Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location? Topic is solved

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Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?

23 Feb 2018, 00:58

On top of that, could I also search for what is in a cell and have it report back what's in a cell?

Fairly straight forward request to understand but if I can elaborate I will do my best.
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Re: Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?

23 Feb 2018, 03:54

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

If !FileExist("my.csv")
	), my.csv
MsgBox % ClipBoard := 2find("Gold")
MsgBox % ClipBoard := 2find("Silver")
MsgBox % ClipBoard := 2find("Bronze")
MsgBox % ClipBoard := 2get("A3")
MsgBox % ClipBoard := 2get("B2")
MsgBox % ClipBoard := 2get("C4")

2find(cellContent) {
	Loop, Read, my.csv
		array := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine,",")
 		lNo := A_Index
		Loop % array.Length() {
			If (array[A_Index] = cellContent)
				Return Chr(lNo+64) ":" A_Index

2get(cell) {
	rowNo := Asc(SubStr(cell,1,1))-64
	colNo := SubStr(cell,2)
	Loop, Read, my.csv
		If (A_Index = rowNo) {
			array := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine,",")
			Return array[colNo]

There will be, of course, a more sophisticated COM approach showing up soon ;)

[edit] Uses alphabetical characters for the rows instead of the columns what's obviously wrong/not standard. JFTR :silent:
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Re: Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?

25 Feb 2018, 18:06

Would you be able to explain how this works at all? I'm not able to get it to work.
Guest wrote:There is a CSV lib with various search options (search, row, column)
I don't even know where I'd begin to use this. :shock:
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Re: Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?

25 Feb 2018, 22:56

So I've kinda understood how this is working now, but it keeps returning values that don't make much sense.

For example. If the term is in cell B10, it'll say it's in J2. It thinks the vertical cells are letters and the horizontal cells are numeric. How can I fix this?
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Re: Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?

26 Feb 2018, 02:10

Unchanged but commented code from above.
You're damn right, the code uses alphabetical characters to label the rows instead of the columns - what's obviously wrong :crazy:
I didn't correct it bc ...

... you should go for the CSV library linked above!! To call its functions (see below) isn't that tricky. You won't have to know anything more for now (except its parameters) and it contains everything one would need if working with INIs :thumbup:
CSV_Load(FileName, CSV_Identifier, Delimiter) ; Load CSV file into memory, must complete first.
CSV_TotalRows(CSV_Identifier) ; Return total number of rows
CSV_TotalCols(CSV_Identifier) ; Return total number of columns
CSV_Delimiter(CSV_Identifier) ; Return the delimiter used
CSV_FileName(CSV_Identifier) ; Return the filename
CSV_Path(CSV_Identifier) ; Return the path
CSV_FileNamePath(CSV_Identifier) ; Return the filename with the full path
CSV_Save(FileName, CSV_Identifier, OverWrite?) ; Save CSV file
CSV_DeleteRow(CSV_Identifier, RowNumber) ; Delete a row
CSV_AddRow(CSV_Identifier, "Cell1,Cell2...") ; Add a row
CSV_DeleteColumn(CSV_Identifier, ColNumber) ; Delete a column
CSV_AddColumn(CSV_Identifier, "Cell1,Cell2...") ; Add a column
CSV_ModifyCell(CSV_Identifier, NewValue,Row, Col) ; Modify an existing cell
CSV_ModifyRow(CSV_Identifier, "NewValue1,NewValue2...", RowNumber) ; Modify an existing row
CSV_ModifyColumn(CSV_Identifier, "NewValue1,NewValue2...", ColNumber)) ; Modify an existing column
CSV_Search(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, Instance) ; Search for text within
CSV_SearchRow(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, RowNumber, Instance) ; Search for text within a cell within a specific row
CSV_SearchColumn(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, ColNumber, Instance) ; Search for text within a cell within a specific column
CSV_MatchCell(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, Instance) ; Search for a cell containing exactly the data specified
CSV_MatchCellColumn(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, ColNumber, Instance=1) ; Search for a cell containing exactly the data specified in a specific column
CSV_MatchCellRow(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, RowNumber, Instance=1) ; Search for a cell containing exactly the data specified in a specific row
CSV_MatchRow(CSV_Identifier, "SearchText1,SearchText2", Instance) ; Search for a row containing exactly the data specified
CSV_MatchCol(CSV_Identifier, "SearchText1, SearchText2", Instance) ; Search for a column containing exactly the data specified
CSV_ReadCell(CSV_Identifier, Row, Column) ; Read data from the specified cell
CSV_ReadRow(CSV_Identifier, RowNumber) ; Read data from the specified row
CSV_ReadCol(CSV_Identifier, ColNumber) ; Read data from the specified column
CSV_LVLoad(CSV_Identifier, Gui, x, y, w, h, header, Sort?, RowIdentification?, AutoAdjustCol?) ; Load data into a listview in the specified gui window, listviewname variablewill equal "CSV_Identifier"
CSV_LVSave(FileName, CSV_Identifier, Delimiter, OverWrite?, Gui) ; Save the specified listview as a CSV file, CSV_Identifier is the ListView's associated variable name.
Sample code
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Re: Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?  Topic is solved

26 Feb 2018, 17:46

So I tried exactly your sample code and it just returns a 0

Which definitely isn't correct.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir, A_ScriptDir
#Include csv.ahk

Inputbox, name, What's the name?

MsgBox % CSV_MatchCell("A", name,3)
MsgBox % CSV_ReadCell("A", 2, 2)
The csv is 5865 cells tall and 3 cells wide. I've literally just searched for something I know is in the excel and it returns a "0" message.
I also changed the delimiter to a , instead of ; because well... CSV uses ,

Also what do you mean about the cells not being wrong in regards to horizontal cells being lettered. That's standard. I've never seen it numbered before in my life.

EDIT: Figured out the issue. The instance for the MatchCell needs to be 1, not 3. Not that I have any idea what that does or means.
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Re: Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?

26 Feb 2018, 18:46

Reynbow wrote:The instance for the MatchCell needs to be 1, not 3. Not that I have any idea what that does or means
Because you don't read my comments within the provided code?!
If there's only a single instance of the name (your search pattern) within the csv file/"table" it won't make sense to search for a third instance of that name - and therefore that search had to fail.
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Re: Is it possible to search a CSV for a word then report back the Cell location?

01 Mar 2018, 00:41

BoBo wrote:
Reynbow wrote:The instance for the MatchCell needs to be 1, not 3. Not that I have any idea what that does or means
Because you don't read my comments within the provided code?!
If there's only a single instance of the name (your search pattern) within the csv file/"table" it won't make sense to search for a third instance of that name - and therefore that search had to fail.
Ahh okay, your description here makes sense.

I couldn't understand what you meant in your comments in the code. I read it, but had no idea what you were trying to say.

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