Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player basicly done. Topic is solved

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Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player basicly done.

07 Feb 2017, 13:17

I want to load a batch of frame pictures , fast slideshow make it looks like motional.

Let's say load 100 frames load in array, then fast loop slideshow till click close window.

But , fail at the beginning . Don't even success with 2 picture slow loop show

Let's use old uploaded pics to test.
Two dna jpgs from that thread:
Change dna.jpg to dna1.jpg
Now we got dna1.jpg dna2.jpg

I try load pics by pattern , then test 1 second for loop show each frame , but it never change. ( And click closed window but ahk still run back ground.)
What's wrong? I beg for help .

Code: Select all

Gui, 2: New
Loop 2{
    ;  Add frame  :  dna[Numbers].jpg   to array
    Gui, 2: Add, Picture , x10 y10 w150 h150 varray%A_Index% , % "dna" . A_Index . ".jpg"  ; attache files form that old thread
Gui, 2: Show, x0 y0 w800 h600

for item in array{
    GuiControl, 2: Hide, item

    Sleep, 1000
    GuiControl, 2: Show, array%A_Index%



Update post:
Play Ugoira zip anime as what it is , without converting to gif or mp4 or webm or any other form.
zip reading front is on going.

What zip anime is https://marcan.st/talks/2014_pixiv_ugoku_player/
Original code is for brower playing
What I am trying to write is local player without web .
Last edited by peter723pan on 09 Feb 2017, 10:48, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

07 Feb 2017, 13:32

check this out,
https://github.com/dufferzafar/Autohotk ... ula%20Girl,
I recommend you download whole github folder before you run script as the images the script loops through are in a sub folder.
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

07 Feb 2017, 15:03

brutus_skywalker wrote:check this out,
https://github.com/dufferzafar/Autohotk ... ula%20Girl,
I recommend you download whole github folder before you run script as the images the script loops through are in a sub folder.
Thanks for replying.

I download it and tried.
first popup fail , no gdip.
Downloaded from that thread :
https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/2944 ... 45-by-tic/
Add this line :
#Include, Gdip.ahk

Click run . Showing nothing. I tried to rename pictures , then found it was running in the back ground with nothing showing, but locked pictures.
Taskmgr killed it .

Is't the Script ahk version too old , my AHK setup in 2015 ,downloaded from AHK homepage here.
Maybe the version change script rule , like AHK offical doc some example lines don't work on new version.
Last edited by peter723pan on 08 Feb 2017, 08:59, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

07 Feb 2017, 15:07

Based on these lines in the script:

Code: Select all

;Create Bitmaps from Files
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%\Images
Loop, *.png
	pBitmap%A_Index% := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(A_LoopFileName)
You will need to have a sub folder named Images with .pngs in it at your scripts location.

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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

07 Feb 2017, 15:17

Xtra wrote:Based on these lines in the script:

Code: Select all

;Create Bitmaps from Files
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%\Images
Loop, *.png
	pBitmap%A_Index% := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(A_LoopFileName)
You will need to have a sub folder named Images with .pngs in it at your scripts location.

I notice those lines:
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%\Images
Loop, *.png

I had folder and the pngs from that script site , it just doesn't work , not even show why , no popup msg .
Pngs got lock by the script , so it must found they.
just me
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

08 Feb 2017, 03:18

You might look for LoadPicture() (look at the example).
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

08 Feb 2017, 06:57

just me wrote:You might look for LoadPicture() (look at the example).
Thank you very much, this function should have a tag in user doc "Graphical User Interfaces" or "Screen" .
How you found it ? That may be helpful to efficiently search doc .

New version is great , but download from Offical homepage at my place is painful. Download all ways fail and cannot rusume. Proxy connect popup Captcha of "proof your are human".
Finally use new version .
It works great.

That 's much easier to fast load and show pictures , extra gdip is not needed. Though some old script need to rewrite , it pops error in new version.

( By the way , I also try to do this slideshow thing by python tk gui , it's gui redraw rate is too slow , about 0.6 second per frame is tk canvas's limit . AHK done well. )
Last edited by peter723pan on 08 Feb 2017, 08:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.  Topic is solved

08 Feb 2017, 07:18

I'm using the latest version of ahk but mine works so here's the script and gdip that i'm using, place them both in the same folder as the 'Images' folder and give it a shot,you can even change the images in the folder to your own,it loops through all png files in the images directory.

Code: Select all

#include Gdip.ahk

#SingleInstance Off
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

SetBatchLines, -1

If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	MsgBox, 48, Gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system
OnExit, Exit

Index = 0
Started := true
Matrix = 1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0.9|0|0|0|0|0|0

;Create Bitmaps from Files
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%\Images
Loop, *.png
	pBitmap%A_Index% := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(A_LoopFileName)
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

;Dimensions of the images
nWidth := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap1), nHeight := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap1)

;Create a GUI
Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +OwnDialogs +Owner +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, 1: Show, NA
hwnd1 := WinExist(), OnMessage(0x204, "WM_RBUTTONDOWN") , OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")

;Normal GDI+ Routines
hbm := CreateDIBSection(nWidth, nHeight), hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm), G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc)
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)

X:= (A_ScreenWidth-nWidth)//2
Y:= (A_ScreenHeight-nHeight)//2

SetTimer, Animate, 50

Return	 ;End of Auto Execute Section

;The Main Label
	Index++, Index := mod(Index, 82) = 0 ? 1 : mod(Index, 82)

	Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmap%Index%, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight)
	UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight)

;Drag Gui
	PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
	WinGetPos, X, Y, , , ahk_id hwnd1

;Toggle Animation State
	If Started	;Pause
		SetTimer, Animate, Off
		Started := false
	Else		;Play
		SetTimer, Animate, 50
		Started := true

	SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm)
	DeleteDC(hdc), Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G)
	Gdip_DeleteBrush(pBrush), Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)

Code: Select all

; Gdip standard library v1.38 by tic (Tariq Porter) 28/08/10
; Return values for functions specified to have status enumerated return type
; Ok =						= 0
; GenericError				= 1
; InvalidParameter			= 2
; OutOfMemory				= 3
; ObjectBusy				= 4
; InsufficientBuffer		= 5
; NotImplemented			= 6
; Win32Error				= 7
; WrongState				= 8
; Aborted					= 9
; FileNotFound				= 10
; ValueOverflow				= 11
; AccessDenied				= 12
; UnknownImageFormat		= 13
; FontFamilyNotFound		= 14
; FontStyleNotFound			= 15
; NotTrueTypeFont			= 16
; UnsupportedGdiplusVersion	= 17
; GdiplusNotInitialized		= 18
; PropertyNotFound			= 19
; PropertyNotSupported		= 20
; ProfileNotFound			= 21
; UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, x="", y="", w="", h="", Alpha=255)
; BitBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, Raster="")
; StretchBlt(dDC, dx, dy, dw, dh, sDC, sx, sy, sw, sh, Raster="")
; SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
; Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(Screen=0, Raster="")
; CreateRectF(ByRef RectF, x, y, w, h)
; CreateSizeF(ByRef SizeF, w, h)
; CreateDIBSection

; Function:     			UpdateLayeredWindow
; Description:  			Updates a layered window with the handle to the DC of a gdi bitmap
; hwnd        				Handle of the layered window to update
; hdc           			Handle to the DC of the GDI bitmap to update the window with
; Layeredx      			x position to place the window
; Layeredy      			y position to place the window
; Layeredw      			Width of the window
; Layeredh      			Height of the window
; Alpha         			Default = 255 : The transparency (0-255) to set the window transparency
; return      				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes						If x or y omitted, then layered window will use its current coordinates
;							If w or h omitted then current width and height will be used

UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, x="", y="", w="", h="", Alpha=255)
	if ((x != "") && (y != ""))
		VarSetCapacity(pt, 8), NumPut(x, pt, 0), NumPut(y, pt, 4)

	if (w = "") ||(h = "")
		WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id %hwnd%
	return DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow", "uint", hwnd, "uint", 0, "uint", ((x = "") && (y = "")) ? 0 : &pt
	, "int64*", w|h<<32, "uint", hdc, "int64*", 0, "uint", 0, "uint*", Alpha<<16|1<<24, "uint", 2)


; Function				BitBlt
; Description			The BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle 
;						of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context.
; dDC					handle to destination DC
; dx					x-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dy					y-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dw					width of the area to copy
; dh					height of the area to copy
; sDC					handle to source DC
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; Raster				raster operation code
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes					If no raster operation is specified, then SRCCOPY is used, which copies the source directly to the destination rectangle
; BLACKNESS				= 0x00000042
; NOTSRCERASE			= 0x001100A6
; NOTSRCCOPY			= 0x00330008
; SRCERASE				= 0x00440328
; DSTINVERT				= 0x00550009
; PATINVERT				= 0x005A0049
; SRCINVERT				= 0x00660046
; SRCAND				= 0x008800C6
; MERGEPAINT			= 0x00BB0226
; MERGECOPY				= 0x00C000CA
; SRCCOPY				= 0x00CC0020
; SRCPAINT				= 0x00EE0086
; PATCOPY				= 0x00F00021
; PATPAINT				= 0x00FB0A09
; WHITENESS				= 0x00FF0062
; CAPTUREBLT			= 0x40000000
; NOMIRRORBITMAP		= 0x80000000

BitBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, Raster="")
	return DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt", "uint", dDC, "int", dx, "int", dy, "int", dw, "int", dh
	, "uint", sDC, "int", sx, "int", sy, "uint", Raster ? Raster : 0x00CC0020)


; Function				StretchBlt
; Description			The StretchBlt function copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, 
;						stretching or compressing the bitmap to fit the dimensions of the destination rectangle, if necessary.
;						The system stretches or compresses the bitmap according to the stretching mode currently set in the destination device context.
; ddc					handle to destination DC
; dx					x-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dy					y-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dw					width of destination rectangle
; dh					height of destination rectangle
; sdc					handle to source DC
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sw					width of source rectangle
; sh					height of source rectangle
; Raster				raster operation code
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes					If no raster operation is specified, then SRCCOPY is used. It uses the same raster operations as BitBlt		

StretchBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, sw, sh, Raster="")
	return DllCall("gdi32\StretchBlt", "uint", ddc, "int", dx, "int", dy, "int", dw, "int", dh
	, "uint", sdc, "int", sx, "int", sy, "int", sw, "int", sh, "uint", Raster ? Raster : 0x00CC0020)


; Function				SetStretchBltMode
; Description			The SetStretchBltMode function sets the bitmap stretching mode in the specified device context
; hdc					handle to the DC
; iStretchMode			The stretching mode, describing how the target will be stretched
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is the previous stretching mode. If it fails it will return 0

SetStretchBltMode(hdc, iStretchMode=4)
	return DllCall("gdi32\SetStretchBltMode", "uint", hdc, "int", iStretchMode)


; Function				SetImage
; Description			Associates a new image with a static control
; hwnd					handle of the control to update
; hBitmap				a gdi bitmap to associate the static control with
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero

SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
	SendMessage, 0x172, 0x0, hBitmap,, ahk_id %hwnd%
	E := ErrorLevel
	return E


; Function				SetSysColorToControl
; Description			Sets a solid colour to a control
; hwnd					handle of the control to update
; SysColor				A system colour to set to the control
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is zero
; notes					A control must have the 0xE style set to it so it is recognised as a bitmap
;						By default SysColor=15 is used which is COLOR_3DFACE. This is the standard background for a control
; COLOR_3DFACE					= 15
; COLOR_3DLIGHT					= 22
; COLOR_3DSHADOW				= 16
; COLOR_BTNFACE					= 15
; COLOR_BTNTEXT					= 18
; COLOR_INFOBK					= 24
; COLOR_MENU					= 4
; COLOR_MENUBAR					= 30
; COLOR_WINDOW					= 5

SetSysColorToControl(hwnd, SysColor=15)
   WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id %hwnd%
   bc := DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", SysColor)
   pBrushClear := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xff000000 | (bc >> 16 | bc & 0xff00 | (bc & 0xff) << 16))
   pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(w, h), G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
   Gdip_FillRectangle(G, pBrushClear, 0, 0, w, h)
   hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
   SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
   Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G), Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap), DeleteObject(hBitmap)
   return 0


; Function				Gdip_BitmapFromScreen
; Description			Gets a gdi+ bitmap from the screen
; Screen				0 = All screens
;						Any numerical value = Just that screen
;						x|y|w|h = Take specific coordinates with a width and height
; Raster				raster operation code
; return      			If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap
;						-1:		one or more of x,y,w,h not passed properly
; notes					If no raster operation is specified, then SRCCOPY is used to the returned bitmap

Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(Screen=0, Raster="")
	if (Screen = 0)
		Sysget, x, 76
		Sysget, y, 77	
		Sysget, w, 78
		Sysget, h, 79
	else if (Screen&1 != "")
		Sysget, M, Monitor, %Screen%
		x := MLeft, y := MTop, w := MRight-MLeft, h := MBottom-MTop
		StringSplit, S, Screen, |
		x := S1, y := S2, w := S3, h := S4

	if (x = "") || (y = "") || (w = "") || (h = "")
		return -1
	chdc := CreateCompatibleDC(), hbm := CreateDIBSection(w, h, chdc), obm := SelectObject(chdc, hbm), hhdc := GetDC()
	BitBlt(chdc, 0, 0, w, h, hhdc, x, y, Raster)
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm)
	SelectObject(hhdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hhdc), DeleteDC(chdc)
	return pBitmap


; Function				Gdip_BitmapFromHWND
; Description			Uses PrintWindow to get a handle to the specified window and return a bitmap from it
; hwnd					handle to the window to get a bitmap from
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap
; notes					Window must not be not minimised in order to get a handle to it's client area

	WinGetPos,,, Width, Height, ahk_id %hwnd%
	hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, Height), hdc := CreateCompatibleDC(), obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
	PrintWindow(hwnd, hdc)
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm)
	SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hdc)
	return pBitmap

; Function    			CreateRectF
; Description			Creates a RectF object, containing a the coordinates and dimensions of a rectangle
; RectF       			Name to call the RectF object
; x            			x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
; y            			y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
; w            			Width of the rectangle
; h            			Height of the rectangle
; return      			No return value

CreateRectF(ByRef RectF, x, y, w, h)
   VarSetCapacity(RectF, 16)
   NumPut(x, RectF, 0, "float"), NumPut(y, RectF, 4, "float"), NumPut(w, RectF, 8, "float"), NumPut(h, RectF, 12, "float")

; Function		    	CreateSizeF
; Description			Creates a SizeF object, containing an 2 values
; SizeF         		Name to call the SizeF object
; w            			w-value for the SizeF object
; h            			h-value for the SizeF object
; return      			No Return value

CreateSizeF(ByRef SizeF, w, h)
   VarSetCapacity(SizeF, 8)
   NumPut(w, SizeF, 0, "float"), NumPut(h, SizeF, 4, "float")     

; Function		    	CreatePointF
; Description			Creates a SizeF object, containing an 2 values
; SizeF         		Name to call the SizeF object
; w            			w-value for the SizeF object
; h            			h-value for the SizeF object
; return      			No Return value

CreatePointF(ByRef PointF, x, y)
   VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8)
   NumPut(x, PointF, 0, "float"), NumPut(y, PointF, 4, "float")     

; Function				CreateDIBSection
; Description			The CreateDIBSection function creates a DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) that applications can write to directly
; w						width of the bitmap to create
; h						height of the bitmap to create
; hdc					a handle to the device context to use the palette from
; bpp					bits per pixel (32 = ARGB)
; ppvBits				A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the location of the DIB bit values
; return				returns a DIB. A gdi bitmap
; notes					ppvBits will receive the location of the pixels in the DIB

CreateDIBSection(w, h, hdc="", bpp=32, ByRef ppvBits=0)
	hdc2 := hdc ? hdc : GetDC()
	VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0)
	NumPut(w, bi, 4), NumPut(h, bi, 8), NumPut(40, bi, 0), NumPut(1, bi, 12, "ushort"), NumPut(0, bi, 16), NumPut(bpp, bi, 14, "ushort")
	hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "uint" , hdc2, "uint" , &bi, "uint" , 0, "uint*", ppvBits, "uint" , 0, "uint" , 0)
	If !hdc
	return hbm


; Function				PrintWindow
; Description			The PrintWindow function copies a visual window into the specified device context (DC), typically a printer DC
; hwnd					A handle to the window that will be copied
; hdc					A handle to the device context
; Flags					Drawing options
; return				If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value

PrintWindow(hwnd, hdc, Flags=0)
	return DllCall("PrintWindow", "uint", hwnd, "uint", hdc, "uint", Flags)


; Function				DestroyIcon
; Description			Destroys an icon and frees any memory the icon occupied
; hIcon					Handle to the icon to be destroyed. The icon must not be in use
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero

   return DllCall("DestroyIcon", "uint", hIcon)


	return DllCall("PaintDesktop", "uint", hdc)


CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, w, h)
	return DllCall("gdi32\CreateCompatibleBitmap", "uint", hdc, "int", w, "int", h)


; Function				CreateCompatibleDC
; Description			This function creates a memory device context (DC) compatible with the specified device
; hdc					Handle to an existing device context					
; return				returns the handle to a device context or 0 on failure
; notes					If this handle is 0 (by default), the function creates a memory device context compatible with the application's current screen

   return DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "uint", hdc)


; Function				SelectObject
; Description			The SelectObject function selects an object into the specified device context (DC). The new object replaces the previous object of the same type
; hdc					Handle to a DC
; hgdiobj				A handle to the object to be selected into the DC
; return				If the selected object is not a region and the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the object being replaced
; notes					The specified object must have been created by using one of the following functions
;						Bitmap - CreateBitmap, CreateBitmapIndirect, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateDIBitmap, CreateDIBSection (A single bitmap cannot be selected into more than one DC at the same time)
;						Brush - CreateBrushIndirect, CreateDIBPatternBrush, CreateDIBPatternBrushPt, CreateHatchBrush, CreatePatternBrush, CreateSolidBrush
;						Font - CreateFont, CreateFontIndirect
;						Pen - CreatePen, CreatePenIndirect
;						Region - CombineRgn, CreateEllipticRgn, CreateEllipticRgnIndirect, CreatePolygonRgn, CreateRectRgn, CreateRectRgnIndirect
; notes					If the selected object is a region and the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following value
; SIMPLEREGION			= 2 Region consists of a single rectangle
; COMPLEXREGION			= 3 Region consists of more than one rectangle
; NULLREGION			= 1 Region is empty

