Add custom items to existing right-click menu's

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Add custom items to existing right-click menu's

19 Oct 2017, 09:12

This has been my most frustrating AHK experience as of yet and I need your help perfecting my code.

I've been trying to:
1) add custom items to an existing right-click context menu, and
2) when that item is clicked, execute something. Lastly,
3) add some of those items in a submenu.

I managed 1 and 2 but 3 is giving me headaches.

Script so far:

Code: Select all

n := MenuHack([3],[1,"item1"],[1,"item2"])
if (n = item1)
	do stuff

; I used arrays because I wanted to be able to distinguish between 'regular' items, submenu's and seperators. I can get submenus to work but the items added in a submenu cannot be activated (you can click them but nothing happens).

; Part 1 (adding items)

	; Identify right window
	hWin := DllCall("GetParent", UInt,WinExist("A")), hWin := !hWin ? WinExist("A") : hWin
	; wait for context menu to open
	WinWait, ahk_class #32768
	; identify menu handle
	SendMessage, 0x1E1, 0, 0		; MN_GETHMENU
	hMenu := ErrorLevel
	; add new items
	For each, item in arr
		if (item[1] = 1)
			DllCall("AppendMenu", "Int", hMenu, "Int", MF_STRING, "Int",, "Str", Item[2])
			p%A_Index% := GetMenu(hMenu, Item[2], hWin)
		if (item[1] = 3)
			; add separator
			DllCall("AppendMenu", "Int", hMenu, "Int", MF_SEPARATOR, "Int", 0, "Int", "") 

; Part 2 (do something when clicked)	

	; wait for click but not forever
		IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32768
			return false
		KeyWait, Lbutton, D
		KeyWait, Lbutton, U
		CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
		MouseGetPos, x, y
		For each, item in arr ; check whole array to see if mouse position matches item rectangle
			if (item[1] = 1)
				If ((x >= p%A_Index%.x1) AND (x <= p%A_Index%.x2)) AND ((y >= p%A_Index%.y1) AND (y <= p%A_Index%.y2))
					return item[2] ; return item title
	return false

; I modified some code by Sean (found here to get the Item Rectangle

GetMenu(hMenu, Item, hWin)
	Loop, % DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Uint", hMenu)
		idx := A_Index - 1
		idn := DllCall("GetMenuItemID", "Uint", hMenu, "int", idx)
		nSize++ := DllCall("GetMenuString", "Uint", hMenu, "int", idx, "Uint", 0, "int", 0, "Uint", 0x400)
		VarSetCapacity(sString, 100, 0) ;nSize+1)
		DllCall("GetMenuString", "Uint", hMenu, "int", idx, "str", sString, "int", nSize, "Uint", 0x400)	;MF_BYPOSITION
		If (sString = Item)
			varSetCapacity( RECT, 16, 0 )
			DLLCall("GetMenuItemRect", "Uint", hWin, "Uint", hMenu, "Uint", idx, "Uint", &RECT )
			Return {x1:DecodeInteger("int4", &rect, 0, 0 ),y1:DecodeInteger( "int4", &rect, 4, 0 ),x2:DecodeInteger( "int4", &rect, 8, 0 ),y2:DecodeInteger( "int4", &rect, 12, 0 ) }
	Return false

So, I have code to add a submenu:

Code: Select all

if (item[1] = 2)
subMenu%A_index% :=  DllCall("CreateMenu")
DllCall("AppendMenu", "Int", hMenu, "Int", 16, "UPtr", subMenu%A_index%, "Str", Item[2]) ; add submenu
s := subMenu%A_index%
a := A_index
Loop % item.MaxIndex()
	if (A_Index > 2)
		DllCall("AppendMenu", "Int", s, "Int", MF_STRING, "Int",, "Str", Item[A_Index]) ; submenu items
		p%a%%A_Index% := GetMenu(hMenu, Item[A_Index], hWin) ; rect of submenu

; To use this you need to specify an array to the function as follows:
;  MenuHack([2,"submenuTitle","submenuItem1","submenuItem2"])
Problem is that the Item rectangle of the items inside the submenu is not retrievable when it is not yet drawn (when it's not open).

