Switching global keyboard layout Topic is solved

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Switching global keyboard layout

11 Jan 2017, 05:59


I've been searching all over the forums and Google to find a way to switch keyboard layout (which is normally done by Alt+shift in Windows) with AHK, but everywhere I can find only the one metod - using SendMessage/PostMessage to send a message to the active windows.

For example:

Code: Select all

SendMessage, 0x50,, 0x4190419,, A
But how can I change the layout globally for the whole system, without regarding to any window?

SendMessage/PostMessage doesn't work if all windows are minimized, for example.
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Capn Odin
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Re: Switching global keyboard layout  Topic is solved

11 Jan 2017, 06:09

Try this, Default Keyboard Lang.

If you are having trouble with hidden windows try DetectHiddenWindows, On.
Please excuse my spelling I am dyslexic.

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