Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton Topic is solved

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Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton

03 Jan 2018, 15:02

I`d like to gain full control over the left mouse button inclusive of click&drag.

When I am using:

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=> something is being performed, however I eventually need to add a "click" statement to perform an action AND, sadly, click&drag will NOT work anymore with LButton::

When I am using the tilde like:

Code: Select all

=> something is being performed, click&drag will work fine, however LButton will be passed through to the window the user clicked onto

In some cases I need BOTH in one something-function, dependent on the result of an if-Statement:
EITHER perform something AND pass on the LButton through (also click&drag)
OR perform something AND DO NOT pass on the LButton

Does anyone know how this can be achieved ?
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Re: Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton

03 Jan 2018, 15:57

With #IfWinActive you can assign different LButton for different windows.
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Re: Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton

03 Jan 2018, 17:43

foxhunter, I need to use the same #IfWinActive for the same window but different situations like this:

Code: Select all


{  static check
	; ... some checks ...
	if check		
	{	msgbox You pressed the LButton, but that is not allowed at the moment. I eat up your click now.
		msgbox You pressed the LButton. I will now pass the click to the window you clicked onto  
The "if check" branch won´t work: I cannot avoid the LButton click to be passed on to the underlying application.
If I leave the tilde (~) away, the else-branch will not work (apart from coding a "click" statement, which is a pretty bad solution, since click & drag won't work)
How can I make both work within one function ?
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Re: Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton

03 Jan 2018, 17:59

Something like this:

Code: Select all

#If ConditionLButtonPassThrough() ;Must return TRUE in order to pass through LButton and must finish quickly, so no MsgBoxes
	MsgBox Do your stuff

	Return A_Sec&1 ;True on times with odd seconds
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Re: Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton

03 Jan 2018, 19:55

This use of #if did not come to my mind.
Now the following:

Code: Select all

#if blockMouseClick()

#if									; Could be replaced by any  #ifWinActive blablaWinTitle

{	if not clickCheckActive				; This is a global switch variable, which is activated in my code when needed
		return false
	if (win_id = ...) and (x >...) and ...		; determine window and area, where clicks are not allowed
		return true					
		return false					; all other windows and areas stay unaffected
Where clicks are not allowed, true is being returned, which blocks the LButton.
If clicks are allowed, false is being returned and LButton is not being blocked at all.

Very nice, Thanks!
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Re: Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton

04 Jan 2018, 05:12

Mmmhh, sorry to ask again, but I found a new problem:

The example above works fine as long as the user clicks LButton WITHIN the protected window. However, if ANOTHER window is active and the user DIRECTLY CLICKS on LButton FROM OUTSIDE INTO the protected window, the LButton is being passed on to the protected window. I cannot block LButtons in all the other windows to avoid that.

In this case I would need something to clear the passing on of LButton within an ~LButton function.

Any ideas ?
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Re: Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton

04 Jan 2018, 06:26

The cursor coordinates are relative to the active window, so the range is offset when you click with a different window active. I think it would be easiest to correct, to use CoordMode,Mouse,Screen to make MouseGetPos return screen coordinates and then subtract the target window position coordinates you get from WinGetPos,x,y,,,% win_id.
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Re: Want to choose to bypass or passing on the ~LButton  Topic is solved

04 Jan 2018, 08:34

That was the right idea. I even do not need the coordinates, just the window:

Code: Select all

#if blockMouseClick()

#if									; Could be replaced by any  #ifWinActive blablaWinTitle

{	CoordMode,Mouse,Screen
	WinGetTitle,wt,ahk_id %win_id%
    if (wt = "myProtectedWindowTitle")
    	Return true
    	Return false
Of course, one could Winset,Disable,,myProtectedWindowTitle
but that is not exactly the same thing. In reality I only block a certain area within the protected window, but that does not matter here.
Thanks a lot!

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