Pulover's Macro Creator crash during macro running.

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Pulover's Macro Creator crash during macro running.

09 Oct 2018, 11:04

I'm Daniele from Italy.

First of all thanks a lot for Pulover's Macro Creator application, which allows standard user to improve simple daily workflow without programming knowledge.

In my case during a working day I navigate Windows 10 interface using a Screen Reader because I'm visually impaired.
Not all the interfaces I have to navigate are accessible, it means I can't use my Screen Reader over there, so my job workflow has a gap.

A colleague has configured Pulover's Macro Creator to do those tasks that I can't do by myself. I simply run a macro with a shortcut and that gap is filled.

Unfortunatly sometime while macro is running it seems Pulover's Macro Creator crashes, because the macro stops before is finished and everything stops working, or better, everything goes really really slower. Each time I press a key on the keyboard or I move the mouse there is a long delay before my action has effect.
After some minutes Pulover's Macro Application closes definitively and everything becomes normal again.

This kind of crash seems to happen randomly.
Actions recorded using Pulover's MAcro Creator has been added one by one. They are simple action of pressing keyboard keys. No programming in it.

Do you know if there is a known reason why it should happen? Or how can I identify the origin?
During macro running I close Screen Reader application.

Thanks a lot for any advice.

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Joined: 08 Oct 2018, 05:49

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator crash during macro running.

12 Oct 2018, 08:11

I don't know the answer to your question, but just wanted to add that I've started using AutoHotKey recently because Pulover's Macro Creator was so unreliable.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator crash during macro running.

12 Oct 2018, 08:55

It is hard to tell without seeing the code but this usually is the result of a problem with memory (variables aren't cleared or emptied between runs), being stuck in an endless loop (consuming more and more memory) - this could be an actual loop or a function that keeps on calling itself and and again and never "returning" etc.

So it may very well be that the solution is in the PMC code or in the AutoHotkey script it has generated and has nothing to do with PMC as such.

What you could (ask your colleague) to do is try to save the PMC code as an AutoHotkey script and run that separately - it will probably still crash but now you can "easily" add some logging capabilities to the script so you can try to pin point the problem. For each "section" in the script you can write some data to a text file e.g. "now going to click on button, script line: 123, variable X=5" etc - when it crashes you can see what it was trying to do - if it keeps crashing at the same "point" you can try to fix it there.

If it crashes say, every hour, but you can't find a solution, you can still fix it by having the script restart itself every 30 minutes, that way it will resolve any memory issues - not ideal but if it works, it works :-)

Ideally the script is written from scratch in AutoHotkey itself and not using the PMC recording option - that does take a bit of time to learn AutoHotkey but the rewards will be a more stable solution and no doubt you - or your colleague - will pick up some more tricks along the way to help you and your colleagues to get more done with AutoHotkey.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator crash during macro running.

14 Oct 2018, 09:13

Thank you so much for your answers.

We already tried to install AutoHotKey and export PMC project to a .exe file. I receive an error when I try to lunch the .exe
Of course we have not idea how to fix even if we have info about the script line. If I lunch from PMC it works.

To create the PMC project we didn't press the "record" button, but we added one by one all the actions.

I'm afraid that to move from PMC to AutoHotKey is really something not possible. My collegue helps me to set these macros, but it is something more that he shouldn't do, because basically we are not developers. You know, this is a classic situation where the company can solve a certain quantity and quality of problems. This is not the case, I'm the only one visually impaired and this is not a problem which involves all workers, but only me.

I run these macros more times in a working day. Sometime it happens, sometime it doesn't, and not always in the same point.

If it is really a memory problem, does in PMC exist an action I can add at the end of the Macro stach, which clear or empty memory variables?

Thanks again for any info.

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