So i'm basically looking for a different way to detect when what item is clicked.
I tried WM_COMMAND but those are not registered by AHK when coming from a context menu
I tried DLLCalling "MenuItemFromPoint" which looked promising and actually works, but only sometimes (?)

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AHK Add Items to Context Menu with Submenus

03 Sep 2019, 04:22

AHK Add Items to Context Menu with Submenus


Success: topic solved!

– Clarified Code for opensource projects.
– Easy to understand, with all comments.
– Uses: Items, Separators, and Submenus.
– Position of Items where you want (inserted), like in 2nd position: just after 'Open' Item.
– Can be used for: files, folders, multiples, empty selection...
– Submenus with Items and Separators (no Submenus of Submenu).
– It works with special screens as: 2K, 4K, 8K ...

I wrote this function from scratch as part of a large opensource project (Recycle.bin for USB), that answers to this topic, based on it.

I think this topic is definitely solved. You can copy/paste all the code and try it to see if it works.

Nico.Godvician: french / sorry for my poor english

How to use:

Code: Select all

; « Right Click Mouse Button » –> Context menu opening, then modify it:
~RButton::   ; Hook Right Click

; 2 Classes for explorer:
Global Win_Explorer_Class1 := "ExploreWClass" ; New Class
Global Win_Explorer_Class2 := "CabinetWClass" ; Old Class

; Witch active program is it ?
WinGetClass, ClassCurrentWindow, A ; Get class of current Window

; Here we need: explorer.exe
If ( ClassCurrentWindow = Win_Explorer_Class1 ) or ( ClassCurrentWindow = Win_Explorer_Class2 ) ; 2 classes for explorer
	Goto Label_MenuContext_Explorer 

Return ; End of Right Click


; Global vars:
Global MenuContext_RightClickAgain := "-> MenuContext: Right Click Again instead of regular click <-" 
Global MenuContext_NoClicked_AddedItem := "-> MenuContext: Added items have not been clicked <-"
Global MenuContext_Separator := "-> MenuContext: Separator <-" 
Global MenuContext_Item := "-> MenuContext: Standard Item <-"
Global MenuContext_Submenu := "-> MenuContext: Popup Submenu <-"

;Value of items to add:
AddItem_Hello1 := "Hi!"
AddItem_Hello2 := "Bonjour"
AddItem_Hello3 := "Buenos dias"
AddItem_Hello4 := "Hallo"
AddItem_Folder := "Parent's Folder"

; Position of items in the menu:
InsertItemsAtPosition := 2 ; Here just after the 1st standard item: 'Open'

ArrayToAddItems := { } ; Object as array of items to add into the context menu

; Add items to array:

ArrayToAddItems.Push( Fct_MenuContext_Separator() )  ; Separator

ArrayToAddItems.Push( Fct_MenuContext_Item( "Welcome" ) ) ; Standard item

ArrayToAddItems.Push( Fct_MenuContext_Item( AddItem_Folder ) ) ; Standard item

ArrayToAddItems.Push( Fct_MenuContext_Separator() ) 

;Submenu, with an array of Subitems:
ArrayToAddItems.Push( Fct_MenuContext_Submenu( "Say Hello" ; Name of submenu ; And Array of Items:
	,[ AddItem_Hello1 		; 1st Item
	, MenuContext_Separator 	; Separator...
	, AddItem_Hello2
	, AddItem_Hello3
	, AddItem_Hello4
	, "Test" ] ) )

ArrayToAddItems.Push( Fct_MenuContext_Separator() ) 

TargetProgram_Classes := [ Win_Explorer_Class1, Win_Explorer_Class2 ]

; Function that add the items to the context menu, and return the clicked item
ClickedItem := Fct_Get_ClickedItem_MenuContext_AddedItems( TargetProgram_Classes, InsertItemsAtPosition, ArrayToAddItems* )

If ( ClickedItem = MenuContext_RightClickAgain )
	Goto Label_MenuContext_Explorer ; When User do right click again, We must rebuild the items 

Else If ( ClickedItem = AddItem_Folder ) {
	SplitPath, A_ScriptDir, , ParentFolder
	Run, %ParentFolder%

Else If ( ClickedItem = MenuContext_NoClicked_AddedItem ) 