SelectObject(hdc, hgdiobj)
   return DllCall("SelectObject", "uint", hdc, "uint", hgdiobj)


; Function				DeleteObject
; Description			This function deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object
;						After the object is deleted, the specified handle is no longer valid
; hObject				Handle to a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette to delete
; return				Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates that the specified handle is not valid or that the handle is currently selected into a device context

   return DllCall("DeleteObject", "uint", hObject)


; Function				GetDC
; Description			This function retrieves a handle to a display device context (DC) for the client area of the specified window.
;						The display device context can be used in subsequent graphics display interface (GDI) functions to draw in the client area of the window. 
; hwnd					Handle to the window whose device context is to be retrieved. If this value is NULL, GetDC retrieves the device context for the entire screen					
; return				The handle the device context for the specified window's client area indicates success. NULL indicates failure

	return DllCall("GetDC", "uint", hwnd)


; Function				ReleaseDC
; Description			This function releases a device context (DC), freeing it for use by other applications. The effect of ReleaseDC depends on the type of device context
; hdc					Handle to the device context to be released
; hwnd					Handle to the window whose device context is to be released
; return				1 = released
;						0 = not released
; notes					The application must call the ReleaseDC function for each call to the GetWindowDC function and for each call to the GetDC function that retrieves a common device context
;						An application cannot use the ReleaseDC function to release a device context that was created by calling the CreateDC function; instead, it must use the DeleteDC function. 

ReleaseDC(hdc, hwnd=0)
   return DllCall("ReleaseDC", "uint", hwnd, "uint", hdc)


; Function				DeleteDC
; Description			The DeleteDC function deletes the specified device context (DC)
; hdc					A handle to the device context
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes					An application must not delete a DC whose handle was obtained by calling the GetDC function. Instead, it must call the ReleaseDC function to free the DC

   return DllCall("DeleteDC", "uint", hdc)

; Function				Gdip_LibraryVersion
; Description			Get the current library version
; return				the library version
; notes					This is useful for non compiled programs to ensure that a person doesn't run an old version when testing your scripts

	return 1.38


; Function:    			Gdip_BitmapFromBRA
; Description: 			Gets a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap from a BRA file
; BRAFromMemIn			The variable for a BRA file read to memory
; File					The name of the file, or its number that you would like (This depends on alternate parameter)
; Alternate				Changes whether the File parameter is the file name or its number
; return      			If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap
;						-1 = The BRA variable is empty
;						-2 = The BRA has an incorrect header
;						-3 = The BRA has information missing
;						-4 = Could not find file inside the BRA

Gdip_BitmapFromBRA(ByRef BRAFromMemIn, File, Alternate=0)
	if !BRAFromMemIn
		return -1
	Loop, Parse, BRAFromMemIn, `n
		if (A_Index = 1)
			StringSplit, Header, A_LoopField, |
			if (Header0 != 4 || Header2 != "BRA!")
				return -2
		else if (A_Index = 2)
			StringSplit, Info, A_LoopField, |
			if (Info0 != 3)
				return -3
	if !Alternate
		StringReplace, File, File, \, \\, All
	RegExMatch(BRAFromMemIn, "mi`n)^" (Alternate ? File "\|.+?\|(\d+)\|(\d+)" : "\d+\|" File "\|(\d+)\|(\d+)") "$", FileInfo)
	if !FileInfo
		return -4

	hData := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 2, "uint", FileInfo2)
	pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "uint", hData)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "uint", pData, "uint", &BRAFromMemIn+Info2+FileInfo1, "uint", FileInfo2)
	DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "uint", hData)
	DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "uint", hData, "int", 1, "uint*", pStream)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "uint", pStream, "uint*", pBitmap)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(1*pStream)+8), "uint", pStream)
	return pBitmap


; Function				Gdip_DrawRectangle
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a rectangle into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawRectangle", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a rounded rectangle into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; r						radius of the rounded corners
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, r)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	return E


; Function				Gdip_DrawEllipse
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of an ellipse into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle the ellipse will be drawn into
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle the ellipse will be drawn into
; w						width of the ellipse
; h						height of the ellipse
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawEllipse", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_DrawBezier
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a bezier (a weighted curve) into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x1					x-coordinate of the start of the bezier
; y1					y-coordinate of the start of the bezier
; x2					x-coordinate of the first arc of the bezier
; y2					y-coordinate of the first arc of the bezier
; x3					x-coordinate of the second arc of the bezier
; y3					y-coordinate of the second arc of the bezier
; x4					x-coordinate of the end of the bezier
; y4					y-coordinate of the end of the bezier
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawBezier(pGraphics, pPen, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawBezier", "uint", pgraphics, "uint", pPen
   , "float", x1, "float", y1, "float", x2, "float", y2
   , "float", x3, "float", y3, "float", x4, "float", y4)


; Function				Gdip_DrawArc
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of an arc into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the start of the arc
; y						y-coordinate of the start of the arc
; w						width of the arc
; h						height of the arc
; StartAngle			specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the arc
; SweepAngle			specifies the angle between the starting and ending points of the arc
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawArc(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawArc", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x
   , "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "float", StartAngle, "float", SweepAngle)


; Function				Gdip_DrawPie
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a pie into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the start of the pie
; y						y-coordinate of the start of the pie
; w						width of the pie
; h						height of the pie
; StartAngle			specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie
; SweepAngle			specifies the angle between the starting and ending points of the pie
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawPie(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPie", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "float", StartAngle, "float", SweepAngle)


; Function				Gdip_DrawLine
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw a line into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x1					x-coordinate of the start of the line
; y1					y-coordinate of the start of the line
; x2					x-coordinate of the end of the line
; y2					y-coordinate of the end of the line
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success		

Gdip_DrawLine(pGraphics, pPen, x1, y1, x2, y2)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawLine", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen
   , "float", x1, "float", y1, "float", x2, "float", y2)


; Function				Gdip_DrawLines
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw a series of joined lines into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; Points				the coordinates of all the points passed as x1,y1|x2,y2|x3,y3.....
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success				

Gdip_DrawLines(pGraphics, pPen, Points)
   StringSplit, Points, Points, |
   VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)   
   Loop, %Points0%
      StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
      NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawLines", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0)


; Function				Gdip_FillRectangle
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a rectangle in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillRectangle", "uint", pGraphics, "int", pBrush
   , "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a rounded rectangle in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; r						radius of the rounded corners
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, r)
	Region := Gdip_GetClipRegion(pGraphics)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	return E


; Function				Gdip_FillPolygon
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a polygon in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; Points				the coordinates of all the points passed as x1,y1|x2,y2|x3,y3.....
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					Alternate will fill the polygon as a whole, wheras winding will fill each new "segment"
; Alternate 			= 0
; Winding 				= 1

Gdip_FillPolygon(pGraphics, pBrush, Points, FillMode=0)
   StringSplit, Points, Points, |
   VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)   
   Loop, %Points0%
      StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
      NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPolygon", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0, "int", FillMode)


; Function				Gdip_FillPie
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a pie in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the pie
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the pie
; w						width of the pie
; h						height of the pie
; StartAngle			specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie
; SweepAngle			specifies the angle between the starting and ending points of the pie
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillPie(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPie", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush
   , "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "float", StartAngle, "float", SweepAngle)


; Function				Gdip_FillEllipse
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill an ellipse in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the ellipse
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the ellipse
; w						width of the ellipse
; h						height of the ellipse
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillEllipse", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_FillRegion
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a region in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; Region				Pointer to a Region
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					You can create a region Gdip_CreateRegion() and then add to this

Gdip_FillRegion(pGraphics, pBrush, Region)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillRegion", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "uint", Region)


; Function				Gdip_FillPath
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a path in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; Region				Pointer to a Path
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillPath(pGraphics, pBrush, Path)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPath", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "uint", Path)


; Function				Gdip_DrawImagePointsRect
; Description			This function draws a bitmap into the Graphics of another bitmap and skews it
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to be drawn
; Points				Points passed as x1,y1|x2,y2|x3,y3 (3 points: top left, top right, bottom left) describing the drawing of the bitmap
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sw					width of source rectangle
; sh					height of source rectangle
; Matrix				a matrix used to alter image attributes when drawing
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					if sx,sy,sw,sh are missed then the entire source bitmap will be used
;						Matrix can be omitted to just draw with no alteration to ARGB
;						Matrix may be passed as a digit from 0 - 1 to change just transparency
;						Matrix can be passed as a matrix with any delimiter

Gdip_DrawImagePointsRect(pGraphics, pBitmap, Points, sx="", sy="", sw="", sh="", Matrix=1)
	StringSplit, Points, Points, |
	VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)   
	Loop, %Points0%
		StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
		NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")

	if (Matrix&1 = "")
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix(Matrix)
	else if (Matrix != 1)
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix("1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|" Matrix "|0|0|0|0|0|1")
	if (sx = "" && sy = "" && sw = "" && sh = "")
		sx := 0, sy := 0
		sw := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
		sh := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)

	E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImagePointsRect", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBitmap
	, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0, "float", sx, "float", sy, "float", sw, "float", sh
	, "int", 2, "uint", ImageAttr, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
	if ImageAttr
	return E


