Make a GUI that disappears when a Window isn't in focus anymore

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Posts: 51
Joined: 03 Mar 2017, 04:51

Make a GUI that disappears when a Window isn't in focus anymore

01 May 2018, 11:20

I have made some code that only appears ontop of OneNote and offers some buttons. The problem I have with it is that when I press the button it gets focus so the GUI
disappears. I have found two possible solutions, but I'm not sure how to implement them.

My first idea would be to make the GUI unfocusable, but as stated I don't how that would work.

The second thought is that I could make

Code: Select all

WinWaitNotActive  ‎- OneNote
Only pass when neither the OneNote nor the GUI are active, but I also don't know how to pass two possible programs into the command.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance force

    SetTitleMatchMode 2

    Gui +LastFound -Caption +ToolWindow +Border + AlwaysOnTop
    Gui Add, Button, gDublicate x-1 y-1 w60 h25, Dublicate
    Gui Add, Button, gDelete x57 y-1 w60 h25, Delete
    Gui Add, Button, gBackwards x115 y-1 w25 h25, ←
    Gui Add, Button, gForwards x138 y-1 w25 h25, →

        WinWaitActive  ‎- OneNote
        Gui, Show, xCenter y35 NoActivate h23 w162
        WinWaitNotActive  ‎- OneNote
        Gui Hide


        WinActivate  ‎- OneNote
        SendInput ^c
        Sleep 50
        SendInput ^v

        WinActivate  ‎- OneNote   
        SendInput {Del}

        WinActivate  ‎- OneNote   
        SendInput ^z

        WinActivate  ‎- OneNote   
        SendInput ^y
Posts: 42
Joined: 31 Aug 2015, 11:33

Re: Make a GUI that disappears when a Window isn't in focus anymore

01 May 2018, 11:33

WinWaitNotActive can accept window groups:
I'm guessing you could add both OneNote and your GUI to a group and use that.
Posts: 51
Joined: 03 Mar 2017, 04:51

Re: Make a GUI that disappears when a Window isn't in focus anymore

01 May 2018, 11:55

softwareeater wrote:WinWaitNotActive can accept window groups:
I'm guessing you could add both OneNote and your GUI to a group and use that.
I will try, but wouldn't it then wait until either is Not Active instead of both and as such immediately pass?

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