Get area where image was found, using GDI imagesearch

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Get area where image was found, using GDI imagesearch

06 Mar 2020, 19:59

Code: Select all

D = %A_ScriptDir%\title.png
find   := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(D)
search := Gdip_ImageSearch(screen,find,LIST,0,0,1920,1080,80,0xFFFFFF,1,0)

If %search% != 0
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	Loop, Parse, LIST, `n
		StringSplit, Coord, A_LoopField, `,
		FileAppend Found: %search%  X:%Coord1%  Y: %Coord2% 
With my script i can retrieve the X and Y pos where the image was found, is possible retrieve the area instead just X and Y?

Example: suppose i was trying find the G of Google on my screen, i would like know where the image was found X,Y,W,H

Gdip_ImageSearch code, by Tic

Code: Select all

; Gdip_ImageSearch()
; by MasterFocus - 02/APRIL/2013 00:30h BRT
; Thanks to guest3456 for helping me ponder some ideas
; Requires GDIP, Gdip_SetBitmapTransColor() and Gdip_MultiLockedBitsSearch()
; Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 ->
; I waive compliance with the "Share Alike" condition of the license EXCLUSIVELY
; for these users: tic , Rseding91 , guest3456
; This function searches for pBitmapNeedle within pBitmapHaystack
; The returned value is the number of instances found (negative = error)
; pBitmapHaystack and pBitmapNeedle
;   Self-explanatory bitmap pointers, are the only required parameters
; OutputList
;   ByRef variable to store the list of coordinates where a match was found
; OuterX1, OuterY1, OuterX2, OuterY2
;   Equivalent to ImageSearch's X1,Y1,X2,Y2
;   Default: 0 for all (which searches the whole haystack area)
; Variation
;   Just like ImageSearch, a value from 0 to 255
;   Default: 0
; Trans
;   Needle RGB transparent color, should be a numerical value from 0 to 0xFFFFFF
;   Default: blank (does not use transparency)
; SearchDirection
;   Haystack search direction
;     Vertical preference:
;       1 = top->left->right->bottom [default]
;       2 = bottom->left->right->top
;       3 = bottom->right->left->top
;       4 = top->right->left->bottom
;     Horizontal preference:
;       5 = left->top->bottom->right
;       6 = left->bottom->top->right
;       7 = right->bottom->top->left
;       8 = right->top->bottom->left
; Instances
;   Maximum number of instances to find when searching (0 = find all)
;   Default: 1 (stops after one match is found)
; LineDelim and CoordDelim
;   Outer and inner delimiters for the list of coordinates (OutputList)
;   Defaults: "`n" and ","
; -1001 ==> invalid haystack and/or needle bitmap pointer
; -1002 ==> invalid variation value
; -1003 ==> X1 and Y1 cannot be negative
; -1004 ==> unable to lock haystack bitmap bits
; -1005 ==> unable to lock needle bitmap bits
; any non-negative value ==> the number of instances found

Gdip_ImageSearch(pBitmapHaystack,pBitmapNeedle,ByRef OutputList=""
,SearchDirection=1,Instances=1,LineDelim="`n",CoordDelim=",") {

    ; Some validations that can be done before proceeding any further
    If !( pBitmapHaystack && pBitmapNeedle )
        Return -1001
    If Variation not between 0 and 255
        return -1002
    If ( ( OuterX1 < 0 ) || ( OuterY1 < 0 ) )
        return -1003
    If SearchDirection not between 1 and 8
        SearchDirection := 1
    If ( Instances < 0 )
        Instances := 0

    ; Getting the dimensions and locking the bits [haystack]
    ; Last parameter being 1 says the LockMode flag is "READ only"
    If Gdip_LockBits(pBitmapHaystack,0,0,hWidth,hHeight,hStride,hScan,hBitmapData,1)
    OR !(hWidth := NumGet(hBitmapData,0,"UInt"))
    OR !(hHeight := NumGet(hBitmapData,4,"UInt"))
        Return -1004

    ; Careful! From this point on, we must do the following before returning:
    ; - unlock haystack bits

