutive := 7
xlPaperEsheet := 26
xlPaperEnvelopePersonal := 38
xlPaperEnvelopeMonarch := 37
xlPaperEnvelopeItaly := 36
xlPaperEnvelopeDL := 27
xlPaperEnvelopeC65 := 32
xlPaperEnvelopeC6 := 31
xlPaperEnvelopeC5 := 28
xlPaperEnvelopeC4 := 30
xlPaperEnvelopeC3 := 29
xlPaperEnvelopeB6 := 35
xlPaperEnvelopeB5 := 34
xlPaperEnvelopeB4 := 33
xlPaperEnvelope9 := 19
xlPaperEnvelope14 := 23
xlPaperEnvelope12 := 22
xlPaperEnvelope11 := 21
xlPaperEnvelope10 := 20
xlPaperDsheet := 25
xlPaperCsheet := 24
xlPaperB5 := 13
xlPaperB4 := 12
xlPaperA5 := 11
xlPaperA4Small := 10
xlPaperA4 := 9
xlPaperA3 := 8
xlPaper11x17 := 17
xlPaper10x14 := 16
xlPageItem := 6
xlPageHeader := 2
xlPageField := 3
xlOverThenDown := 2
xlOutside := 3
xlOtherSessionChanges := 3
xlOr := 2
xlOpenSource := 3
xlOpen := 2
xlOpaque := 3
xlOneAfterAnother := 1
xlOn := 1
xlOLELinks := 2
xlOLELink := 0
xlOLEEmbed := 1
xlOff := -4146
xlNumbers := 1
xlNumber := -4145
xlNotYetRouted := 0
xlNotPlotted := 1
xlNotes := -4144
xlNoShapeChanges := 2
xlNorthwestArrow := 1
xlNormal := -4143
xlNonEnglishFunctions := 34
xlNone := -4142
xlNoncurrencyDigits := 29
xlNoMailSystem := 0
xlNoDocuments := 3
xlNoDockingChanges := 3
xlNoChanges := 4
xlNoChange := 1
xlNoCap := 2
xlNoButtonChanges := 1
xlNo := 2
xlNextToAxis := 4
xlNext := 1
xlNarrow := 1
xlMultiply := 4
xlMSDOS := 3
xlMovingAvg := 6
xlMoveAndSize := 1
xlMove := 2
xlMonthNameChars := 30
xlMonthLeadingZero := 41
xlMonthCode := 20
xlMonth := 3
xlModule := -4141
xlMixed := 2
xlMinuteCode := 23
xlMinusValues := 3
xlMinimum := 2
xlMinimized := -4140
xlMin := -4139
xlMicrosoftWord := 1
xlMicrosoftSchedulePlus := 7
xlMicrosoftProject := 6
xlMicrosoftPowerPoint := 2
xlMicrosoftMail := 3
xlMicrosoftFoxPro := 5
xlMicrosoftAccess := 4
xlMetric := 35
xlMedium := -4138
xlMDY := 44
xlMaximum := 2
xlMaximized := -4137
xlMax := -4136
xlMAPI := 1
xlManualUpdate := 5
xlManual := -4135
xlMacrosheetCell := 7
xlMacintosh := 1
xlLowerCaseRowLetter := 8
xlLowerCaseColumnLetter := 9
xlLow := -4134
xlLotusHelp := 2
xlLong := 3
xlLogical := 4
xlLogarithmic := -4133
xlLocalSessionChanges := 2
xlLocalFormat2 := 16
xlLocalFormat1 := 15
xlListSeparator := 5
xlList3 := 12
xlList2 := 11
xlList1 := 10
xlLinearTrend := 9
xlLinear := -4132
xlLine := 4
xlLightVertical := 12
xlLightUp := 14
xlLightHorizontal := 11
xlLightDown := 13
xlLegend := 24
xlLeftToRight := 2
xlLeftBracket := 10
xlLeftBrace := 12
xlLeft := -4131
xlLastCell := 11
xlLast := 1
xlLandscape := 2
xlJustify := -4130
xlIntlMacro := 25
xlIntlAddIn := 26
xlInterrupt := 1
xlInterpolated := 3
xlInteger := 2
xlInside := 2
xlInfo := -4129
xlIndex := 9
xlImmediatePane := 12
xlIcons := 1
xlIBeam := 3
xlHourCode := 22
xlHorizontal := -4128