Else If ( SubStr( ClickedItem, 1, 2 ) =  "->" ) ; Error

Else If ( ClickedItem = False )

	MsgBox % ClickedItem

Return ; End Label_Menu_Context_Explorer

Don't forget these tools functions:

Code: Select all

Fct_MenuContext_Separator() {
	Return { Type: MenuContext_Separator }

Fct_MenuContext_Item( Name ) {
	Return { Type: MenuContext_Item, Name: Name }

Fct_MenuContext_Submenu( Name, ArraySubitems ) {
	Return { Type: MenuContext_SubMenu, Name: Name, Items: ArraySubitems }

The function that add the items to the context menu, and return the clicked item:

Code: Select all

; Writed by  Nico.Godvician  /  Code Opensource - CC: BY-NC-SA 2.0  –> Copy thsee lines
; Pubished:  2019/09/21 –>
; Function that add the items to the context menu, and return the clicked item
Fct_Get_ClickedItem_MenuContext_AddedItems( TargetProgram_Classes, InsertItemsAt_Position, ArrayOf_Items* ) 
	; Get handle of the target program:
	For each, ProgramClass in TargetProgram_Classes 
		; Handle of active window:
		If Program_Handle := WinActive( "ahk_class " ProgramClass ) ; Handle return false if class it's not active
			Break ; Program is active, then OK
	} ; Or not if the loop ( for each ) is finished
	; Check we are really in the right active program:
	If not Program_Handle ; False or Handle
		Return "-> Not into the right program <-"	
	; Class #32768 is for all standard windows context menu:
	Global MenuContext_AhkClass := "ahk_class #32768" 
	; Wait context menu appears:
	WinWait, %MenuContext_AhkClass% ;
	; Context menu opened –> Get handle:
	MN_GETHMENU := 0x1E1 ; Shell Constant: "Menu_GetHandleMenu"
	SendMessage, MN_GETHMENU, False, False 
	MenuContext_Handle := ErrorLevel ; Return Handle in ErrorLevel
	; 	Section: Add Items:
	; Constants for menus in User32.dll:
	Static MF_SEPARATOR := 0x800
	Static MF_STRING := 0x0
	Static MF_POPUP := 0x10
	Static MF_BYPOSITION := 0x400 
	; Add each new item into the context menu:
	For each, ItemToAdd in ArrayToAdd_Items :=  ArrayOf_Items
		; Save absolut position of this Item in the menu: 
		ItemToAdd.Position := InsertItemsAt_Position-1 + A_Index-1 ; Zero based
		; Add Separator:
		If ( ItemToAdd.Type == MenuContext_Separator ) 
			; Insert Separator: –>
			DllCall( "User32\InsertMenu"
					,"UPtr", MenuContext_Handle
					,"UInt", ItemToAdd.Position ; At the specified position
					,"UPtr", False
					,"UInt", False )
		; Add Classic Item:
		Else If ( ItemToAdd.Type == MenuContext_Item )
			; Insert text of item: –>
			DllCall( "User32\InsertMenu" 
					,"UPtr", MenuContext_Handle
					,"UInt", ItemToAdd.Position ; At the specified position
					,"UPtr", False 
					,"Str", ItemToAdd.Name ) ; Insert Value ( text )
		; Add Submenu and its Subitems:
		Else If ( ItemToAdd.Type == MenuContext_Submenu )
			AddSubmenu := ItemToAdd ; Renames to clarify
			; Create Submenu, and return handle:
			AddSubmenu.Handle := DllCall( "User32\CreatePopupMenu" ) 
			; Insert Submenu into the context menu: –>
			DllCall( "User32\InsertMenu"
					,"UPtr", MenuContext_Handle
					,"UInt", AddSubmenu.Position  ; At the specified position
					,"UPtr", AddSubmenu.Handle
					,"Str", AddSubmenu.Name )
			; Now add each Item and Separator into this Submenu:
			For each, ItemOfSubmenu in AddSubmenu.Items 
				; AppendMenu –>
				; In case of Separator:
				If ( ItemOfSubmenu == MenuContext_Separator ) 
					DllCall( "User32\AppendMenu"
							,"UPtr", AddSubmenu.Handle
							,"UInt", MF_SEPARATOR
							,"UPtr", False, "UInt", False )
				Else  ; In case of Subintem: insert Value as text:
					DllCall( "User32\AppendMenu"
							,"UPtr", AddSubmenu.Handle
							,"UInt", MF_STRING
							,"UPtr", False
							,"Str", ItemOfSubmenu )
		Continue ; Continue to add next item...
	; End for each add items
	; 	Section: Wait Click:
	Label_Wait_New_Click: ; When User clicks on Separator: wait new click
	; Wait User do a regular or right click:
	While not GetKeyState( "LButton" ) and not GetKeyState( "RButton" ) 
		; Fix error if 2 right clicks are very too close: menu disappears sometimes for some apps:
		If not WinExist( MenuContext_AhkClass ) {
			Send {RButton} 	; Reopen context menu when disappears
			Return MenuContext_RightClickAgain ; Refill the menu 
	; Is it a right click on another file ? This means that the menu is closed and reopening...
	If GetKeyState( "RButton" )
		Return MenuContext_RightClickAgain ; Then refill the menu
	;TODO: Fix error when the User right-clicks on context menu, it's filled up again

