Windows start time and shoot down time Topic is solved

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Windows start time and shoot down time

17 Jan 2020, 08:02


I would like reporting when start the windows and when shoot down the windows and would like to write in one excel these datas day by day.
Can somebody help me?
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Re: Windows start time and shoot down time

17 Jan 2020, 10:01

ahk is not good at this, use the startup and shutdown script.
Two written before, Both are vbs scripts.

1. startup script, Put in the startup folder of the start menu.

Code: Select all

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile ("c:\StartupShutdownTime.ini", 8, True)
objFile.WriteLine ("startupTime:" & date() & " " & time())
2. Shutdown script, Use it manually, or by command or something.

Code: Select all

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile ("c:\StartupShutdownTime.ini", 8, True)
objFile.WriteLine ("ShutdownTime:" & date() & " " & time())
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "shutdown /s /t 60"
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Re: Windows start time and shoot down time  Topic is solved

17 Jan 2020, 11:55

You could give ahk a chance with this script ;)

Code: Select all

Global LogStartExit := A_ScriptDir "\LogStartExit.txt"
;When starting
FormatTime, TimeStamp, %LongDate%, dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm:ss
FileAppend, %TimeStamp%: StartTime`r`n, %LogStartExit%
OnExit("MyExit") ;When exit or shutdown

MyExit(Reason) {
  FormatTime, TimeStamp, %LongDate%, dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm:ss
  FileAppend, %TimeStamp%: %Reason%`r`n, %LogStartExit%


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