xlHigh := -4127
xlHide := 3
xlHidden := 0
xlHGL := 6
xlHairline := 1
xlGuess := 0
xlGrowthTrend := 10
xlGrowth := 2
xlGridline := 22
xlGrid := 15
xlGray8 := 18
xlGray75 := -4126
xlGray50 := -4125
xlGray25 := -4124
xlGray16 := 17
xlGeneralFormatName := 26
xlGeneral := 1
xlFunction := 1
xlFullPage := 3
xlFreeFloating := 3
xlFormulas := -4123
xlFormula := 5
xlFormats := -4122
xlFloor := 23
xlFloating := 5
xlFixedWidth := 2
xlFixedValue := 1
xlFitToPage := 2
xlFirst := 0
xlFilterInPlace := 1
xlFilterCopy := 2
xlFillYears := 8
xlFillWeekdays := 6
xlFillValues := 4
xlFillSeries := 2
xlFillMonths := 7
xlFillFormats := 3
xlFillDefault := 0
xlFillDays := 5
xlFillCopy := 1
xlFill := 5
xlExternal := 2
xlExtended := 3
xlExponential := 5
xlExclusive := 3
xlExcelMenus := 1
xlExcelLinks := 1
xlExcel4Workbook := 35
xlExcel4MacroSheet := 3
xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet := 4
xlExcel4 := 33
xlExcel3 := 29
xlExcel2FarEast := 27
xlExcel2 := 16
xlErrValue := 2015
xlErrRef := 2023
xlErrors := 16
xlErrorHandler := 2
xlErrNum := 2036
xlErrNull := 2000
xlErrName := 2029
xlErrNA := 2042
xlErrDiv0 := 2007
xlEPS := 8
xlEntireChart := 20
xlEditionDate := 2
xlDXF := 5
xlDRW := 4
xlDrawingObject := 14
xlDownward := -4170
xlDownThenOver := 1
xlDown := -4121
xlDoughnut := -4120
xlDoubleQuote := 1
xlDoubleOpen := 4
xlDoubleClosed := 5
xlDoubleAccounting := 5
xlDouble := -4119
xlDot := -4118
xlDivide := 5
xlDistributed := -4117
xlDisabled := 0
xlDirect := 1
xlDifferenceFrom := 2
xlDIF := 9
xlDiamond := 2
xlDialogSheet := -4116
xlDesktop := 9
xlDescending := 2
xlDelimited := 1
xlDefaultAutoFormat := -1
xlDecimalSeparator := 3
xlDebugCodePane := 13
xlDBF4 := 11
xlDBF3 := 8
xlDBF2 := 7
xlDayLeadingZero := 42
xlDayCode := 21
xlDay := 1
xlDateSeparator := 17
xlDateOrder := 32
xlDate := 2
xlDataItem := 7
xlDataHeader := 3
xlDataField := 4
xlDatabase := 1
xlDashDotDot := 5
xlDashDot := 4
xlDash := -4115
xlCut := 2
xlCustom := -4114
xlCurrencyTrailingZeros := 39
xlCurrencySpaceBefore := 36
xlCurrencyNegative := 28
xlCurrencyMinusSign := 38
xlCurrencyLeadingZeros := 40
xlCurrencyDigits := 27
xlCurrencyCode := 25
xlCurrencyBefore := 37
xlCSVWindows := 23
xlCSVMSDOS := 24
xlCSVMac := 22
xlCSV := 6
xlCross := 4
xlCrissCross := 16
xlCountrySetting := 2
xlCountryCode := 1
xlCountNums := -4113
xlCount := -4112
xlCorner := 2
xlCopy := 1
xlContinuous := 1
xlContents := 2
xlConstants := 2
xlConsolidation := 3
xlCommand := 2
xlCombination := -4111
xlColumnThenRow := 2
xlColumnSeparator := 14
xlColumns := 2
xlColumnItem := 5
xlColumnHeader := -4110
xlColumnField := 2
xlColumn := 3
xlColor3 := 9
xlColor2 := 8
xlColor1 := 7
xlCodePage := 2
xlClosed := 3
