Help with some weird/creative copy-pasting

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Joined: 20 May 2014, 03:52

Help with some weird/creative copy-pasting

20 May 2014, 05:31

Hello all!

I've been searching a long time for software/app that can do this, but I found nothing that can solve this problem, and then I saw Autohotkey and it's possibilities and now I'm here asking if this can be done. I have an unusual problem. I have a LOT of data in excel sheet which I need to input to another..application. It looks like the file attached.
What I basicly do is: copy cell A1, alt+tab to application, paste it, alt+tab to excel, copy cell B1, alt+tab to application, paste it, and so on to cell I1. Then I move to the row below with the same repetition...copy paste A2-B2-...I2, and again and again.

What I need is a way to just press one hotkey..say "H", and every time I press it, it would paste the content of the next cell in sheet, without alt+tabing, until it gets to the column "I", than it goes to the next row, and so on and on to the last row. The idea is to just fill the app with excel data by only pressing one hotkey.

Important thing is to do pasting with "mouse right click-paste function" and NOT with "Ctrl+V" command, because this app is very old and does funny things with Ctrl key pressed, and pasting that way is near impossible.

I was thinking about making a txt file from my data in excel, maybe that would make things more easy for Autohotkeying?

Any help would be wellcome, thank you all in advance.
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Joined: 20 May 2014, 03:52

Re: Help with some weird/creative copy-pasting

20 May 2014, 08:43

Thank you Hamlet. I will try to decifer posts in that topic, but from the looks of it, I think it's little out of my ligue. I'm starting to think this whole problem is lol.
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Re: Help with some weird/creative copy-pasting

20 May 2014, 09:32

If you have some time try out a stupid code of mine just for fun with EXCEL.
(Copy/paste/run it. You do not have to study it. I guess..)

Code: Select all

_ := ComObjCreate( "Excel.Application")
Loop, 4	{
	_.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs( A_ScriptDir "\" A_Index ".xls" )
RegExMatch( "3241", "(.)(.)(.)(.)",ㅣ)
Loop, 4
	Run, % A_ScriptDir "\" ㅣ%A_Index% ".xls"
WinMaximize, Ahk_class XLMAIN
While  WinActive("Ahk_class XLMAIN")	{
	WinMinimize, Ahk_class XLMAIN
	Sleep, 456
_ := ComObjActive( "Excel.Application")
WinActivate, Ahk_class XLMAIN
Loop, 33 {
	_.Windows( Mod( A_Index = 1?0:A_Index-1,4)+1 ".xls").Activate
	_.ActiveWindow.WindowState := -4143											
	_.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 := A_index
	_.Selection.Font.Size :=  200
	   Random, C, 0, 16777215
	_.Selection.Font.Color := C
	   Sleep, 77
	_.ActiveWindow.WindowState := -4140											
_.Visible := 0	
Loop, 4  {	
	_.ActiveWindow.WindowState := -4137			
	_.ActiveWorkbook.Close( True, A_ScriptDir "\" A_Index ".xls")		
Run % A_ScriptDir,, Max
Loop, 4
	FileDelete, % A_ScriptDir "\" A_Index ".xls"
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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 17:11

Re: Help with some weird/creative copy-pasting

20 May 2014, 11:09

With Excel open, hit F3 to select the range of cells. Hit H to put the next cell on the clipboard.

Code: Select all

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
CellRange := "A1:I200"

; With Excel open, hit F3 to select the range of cells.
oExcel := ComObjActive( "Excel.Application")
oRange := oExcel.Range(CellRange)

; Hit H to put the next cell on the clipboard.
h up::
if (Wait)
	Wait := false
	for Cell in oRange {
		Wait := true
		TrayTip,, % Cell.Address "`nHit H to put the next cell on the clipboard."
		Clipboard := Cell.text
		while (Wait = true)
			Sleep, 200

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