; Function				Gdip_DrawImage
; Description			This function draws a bitmap into the Graphics of another bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to be drawn
; dx					x-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dy					y-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dw					width of destination image
; dh					height of destination image
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sw					width of source image
; sh					height of source image
; Matrix				a matrix used to alter image attributes when drawing
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					if sx,sy,sw,sh are missed then the entire source bitmap will be used
;						Gdip_DrawImage performs faster
;						Matrix can be omitted to just draw with no alteration to ARGB
;						Matrix may be passed as a digit from 0 - 1 to change just transparency
;						Matrix can be passed as a matrix with any delimiter. For example:
;						MatrixBright=
;						(
;						1.5		|0		|0		|0		|0
;						0		|1.5	|0		|0		|0
;						0		|0		|1.5	|0		|0
;						0		|0		|0		|1		|0
;						0.05	|0.05	|0.05	|0		|1
;						)
; notes					MatrixBright = 1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0.05|0.05|0.05|0|1
;						MatrixGreyScale = 0.299|0.299|0.299|0|0|0.587|0.587|0.587|0|0|0.114|0.114|0.114|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1
;						MatrixNegative = -1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1

Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphics, pBitmap, dx="", dy="", dw="", dh="", sx="", sy="", sw="", sh="", Matrix=1)
	if (Matrix&1 = "")
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix(Matrix)
	else if (Matrix != 1)
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix("1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|" Matrix "|0|0|0|0|0|1")

	if (sx = "" && sy = "" && sw = "" && sh = "")
		if (dx = "" && dy = "" && dw = "" && dh = "")
			sx := dx := 0, sy := dy := 0
			sw := dw := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
			sh := dh := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
			sx := sy := 0
			sw := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
			sh := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)

	E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImageRectRect", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBitmap
	, "float", dx, "float", dy, "float", dw, "float", dh
	, "float", sx, "float", sy, "float", sw, "float", sh
	, "int", 2, "uint", ImageAttr, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
	if ImageAttr
	return E


; Function				Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix
; Description			This function creates an image matrix ready for drawing
; Matrix				a matrix used to alter image attributes when drawing
;						passed with any delimeter
; return				returns an image matrix on sucess or 0 if it fails
; notes					MatrixBright = 1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0.05|0.05|0.05|0|1
;						MatrixGreyScale = 0.299|0.299|0.299|0|0|0.587|0.587|0.587|0|0|0.114|0.114|0.114|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1
;						MatrixNegative = -1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1

	VarSetCapacity(ColourMatrix, 100, 0)
	Matrix := RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Matrix, "^[^\d-\.]+([\d\.])", "$1", "", 1), "[^\d-\.]+", "|")
	StringSplit, Matrix, Matrix, |
	Loop, 25
		Matrix := (Matrix%A_Index% != "") ? Matrix%A_Index% : Mod(A_Index-1, 6) ? 0 : 1
		NumPut(Matrix, ColourMatrix, (A_Index-1)*4, "float")
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "uint*", ImageAttr)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix", "uint", ImageAttr, "int", 1, "int", 1, "uint", &ColourMatrix, "int", 0, "int", 0)
	return ImageAttr


; Function				Gdip_GraphicsFromImage
; Description			This function gets the graphics for a bitmap used for drawing functions
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to get the pointer to its graphics
; return				returns a pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; notes					a bitmap can be drawn into the graphics of another bitmap

    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", pGraphics)
    return pGraphics


; Function				Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC
; Description			This function gets the graphics from the handle to a device context
; hdc					This is the handle to the device context
; return				returns a pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; notes					You can draw a bitmap into the graphics of another bitmap

    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFromHDC", "uint", hdc, "uint*", pGraphics)
    return pGraphics


; Function				Gdip_GetDC
; Description			This function gets the device context of the passed Graphics
; hdc					This is the handle to the device context
; return				returns the device context for the graphics of a bitmap

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetDC", "uint", pGraphics, "uint*", hdc)
	return hdc


; Function				Gdip_ReleaseDC
; Description			This function releases a device context from use for further use
; pGraphics				Pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; hdc					This is the handle to the device context
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_ReleaseDC(pGraphics, hdc)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipReleaseDC", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", hdc)


; Function				Gdip_GraphicsClear
; Description			Clears the graphics of a bitmap ready for further drawing
; pGraphics				Pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; ARGB					The colour to clear the graphics to
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					By default this will make the background invisible
;						Using clipping regions you can clear a particular area on the graphics rather than clearing the entire graphics

Gdip_GraphicsClear(pGraphics, ARGB=0x00ffffff)
    return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGraphicsClear", "uint", pGraphics, "int", ARGB)


; Function				Gdip_BlurBitmap
; Description			Gives a pointer to a blurred bitmap from a pointer to a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to be blurred
; Blur					The Amount to blur a bitmap by from 1 (least blur) to 100 (most blur)
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the new blurred bitmap
;						-1 = The blur parameter is outside the range 1-100
; notes					This function will not dispose of the original bitmap

Gdip_BlurBitmap(pBitmap, Blur)
	if (Blur > 100) || (Blur < 1)
		return -1	
	sWidth := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), sHeight := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
	dWidth := sWidth//Blur, dHeight := sHeight//Blur

	pBitmap1 := Gdip_CreateBitmap(dWidth, dHeight)
	G1 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap1)
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G1, 7)
	Gdip_DrawImage(G1, pBitmap, 0, 0, dWidth, dHeight, 0, 0, sWidth, sHeight)


	pBitmap2 := Gdip_CreateBitmap(sWidth, sHeight)
	G2 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap2)
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G2, 7)
	Gdip_DrawImage(G2, pBitmap1, 0, 0, sWidth, sHeight, 0, 0, dWidth, dHeight)

	return pBitmap2


; Function:     		Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile
; Description:  		Saves a bitmap to a file in any supported format onto disk
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; sOutput      			The name of the file that the bitmap will be saved to. Supported extensions are: .BMP,.DIB,.RLE,.JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF,.GIF,.TIF,.TIFF,.PNG
; Quality      			If saving as jpg (.JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF) then quality can be 1-100 with default at maximum quality
; return      			If the function succeeds, the return value is zero, otherwise:
;						-1 = Extension supplied is not a supported file format
;						-2 = Could not get a list of encoders on system
;						-3 = Could not find matching encoder for specified file format
;						-4 = Could not get WideChar name of output file
;						-5 = Could not save file to disk
; notes					This function will use the extension supplied from the sOutput parameter to determine the output format

Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, sOutput, Quality=75)
	SplitPath, sOutput,,, Extension
		return -1
	Extension := "." Extension

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "uint*", nCount, "uint*", nSize)
	VarSetCapacity(ci, nSize)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "uint", nCount, "uint", nSize, "uint", &ci)
	if !(nCount && nSize)
		return -2
	Loop, %nCount%
		Location := NumGet(ci, 76*(A_Index-1)+44)
		if !A_IsUnicode
			nSize := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", Location, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int",  0, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
			VarSetCapacity(sString, nSize)
			DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", Location, "int", -1, "str", sString, "int", nSize, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
			if !InStr(sString, "*" Extension)
			nSize := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", Location, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int",  0, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
			sString := ""
			Loop, %nSize%
				sString .= Chr(NumGet(Location+0, 2*(A_Index-1), "char"))
			if !InStr(sString, "*" Extension)
		pCodec := &ci+76*(A_Index-1)
	if !pCodec
		return -3

	if (Quality != 75)
		Quality := (Quality < 0) ? 0 : (Quality > 100) ? 100 : Quality
		if Extension in .JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", pCodec, "uint*", nSize)
			VarSetCapacity(EncoderParameters, nSize, 0)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", pCodec, "uint", nSize, "uint", &EncoderParameters)
			Loop, % NumGet(EncoderParameters)      ;%
				if (NumGet(EncoderParameters, (28*(A_Index-1))+20) = 1) && (NumGet(EncoderParameters, (28*(A_Index-1))+24) = 6)
				   p := (28*(A_Index-1))+&EncoderParameters
				   NumPut(Quality, NumGet(NumPut(4, NumPut(1, p+0)+20)))

	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sOutput, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wOutput, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sOutput, "int", -1, "uint", &wOutput, "int", nSize)
		VarSetCapacity(wOutput, -1)
		if !VarSetCapacity(wOutput)
			return -4
		E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", &wOutput, "uint", pCodec, "uint", p ? p : 0)
		E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", &sOutput, "uint", pCodec, "uint", p ? p : 0)
	return E ? -5 : 0


; Function				Gdip_GetPixel
; Description			Gets the ARGB of a pixel in a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; x						x-coordinate of the pixel
; y						y-coordinate of the pixel
; return				Returns the ARGB value of the pixel

Gdip_GetPixel(pBitmap, x, y)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapGetPixel", "uint", pBitmap, "int", x, "int", y, "uint*", ARGB)
	return ARGB


; Function				Gdip_SetPixel
; Description			Sets the ARGB of a pixel in a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; x						x-coordinate of the pixel
; y						y-coordinate of the pixel
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x, y, ARGB)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapSetPixel", "uint", pBitmap, "int", x, "int", y, "int", ARGB)


; Function				Gdip_GetImageWidth
; Description			Gives the width of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; return				Returns the width in pixels of the supplied bitmap

