COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point? Topic is solved

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COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

09 May 2019, 16:12


some demo code:

Code: Select all

xl := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")

xlContent := xl.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value
Msgbox, % xlContent[13, 6]

xl =
xlContent will be an array of rows, columns that contain the values of each Excel cell

Let's say that the cell at 13, 6 contains the text "2000".
My problem is, that the array at that position will not contain "2000"
now, but "2000.000000"...

It doesn't matter if the Excel cell is formatted as standard or text.

What am I missing here?
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 03:50


my 2 cent tip

Code: Select all

v := 2000.000000
MsgBox % ""
.  v "`n"
.  RegExReplace(v, "\.0+$")
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 04:00

Fpr a single cell this works:

Code: Select all

Msgbox, % xl.ActiveSheet.cells(13,6).text
or you can use Format

Code: Select all

Msgbox, % format("{:d}",xlContent[13,6])
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 04:14

Yeah, I was already replacing that value
by using

Code: Select all

v := RegExReplace(v, "\.0{6}$")
but I was just wondering why the array is filled with floating point values when the real value is just an integer
(so that I can avoid the regexreplace).

There must be a reason for this...
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 04:36

or (SetFormat was easier to use - but it's not recommended for new scripts.)
Now is Format an alternative.

Code: Select all

v := 2000.000000
String := Format("{:1.0f}", v)
MsgBox %String%
; or
MsgBox, % Format("{:1.0f}", v)
(From jeeswg's characters tutorial)
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 04:51

my friend
that is not the point here
the problem is how do you handle the return value of property Value properly (as you wanted)
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?  Topic is solved

10 May 2019, 08:58

drawback wrote:
10 May 2019, 04:14
but I was just wondering why the array is filled with floating point values when the real value is just an integer
No, the "real" value is floating point. That's how excel stores it internally, so that's why it's the "Value". The integer is just how you have formatted the cell to display, but the underlying value is floating point.

As was already mentioned above, if you want the value formatted as it is displayed then you need to used .Text instead of .Value.

Looping over a large number of individual cells will be a lot slower than using a safeArray, but this will get the text.

Code: Select all

xl := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
xlContent := xl.Range("A1:B4")
Msgbox, % xlContent.Cells(1, 2).Text
for Cell in xlContent
	MsgBox % Cell.Value "`n" Cell.Text
xl := xlContent := "" 
If speed is an issue I would suggest using the Format function as was already suggested.
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 11:24

I've just checked the real value of numbers in Excel
I do not know

I have dismantled the xlsx into zip and find it
It looks like just 2000 not floating point style 2000.000000

so, the Evil lives not in the real value, but somewhere in the middle point
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 11:34

I can not confirm one of your comment
I have changed the cell's format into Text so I got 2000 not 2000.000000 from COM_Excel_of_AHK
This is written in SharedString file so it is NOT a floating point nor integers nor decimal numbers.
It is just a string nothing else
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 14:05

awel20 wrote: That's how excel stores it internally,
Klarion wrote:
10 May 2019, 11:24
I have dismantled the xlsx into zip and find it
I was referring to the Excel program itself - not to be confused with the files that it opens.

Edit: Is the type of a numeric value of a cell in Excel ALWAYS considered as DOUBLE?
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

10 May 2019, 16:39

Code: Select all

a := [123.123456
, 123.123450
, 123.123400
, 123.123000
, 123.120000
, 123.100000 
, 123.000000
, 123000000]
For Each, x In a
	r .= RegExReplace(RegExReplace(x, "(\.\d*?)0+$", "$1"), "\.$") "`n"
MsgBox % r
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Re: COM - Excel - Cell content = floating point?

15 May 2019, 03:53

Thanks guys (for the explanations as well)!

I need to iterate over 20.000 cells so speed is crucial...

In the end I've used a two step regex process where I first removed
all trailing 000000 chars and reformatted the remaining ones (1232.03, 322.42 etc.)
into 1232,03 & 322,42 (german divider for numbers). If a single "0" remained after
these steps, it was removed (I don't need any "0" values)...

Best regards,

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