    ; Getting the dimensions and locking the bits [needle]
    ; If Trans is correctly specified, create a backup of the original needle bitmap
    ; and modify the current one, setting the desired color as transparent.
    ; Also, since a copy is created, we must remember to dispose the new bitmap later.
    ; This whole thing has to be done before locking the bits.
    If Trans between 0 and 0xFFFFFF
        pOriginalBmpNeedle := pBitmapNeedle
        pBitmapNeedle := Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pOriginalBmpNeedle,0,0,nWidth,nHeight)
        DumpCurrentNeedle := true

    ; Careful! From this point on, we must do the following before returning:
    ; - unlock haystack bits
    ; - dispose current needle bitmap (if necessary)

    If Gdip_LockBits(pBitmapNeedle,0,0,nWidth,nHeight,nStride,nScan,nBitmapData)
    OR !(nWidth := NumGet(nBitmapData,0,"UInt"))
    OR !(nHeight := NumGet(nBitmapData,4,"UInt"))
        If ( DumpCurrentNeedle )
        Return -1005
    ; Careful! From this point on, we must do the following before returning:
    ; - unlock haystack bits
    ; - unlock needle bits
    ; - dispose current needle bitmap (if necessary)

    ; Adjust the search box. "OuterX2,OuterY2" will be the last pixel evaluated
    ; as possibly matching with the needle's first pixel. So, we must avoid going
    ; beyond this maximum final coordinate.
    OuterX2 := ( !OuterX2 ? hWidth-nWidth+1 : OuterX2-nWidth+1 )
    OuterY2 := ( !OuterY2 ? hHeight-nHeight+1 : OuterY2-nHeight+1 )

    OutputCount := Gdip_MultiLockedBitsSearch(hStride,hScan,hWidth,hHeight

    If ( DumpCurrentNeedle )

    Return OutputCount
Posts: 340
Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 19:20

Re: Get area where image was found, using GDI imagesearch

06 Mar 2020, 20:11

c7aesa7r wrote:
06 Mar 2020, 19:59

Code: Select all

D = %A_ScriptDir%\title.png
find   := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(D)
search := Gdip_ImageSearch(screen,find,LIST,0,0,1920,1080,80,0xFFFFFF,1,0)

If %search% != 0
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	Loop, Parse, LIST, `n
		StringSplit, Coord, A_LoopField, `,
		FileAppend Found: %search%  X:%Coord1%  Y: %Coord2% 
With my script i can retrieve the X and Y pos where the image was found, is possible retrieve the area instead just X and Y?

Example: suppose i was trying find the G of Google on my screen, i would like know where the image was found X,Y,W,H

Gdip_ImageSearch code, by Tic

Code: Select all

; Gdip_ImageSearch()
; by MasterFocus - 02/APRIL/2013 00:30h BRT
; Thanks to guest3456 for helping me ponder some ideas
; Requires GDIP, Gdip_SetBitmapTransColor() and Gdip_MultiLockedBitsSearch()
; Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 ->
; I waive compliance with the "Share Alike" condition of the license EXCLUSIVELY
; for these users: tic , Rseding91 , guest3456
; This function searches for pBitmapNeedle within pBitmapHaystack
; The returned value is the number of instances found (negative = error)
; pBitmapHaystack and pBitmapNeedle
;   Self-explanatory bitmap pointers, are the only required parameters
; OutputList
;   ByRef variable to store the list of coordinates where a match was found
; OuterX1, OuterY1, OuterX2, OuterY2
;   Equivalent to ImageSearch's X1,Y1,X2,Y2
;   Default: 0 for all (which searches the whole haystack area)
; Variation
;   Just like ImageSearch, a value from 0 to 255
;   Default: 0
; Trans
;   Needle RGB transparent color, should be a numerical value from 0 to 0xFFFFFF
;   Default: blank (does not use transparency)
; SearchDirection
;   Haystack search direction
;     Vertical preference:
;       1 = top->left->right->bottom [default]
;       2 = bottom->left->right->top
;       3 = bottom->right->left->top
;       4 = top->right->left->bottom
;     Horizontal preference:
;       5 = left->top->bottom->right
;       6 = left->bottom->top->right
;       7 = right->bottom->top->left
;       8 = right->top->bottom->left
; Instances
;   Maximum number of instances to find when searching (0 = find all)
;   Default: 1 (stops after one match is found)
; LineDelim and CoordDelim
;   Outer and inner delimiters for the list of coordinates (OutputList)
;   Defaults: "`n" and ","
; -1001 ==> invalid haystack and/or needle bitmap pointer
; -1002 ==> invalid variation value
; -1003 ==> X1 and Y1 cannot be negative
; -1004 ==> unable to lock haystack bitmap bits
; -1005 ==> unable to lock needle bitmap bits
; any non-negative value ==> the number of instances found