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Width)
   return Width


; Function				Gdip_GetImageHeight
; Description			Gives the height of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; return				Returns the height in pixels of the supplied bitmap

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Height)
   return Height


; Function				Gdip_GetDimensions
; Description			Gives the width and height of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; Width					ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the width of the bitmap
; Height				ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the height of the bitmap
; return				No return value
;						Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, ThisWidth, ThisHeight) will set ThisWidth to the width and ThisHeight to the height

Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, ByRef Width, ByRef Height)
	Width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
	Height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Format)
	return Format


; Function				Gdip_GetDpiX
; Description			Gives the horizontal dots per inch of the graphics of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; Width					ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the width of the bitmap
; Height				ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the height of the bitmap
; return				No return value
;						Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, ThisWidth, ThisHeight) will set ThisWidth to the width and ThisHeight to the height

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetDpiX", "uint", pGraphics, "float*", dpix)
	return Round(dpix)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetDpiY", "uint", pGraphics, "float*", dpiy)
	return Round(dpiy)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution", "uint", pBitmap, "float*", dpix)
	return Round(dpix)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageVerticalResolution", "uint", pBitmap, "float*", dpiy)
	return Round(dpiy)

Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(sFile, IconNumber=1, IconSize="")
	SplitPath, sFile,,, ext
	if ext in exe,dll
		Sizes := IconSize ? IconSize : 256 "|" 128 "|" 64 "|" 48 "|" 32 "|" 16
		VarSetCapacity(buf, 40)
		Loop, Parse, Sizes, |
			DllCall("PrivateExtractIcons", "str", sFile, "int", IconNumber-1, "int", A_LoopField, "int", A_LoopField, "uint*", hIcon, "uint*", 0, "uint", 1, "uint", 0)
			if !hIcon

			if !DllCall("GetIconInfo", "uint", hIcon, "uint", &buf)
			hbmColor := NumGet(buf, 16)
			hbmMask  := NumGet(buf, 12)

			if !(hbmColor && DllCall("GetObject", "uint", hbmColor, "int", 24, "uint", &buf))
		if !hIcon
			return -1

		Width := NumGet(buf, 4, "int"),  Height := NumGet(buf, 8, "int")
		hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, -Height), hdc := CreateCompatibleDC(), obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)

		if !DllCall("DrawIconEx", "uint", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", hIcon, "uint", Width, "uint", Height, "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", 3)
			return -2

		VarSetCapacity(dib, 84)
		DllCall("GetObject", "uint", hbm, "int", 84, "uint", &dib)
		Stride := NumGet(dib, 12), Bits := NumGet(dib, 20)

		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", Stride, "int", 0x26200A, "uint", Bits, "uint*", pBitmapOld)
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(Width, Height), G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
		Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmapOld, 0, 0, Width, Height, 0, 0, Width, Height)
		SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hdc)
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G), Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmapOld)
		if !A_IsUnicode
			VarSetCapacity(wFile, 1023)
			DllCall("kernel32\MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sFile, "int", -1, "uint", &wFile, "int", 512)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "uint", &wFile, "uint*", pBitmap)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "uint", &sFile, "uint*", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap

Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hBitmap, Palette=0)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "uint", hBitmap, "uint", Palette, "uint*", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap

Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap, Background=0xffffffff)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", hbm, "int", Background)
	return hbm

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON", "uint", hIcon, "uint*", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", hIcon)
	return hIcon

Gdip_CreateBitmap(Width, Height, Format=0x26200A)
    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", 0, "int", Format, "uint", 0, "uint*", pBitmap)
    Return pBitmap

	if !DllCall("OpenClipboard", "uint", 0)
		return -1
	if !DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", 8)
		return -2
	if !hBitmap := DllCall("GetClipboardData", "uint", 2)
		return -3
	if !pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hBitmap)
		return -4
	if !DllCall("CloseClipboard")
		return -5
	return pBitmap

	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
	DllCall("GetObject", "uint", hBitmap, "int", VarSetCapacity(oi, 84, 0), "uint", &oi)
	hdib := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 2, "uint", 40+NumGet(oi, 44))
	pdib := DllCall("GlobalLock", "uint", hdib)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "uint", pdib, "uint", &oi+24, "uint", 40)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", pdib+40, "Uint", NumGet(oi, 20), "uint", NumGet(oi, 44))
	DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "uint", hdib)
	DllCall("DeleteObject", "uint", hBitmap)
	DllCall("OpenClipboard", "uint", 0)
	DllCall("SetClipboardData", "uint", 8, "uint", hdib)

Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pBitmap, x, y, w, h, Format=0x26200A)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneBitmapArea", "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h
	, "int", Format, "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", pBitmapDest)
	return pBitmapDest

; Create resources

Gdip_CreatePen(ARGB, w)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePen1", "int", ARGB, "float", w, "int", 2, "uint*", pPen)
   return pPen

Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush(pBrush, w)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePen2", "uint", pBrush, "float", w, "int", 2, "uint*", pPen)
	return pPen

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateSolidFill", "int", ARGB, "uint*", pBrush)
	return pBrush

; HatchStyleHorizontal = 0
; HatchStyleVertical = 1
; HatchStyleForwardDiagonal = 2
; HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal = 3
; HatchStyleCross = 4
; HatchStyleDiagonalCross = 5
; HatchStyle05Percent = 6
; HatchStyle10Percent = 7
; HatchStyle20Percent = 8
; HatchStyle25Percent = 9
; HatchStyle30Percent = 10
; HatchStyle40Percent = 11
; HatchStyle50Percent = 12
; HatchStyle60Percent = 13
; HatchStyle70Percent = 14
; HatchStyle75Percent = 15
; HatchStyle80Percent = 16
; HatchStyle90Percent = 17
; HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal = 18
; HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal = 19
; HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal = 20
; HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal = 21
; HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal = 22
; HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal = 23
; HatchStyleLightVertical = 24
; HatchStyleLightHorizontal = 25
; HatchStyleNarrowVertical = 26
; HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal = 27
; HatchStyleDarkVertical = 28
; HatchStyleDarkHorizontal = 29
; HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal = 30
; HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal = 31
; HatchStyleDashedHorizontal = 32
; HatchStyleDashedVertical = 33
; HatchStyleSmallConfetti = 34
; HatchStyleLargeConfetti = 35
; HatchStyleZigZag = 36
; HatchStyleWave = 37
; HatchStyleDiagonalBrick = 38
; HatchStyleHorizontalBrick = 39
; HatchStyleWeave = 40
; HatchStylePlaid = 41
; HatchStyleDivot = 42
; HatchStyleDottedGrid = 43
; HatchStyleDottedDiamond = 44
; HatchStyleShingle = 45
; HatchStyleTrellis = 46
; HatchStyleSphere = 47
; HatchStyleSmallGrid = 48
; HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard = 49
; HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard = 50
; HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond = 51
; HatchStyleSolidDiamond = 52
; HatchStyleTotal = 53
Gdip_BrushCreateHatch(ARGBfront, ARGBback, HatchStyle=0)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHatchBrush", "int", HatchStyle, "int", ARGBfront, "int", ARGBback, "uint*", pBrush)
	return pBrush

;GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateTexture2I(GpImage *image, GpWrapMode wrapmode, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height, GpTexture **texture)
;GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateTexture2(GpImage *image, GpWrapMode wrapmode, REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height, GpTexture **texture)
;GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateTexture(GpImage *image, GpWrapMode wrapmode, GpTexture **texture)

Gdip_CreateTextureBrush(pBitmap, WrapMode=1, x=0, y=0, w="", h="")
	if !(w && h)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateTexture", "uint", pBitmap, "int", WrapMode, "uint*", pBrush)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateTexture2", "uint", pBitmap, "int", WrapMode, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "uint*", pBrush)
	return pBrush

; WrapModeTile = 0
; WrapModeTileFlipX = 1
; WrapModeTileFlipY = 2
; WrapModeTileFlipXY = 3
; WrapModeClamp = 4
Gdip_CreateLineBrush(x1, y1, x2, y2, ARGB1, ARGB2, WrapMode=1)
	CreatePointF(PointF1, x1, y1), CreatePointF(PointF2, x2, y2)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateLineBrush", "uint", &PointF1, "uint", &PointF2, "int", ARGB1, "int", ARGB2, "int", WrapMode, "uint*", LGpBrush)
	return LGpBrush

; LinearGradientModeHorizontal = 0
; LinearGradientModeVertical = 1
; LinearGradientModeForwardDiagonal = 2
; LinearGradientModeBackwardDiagonal = 3
Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect(x, y, w, h, ARGB1, ARGB2, LinearGradientMode=1, WrapMode=1)
	CreateRectF(RectF, x, y, w, h)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect", "uint", &RectF, "int", ARGB1, "int", ARGB2, "int", LinearGradientMode, "int", WrapMode, "uint*", LGpBrush)
	return LGpBrush

	static pNewBrush
	VarSetCapacity(pNewBrush, 288, 0)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "uint", &pNewBrush, "uint", pBrush, "uint", 288)
	VarSetCapacity(pNewBrush, -1)
	return &pNewBrush

; Delete resources

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeletePen", "uint", pPen)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteBrush", "uint", pBrush)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "uint", pBitmap)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "uint", pGraphics)

