Opening folders

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Opening folders

12 Jul 2017, 06:38

I have a script to have hotkeys for specific folders, like:

Code: Select all

	Run C:\Documents\
	WinWait, Documents
	Gosub, Center
where "Center" is:

Code: Select all

	WinGetPos, , , WinW, WinH, A
	WinMove, A, , A_ScreenWidth/2-WinW/2, A_ScreenHeight/2-WinH/2-60
to center it in the screen. It works quite fine, but since I switched to Win10 (from XP) sometime it just seems to freeze: after I opened a folder, that same folder doesn't open anymore (but the rest do), and for it to work properly I have to restart Windows Explorer services and the script itself. I can't replicate it, it just happens sometime.

When it happens, the current windows loses focus after regaining it, so it seems it's trying to open the folder; I think it could depend on WinWait instruction, but I'm not sure: for some reason maybe Run doesn't work, and the script get stuck waiting for the folder; if I change from

Code: Select all

WinWait, Documents

Code: Select all

WinWait, Test
I have the same issue.

I also tried to open the folder manually, hoping if the issue was the WinWait it'd be solved, but it didn't, I still had to restart Explorer and script.
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Re: Opening folders

12 Jul 2017, 07:29

Probably a timing issue. What about to use WinWaitActive instead of WinWait?
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Re: Opening folders

12 Jul 2017, 10:27

I'll try that and keep you updated, thanks!
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Re: Opening folders

13 Jul 2017, 13:16

Unfortunately it's not that, also with WinWaitActive it freezes like before.
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Re: Opening folders

13 Jul 2017, 15:12

Try adding a timeout to WinWaitActive, and have the script display an error and return if the timeout triggers.
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Re: Opening folders

16 Jul 2017, 16:54

It did trigger, so it was WinWaitActive, so maybe it does is Run not opening the folder and WinWaitActive looping for that. Ideas? Maybe adding a Return in case of error, but if there were a way to prevent the error altogether would be great.
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Re: Opening folders

19 Aug 2017, 13:45

It keeps happening, unfortunately the timeout doesn't seem to stop the loop.
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Re: Opening folders

19 Aug 2017, 15:51

post your code that is failing. :)
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Re: Opening folders

19 Aug 2017, 17:05

It's this code:

Code: Select all

	Run C:\Documents\
	WinWaitActive, Documents,,1
	Gosub, Center
where "center" is:

Code: Select all

	WinGetPos, , , WinW, WinH, A
	WinMove, A, , A_ScreenWidth/2-WinW/2, A_ScreenHeight/2-WinH/2-60
It doesn't happen often, but sometimes it just freeze as described above. The same issue happens with WinWait instead that WinWaitActive.
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Re: Opening folders

19 Aug 2017, 17:17

One possible issue is if there is already a window called 'Documents' open.

You could do something like:

Code: Select all

IfWinExist, Documents
	WinActivate, Documents

I would try this for your code so far:

Code: Select all

	Run, C:\Documents
	WinWait, Documents
	;WinWaitActive, Documents ;you could use this line instead
	Gosub, Center

	WinGetPos,,, WinW, WinH, Documents
	WinMove, Documents,, % A_ScreenWidth/2-WinW/2, % A_ScreenHeight/2-WinH/2-60
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Re: Opening folders

19 Aug 2017, 17:41

jeeswg wrote:One possible issue is if there is already a window called 'Documents' open
That's not the case, the issue happened without windows with the same name being already opened.

Code: Select all

I would try this for your code so far:
	Run, C:\Documents
	WinWait, Documents
	;WinWaitActive, Documents ;you could use this line instead
	Gosub, Center

	WinGetPos,,, WinW, WinH, Documents
	WinMove, Documents,, % A_ScreenWidth/2-WinW/2, % A_ScreenHeight/2-WinH/2-60
Using WinWait instead of WinWaitActive doesn't resolve the issue (it was the first version of the code, see opening post); as for Center, I use A instead of Documents because several shortcut calls it (Documents, Work, etc.), so I can't have a fixed name.

I think I'll have to go for an If version; thanks for the suggestions!
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Re: Opening folders

19 Aug 2017, 18:10

If Center must be applied to the active window, I would do this:

Code: Select all

	Run, C:\Documents
	WinWait, Documents ;possibly add the timeout parameter, and some code to handle a timeout
	WinActivate, Documents
	;WinWaitActive, Documents
	Gosub, Center

	WinGetPos,,, WinW, WinH, A
	WinMove, A,, % A_ScreenWidth/2-WinW/2, % A_ScreenHeight/2-WinH/2-60
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Re: Opening folders

20 Aug 2017, 02:38

Will try that, thanks; but the issue being the folder (Documents in this example) don't even open and WinWait timeout, would WinActivate do anything? I was thinking about using something like if there is an error, return, if nothing else works.
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Re: Opening folders

22 Aug 2017, 04:27

I was thinking about doing another subroutine before center, that checks ErrorLevel and stops WinWaitActive if there is an error; any idea how to do this? Using Return in the subroutine stops the subroutine itself, not sure how to say to stop WinWaitActive.
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Re: Opening folders

22 Aug 2017, 07:43

You can use the timeout feature of WinWaitActive:
WinWaitActive, Documents, , 2
This waits only 1 second to activate the window, when the window is still not active ErrorLevel is set to 1. Following the command with a ‘If ErrorLevel’ line allows to take action when something is wrong.

Code: Select all

WinWaitActive, Documents, , 2	; Wait 2 seconds for the window to activate.
If ErrorLevel
	; Something to do on error.
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Re: Opening folders

22 Aug 2017, 07:58

Yup, my idea was to put the If ErrorLevel part in a subroutine, since I would have to use it with the same effect more than once and it'd be simple to define one subroutine and call it, rather then having If ErrorLevel each time; it's possible to do so?
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Re: Opening folders

22 Aug 2017, 08:17


Code: Select all

; ...
WinWaitActive, Documents, , 2	; Wait 2 seconds for the window to activate.
GoSub, CheckErrorLevel


If ErrorLevel
	; Something to do on error.
} Else {
	; Something to do on succes.
Yes, that is possible.
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Re: Opening folders

22 Aug 2017, 08:25

If I want it to just stop WinWaitActive what should I do? I think something like this:

Code: Select all

If ErrorLevel
would just return from the subroutine to the main script, but would it stop the loop?

(I'm trying to see if the subroutine works, but since I can't reproduce the glitch I have to wait for it to happens.)
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Re: Opening folders

22 Aug 2017, 08:29

To reproduce the glitch you can change toe WinTitle form Documents to ‘Nonexisitingswindowsorsomethinglikethis’.
You last post will only return to the lines under the ‘GoSub, CheckErrorLevel’ command.
What you want is accomplished with just

Code: Select all

WinWaitActive, , , 2
If ErrorLevel

Re: Opening folders

22 Aug 2017, 09:48

It doesn't seem to work, no idea why; this is the code:

Code: Select all

	Run C:\Documents\
	WinWaitActive, F,,1
	Gosub, CheckErrorLevel
	Gosub, Center

	WinGetPos, , , WinW, WinH, A
	WinMove, A, , A_ScreenWidth/2-WinW/2, A_ScreenHeight/2-WinH/2-60

	If ErrorLevel
		MsgBox, Text
It opens the folder without showing the textbox.

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