Solved - Launch AHK if a Steam Game launches

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Solved - Launch AHK if a Steam Game launches

26 Feb 2022, 15:08

Goal: Launch AHK app when (x) game launches from steam. If you have an alternative solution, feel free to share. I have searched high and far.


- Steam shortcuts are .LNK, and this creates a problem because they don't launch with a target like "C:\steam\game.exe" it launches via "Steam:\\8930597304" - creating shortcut commands and bat files are a problem.

- I can run BAT applications to launch steam games, but that doesnt work for things like big picture mode, or just launching games through stream natively.

- I want multiplayer games to launch natively, keeping all existing arguments and simply adding the ability to launch other things.

- I don't want 20 different ahk apps running in the background waiting for steam games to launch.

"SteamEdit" application. Im sure the forum has rules against links, Ill let the community google it.

It allows to edit (with backup and revert option) the default launch options for a game. Providing an alternative, providing the ability to use a different exe for the default game. Allowing it to update the same way it would by default, and launch from its default icon and location in steam UI.

In this example, I used it to launch a game, and provide a hot key to close this game because the pesky game does not allow you to right click close the app.


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