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "uint", ImageAttr)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFont", "uint", hFont)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteStringFormat", "uint", hFormat)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFontFamily", "uint", hFamily)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteMatrix", "uint", Matrix)

; Text functions

Gdip_TextToGraphics(pGraphics, Text, Options, Font="Arial", Width="", Height="", Measure=0)
	IWidth := Width, IHeight:= Height
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)X([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", xpos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", ypos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Width)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)H([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Height)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)C(?!(entre|enter))([a-f\d]+)", Colour)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Top|Up|Bottom|Down|vCentre|vCenter", vPos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)R(\d)", Rendering)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)S(\d+)(p*)", Size)

	if !Gdip_DeleteBrush(Gdip_CloneBrush(Colour2))
		PassBrush := 1, pBrush := Colour2
	if !(IWidth && IHeight) && (xpos2 || ypos2 || Width2 || Height2 || Size2)
		return -1

	Style := 0, Styles := "Regular|Bold|Italic|BoldItalic|Underline|Strikeout"
	Loop, Parse, Styles, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
		Style |= (A_LoopField != "StrikeOut") ? (A_Index-1) : 8
	Align := 0, Alignments := "Near|Left|Centre|Center|Far|Right"
	Loop, Parse, Alignments, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
			Align |= A_Index//2.1      ; 0|0|1|1|2|2

	xpos := (xpos1 != "") ? xpos2 ? IWidth*(xpos1/100) : xpos1 : 0
	ypos := (ypos1 != "") ? ypos2 ? IHeight*(ypos1/100) : ypos1 : 0
	Width := Width1 ? Width2 ? IWidth*(Width1/100) : Width1 : IWidth
	Height := Height1 ? Height2 ? IHeight*(Height1/100) : Height1 : IHeight
	if !PassBrush
		Colour := "0x" (Colour2 ? Colour2 : "ff000000")
	Rendering := ((Rendering1 >= 0) && (Rendering1 <= 5)) ? Rendering1 : 4
	Size := (Size1 > 0) ? Size2 ? IHeight*(Size1/100) : Size1 : 12

	hFamily := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(Font)
	hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style)
	hFormat := Gdip_StringFormatCreate(0x4000)
	pBrush := PassBrush ? pBrush : Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(Colour)
	if !(hFamily && hFont && hFormat && pBrush && pGraphics)
		return !pGraphics ? -2 : !hFamily ? -3 : !hFont ? -4 : !hFormat ? -5 : !pBrush ? -6 : 0
	CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, Height)
	Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
	Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, Rendering)
	ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if vPos
		StringSplit, ReturnRC, ReturnRC, |
		if (vPos = "vCentre") || (vPos = "vCenter")
			ypos += (Height-ReturnRC4)//2
		else if (vPos = "Top") || (vPos = "Up")
			ypos := 0
		else if (vPos = "Bottom") || (vPos = "Down")
			ypos := Height-ReturnRC4
		CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, ReturnRC4)
		ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if !Measure
		E := Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, RC)

	if !PassBrush
	return E ? E : ReturnRC

Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, ByRef RectF)
	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", &wString, "int", nSize)
		return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &wString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", pBrush)
		return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", pBrush)

Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, ByRef RectF)
	VarSetCapacity(RC, 16)
	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)   
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", &wString, "int", nSize)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipMeasureString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &wString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", &RC, "uint*", Chars, "uint*", Lines)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipMeasureString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", &RC, "uint*", Chars, "uint*", Lines)
	return &RC ? NumGet(RC, 0, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 4, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 8, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 12, "float") "|" Chars "|" Lines : 0

; Near = 0
; Center = 1
; Far = 2
Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetStringFormatAlign", "uint", hFormat, "int", Align)

Gdip_StringFormatCreate(Format=0, Lang=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateStringFormat", "int", Format, "int", Lang, "uint*", hFormat)
   return hFormat

; Regular = 0
; Bold = 1
; Italic = 2
; BoldItalic = 3
; Underline = 4
; Strikeout = 8
Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFont", "uint", hFamily, "float", Size, "int", Style, "int", 0, "uint*", hFont)
   return hFont

	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &Font, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wFont, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &Font, "int", -1, "uint", &wFont, "int", nSize)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName", "uint", &wFont, "uint", 0, "uint*", hFamily)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName", "uint", &Font, "uint", 0, "uint*", hFamily)
	return hFamily

; Matrix functions

Gdip_CreateAffineMatrix(m11, m12, m21, m22, x, y)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateMatrix2", "float", m11, "float", m12, "float", m21, "float", m22, "float", x, "float", y, "uint*", Matrix)
   return Matrix

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateMatrix", "uint*", Matrix)
   return Matrix

; GraphicsPath functions

; Alternate = 0
; Winding = 1
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePath", "int", BrushMode, "uint*", Path)
	return Path

Gdip_AddPathEllipse(Path, x, y, w, h)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathEllipse", "uint", Path, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)

Gdip_AddPathPolygon(Path, Points)
	StringSplit, Points, Points, |
	VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)   
	Loop, %Points0%
		StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
		NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathPolygon", "uint", Path, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0)

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeletePath", "uint", Path)

; Quality functions

; SystemDefault = 0
; SingleBitPerPixelGridFit = 1
; SingleBitPerPixel = 2
; AntiAliasGridFit = 3
; AntiAlias = 4
Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, RenderingHint)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetTextRenderingHint", "uint", pGraphics, "int", RenderingHint)

; Default = 0
; LowQuality = 1
; HighQuality = 2
; Bilinear = 3
; Bicubic = 4
; NearestNeighbor = 5
; HighQualityBilinear = 6
; HighQualityBicubic = 7
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(pGraphics, InterpolationMode)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "uint", pGraphics, "int", InterpolationMode)

; Default = 0
; HighSpeed = 1
; HighQuality = 2
; None = 3
; AntiAlias = 4
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, SmoothingMode)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetSmoothingMode", "uint", pGraphics, "int", SmoothingMode)

; CompositingModeSourceOver = 0 (blended)
; CompositingModeSourceCopy = 1 (overwrite)
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphics, CompositingMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetCompositingMode", "uint", pGraphics, "int", CompositingMode)

; Extra functions

	if !DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus")
		DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus")
	VarSetCapacity(si, 16, 0), si := Chr(1)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", "uint*", pToken, "uint", &si, "uint", 0)
	return pToken

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", "uint", pToken)
	if hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus")
		DllCall("FreeLibrary", "uint", hModule)
	return 0

; Prepend = 0; The new operation is applied before the old operation.
; Append = 1; The new operation is applied after the old operation.
Gdip_RotateWorldTransform(pGraphics, Angle, MatrixOrder=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipRotateWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics, "float", Angle, "int", MatrixOrder)

Gdip_ScaleWorldTransform(pGraphics, x, y, MatrixOrder=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipScaleWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "int", MatrixOrder)

Gdip_TranslateWorldTransform(pGraphics, x, y, MatrixOrder=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipTranslateWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "int", MatrixOrder)

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipResetWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics)

Gdip_GetRotatedTranslation(Width, Height, Angle, ByRef xTranslation, ByRef yTranslation)
	pi := 3.14159, TAngle := Angle*(pi/180)	

	Bound := (Angle >= 0) ? Mod(Angle, 360) : 360-Mod(-Angle, -360)
	if ((Bound >= 0) && (Bound <= 90))
		xTranslation := Height*Sin(TAngle), yTranslation := 0
	else if ((Bound > 90) && (Bound <= 180))
		xTranslation := (Height*Sin(TAngle))-(Width*Cos(TAngle)), yTranslation := -Height*Cos(TAngle)
	else if ((Bound > 180) && (Bound <= 270))
		xTranslation := -(Width*Cos(TAngle)), yTranslation := -(Height*Cos(TAngle))-(Width*Sin(TAngle))
	else if ((Bound > 270) && (Bound <= 360))
		xTranslation := 0, yTranslation := -Width*Sin(TAngle)

Gdip_GetRotatedDimensions(Width, Height, Angle, ByRef RWidth, ByRef RHeight)
	pi := 3.14159, TAngle := Angle*(pi/180)
	if !(Width && Height)
		return -1
	RWidth := Ceil(Abs(Width*Cos(TAngle))+Abs(Height*Sin(TAngle)))
	RHeight := Ceil(Abs(Width*Sin(TAngle))+Abs(Height*Cos(Tangle)))

; Replace = 0
; Intersect = 1
; Union = 2
; Xor = 3
; Exclude = 4
; Complement = 5
Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x, y, w, h, CombineMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRect", "uint", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "int", CombineMode)

Gdip_SetClipPath(pGraphics, Path, CombineMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipPath", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", Path, "int", CombineMode)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipResetClip", "uint", pGraphics)

	Region := Gdip_CreateRegion()
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetClip", "uint" pGraphics, "uint*", Region)
	return Region

Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, CombineMode=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRegion", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", Region, "int", CombineMode)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateRegion", "uint*", Region)
	return Region

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteRegion", "uint", Region)
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Posts: 15
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

08 Feb 2017, 08:04

brutus_skywalker wrote:I'm using the latest version of ahk but mine works so here's the script and gdip that i'm using, place them both in the same folder as the 'Images' folder and give it a shot,you can even change the images in the folder to your own,it loops through all png files in the images directory.

Yes, it works this time.

The offical LoadPic() Loop over and go back restart showing smoothly , though had white screen glitch randomly while playing.

