FileSelectFile - control the display view type

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FileSelectFile - control the display view type

21 Nov 2019, 20:09

Hello, is there any way to ensure that when fileselectfolder opens up the dialogue box to select a file that the view is set to Large Icons? Thanks
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Re: FileSelectFile - control the display view type

22 Nov 2019, 04:51

Hi. :)
Maybe something is of use here:
Search for "HIDE/SHOW DESKTOP ICONS" on this thread. The target window wont be "ahk_class Progman" but something more like the CDialog ahk_class #32770.
This reference is worth a look as well as this, and the Nirsoft utility might come in useful as well.
Note to self: Search for "EXPLORER FOLDER WINDOW MESSAGES / VIEW MODES" on this page
:arrow: itros "ylbbub eht tuO kaerB" a ni kcuts m'I pleH
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Re: FileSelectFile - control the display view type

22 Nov 2019, 20:07

Thanks for the links. I've given up on fileselectfile for my project and decided to build a custom GUI. Once I called up fileselectfile I couldn't find a way to interact with the dialogue. Thanks again.
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Re: FileSelectFile - control the display view type

22 Nov 2019, 21:13

PuzzledGreatly wrote:Once I called up fileselectfile I couldn't find a way to interact with the dialogue.
This is not entirely true. The thread indeed stops waiting for user's feedback. But if you launch another thread e.g. via Timer beforehand, then this thread can do the changes you wish.

Code: Select all

SetTimer, ChangeDialog, -300
FileSelectFile, fFile
MsgBox % fFile

    WinWaitActive, ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe AutoHotkey.exe
    Send, +{Tab 2}
    Sleep, 300
    Send, {Down}
    Sleep, 300
    Send, {Down}
    Sleep, 300
    Send, {Down}
    Sleep, 300
    Send, {Down}
    ;Replace the code above with the desired one!

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Re: FileSelectFile - control the display view type

23 Nov 2019, 19:08

My statement was completely true: I couldn't find a way but you could! Thanks for the idea. I think that technique will be useful.
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Re: FileSelectFile - control the display view type

23 Nov 2019, 19:30

Based on rommmcek's script, and the VIEW MODES section that lmstearn mentioned. Cheers.

Code: Select all

;FileSelectFile with large icons

vScriptPID := DllCall("kernel32\GetCurrentProcessId", "UInt")
SetTimer, ChangeDialog, -300
FileSelectFile, vPath
MsgBox, % vPath

WinWait, % "ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " vScriptPID
hWnd := WinExist()
PostMessage, 0x111, 28751, 0, SHELLDLL_DefView1, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;View, Large icons
I couldn't find anything for FileSelectFolder, if there was a way, it might involve TVM_SETIMAGELIST.
FileSelectFolder uses SHBrowseForFolder, which uses the BROWSEINFO struct.
I found a way to enlarge the buttons, but not the icon size:

Code: Select all

;FileSelectFolder with large buttons (but icons same size)

vScriptPID := DllCall("kernel32\GetCurrentProcessId", "UInt")
SetTimer, ChangeDialog, -300
FileSelectFolder, vPath
MsgBox, % vPath

WinWait, % "ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " vScriptPID
hWnd := WinExist()
ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, SysTreeView321, % "ahk_id " hWnd
;SendMessage, 0x111C, 0, 0,, % "ahk_id " hCtl ;TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT := 0x111C
;MsgBox, % ErrorLevel
SendMessage, 0x111B, 64, 0,, % "ahk_id " hCtl ;TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT := 0x111B
;TVGN_CARET := 0x9
SendMessage, 0x110A, 0x9, 0,, % "ahk_id " hCtl ;TVM_GETNEXTITEM := 0x110A
hItem := ErrorLevel
PostMessage, 0x1114, 0, % hItem,, % "ahk_id " hCtl ;TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE := 0x1114
[EDIT:] I had partial success with TVM_GETIMAGELIST/ImageList_SetIconSize. But there wasn't enough space for the enlarged icons, and they were low quality.
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Re: FileSelectFile - control the display view type

24 Nov 2019, 00:37

You can use SelectFolderEx() by just me.

