Ctrl+W doesn't work after Chrome browser is focused Topic is solved

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Ctrl+W doesn't work after Chrome browser is focused

30 Sep 2019, 03:41

I'm using this code:

Code: Select all

	Clipboard := ""
	SendInput, ^c
	ClipWait, 0.5
	if( ErrorLevel )
	Run, % "https www.google.ru search?q=" . UriEncode( trim2( Clipboard ) ),, pid
	WinWait, ahk_pid pid
	WinActivate, ahk_pid pid
It works fine, Chrome window is activated (even without WinWait+WinActivate). But the problem is that Chrome window does not always react to keyboard, such as pressing of Up or Down arrows, or, what's more important, Ctrl+W. Actually it reacts, but only in 50% of cases. Even after scrolling the page, it does not react to Ctrl+W - you need to click on the page, or just anywhere on Chrome window, to make Ctrl+W work. That's why I tried WinWait+WinActivate, but it doesn't change a thing :headwall:

So is there any method for force activating Chrome window - or, I must say, separately Chrome tab, to make Ctrl+W work without clicking on the page itself?
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Re: Ctrl+W doesn't work after Chrome browser is focused  Topic is solved

30 Sep 2019, 11:00

pid is a variable name in your code - to reference its contents with winwait or winActivate, you will have to put it between %s or force an expression.

Code: Select all

WinWait, ahk_pid %pid%
WinActivate, ahk_pid %pid% 
; or:
WinWait, % "ahk_pid " pid
WinActivate, % "ahk_pid " pid
Also, if I see it correctly, your use of run doesn't correspond to the docs. According to run, the process id variable name should be the fourth parameter - but this looks like the third parameter to me:

Code: Select all

Run, % "https www.google.ru search?q=" . UriEncode( trim2( Clipboard ) ),, pid
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Joined: 31 May 2019, 08:14

Re: Ctrl+W doesn't work after Chrome browser is focused

01 Oct 2019, 05:44

gregster wrote:
30 Sep 2019, 11:00
pid is a variable name in your code - to reference its contents with winwait or winActivate, you will have to put it between %s or force an expression.
Yes, of course! I should have taken that into account.
gregster wrote:
30 Sep 2019, 11:00
Also, if I see it correctly, your use of run doesn't correspond to the docs.
Obviously, it is :D Thanks alot!

I also removed the WinWait procedure because it sometimes caused the script to hang.
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Re: Ctrl+W doesn't work after Chrome browser is focused

01 Oct 2019, 05:59

I have tested it, and now Chrome window is activated in 100% of cases. If anyone is interested, here is the full code (in the URL, replace underscores '_' with slashes '/'). This script launches Google search with the text you selected (in Word, Notepad, anywhere, even from the Chrome itself):

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
Menu, Tray, Icon, google.png

UriEncode( uri, enc="UTF-8" )

	StrPutVar( uri, var, enc )
	f := A_FormatInteger
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, H


		code := NumGet( var, A_Index - 1, "UChar" )

		if( ! code )

		if( code >= 0x30 && code <= 0x39 ; 0-9
			|| Code >= 0x41 && code <= 0x5A ; A-Z
			|| code >= 0x61 && code <= 0x7A ) ; a-z
			res .= Chr( code )
			res .= "%" . SubStr( code + 0x100, -1 )


	SetFormat, IntegerFast, %f%

	return res


StrPutVar( str, ByRef var, enc="" )

	len := StrPut( str, enc ) * ( enc = "UTF-16" || enc = "CP1200" ? 2 : 1 )
	VarSetCapacity( var, len, 0 )
	return StrPut( str, &var, enc )


trim2( str )

	return RegExReplace( str, "^[\s ]+|[\s ]+$", "" )


clean_spaces( str )

	return RegExReplace( RegExReplace( str, " ", " " ), " {2,}", " " )



	Clipboard := ""
	SendInput, ^c
	ClipWait, 5

	if( ErrorLevel )

	;MsgBox, % "https:__www.google.ru_search?q=" . UriEncode( clean_spaces( trim2( Clipboard ) ) )
	Run, % "https:__www.google.ru_search?q=" . UriEncode( clean_spaces( trim2( Clipboard ) ) ),,, pid
	;WinWait, % "ahk_pid ", pid,, 0.5       ; sometimes causes script to hang :(
	WinActivate, % "ahk_pid ", pid
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Re: Ctrl+W doesn't work after Chrome browser is focused

01 Oct 2019, 08:10

I wish more people knew about Chrome extensions. They would save countless ours of tedious coding by using the right tools for the job.

What you wanted is Ctrl+G to copy the selected text and then open a google search for that text. I do something like that as well.

You can set that up in 10 seconds with this Chrome extension:


The two red arrows show that the shortcut will work globally (i.e. on any program).
And the key part is in the URL you have to open (in red):

The sequence of actions read like this:
1. Copy the selected text to the clipboard
2. Open the URL in a new tab
3. Activate that tab
4. Focus the Chrome window (in case it wasn't already focused)
Posts: 59
Joined: 31 May 2019, 08:14

Re: Ctrl+W doesn't work after Chrome browser is focused

01 Oct 2019, 09:03

Getfree wrote:
01 Oct 2019, 08:10
I wish more people knew about Chrome extensions. They would save countless ours of tedious coding by using the right tools for the job.
To be honest, I rarely assume that Chrome extensions are able to operate outside the browser :) Thank you, I'll try it!

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