This Gdip way doesn't have the white screen glitch problem , but it disappear at every loop back about 0.6 second. If could fix this problem Gdip way may be best.
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

08 Feb 2017, 08:25

Well if you used with the hulagirl images you'll find it's wicked smooth,but if you're using your own images you could tweak this line:
SetTimer, Animate, 50 ;the numeral represents the speed at which the images are being cycled and changing it about might make the end of the loop and image cycle restart less abrupt.
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Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

08 Feb 2017, 08:40

brutus_skywalker wrote:Well if you used with the hulagirl images you'll find it's wicked smooth,but if you're using your own images you could tweak this line:
SetTimer, Animate, 50 ;the numeral represents the speed at which the images are being cycled and changing it about might make the end of the loop and image cycle restart less abrupt.
Whatever , thanks for your time replying so far.

On forum there was a chm guide for Gdip , but it is not downloadable now , with hard to modify it fit my hope , guess it lefts offical LoadPic() to do it.
just me
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Location: Germany

Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

08 Feb 2017, 11:15

Code: Select all

Gui, +E0x02000000
might help to reduce flickering in this case.
WS_EX_COMPOSITED (0x02000000L)
Paints all descendants of a window in bottom-to-top painting order using double-buffering.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2014, 15:21

Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

08 Feb 2017, 13:17

just me wrote:

Code: Select all

Gui, +E0x02000000
might help to reduce flickering in this case.
WS_EX_COMPOSITED (0x02000000L)
Paints all descendants of a window in bottom-to-top painting order using double-buffering.
It's dosen't change any. but nevermind , there's other problem.

I want to read image files from an uncompressed zip ,

but after find out the offset then FileOpen() file.RawRead ,
both LoadPicture() Gui, Add, Pic, wouldn't accept rawdata in memory. :crazy:
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Joined: 01 Sep 2014, 15:21

Re: Load imgs to array then loop slideshow till exit.

09 Feb 2017, 03:30

brutus_skywalker wrote:I'm using the latest version of ahk but mine works so here's the script and gdip that i'm using, place them both in the same folder as the 'Images' folder and give it a shot,you can even change the images in the folder to your own,it loops through all png files in the images directory.

Your code set a static image number. I what tested pics just 33 frames that's why blank .

I change image number to Var, and the loop way to use GOTO, I am plan to manual control loop index .
Timer removed.

And change loading way to read image struct memory , because my final goal is directly read uncompressed image file from a zip pack.

It's all about local play the pixiv site zip anime file. Pixiv had their code open https://github.com/pixiv/zip_player
But is for web server and brower way to play, what I am doing is write a local play script for playing zippack frame, without unzip or convert to apng or ffmpeg coding it to mp4 webm .

This testing code is read from hard disk files , zip part is on going .
The load to memory code is from Sean provided in old thread https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/2121 ... o-hbitmap/

Edit post update:

This early code have a lot of bugs , I remove it . Go see the final one .
Last edited by peter723pan on 16 Feb 2017, 09:16, edited 7 times in total.
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Location: Antarctica

Re: Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player on going.

09 Feb 2017, 06:54

So am i right to assume apart from the loading images from zip component, you have solved the flickering issue,i'm only asking such that if you did, i want to keep you're version as a future fix for any future encounter with flickering,i have a 'scripts for future fixes' folder,just want to be sure to put it there :shifty: . Cheers.
Outsourcing Clicks & Presses Since 2004.
Posts: 15
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Re: Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player on going.

09 Feb 2017, 07:23

brutus_skywalker wrote:So am i right to assume apart from the loading images from zip component, you have solved the flickering issue,i'm only asking such that if you did, i want to keep you're version as a future fix for any future encounter with flickering,i have a 'scripts for future fixes' folder,just want to be sure to put it there :shifty: . Cheers.
Your script does not flick , is blank if swap to frames that are not the same as your hulagirl png number , 84, the missing frame will blank .
Also if swap to frames more than 84 , rest part will not be show.

I change to auto count frame number and loop as counted number. It will not blank now.
Last edited by peter723pan on 09 Feb 2017, 07:27, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 175
Joined: 24 Dec 2016, 13:16
Location: Antarctica

Re: Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player on going.

09 Feb 2017, 07:25

Brilliant,thanks for the quick heads up,best of luck with the zipped playback.
Outsourcing Clicks & Presses Since 2004.
Posts: 15
Joined: 01 Sep 2014, 15:21

Re: Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player on going.

09 Feb 2017, 10:40

brutus_skywalker wrote:Brilliant,thanks for the quick heads up,best of luck with the zipped playback.
I add a memory free line . After the File.close()

Code: Select all

        VarSetCapacity(Buffer, 0) 
And the uncompressed zippack frames player is basicly done.

Download this pixiv Ugoira player demo page zip pack test.
https://marcan.st/talks/2014_pixiv_ugok ... /cirno.zip
or a small one, change script to read it :
https://marcan.st/talks/2014_pixiv_ugok ... takata.zip

Still need add get the filename of script itself , fullscreen , resize , combine Gdip.ahk lines in script and remove unused Gdip.ahk lines.
Just finished main function.

Edit post Update:

Combining Gdip.ahk that part I keep it myself. Since play Ugoria zip pack just my personal interest, read Ugoria frame delay list is not content in this post.
Just consider it is an update for hulagirl.ahk

All other coding finished.

Still can only read "store" type zip pack, add support for none Ugoria zip pack ,which winrar 7zip created "store-noncompressed" zip file.
Now can skip file extra info data , skip folders in zip.

Compressed type not support , can't find good AHK example for doing that , and some of it need extra .dll , which I don't want to.
GDI+ drawing still not very fast while resizing picture, but DirectDraw , I search those old threads on forum , nobody can do it .

How to use it . For example Hulagirl , pack png files of Hulagirl in a zip pack , compress type choose "store".
Now your get a Hulagirl.zip
Rename this script to Hulagirl.ahk , it will read the zip pack with the same main filename (in same folder), just like subtitle file.

Right Mouse Button Toggle Pause : while in pause , mouse wheel down , pageDown key , Xbutton2 make show next frame ,
mouse wheel up , pageUp key , Xbutton1 make show previous frame ,

Middle Mouse Button Toggle Fullscreen , it's auto fit.

Left Mouse Button drag window.

ESC key exit script.

Keeping Right Mouse Button down then click Left Mouse Button also exit script.

Sorry for my bad English discrption , I know my words had some grammar mistakes.
It have been long time since left school, English is not my native lauguage. 我说中文。

Code: Select all

#include Gdip.ahk

#SingleInstance Off

If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	MsgBox, 48, Gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system
OnExit, Exit
NotFullscreen := True
onDrawing := False
onChanging := False
isPause := False

;Create Bitmaps from Zip-with-frames-Files
UgoiraZip :=  RegExReplace(A_ScriptName, "i).ahk$", ".zip" )  
File := FileOpen( UgoiraZip , "r")
FileGetSize, fsize , %UgoiraZip%
VarSetCapacity(Buffer, fsize, 0)

;Pointer  Int64, UInt, Int, UShort, Short, UChar, Char, Double, Float, UPtr or Ptr
;         64bit |   32bit |    16bit     |8bitReadAsNum| 64bit| 32bit |pointer to str  
;NumGet() will return any thing in decimal number
;memory address must in [  &mem  ] or  [  addr + 0  ] , mem is memory block object,
;addr := &mem addr store pointer address of memory block object ,but when pass it to NumGet()
;It must be written in [ addr + 0  ] <--- this [ + 0 ] must be written .

File.RawRead( &Buffer, fsize)
;Now I have a copy in memory , file reader can close.
NumOfAllFile := NumGet( &Buffer, fsize-14, "UShort")
listOffset := NumGet( &Buffer, fsize-6, "UInt")
next := listOffset
Loop %NumOfAllFile%
        fileOffset%A_Index% := NumGet( &Buffer, next + 42 , "UInt")
        fileLen%A_Index% := NumGet( &Buffer, next + 20 , "UInt")
        nameLen%A_Index% := NumGet( &Buffer, next + 28 , "UShort")
        fileExtSkip := NumGet( &Buffer, next + 30 , "UShort")
        next := next + 46 + nameLen%A_Index% + fileExtSkip
fileWithoutDir := 0
Loop %NumOfAllFile%
        if ( 0 = fileLen%A_Index% )
        else {
        fileWithOutDir := fileWithOutDir + 1
        ;create memory for Gdiplus.dll store bitmap
        hData%fileWithOutDir% := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Uint", 2, "Uint", fileLen%A_Index% )
        ;none type pointer and protect in-use memory
        pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Uint", hData%fileWithOutDir%)
        ;address of image file start
        pointer := &Buffer + fileOffset%A_Index% + 30 + nameLen%A_Index%
        ;use none type pointer copy image file content to the new empty mem for Gdiplus.dll which just create before
        DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", pData, "Uint", pointer , "Uint", fileLen%A_Index% )
        ;delete none type pointer and unlock
        DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Uint", hData%fileWithOutDir%)
        ;create Stream type pointer for Gdiplus.dll to read
        DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "Uint", hData%fileWithOutDir%, "int", True, "UintP", pStream)
        ;give Gdiplus.dll Stream pointer ,then get Bitmap pointer which AHK GUI can use.
        ;By the way, Gdiplus.dll Stream pass can handle png jpg bmp decode to Bitmap, which GUI can directly use.
        DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "Uint", pStream, "UintP", pBmp)
	pBitmap%fileWithOutDir% := pBmp
;All image date have been copied to Gdiplus.dll , this can be clear.
;Gdiplus.dll use GlobalAlloc created memory space (public address).
;So don't do this -->  DllCall("GlobalFree", "Uint", hData)
VarSetCapacity(Buffer, 0) 

