Extract text from a string with tabs

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Extract text from a string with tabs

24 Jan 2017, 07:40

Je cherche à extraire du texte d'une chaine de caractère du presse papier délimité par des tabulations ?

I'm trying to extract text from a character string in the tab-delimited clipboard?

Contents of the paper press :

Code: Select all

Jean	Dupont	10 Rue des roses	75016	Paris
I would like to retrieve in a variable each element
prenom = Jean
nom = Dupont
adresse = 10 Rue des roses
CP = 75016
ville = Paris

How can I do ?
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Re: Extract text from a string with tabs

24 Jan 2017, 07:59

example for text file / or use clipboard ( instead of variable aac )

Code: Select all

FileSelectFile, FL1, 3,%a_desktop%, Choose text file:,Supported Files (*.txt;*.csv)
If FL1 =
fileread,aac,%fl1%              ;- read txt-file to memory
Loop,parse,aac,`n,`r            ;- parse each line by `n ascii-10 (EndOfLine ascii 13,10 )
  x:= a_loopfield
  if x=
    e .= "prenom=" . c1 . ";Nom=" . c2 . ";Adresse=" . c3 . ";CP=" . c4 . ";Ville=" . c5 . "`r`n"
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Re: Extract text from a string with tabs

25 Jan 2017, 18:48

Code: Select all

MsgBox, % Main( "Jean	Dupont	10 Rue des roses	75016	Paris" ).Adresse

Main( String ) {
	Local Result := {}
	Local Keys := [ "Prenom", "Nom", "Adresse", "CP", "Ville" ]
	Local LoopField := ""
	Local Count := 1

	While ( Count := RegExMatch( String, "i)([^\t]+)", LoopField, Count + StrLen( LoopField ) )) {
		Result[ Keys[ A_Index ] ] := LoopField

	Return Result

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Re: Extract text from a string with tabs

27 Jan 2017, 06:29

I am totally blank at regex so two simple way come to my mind :)

Code: Select all

H_array := ["prenom","nom","adresse","CP","ville"]
clipboard := "Jean	Dupont	10 Rue des roses	75016	Paris" ; remove this line to access live clipboard

for a, b in StrSplit(clipboard, "`t") ;1st way 

MainClip := {}
Loop, parse, clipboard, %a_tab% ; 2nd way
	MainClip[ H_array[ A_Index ] ] := A_LoopField

msgbox % MainClip.adresse "`n|||OR|||`n" ArryClip[3]
clipboard =
its up to you how would you like to achive your goal :thumbup:
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Re: Extract text from a string with tabs

27 Jan 2017, 08:28

Another way

Code: Select all

xString := "Jean	Dupont	10 Rue des roses	75016	Paris" 
Msgbox % "prenom" A_Tab "(" MyPrenom ")`nnom" A_Tab "(" MyNom  ")`nadresse" A_Tab "(" Myadresse 
. ")`nCP" A_Tab "(" MyCP ")`nVille" A_Tab "(" MyVille ")"
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Re: Extract text from a string with tabs

31 Jan 2017, 07:01

This way was faster, but creates global variables.
jmeneses wrote:Another way

Code: Select all

xString := "Jean	Dupont	10 Rue des roses	75016	Paris" 
Msgbox % "prenom" A_Tab "(" MyPrenom ")`nnom" A_Tab "(" MyNom  ")`nadresse" A_Tab "(" Myadresse 
. ")`nCP" A_Tab "(" MyCP ")`nVille" A_Tab "(" MyVille ")"
While this does not create a global or local variable.
F4Jonatas wrote:

Code: Select all

MsgBox, % Main( "Jean	Dupont	10 Rue des roses	75016	Paris" ).Adresse

Main( String ) {
	Local Result := {}
	Local Keys := [ "Prenom", "Nom", "Adresse", "CP", "Ville" ]
	Local LoopField := ""
	Local Count := 1

	While ( Count := RegExMatch( String, "i)([^\t]+)", LoopField, Count + StrLen( LoopField ) )) {
		Result[ Keys[ A_Index ] ] := LoopField

	Return Result

Xeo786. Your code did not work as well :roll:
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Re: Extract text from a string with tabs

31 Jan 2017, 07:26

Using a parsing loop:

Code: Select all

Clipboard := "Jean	Dupont	10 Rue des roses	75016	Paris"
Loop, Parse, Clipboard, %A_Tab%
(A_Index = 1) ? (prenom := A_LoopField) : ""
(A_Index = 2) ? (nom := A_LoopField) : ""
(A_Index = 3) ? (adresse := A_LoopField) : ""
(A_Index = 4) ? (CP := A_LoopField) : ""
(A_Index = 5) ? (ville := A_LoopField) : ""

MsgBox % prenom "`r`n" nom "`r`n" adresse "`r`n" CP "`r`n" ville
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