Reading memory with base address leading to .dll

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Reading memory with base address leading to .dll

02 Apr 2020, 12:13

Right now I am trying to read values from Idle Champions memory (IdleDragons.exe).
After some pointerscaning I found base address, pointer and offsets:
1.png (55.03 KiB) Viewed 1830 times
In this case, base address is linked to dll ("mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll"+0039FC38)
I managed to get base address of game (.exe) using this code:

Code: Select all

basez := getProcessBaseAddress("Idle Champions")

getProcessBaseAddress(WindowTitle, windowMatchMode := "3")    ;WindowTitle can be anything ahk_exe ahk_class etc
    if (windowMatchMode && A_TitleMatchMode != windowMatchMode)
        mode := A_TitleMatchMode ; This is a string and will not contain the 0x prefix
        StringReplace, windowMatchMode, windowMatchMode, 0x ; remove hex prefix as SetTitleMatchMode will throw a run time error. This will occur if integer mode is set to hex and matchmode param is passed as an number not a string.
        SetTitleMatchMode, %windowMatchMode%    ;mode 3 is an exact match
    WinGet, hWnd, ID, %WindowTitle%
    if mode
        SetTitleMatchMode, %mode%    ; In case executed in autoexec
    if !hWnd
        return ; return blank failed to find window
    return DllCall(A_PtrSize = 4     ; If DLL call fails, returned value will = 0
        ? "GetWindowLong"
        : "GetWindowLongPtr"
        , "Ptr", hWnd, "Int", -6, A_Is64bitOS ? "Int64" : "UInt")  
        ; For the returned value when the OS is 64 bit use Int64 to prevent negative overflow when AHK is 32 bit and target process is 64bit 
        ; however if the OS is 32 bit, must use UInt, otherwise the number will be huge (however it will still work as the lower 4 bytes are correct)      
        ; Note - it's the OS bitness which matters here, not the scripts/AHKs
But I dont understand how to get the base address of this dll and how to reach 03B9C508 value.

Manged to do so using AutoHotkeyU32.exe. The problem was with AutoHotkeyU64.exe. It didnt work with this function:

Code: Select all

getModuleBaseAddress(program, module := "")
    WinGet, pid, pid, %program%
    if pid                              ; PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION + PROCESS_VM_READ 
        hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x0400 | 0x0010 , "Int", 0, "UInt", pid)
    else return -2
    if !hProc
        return -3
    if (A_PtrSize = 4) ; AHK 32bit
        DllCall("IsWow64Process", "Ptr", hProc, "Int*", result)
        if !result 
            return -5, DllCall("CloseHandle","Ptr",hProc)  ; AHK is 32bit and target process is 64 bit, this function wont work 
    if (module = "")
        VarSetCapacity(mainExeNameBuffer, 2048 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
        DllCall("psapi\GetModuleFileNameEx", "Ptr", hProc, "UInt", 0
                    , "Ptr", &mainExeNameBuffer, "UInt", 2048 / (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
        mainExeFullPath := StrGet(&mainExeNameBuffer)
        ; mainExeName = main executable module of the process (will include full directory path)
    size := VarSetCapacity(lphModule, 4)
        DllCall("psapi\EnumProcessModules", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", &lphModule
                , "UInt", size, "UInt*", reqSize)
        if ErrorLevel
            return -4, DllCall("CloseHandle","Ptr",hProc) 
        else if (size >= reqSize)
            size := VarSetCapacity(lphModule, reqSize)    
    VarSetCapacity(lpFilename, 2048 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
    loop % reqSize / A_PtrSize ; sizeof(HMODULE) - enumerate the array of HMODULEs
        DllCall("psapi\GetModuleFileNameEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", numget(lphModule, (A_index - 1) * A_PtrSize)
                , "Ptr", &lpFilename, "UInt", 2048 / (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
        ; module will contain directory path as well e.g C:\Windows\syswow65\GDI32.dll
        moduleFullPath := StrGet(&lpFilename) 
        SplitPath, moduleFullPath, fileName ; strips the path so = GDI32.dll
        if (module = "" && mainExeFullPath = moduleFullPath) || (module != "" && module = filename)
            VarSetCapacity(MODULEINFO, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 12 : 24)
            DllCall("psapi\GetModuleInformation", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", numget(lphModule, (A_index - 1) * A_PtrSize)
                , "Ptr", &MODULEINFO, "UInt", A_PtrSize = 4 ? 12 : 24)
            return numget(MODULEINFO, 0, "Ptr"), DllCall("CloseHandle","Ptr",hProc)
    return -1, DllCall("CloseHandle","Ptr",hProc) ; not found
I will appreciate if anyone will fix this since AHK64 is more preferable for me.
Posts: 202
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 10:59

Re: Reading memory with base address leading to .dll

03 Apr 2020, 11:05

This should work with ahk 64 bit.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
#Include <classMemory> ; Available from

if !A_IsAdmin 
        Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"

if (_ClassMemory.__Class != "_ClassMemory")
    msgbox class memory not correctly installed. 

mem := new _ClassMemory("ahk_exe IdleDragons.exe",, hProcessCopy)  ; Could probably use "Idle Champions" (from your example)

if !isObject(mem) 
    if (hProcessCopy = 0)
        msgbox The program isn't running (not found) or you passed an incorrect program identifier parameter. 
    else if (hProcessCopy = "")
        msgbox OpenProcess failed. If the target process has admin rights, then the script also needs to be ran as admin. _ClassMemory.setSeDebugPrivilege() may also be required. Consult A_LastError for more information.

msgbox % "Game Base: " mem.BaseAddress

moduleBase := mem.getModuleBaseAddress("mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll")
msgbox % "Module Base: " moduleBase

ptr := [moduleBase + 0x0039FC38, "UInt", 0x64, 0x3C, 0x38, 0x18, 0x44]
value :=*)
msgbox % "result: " value
Posts: 2
Joined: 02 Apr 2020, 11:44

Re: Reading memory with base address leading to .dll

16 Jul 2022, 08:39

RHCP wrote:
03 Apr 2020, 11:05
This should work with ahk 64 bit.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
#Include <classMemory> ; Available from

if !A_IsAdmin 
        Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"

if (_ClassMemory.__Class != "_ClassMemory")
    msgbox class memory not correctly installed. 

mem := new _ClassMemory("ahk_exe IdleDragons.exe",, hProcessCopy)  ; Could probably use "Idle Champions" (from your example)

if !isObject(mem) 
    if (hProcessCopy = 0)
        msgbox The program isn't running (not found) or you passed an incorrect program identifier parameter. 
    else if (hProcessCopy = "")
        msgbox OpenProcess failed. If the target process has admin rights, then the script also needs to be ran as admin. _ClassMemory.setSeDebugPrivilege() may also be required. Consult A_LastError for more information.

msgbox % "Game Base: " mem.BaseAddress

moduleBase := mem.getModuleBaseAddress("mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll")
msgbox % "Module Base: " moduleBase

ptr := [moduleBase + 0x0039FC38, "UInt", 0x64, 0x3C, 0x38, 0x18, 0x44]
value :=*)
msgbox % "result: " value
Thank you for this code! It works with x64

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