limited vs continuous mouse click on a single hotkey plus exit on mouse move X pixels

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limited vs continuous mouse click on a single hotkey plus exit on mouse move X pixels

10 Oct 2017, 12:10


I need help with my script. I want a script that can do:
a. X amount of mouse click on where the cursor position is.
b. Continuous mouse click on where the cursor position is (could be a different hotkey but i prefer it if the hotkey was the same and was long pressed)
c. able to detect mouse movement when greater than X amount of pixels exits the script. (actually i just want it to detect if somebody used the computer but don't want it to be too sensitive).

So far i was able to get a. done. Can anybody help complete the rest? I'm still learning.

Code: Select all

loop 50     ;my X variable for the amount of clicks
	sleep 25  ; delay so computer can process the clicks

Escape:: 	; added this because sometimes i make mistake and can't exit the script.
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Re: limited vs continuous mouse click on a single hotkey plus exit on mouse move X pixels

10 Oct 2017, 16:00

to detect if there was computer input you can compare A_TimeIdle to A_TickCount (these values are in milliseconds) to get how long the computers been idle (nobody has moved mouse or typed keyboard.)
e.g. SecondsSinceLastInput := (A_TickCount - A_TimeIdle) / 1000
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Re: limited vs continuous mouse click on a single hotkey plus exit on mouse move X pixels

12 Oct 2017, 12:34

Hi KuroiLight,

Thank you so much for your solution. Ordinarily this may work, but the reason i was looking for x pixels of movement is because I don't want the mousemove to be so sensitive that if somebody bumps the table the script will exit.

Can somebody share another solution? Also still need an answer for requirement "b".
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Re: limited vs continuous mouse click on a single hotkey plus exit on mouse move X pixels

13 Oct 2017, 13:27

for c:
after comparing A_TimeIdle and A_TickCount like I post before, also compare MouseGetPos results before and after and just ignore if it isn't over your required threshold.
I actually wanted to add the same functionality to an afk script I have, so I decided to write everything from scratch so we can both use it.
Unfortunately I couldn't think of a simple way to detect mouse movement and keyboard presses separately using A_TimeIdle without using dllcalls, so I ended up just hotkeying all keys.

change as you see fit

Code: Select all

CoordMode, Mouse. Screen
#UseHook, On

timeTilAFK := 5 ;time in seconds til we are AFK (5 for testing purposes)
mouseMoveThreshold := 25 ;how much movement is required, in pixel coordinates (x or y)
keypressed := false

SetTimer, checkForAFK, 1000

checkForAFK() {
    static afk := false

    if(!afk and IdleTimedOut()) {
        afk := true

    if(afk) {
        if(!IsIdle()) {
            afk := false
    ;ToolTip, % "We are " . (afk ? "" : "not ") . "afk.", 0, 40, 1

IdleTimedOut() {
    global timeTilAFK
    timeBeenAFK := Round(A_TimeIdle / 1000)
    ;ToolTip, % timeBeenAFK, 0, 0, 2
    if(timeBeenAFK > timeTilAFK)
        return true
        return false

SetIdleMode(onoff) {
    global keypressed
    Loop, 255
        Hotkey, % "~" . Format("vk{:x}", A_Index), kp, % (onoff ? "On" : "Off")
    keypressed := false

    keypressed := true

IsIdle() {
    global keypressed, mouseMoveThreshold
    static idle_x, idle_y
    if(idle_x == "" or idle_y == "") ;init if they havent been
        MouseGetPos, idle_x, idle_y

    MouseGetPos, n_x, n_y
    if(n_x != idle_x or n_y != idle_y) {
        ;check for our mouse movement is over threshold
        if(Abs(n_x - idle_x) > mouseMoveThreshold or Abs(n_y - idle_y) > mouseMoveThreshold)
            keypressed := true ;borrow this variable so just incase we want to cleanup
        idle_x := n_x, idle_y := n_y

        return false
    return true
as for B, if you talking about a simple toggle-able auto-clicker then here you go: (change F3 to what ever key you want to toggle with)

Code: Select all

click_length := 25 ;milliseconds [how long the click should be held down]
click_delay := 50 ;milliseconds [time between clicks]

    ac_toggle := !ac_toggle
    SetTimer, autoClick, % (ac_toggle ? click_delay : "Off")

    Sleep, %click_length%
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