Need help in external listview set item Topic is solved

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Need help in external listview set item

04 Dec 2020, 08:21


I need to update an existing listview owned by another process,
ExtListView lib "Cyruz" seems to get item text, i want to set text same way i could set text (LVM_SETITEMTEXT) & Dll calls....?

"Text := ExtListView_GetItemText(this.JLV, A_Index - 1, nCol)"

if possible may be some one could help me writing "LVM_SETITEMTEXT" function as i can't do it on my own (consider me as noob in LVITEM and dll calls), please help me
thanks in advance.
just me
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Re: Need help in external listview set item  Topic is solved

04 Dec 2020, 11:17

As an addition to the ExtListView library you can try the following:

Code: Select all

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_SetItemText
; Description ..: Set the text of the desired item.
; Parameters ...: objLV - External ListView initialized object.
; ..............: sText - The text to set.
; ..............: nRow  - Row of the desired item (0-based index).
; ..............: nCol  - Column of the desired item (0-based index).
; Return .......: Item content as a string.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_SetItemText(ByRef objLV, ByRef sText, nRow, nCol) {
    VarSetCapacity( LVITEM, objLV.szwritebuf, 0 )
    NumPut( 0x0001,          LVITEM, 0                          ) ; mask = LVIF_TEXT = 0x0001.
    NumPut( nRow,            LVITEM, 4                          ) ; iItem = Row to retrieve (0 = 1st row).
    NumPut( nCol,            LVITEM, 8                          ) ; iSubItem = The column index of the item to retrieve.
    NumPut( objLV.preadbuf,  LVITEM, 20 + (A_PtrSize - 4)       ) ; pszText = Pointer to item text string.
    NumPut( objLV.szreadbuf, LVITEM, 20 + ((A_PtrSize * 2) - 4) ) ; cchTextMax = Number of TCHARs in the buffer.

    VarSetCapacity( sBuf, objLV.szreadbuf, 0 )
    StrPut( sText, &sBuf, objLV.senc )

    If ( !DllCall( "WriteProcessMemory", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.pwritebuf, Ptr,&LVITEM, UInt,objLV.szwritebuf
                                       , UInt,0 ) )
        Throw Exception("objLV.pwritebuf: error writing memory", "WriteProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)

    If ( !DllCall( "WriteProcessMemory", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.preadbuf, Ptr,&sBuf, UInt,objLV.szreadbuf
                                       , UInt,0 ) )
        Throw Exception("objLV.preadbuf: error writing memory", "WriteProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)

    ; LVM_SETITEMTEXTA = 0x102E ; (LVM_FIRST + 46)
    ; LVM_SETITEMTEXTW = 0x1074 ; (LVM_FIRST + 116)

    LVM_SETITEMTEXT := (objLV.senc == "UTF-8" || objLV.senc == "UTF-16") ? 0x1074 : 0x102E
    SendMessage, %LVM_SETITEMTEXT%, %nRow%, % objLV.pwritebuf,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv
    Return ErrorLevel
I did not test it.
Posts: 46
Joined: 04 Dec 2017, 00:11

Re: Need help in external listview set item

05 Dec 2020, 03:19

just me,

Your function is working like a charm, i would never have guessed what you did,
Thanks for taking your time and solving puzzle just like that, you definitely saved a lot of time for me.

Thanks a million
i almost forgot Thanks a lot "Cyruz" for providing "ExtListView" lib.
just me
Posts: 9576
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 08:51
Location: Germany

Re: Need help in external listview set item

05 Dec 2020, 04:12

You're welcome!

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