Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager) Topic is solved

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Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

21 Mar 2019, 10:22

I would like to replace my 50+ tasks manager with ahk.
I am not sure if this is the best way of doing it but thanks to this I found the sleeptill function So have replaced all my tasks that are running daily.

I would like now to replace my tasks that are running only on specified days ex: every monday, wednesday and friday at 8am, 11am and 2pm.

I am not sure what's the best way of doing.

I call my tasks like this :

Code: Select all

  SleepTill(1100) ;wait till 11 am
  Run ...
  SleepTill(1610) ;wait till 4:10 pm
  Run  ... 

Maybe something like this could work but I don't know how to handle this in the sleepTill function.

Code: Select all

  SleepTill(1,3,5, 1610) ;run at 4:10 pm only monday(1), wednesday (3) and friday(5)
  Run  ... 

Here is the sleepTill function

Code: Select all

SleepTill(Time) {
ST_Hour:=SubStr(Time, 1 ,2)
ST_Min:=SubStr(Time, 3 ,2)
ST_Sec:=(SubStr(Time, 5 ,2)<>"" ? SubStr(Time, 5 ,2) : "00")
STime:=STime<0 ? STime+86400000 : STime
Sleep %STime%
Return % A_Hour ":" A_Min
Maybe this code would be a better start, but I don't need to schedule for the next day as I shut down my computer every evening and restart it every morning.
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Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

21 Mar 2019, 11:36

So far, Iwas able to do this:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

SleepTill(Time, date:=0) {
if (%ST_weekday% in date){
ST_Hour:=SubStr(Time, 1 ,2)
ST_Min:=SubStr(Time, 3 ,2)
ST_Sec:=(SubStr(Time, 5 ,2)<>"" ? SubStr(Time, 5 ,2) : "00")
STime:=STime<0 ? STime+86400000 : STime
Sleep %STime%
Return % A_Hour ":" A_Min
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Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

21 Mar 2019, 16:09

Interesting, but the obvious issue that comes up is the computer going into sleep or hibernation mode. Usually this kills any AutoHotkey script from executing at a specified time. Consequently, the script would have to prevent sleep or hibernation mode from happening, or use a DLL to wake the computer back up from sleep or hibernation. The next issue would be screen lock. Where that needs to be temporarily turned off, so that the script will be able to execute properly when the time comes.
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Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

21 Mar 2019, 17:57

Without taking into consideration all other issues and looking purely at the code, I'd suggest you do something similar to what you already have

Code: Select all

if (InStr(date, A_Wday))
that way, you can just do

Code: Select all

sleepTill(1610, 135)

Code: Select all

SleepTill(Time, date:= 0)
	if (InStr(date, A_Wday))
		; get hour 
		ST_Hour:=SubStr(Time, 1 ,2)
		; get minute 
		ST_Min:=SubStr(Time, 3 ,2)
		; get seconds 
		ST_Sec:=(SubStr(Time, 5 ,2)<>"" ? SubStr(Time, 5 ,2) : "00")
			; calculate remaining time in milliseconds
			; target Time - current time, into milliseconds 
			; if remaining time < 0, then add in 86400000 ms (24 hours)
		STime:= (STime<0) ? (STime+86400000) : (STime)

			; sleep for that amount of remaining time. 
		Sleep %STime%

	Return % A_Hour ":" A_Min
However, as oppose to using Loops, I'd recommend using a SetTimer instead. So using a negative value for a set-timer will cause it to run once only. Plus if you want to run anything else on that script, you still can. I also do recommend putting a check for "if date = 0", and allowing it to be scheduled anyday of the week if it's 0/blank.
See here:

Code: Select all

	Schedule("Hi", 1556)

; ----------- Labels ----------
MsgBox % "Hi! It is now " A_Hour " : " A_Min "!`n"

Schedule(label, Time, date:= 0)
	; we'll keep this portion the same
	if (InStr(date, A_Wday)) || (date = 0)
		; get hour 
		ST_Hour:=SubStr(Time, 1 ,2)

		; get minute 
		ST_Min:=SubStr(Time, 3 ,2)

		; get seconds 
		ST_Sec:=(SubStr(Time, 5 ,2)<>"" ? SubStr(Time, 5 ,2) : "00")

			; calculate remaining time in milliseconds
			 ; target Time - current time, into milliseconds 

			; if remaining time < 0, then add in 86400000 ms (24 hours)
		STime:= (STime<0) ? (STime+86400000) : (STime)
			; sleep for that amount of time. 
		SetTimer, % label, % -1 * STime
	; otherwise, if it's not on the weekday we specified, turn it off. 
	SetTimer, % label, Off
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Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

22 Mar 2019, 06:37

partof, you might also want to take a look at this thread.

Another possible way to address the problem, is to have your code run at startup. Due to the computer being turned off, sleep, hibernation, or locked; you can have the script run when possible, when a user logs in. This solution can work, if execution of the script is not so critical, and the nearest convenient time is possible. So if a date is missed, upon startup, the script will check that execution is overdue and then run.
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Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

22 Mar 2019, 09:34

Thanks nou, this is indeed a better way to do it.

Sote, I run into this problem today. I put my computer into sleep and all my tasks were disorganized. I do not want ahk to wake up my computer. I only need my task to be display when I log back in my computer after a sleep. Ex: I have a task set for 10 am and 11am. I put my computer into sleep from 9am to 10:30am. When I log back in, I should see the 10 am task and my 11 am task should come up as expected at 11 am.
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Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)  Topic is solved

22 Mar 2019, 12:19

partof wrote:
22 Mar 2019, 09:34
Thanks nou, this is indeed a better way to do it.

Sote, I run into this problem today. I put my computer into sleep and all my tasks were disorganized. I do not want ahk to wake up my computer. I only need my task to be display when I log back in my computer after a sleep. Ex: I have a task set for 10 am and 11am. I put my computer into sleep from 9am to 10:30am. When I log back in, I should see the 10 am task and my 11 am task should come up as expected at 11 am.
You also have to make sure your code specifies that if the time is later than scheduled, then it will run. if (time >= "3/21/2019 3:01 pm"). And make sure that every time that you login, your programs will run. You can have subroutines turn SetTimers on and off, in addition to GUIs where you input the time.

Code: Select all

SetTimer, WillDo, 45000 ; check time every 45 seconds.


formattime, time,, M/d/yyyy h:mm tt ; gets system time and puts it in desired format.
if (time >= "3/21/2019 3:01 pm") ;calls DoThat subroutine at specified time or later.
	gosub, DoThat


msgbox, We did something!
SetTimer, WillDo, Off
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Joined: 16 Jan 2016, 08:38

Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

28 Mar 2019, 03:33

Thanks Sote for this code, I didn't think about do it that way. It's better than relying on a count down!
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Re: Run a script every specified weekday at specified time (use ahk instead of task manager)

28 Mar 2019, 05:27

You can try something like this:

Code: Select all


SetTimer, Chronos, 500

FormatTime, TimeToMeet,,HHmmss

If A_YYYY = 2019									; <============= Sets the year in which the MsgBox will initiate
		If A_MM = 03								; <============= Sets the month in which the MsgBox will initiate
				If A_DD = 29						; <============= Sets the day in which the MsgBox will initiate
						If TimeToMeet = 134530		; <============= Sets the hour, minute and second in which the MsgBox will initiate
								MsgBox "TEXT"		; <============= Can be replaced with any bit of code
						If TimeToMeet = 000000		; <============= Another instance for the same date but different time
								MsgBox "TEXT2"
This particular script will initate the this case a MsgBox, at exactly 13:45:30 tomorrow. This is dependant on the system clock though

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