	; Else Yes: Click into an item, but witch item ?
	; 	Section: Get Clicked Item:
	; Get position of mouse into screen:
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	MouseGetPos, MouseScreenX, MouseScreenY  ; Int vars: 4 octets
	; POINT –>
	; Create a generic C++ POINT{x,y} with a 'ULongLong' –> 'Int64' 
	; X start at the 1st ULong (right), and Y start at 2nd ULong (32th bit on left):
	MousePointScreen := x := MouseScreenX  | y := ( MouseScreenY << 32 ) 
	;Calculate DPI of special screen:  1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, etc...
	WinDPIMultiplicator := A_ScreenDPI / 96  ; 96 is the standard DPI screen: 1K (1600x900)
	; Check if clicked item is into the new added items:
	For each, AddedItemInMenu in ArrayOfAdded_Items := ArrayOf_Items 
		; Click on Separator –> Disable:
		If ( AddedItemInMenu.Type == MenuContext_Separator )
			; Get Rectangle of Separator:
			VarSetCapacity( ItemRectangle, 16, 0 ) ; Create Rectangle of 16 octets: 4 corners of Int (4 octets)
			; Fill Rectangle: –>
			isFilledRectangle := DLLCall( "User32\GetMenuItemRect"
									,"UPtr", Program_Handle
									,"UPtr", MenuContext_Handle
									,"UInt", AddedItemInMenu.Position ; Absolut position in the context menu
									,"UPtr", &ItemRectangle )
			; Is clicked on separator ?
			If isFilledRectangle 
			and isPointIntoRectangle := DllCall( "User32\PtInRect", "UPtr", &ItemRectangle, "Int64", MousePointScreen )
				Goto Label_Wait_New_Click 
		; Click on added Item –> Return Value
		Else If ( AddedItemInMenu.Type == MenuContext_Item ) 					
			VarSetCapacity( ItemRectangle, 16, 0 )
			isFilledRectangle := DLLCall( "User32\GetMenuItemRect"  
									,"UPtr", Program_Handle
									,"UPtr", MenuContext_Handle
									,"UInt", AddedItemInMenu.Position 
									,"UPtr", &ItemRectangle )
			If isFilledRectangle 
			and isPointIntoRectangle := DllCall( "User32\PtInRect", "UPtr", &ItemRectangle, "Int64", MousePointScreen ) 
				Return AddedItemInMenu.Name
		; Click on Item of Submenu –> Check each Subitem:
		Else If ( AddedItemInMenu.Type == MenuContext_Submenu )  				
			Loop 3 ; 3 times, because sometimes this function does not work 1 or 2 times:
				For each, ItemInSubmenu in ( ItemIsSubmenu := AddedItemInMenu ).Items 
					ItemPositionInMenu := A_Index
					; Get Rectangle for Subitem
					VarSetCapacity( ItemRectangle, 16, 0 ) 
					isFilledRectangle := DLLCall( "User32\GetMenuItemRect"  
											,"UPtr", False ; Indicate Submenu, instead of window
											,"UPtr", ItemIsSubmenu.Handle ; Handle of the Submenu
											,"UInt", ItemPositionInMenu -1 ; Zero based
											,"UPtr", &ItemRectangle )
					; Get each corner of Rectangle:
					ItemRectangleX1 := NumGet( &ItemRectangle, 0, "Int" ) ; Int –> 4 octets
					ItemRectangleY1 := NumGet( &ItemRectangle, 4, "Int" )
					ItemRectangleX2 := NumGet( &ItemRectangle, 8, "Int" )
					ItemRectangleY2 := NumGet( &ItemRectangle, 12, "Int" )
					; Use DPI multiplicator for special screen (2K, 4K, ...):
					isMouseInto4Corners :=  ( MouseScreenX >= ItemRectangleX1 *WinDPIMultiplicator ) 
									and ( MouseScreenX <= ItemRectangleX2 *WinDPIMultiplicator ) 
									and ( MouseScreenY >= ItemRectangleY1 *WinDPIMultiplicator ) 
									and ( MouseScreenY <= ItemRectangleY2 *WinDPIMultiplicator ) 
					;ToolTip % "isFilledRectangle: " isFilledRectangle "`n" "isMouseInto4Corners: " isMouseInto4Corners "`nX: " ItemRectangleX1*WinDPIMultiplicator "<" MouseScreenX ">" ItemRectangleX2*WinDPIMultiplicator "`nY: " ItemRectangleY1*WinDPIMultiplicator "<" MouseScreenY ">" ItemRectangleY2*WinDPIMultiplicator, , , 5
					; Check if mouse is into this Rectangle: 
					If isFilledRectangle and isMouseInto4Corners
						; Click on Separator ?
						If ( ItemInSubmenu == MenuContext_Separator ) ; Disable Separator:
							Goto Label_Wait_New_Click ; Wait new click
						Else ; Standard text Subitem: 
							Return ItemInSubmenu ; Return value of item
		; End of one item: this is not this item
		Continue ; Then check next item...
	; End: For all the new items, all checked without return
	; Then clicked Item is probably on another item of context menu ( like 'Open' ):
	Return MenuContext_NoClicked_AddedItem
;End Fct_Get_ClickedItem_MenuContext_AddedItems