xlClipboardFormatWK1 := 10
xlClipboardFormatVALU := 1
xlClipboardFormatToolFacePICT := 26
xlClipboardFormatToolFace := 25
xlClipboardFormatText := 0
xlClipboardFormatTable := 16
xlClipboardFormatSYLK := 6
xlClipboardFormatStandardScale := 27
xlClipboardFormatStandardFont := 28
xlClipboardFormatScreenPICT := 29
xlClipboardFormatRTF := 7
xlClipboardFormatPrintPICT := 3
xlClipboardFormatPICT := 2
xlClipboardFormatOwnerLink := 17
xlClipboardFormatObjectLink := 19
xlClipboardFormatObjectDesc := 31
xlClipboardFormatNative := 14
xlClipboardFormatMovie := 24
xlClipboardFormatLinkSourceDesc := 32
xlClipboardFormatLinkSource := 23
xlClipboardFormatLink := 11
xlClipboardFormatEmbedSource := 22
xlClipboardFormatEmbeddedObject := 21
xlClipboardFormatDspText := 12
xlClipboardFormatDIF := 4
xlClipboardFormatCSV := 5
xlClipboardFormatCGM := 13
xlClipboardFormatBitmap := 9
xlClipboardFormatBinary := 15
xlClipboardFormatBIFF4 := 30
xlClipboardFormatBIFF3 := 20
xlClipboardFormatBIFF2 := 18
xlClipboardFormatBIFF := 8
xlClipboard := 3
xlClassic3 := 3
xlClassic2 := 2
xlClassic1 := 1
xlCircle := 8
xlChronological := 3
xlChecker := 9
xlChartTitles := 18
xlChartShort := 6
xlChartSeries := 17
xlChartInPlace := 4
xlChartAsWindow := 5
xlChart4 := 2
xlChart := -4109
xlChangeAttributes := 6
xlCGM := 7
xlCenterAcrossSelection := 7
xlCenter := -4108
xlCategory := 1
xlCascade := 7
xlCap := 1
xlCancel := 1
xlByRows := 1
xlByColumns := 2
xlButton := 15
xlBuiltIn := 0
xlBottom10Percent := 6
xlBottom10Items := 4
xlBottom := -4107
xlBoth := 1
xlBMP := 1
xlBlanks := 4
xlBitmap := 2
xlBIFF := 2
xlBelow := 1
xlBar := 2
xlAxis := 21
xlAverage := -4106
xlAutoOpen := 1
xlAutomaticUpdate := 4
xlAutomatic := -4105
xlAutoFill := 4
xlAutoDeactivate := 4
xlAutoClose := 2
xlAutoActivate := 3
xlAscending := 1
xlArea := 1
xlAnd := 1
xlAlternateArraySeparator := 16
xlAllExceptBorders := 6
xlAllAtOnce := 2
xlAll := -4104
xlAddIn := 18
xlAdd := 2
xlAccounting4 := 17
xlAccounting3 := 6
xlAccounting2 := 5
xlAccounting1 := 4
xlAbsRowRelColumn := 2
xlAbsolute := 1
xlAbove := 0
xlA1 := 1
xl4DigitYears := 43
xl3DSurface := -4103
xl3DPie := -4102
xl3DLine := -4101
xl3DEffects2 := 14
xl3DEffects1 := 13
xl3DColumn := -4100
xl3DBar := -4099
xl3DArea := -4098
xl24HourClock := 33

Code: Select all


;OfficeInfo object list (2051 constants) (contains all of the 773 constants in TLM's list):
xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture := 509
xlMinimum := 4
xlBuiltIn := 21
xlAllExceptBorders := 7

;TLM's list (773 constants):
xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture := 492
xlMinimum := 2
xlBuiltIn := 0
xlAllExceptBorders := 6
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