Check if connection to server and do something Topic is solved

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Check if connection to server and do something  Topic is solved

20 Feb 2018, 07:03

i'm having trouble writing code that will do the following:
infinite loop. Every 1 minute check if the computer is online (try to ping a server or something), if the machine is online, do nothing, else try again in a minute (do nothing basically), but if machine is offline for 5 minutes then shut it down.
What is going on is, I bought a UPS, that doesn't have a USB port, so the UPS can't shutdown my PC. So figured, if my connection is down then there is a 99% chance that my electricity isn't working either (my ISP is great).

been digging the forum and can't figure it out by myself
Can anybody help me? Buying virtual beer :P :beer:
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Re: Check if connection to server and do something

20 Feb 2018, 08:01

Would you mind to specify that UPS (brand/type/..)?
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Re: Check if connection to server and do something

20 Feb 2018, 10:01

Why not getting a USB Port card ?

Skan has provided the code for checking inernetconnection , tried it on win10 .The code is basic you need to adapt it to your needs ;)

Code: Select all

SetTimer, check_connection, 300000  ; 5min = 5*60*1000 ms

If ConnectedToInternet() 
  Msgbox, 4, WinInet.dll, OFFLINE! Shutdown? , 20  ;timeout 20 sec
    IfMsgBox, yes
      Shutdown, Code
    exitapp  ; to prevent repeating shutdown attemps

; code from Skan
ConnectedToInternet(flag=0x40) { 
Return DllCall("Wininet.dll\InternetGetConnectedState", "Str", flag,"Int",0) 

Re: Check if connection to server and do something

21 Feb 2018, 00:53

My UPS is Tecnoware UPS ERA Plus 750. how could I install a USB card? thanks for the code, wil try it later, when i get home from work.
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Re: Check if connection to server and do something

21 Feb 2018, 02:00

InternetGetConnectedState doesn't actually check for connection, but validity of the connection state (LAN). For your case, this should work, considering if your router/AP has no power, there will be no LAN. To reliably check if you are connected to the internet, however, you should use Ping a server, either in the console (see comspec), or you can use InternetCheckConnection.
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Re: Check if connection to server and do something

21 Feb 2018, 02:31

What do you mean with reliably? is the InternetGetConnectedState unreliable or did you mean something else?
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Re: Check if connection to server and do something

21 Feb 2018, 05:34


Masonjar13 has a valid point.But if your router is not powered through the UPS the check is enough.I would use this instead of pinging for just looking if power is off.
Actually i would install a USB hub or card ,it is only a few euros on amazon ;)

Re: Check if connection to server and do something

21 Feb 2018, 08:42

Thanks for the reply. you misunderstood me, the UPS doesn't have a USB interface, so I can't connect it to my PC (which is basicaly my home server running 24/7), that is powered by the UPS. Thats why I need the program to shutdown my pc :)
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Re: Check if connection to server and do something

21 Feb 2018, 09:32

I don't get the idea why that UPS keeps the box alive but won't allow triggering it for a managed shutdown :crazy:
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Re: Check if connection to server and do something

21 Feb 2018, 11:06

My bad MyGiG for not reading your post properly.I am so used to have UPS with usb that i assumed it was the PC lacking a spare one :oops:

Re: Check if connection to server and do something

22 Feb 2018, 01:15

Yeah, I didn't even know, they come without a USB interface :/ learned the hard way. Anyway thank you all for the replys!

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