Code: Select all

SetTimer, ChangeDialog, -100
MsgBox, % SelectFolderEx()

WinWait, % "ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
PostMessage, 0x111, 28751, 0, SHELLDLL_DefView1 ;View, Large icons

; ==================================================================================================================================
; Shows a dialog to select a folder.
; Depending on the OS version the function will use either the built-in FileSelectFolder command (XP and previous)
; or the Common Item Dialog (Vista and later).
; Parameter:
;     StartingFolder -  the full path of a folder which will be preselected.
;     Prompt         -  a text used as window title (Common Item Dialog) or as text displayed withing the dialog.
;     ----------------  Common Item Dialog only:
;     OwnerHwnd      -  HWND of the Gui which owns the dialog. If you pass a valid HWND the dialog will become modal.
;     BtnLabel       -  a text to be used as caption for the apply button.
;  Return values:
;     On success the function returns the full path of selected folder; otherwise it returns an empty string.
;     Common Item Dialog ->
;     IFileDialog        ->
;     IShellItem         ->
; ==================================================================================================================================
SelectFolderEx(StartingFolder := "", Prompt := "", OwnerHwnd := 0, OkBtnLabel := "") {
   Static OsVersion := DllCall("GetVersion", "UChar")
        , IID_IShellItem := 0
        , InitIID := VarSetCapacity(IID_IShellItem, 16, 0)
                  & DllCall("Ole32.dll\IIDFromString", "WStr", "{43826d1e-e718-42ee-bc55-a1e261c37bfe}", "Ptr", &IID_IShellItem)
        , Show := A_PtrSize * 3
        , SetOptions := A_PtrSize * 9
        , SetFolder := A_PtrSize * 12
        , SetTitle := A_PtrSize * 17
        , SetOkButtonLabel := A_PtrSize * 18
        , GetResult := A_PtrSize * 20
   SelectedFolder := ""
   If (OsVersion < 6) { ; IFileDialog requires Win Vista+, so revert to FileSelectFolder
      FileSelectFolder, SelectedFolder, *%StartingFolder%, 3, %Prompt%
      Return SelectedFolder
   OwnerHwnd := DllCall("IsWindow", "Ptr", OwnerHwnd, "UInt") ? OwnerHwnd : 0
   If !(FileDialog := ComObjCreate("{DC1C5A9C-E88A-4dde-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7}", "{42f85136-db7e-439c-85f1-e4075d135fc8}"))
      Return ""
   VTBL := NumGet(FileDialog + 0, "UPtr")
   DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetOptions, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "UInt", 0x00002028, "UInt")
   If (StartingFolder <> "")
      If !DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateItemFromParsingName", "WStr", StartingFolder, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &IID_IShellItem, "PtrP", FolderItem)
         DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetFolder, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "Ptr", FolderItem, "UInt")
   If (Prompt <> "")
      DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetTitle, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "WStr", Prompt, "UInt")
   If (OkBtnLabel <> "")
      DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetOkButtonLabel, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "WStr", OkBtnLabel, "UInt")
   If !DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + Show, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "Ptr", OwnerHwnd, "UInt") {
      If !DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + GetResult, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "PtrP", ShellItem, "UInt") {
         GetDisplayName := NumGet(NumGet(ShellItem + 0, "UPtr"), A_PtrSize * 5, "UPtr")
         If !DllCall(GetDisplayName, "Ptr", ShellItem, "UInt", 0x80028000, "PtrP", StrPtr) ; SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING
            SelectedFolder := StrGet(StrPtr, "UTF-16"), DllCall("Ole32.dll\CoTaskMemFree", "Ptr", StrPtr)
   }  }
   If (FolderItem)
   Return SelectedFolder
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Re: FileSelectFile - control the display view type

24 Nov 2019, 13:30

@jeeswg: Thanks for brilliant finish! (I had in mind your Explorer tutorial too, but didn't have time)
@tmplinshi: Thanks for that code & link! Here is my contribution to it.

P.s.: All this not to be PuzzledGreatly! Ha, ha, beautiful name!

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