Checkboxes Editing ini File Topic is solved

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Joined: 25 Feb 2019, 11:32

Checkboxes Editing ini File  Topic is solved

25 Feb 2019, 12:02

So I'm trying to create a script that opens up a GUI and has multiple tabs with checkboxes that edit an ini file. In the first tab, the checkboxes are auto-populated from the ini file "general_settings.ini". In the ini file if the option=enabled then the checkbox is enabled when you open the script. If it's disabled then it's unchecked. I have it do this all automatically without me manually specifying the variables, so then if i add any options i won't have to keep adding them manually in the script. Problem is I can't figure out how to get the checkboxes to then edit the ini file based off of if they are checked or unchecked. If the option is unchecked i want it to then edit that option in the ini file and set it to "disabled". i was able to get it working fine when i manually specified the variables on my own, but i can't figure out how to do it with the auto-variable method. I believe the issue lies within the loop. The "gsave" portion doesn't get recognized when it's in the loop, but if i manually specify it outside the loop it works fine.

I'm pretty new to autohotkey so please explain things like you would a newbie. Thank you for your time.

EDIT: I was able to figure it out! I have revised my script below. It uses two other scripts that are included as classes that someone else made. If anyone would like to try out my script i can attach the classes and explain how the script works.

Here is my script file:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#Include Class_ScrollGUI.ahk
#Include Class_INI.ahk
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetBatchLines, -1

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Main Window GUI
Gui, New, +hwndHGUI +Resize
Gui, Margin, 2, 4
I := 0
inifile = general_settings.ini
Gui, Add, Tab,, General|Import Options|Paths
Loop, %inisections%
  FoundSection := A_index
  section := Section%A_index%
  numberOfKeys%A_index% := Section%A_index%_keys
  loop, % numberOfKeys%A_index%
    IniRead, %section%_val%A_index%, %inifile%, %section%, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%, %A_Space%
    value := %section%_val%A_index%
    option := Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%
    ;Msgbox, value=%value% option=%option%
    IF value=enabled
      Gui, Add, Checkbox, v%section%_checkbox%A_index% gSave Checked, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%
    ELSE IF value=disabled
      Gui, Add, Checkbox, v%section%_checkbox%A_index% gSave, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%

inifile = import_options.ini
Gui, Tab, Import Options
Loop, %inisections%
  FoundSection := A_index
  section := Section%A_index%
  numberOfKeys%A_index% := Section%A_index%_keys
  loop, % numberOfKeys%A_index%
    IniRead, val%A_index%, %inifile%, %section%, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%, %A_Space%
    value := val%A_index%
    option := Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%
    ;Msgbox, value=%value% option=%option%
    IF value=enabled
      Gui, Add, Checkbox, v%section%_checkbox%A_index% gSave2 Checked, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%
    ELSE IF value=disabled
      Gui, Add, Checkbox, v%section%_checkbox%A_index% gSave2, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%

Gui, Tab, Paths
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vpath1, Test Path 1
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vpath2, Test Path 2

; Create ScrollGUI1 with both horizontal and vertical scrollbars and scrolling by mouse wheel
Global SG1 := New ScrollGUI(HGUI, 300, 200, "+Resize +LabelGui1", 3, 4)
; Show ScrollGUI1
SG1.Show("ScrollGUI1", "y0 xcenter")
Gui, Show

Gui, Submit, NoHide
inifile = general_settings.ini
Loop, %inisections%
  FoundSection := A_index
  section := Section%A_index%
  numberOfKeys%A_index% := Section%A_index%_keys
  loop, % numberOfKeys%A_index%
    IniRead, %section%_val%A_index%, %inifile%, %section%, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%, %A_Space%
    value := %section%_val%A_index%
    option := Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%
    IfEqual, %section%_checkbox%A_index%, 1, IniWrite, enabled, %inifile%, %section%, %option%
    IfEqual, %section%_checkbox%A_index%, 0, IniWrite, disabled, %inifile%, %section%, %option%
;Msgbox, option=%option% value=%value% section=%section% inifile=%inifile%
;Msgbox, rom_renamer = %rom_renamer%`nlaunch_steamconsole_on_startup = %launch_steamconsole_on_startup%

Gui, Submit, NoHide
inifile = import_options.ini
Loop, %inisections%
  FoundSection := A_index
  section := Section%A_index%
  numberOfKeys%A_index% := Section%A_index%_keys
  loop, % numberOfKeys%A_index%
    IniRead, %section%_val%A_index%, %inifile%, %section%, % Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%, %A_Space%
    value := %section%_val%A_index%
    option := Section%FoundSection%_key%A_index%
    IfEqual, %section%_checkbox%A_index%, 1, IniWrite, enabled, %inifile%, %section%, %option%
    IfEqual, %section%_checkbox%A_index%, 0, IniWrite, disabled, %inifile%, %section%, %option%





   SG2 := ""
and here is the "general_settings.ini" file:

Code: Select all

Posts: 12
Joined: 11 Oct 2015, 18:02

Re: Checkboxes Editing ini File

04 Nov 2019, 08:31

Teutonic84 wrote:
25 Feb 2019, 12:02
...It uses two other scripts that are included as classes that someone else made. If anyone would like to try out my script i can attach the classes and explain how the script works.
Seems useful to me. Can you attach the classes and explain this, please?

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