Confusing associative arrays Topic is solved

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Confusing associative arrays

03 Apr 2018, 16:02

for the sake of this question, lets assume that I have images with these names in a certain folder: buttonA.bmp, buttonA2.bmp, buttonA3.bmp, buttonB.bmp, buttonB2.bmp.
I am trying to create an associative array at the beginning of my script, which will read the names of pictures and create an array of them so that my script can know "by itself" how many images of certain things are there. I am trying to make it work this way because right now, whenever i create a new picture, lets say buttonB3.bmp, I need to add some code in my script so that it would include the newly added picture in the search for buttonB. And its becoming quite cumbersome. So the way I tried to make it work was like this:

Code: Select all

class ButtonPictures
		IniRead, sectionNames, files\buttons.ini ;i have the names of all buttons in buttons.ini
		Loop, parse, sectionNames, `n ;retrieves the name of each button
			secName := A_LoopField
			Loop, Files, files\%secName%??.bmp ;searches for all images starting with buttons name
				%secName% := {(a_index): A_LoopFileName} ;this is what confuses me and is probably the core of the failure
				msgbox, % %secName%[a_index] ;this works as expected, shows the name of the image
			msgbox, % %secName%[1] ;this does not show anything
		msgbox, % buttonA[2] ;this also does not show anything
I am trying to contain the whole array within a class, and i know it should have

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prefix, but

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is not allowed. If its not possible to contain it within a class, I could always just put it in a function and then return the whole array. But it would be nicer if there would be some way to make the class work.
So, again, my question is: what should I need to change in the code above to successfully create an associative array where the name of the button is the name of array, keys are just integers and values are the names of pictures. For example:

Code: Select all

buttonA{1: buttonA.bmp, 2: buttonA2.bmp, 3: buttonA3.bmp}
Thank you in advance :)
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Re: Confusing associative arrays

03 Apr 2018, 16:12

Just as an idea, you could create a two dimensional associative array. So for example, PictureArray[ButtonA][1] would be the name of the first ButtonA, and PictureArray[ButtonB][3] would be the third ButtonB. That should be relatively easy to add to on the fly.

EDIT: It also has the advantage that you can do for example for key, value in PictureArray[ButtonA] if you need to iterate through all the buttons of a certain type.

Re: Confusing associative arrays

03 Apr 2018, 22:30

Code: Select all

/* buttons
IniRead, a,% inifile , sectionNames
for b,c in StrSplit(a,"`n") {
	Loop, Files,% Loopfile
		if ( InStr(A_LoopFileName,c)) {
			%c%[A_Index] := A_LoopFileName
for a,b in buttonA
( (a<=d-1)?(e.=a ": "b ", "):((a=d)?(e.=a ": "b):0) )
MsgBox,% "buttonA:={"e "}"
. "`n" buttonA[2]
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Re: Confusing associative arrays

04 Apr 2018, 02:08

Thank you both for replies!
I combined both answers and came up with this:

Code: Select all

class ButtonPictures
		IniRead, sectionNames, files\buttons.ini
		Loop, parse, sectionNames, `n
			secName := A_LoopField
			Loop, Files, files\%secName%??.bmp
				this.pictureArray[secName][a_index] := A_LoopFileName
and now I can do this:

Code: Select all

pics := new ButtonPictures
msgbox, % pics.pictureArray.ButtonB.2
, which works great :D Now I no longer need to update code with every new picture:

Code: Select all

myImagesearch(pics.pictureArray.ButtonB.length(), pics.pictureArray.ButtonB, 1x, 1y, 0, 0, a_screenWidth, a_ScreenHeight, 20)

myImagesearch(image_count, array_name, byref 1x, byref 1y, Lx, Ly, Rx, Ry, variation:=0, trans:=0)
	if (trans || variation)
		loop % image_count
			image := "files\" . array_name[a_index]
			if (trans)
				image := "*trans" . trans . " " . image
			if (variation)
				image := "*" . variation . " " . image
			imagesearch, 1x, 1y, %Lx%, %Ly%, %Rx%, %Ry%, %image%
			if (!errorlevel)
				return 0
		loop % image_count
			image := "files\" . array_name[a_index]
			imagesearch, 1x, 1y, %Lx%, %Ly%, %Rx%, %Ry%, %image%
			if (!errorlevel)
				return 0
very convenient, Thank you :)
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Re: Confusing associative arrays

04 Apr 2018, 03:40

The issue was that you replaced the array you stored the pictures in every time you added a picture.
Only the last picture was stored inside the array.
If Arr[A_Index] := value is not an option for adding new values you might want to use arr.push( value )
This automatically adds value to the array no matter how many other keys there are inside.
The key it is stored at is always the highest number inside the array.
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Re: Confusing associative arrays

04 Apr 2018, 04:22

Thank you, I think i got it now. I went even further and created this:

Code: Select all

class images
		num = 1
		Loop, Files, files\*.bmp
			imageName := A_LoopFileName
			stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 4 ;removes ".bmp" from filename
			StringRight, rightMostChar, imageName, 1 
			if rightMostChar not in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 ;checks if the last character is a number
				this.picArr[imageName]:={} ;creates an array
				num = 1
				stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 1 ;removes the number from image name
			this.picArr[imageName][num] := A_LoopFileName ;adds picture name to array
I think what confused me was the fact that sometimes it is needed to use "[]" and sometimes "%%" when creating arrays. For example, when I was trying to create the above code, first I made it outside of a class and then it worked like this:

Code: Select all

num = 1
Loop, Files, files\*.bmp
	imageName := A_LoopFileName
	stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 4
	StringRight, rightMostChar, imageName, 1
	if rightMostChar not in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
		num = 1
		stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 1
	%imageName%[num] := A_LoopFileName
but when I tried to make it two dimensional, like this:

Code: Select all

num = 1
Loop, Files, files\*.bmp
	imageName := A_LoopFileName
	stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 4
	StringRight, rightMostChar, imageName, 1
	if rightMostChar not in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
		picArr%imageName%:={} ;none of these would work
		num = 1
		stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 1
	picArr%imageName%[num] := A_LoopFileName
	;picArr[imageName][num] := A_LoopFileName
it just didn't work out. Im still a bit confused about this, why in a class this works

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but outside of the class, almost the same thing does not work:

Code: Select all

just me
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Re: Confusing associative arrays  Topic is solved

04 Apr 2018, 05:04

Within a class This is an already existing object. Outside of a class, you have to define picArr as an object before you can add items:

Code: Select all

picArr := [] ; or {} or Array() or Object()
num = 1
Loop, Files, files\*.bmp
	imageName := A_LoopFileName
	stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 4
	StringRight, rightMostChar, imageName, 1
	if rightMostChar not in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
		num = 1
		stringtrimRight, imageName, imageName, 1
	picArr[imageName][num] := A_LoopFileName
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Re: Confusing associative arrays

05 Apr 2018, 08:19

Zelna wrote:I think what confused me was the fact that sometimes it is needed to use "[]" and sometimes "%%" when creating arrays.
These are two completely different things. If you use %% you are creating what are called pseudo-arrays. Pseudo-arrays aren't actually arrays at all; the variables in the pseudo-array are not linked to each other in any real way. It's just a collection of variables with dynamically assigned names.

Arrays created with [] or {} are actual arrays; the elements of the array are all part of a single array variable, and you can use the built-in functions of the array class with them (such as array.push and array.lenth) as well as iterating through them with for loops.

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