;Dimensions of the images
nWidth := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap1)
nHeight := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap1)
nWidthOri := nWidth
nHeightOri := nHeight

Random, RandomIDaddTitle, 111111, 999999
myTitle := A_ScriptName RandomIDaddTitle
;Create a GUI
Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound -OwnDialogs -Owner +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, 1: Show
hwnd1 := WinExist()
WinActivate, ahk_id %hwnd1%
WinSetTitle, %myTitle%

;autofit size calculate
;screen working area ( area without taskbar )
SysGet, MonitorPrimary, MonitorPrimary
SysGet, WA, MonitorWorkArea, %MonitorPrimary%
WAWidth := WARight-WALeft
WAHeight := WABottom-WATop
aspectScr := Round( (A_ScreenWidth / A_ScreenHeight) , 4 )
aspectWA := Round( (WAWidth / WAHeight) , 4 )
aspectPic := Round( (nWidthOri / nHeightOri) , 4 )
if ( aspectPic > aspectScr )
  Ratio := Round( (A_ScreenWidth / nWidthOri) , 4 )
  Ratio := Round( (A_ScreenHeight / nHeightOri) , 4 )
;Reszie causing drawing delay
antiFullScrDelay := 30
antiResizeDelay := 0
if  ( aspectPic > aspectWA )
  if  ( nWidthOri > WAWidth )
    RatioW := Round( (WAWidth / nWidthOri) , 4 )
    nWidth := Round( nWidthOri * RatioW, 0) 
    nHeight := Round( nHeightOri * RatioW, 0) 
    antiResizeDelay := 30
  if  ( nHeightOri > WAHeight )
    RatioW := Round( (WAHeight / nHeightOri) , 4 )
    nWidth := Round( nWidthOri * RatioW, 0) 
    nHeight :=  Round( nHeightOri * RatioW, 0) 
    antiResizeDelay := 30

nFWidth :=  Round( nWidthOri * Ratio, 0) 
nFHeight :=  Round( nHeightOri * Ratio, 0) 
fX:= (A_ScreenWidth - nFWidth)//2
fY:= (A_ScreenHeight - nFHeight)//2
X:= (WAWidth - nWidth)//2
Y:= (WAHeight - nHeight)//2
hbm := CreateDIBSection(nWidth, nHeight) 
hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc)
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)

;Brush for drawing fullscreen black background
pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateHatch(0xff000000, 0xff000000, Brush)

OnMessage(0x101, "WM_KEYUP") 
;Make left mouse button down event become drag event. 
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")
;Toggle pause
OnMessage(0x204, "WM_RBUTTONDOWN") 
;Toggle Fullscreen
OnMessage(0x208, "WM_MBUTTONUP") 
;Scroll Wheel change frame while pause
OnMessage(0x20A, "WM_MOUSEWHEEL")
;Xbutton change frame while pause
OnMessage(0x20C, "WM_XBUTTONUP")

modNum := fileWithoutDir + 1
; Do a move first else the WinGetPos() in loop will cause problem.
WinMove,%myTitle%, , X, Y
;Loop with manual control index , so the index is globally accessable.

frame := 1
if ( frame > fileWithOutDir )
    Goto, Animate

    If NotFullscreen	;NotFullscreen
        if not onChanging
        onDrawing := True
          Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmap%frame%, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0, nWidthOri, nHeightOri)
          WinGet id, ID, A
          if (id = hwnd1 )
                    WinGetPos, X, Y, , , %myTitle%
          UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight )
	  if not isPause
            frame := frame + 1
        onDrawing := False
        Sleep 50 - antiResizeDelay
    Else	;Fullscreen
        if not onChanging
        onDrawing := True
          DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillRectangle", "uint", GF, "int", pBrush, "float", 0, "float", 0, "float", A_ScreenWidth, "float", A_ScreenHeight)
          Gdip_DrawImage(GF, pBitmap%frame%, fX, fY, nFWidth, nFHeight, 0, 0, nWidthOri, nHeightOri)
          UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdcF, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight )
	  if not isPause
            frame := frame + 1
        onDrawing := False
        Sleep 50 - antiFullScrDelay
Goto, PlayLoop

;for taskbar close, else it will left autohotkey.exe running in background


        Loop %fileWithOutDir%
               DllCall("GlobalFree", "Uint", hData%A_Index% )
        SelectObject(hdcF, obmF), DeleteObject(hbmF)
        DeleteDC(hdcF), Gdip_DeleteGraphics(GF)
	SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm)
	DeleteDC(hdc), Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G)
	Gdip_DeleteBrush(pBrush), Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)

  onChanging := True
    frame := frame + 1
    if frame >= modNum
        frame := ( Mod(frame, modNum)  + 1)
  onChanging := False

  onChanging := True
    frame := frame - 1
    if frame <= 0
        frame := Mod(  (modNum + frame -1) , modNum)
  onChanging := False

WM_KEYUP(wParamk, lParamk )
  if (wParamk = 27)  ; ESC
  else if isPause
      if (wParamk = 34)  ; PageDown
      else if (wParamk = 33)   ; PageUP
WM_XBUTTONUP(wParamX, lParamX)
  if isPause
  whichK := NumGet(&wParamX, 0, "Short")
      if (whichK = 49)  ; Xbutton2
      else if (whichK = 54) ; Xbutton1

;https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=9247      <--- I copied the wheel code part then got crash.
  if isPause
    ; wParam length represent for scroll up or down? I don't know.
    ; Seen like scrolling down will use more bytes , large than 7.
    ; Notice I use scrolling DOWN to frameUP() , when DOING frameUP() the WHEEL IS GOING DOWN
      if (StrLen(wParamS)>7)

;Toggle Pause
	if isPause
          isPause := False
          isPause := True

; Make left mouse button down event become drag event. 
; So normal click is not exist, how to have both event normal like a title bar, I don't know.
; Keep Rbutton down then click Lbutton Toggle Fullscreen
; While Fullscreen disable sending drag event make GUI unmovable.
; Don't use change window attribute Flag like that thread:
; https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/70123-disable-gui-move/
; Unless your don't want to move it again, set back to movable can't make GUI back to normal.
; Every time GUI lost then get focus again , GUI will be send back to x=0, y=0 again.
        if NotFullscreen
	        PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
       if ( (StrLen(wParamL)=1 )  && (NumGet(&wParamL, 0, "Short")=51)  )

;Toggle Fullscreen
        If NotFullscreen	; turn into Fullscreen
            loop onDrawing 
            Sleep 17
            onChanging := True
                WinGetPos, X, Y, , , %myTitle%
                SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm)
                DeleteDC(hdc), Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G)

                hbmF := CreateDIBSection(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight) 
                hdcF := CreateCompatibleDC()
                obmF := SelectObject(hdcF, hbmF)
                GF := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdcF)
                Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(GF, 7)
                NotFullscreen := False
                WinActivate, ahk_id %hwnd1%
            onChanging := False
        Else		; turn into NotFullscreen
            loop onDrawing 
            Sleep 17
            onChanging := True
                SelectObject(hdcF, obmF), DeleteObject(hbmF)
                DeleteDC(hdcF), Gdip_DeleteGraphics(GF)

                hbm := CreateDIBSection(nWidth, nHeight) 
                hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
                obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
                G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc)
                Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
;Draw a first frame then move , makes shrinking look better, this part of code can be remove .
                Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmap%frame%, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0, nWidthOri, nHeightOri)
                UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight )
            onChanging := False
            WinActivate, ahk_id %hwnd1%
            NotFullscreen := True
            WinMove, %myTitle%,, X, Y

Last edited by peter723pan on 16 Feb 2017, 09:17, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 175
Joined: 24 Dec 2016, 13:16
Location: Antarctica

Re: Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player basicly done.

10 Feb 2017, 02:57

"And the uncompressed zippack frames player is basically done."
"it's freaking done!" :bravo:
FREAKIN AWESOME, i FOOLISHLY had doubts, i can think of a few applications for this,hell one can easily combine this with http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/8 ... ?hl=binrun, since one can load the zip file in a compiled script to memory,now you can actually have animated splash images and such with out every extracting a single MEG of data from a compiled exe. I must also say i learned a few new tricks from your code,for my future endeavors, so Thanks. I rarely stray into GUI's and out side of logic & math driven console-code mainly in python,now i can roam a bit farther....

A frames per second control variable will also be usefull for your final version,i had to add a few sleep commands to throttle cpu usage.

AWESOMEjob dude.
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Re: Pixiv Ugoira zip anime player basicly done.

13 Feb 2017, 12:32

brutus_skywalker wrote:........

Last update:

For it's not master peace like tic's GDIP.ank in "Scripts and Functions" board .

And seen not like "Helpful script writing tricks" in "Tutorials" board .

Not very useful script , but if your like the Hulagirl.ahk , can think this is an update .

I not going to start a new thread , just post final code here .

AH, it's done.

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