Gdip_ImageSearch(pBitmapHaystack,pBitmapNeedle,ByRef OutputList=""
,SearchDirection=1,Instances=1,LineDelim="`n",CoordDelim=",") {

    ; Some validations that can be done before proceeding any further
    If !( pBitmapHaystack && pBitmapNeedle )
        Return -1001
    If Variation not between 0 and 255
        return -1002
    If ( ( OuterX1 < 0 ) || ( OuterY1 < 0 ) )
        return -1003
    If SearchDirection not between 1 and 8
        SearchDirection := 1
    If ( Instances < 0 )
        Instances := 0

    ; Getting the dimensions and locking the bits [haystack]
    ; Last parameter being 1 says the LockMode flag is "READ only"
    If Gdip_LockBits(pBitmapHaystack,0,0,hWidth,hHeight,hStride,hScan,hBitmapData,1)
    OR !(hWidth := NumGet(hBitmapData,0,"UInt"))
    OR !(hHeight := NumGet(hBitmapData,4,"UInt"))
        Return -1004

    ; Careful! From this point on, we must do the following before returning:
    ; - unlock haystack bits

    ; Getting the dimensions and locking the bits [needle]
    ; If Trans is correctly specified, create a backup of the original needle bitmap
    ; and modify the current one, setting the desired color as transparent.
    ; Also, since a copy is created, we must remember to dispose the new bitmap later.
    ; This whole thing has to be done before locking the bits.
    If Trans between 0 and 0xFFFFFF
        pOriginalBmpNeedle := pBitmapNeedle
        pBitmapNeedle := Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pOriginalBmpNeedle,0,0,nWidth,nHeight)
        DumpCurrentNeedle := true

    ; Careful! From this point on, we must do the following before returning:
    ; - unlock haystack bits
    ; - dispose current needle bitmap (if necessary)

    If Gdip_LockBits(pBitmapNeedle,0,0,nWidth,nHeight,nStride,nScan,nBitmapData)
    OR !(nWidth := NumGet(nBitmapData,0,"UInt"))
    OR !(nHeight := NumGet(nBitmapData,4,"UInt"))
        If ( DumpCurrentNeedle )
        Return -1005
    ; Careful! From this point on, we must do the following before returning:
    ; - unlock haystack bits
    ; - unlock needle bits
    ; - dispose current needle bitmap (if necessary)

    ; Adjust the search box. "OuterX2,OuterY2" will be the last pixel evaluated
    ; as possibly matching with the needle's first pixel. So, we must avoid going
    ; beyond this maximum final coordinate.
    OuterX2 := ( !OuterX2 ? hWidth-nWidth+1 : OuterX2-nWidth+1 )
    OuterY2 := ( !OuterY2 ? hHeight-nHeight+1 : OuterY2-nHeight+1 )

    OutputCount := Gdip_MultiLockedBitsSearch(hStride,hScan,hWidth,hHeight

    If ( DumpCurrentNeedle )

    Return OutputCount
If you have the image you are searching for then you have its width and height. Do x+width and y+height.
Posts: 209
Joined: 02 Jun 2016, 21:09

Re: Get area where image was found, using GDI imagesearch

06 Mar 2020, 20:21

I already had tried it, the problem is he not found the image in the exact position where it starts
Posts: 340
Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 19:20

Re: Get area where image was found, using GDI imagesearch

06 Mar 2020, 21:10

Try using bottom right preference on imagesearch
Posts: 209
Joined: 02 Jun 2016, 21:09

Re: Get area where image was found, using GDI imagesearch

07 Mar 2020, 09:23

I have tried all search direction, dont got a satisfactory result :|
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Re: Get area where image was found, using GDI imagesearch

07 Mar 2020, 12:57

You do not have a haystack image.
In the Gdip_ImageSearch() you use screen and its blank
try using;
screen := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen()
Before calling Gdip_ImageSearch()


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