Last edited by Godvicien on 23 Sep 2019, 11:16, edited 50 times in total.
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AHK Add Items to Context Menu with Submenus

04 Sep 2019, 07:27

Hope it helps!
Last edited by Godvicien on 14 Oct 2019, 10:47, edited 26 times in total.
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AHK Add Items to Context Menu with Submenus

17 Sep 2019, 02:49

You can replace:

Code: Select all

; Here we need: explorer.exe
If ( ClassCurrentWindow = Win_Explorer_Class1 ) or ( ClassCurrentWindow = Win_Explorer_Class2 ) ; 2 classes for explorer
	Goto Label_MenuContext_Explorer


Code: Select all

; Here we need: explorer.exe
If ( ClassCurrentWindow = Win_Explorer_Class1 ) or ( ClassCurrentWindow = Win_Explorer_Class2 ) ; 2 classes for explorer
	SetTimer, Label_MenuContext_Explorer, -1

Last edited by Godvicien on 29 Oct 2019, 06:55, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Add custom items to existing right-click menu's

25 Oct 2019, 12:23

How does one make it work in another program other than Explorer :?:
Outlook, firefox :?:
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Re: Add custom items to existing right-click menu's

27 Oct 2019, 01:34


You have to use the Window_Spy of autohotkey to search for the "ahk_class" of your program.
But the code itself only works with Windows classic menus, essentially: "explorer.exe"

Another example with the "Notepad++" class that You can put in the function:

Code: Select all

ClickedItem := Fct_Get_ClickedItem_MenuContext_AddedItems(   ["Notepad++"]  ,  InsertItemsAtPosition, ArrayToAddItems* )
For G-Chrome or Outlook it's not possible because they use their own menus ...
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Re: Add custom items to existing right-click menu's

13 Jun 2020, 07:31

but numerous lines are not showed on rclick
need to pass mouse downd to show tem
any clues
regards ap

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