SetTitleMatchMode not working Topic is solved

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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 08:39

Would try the following as a first step.

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
If !WinActive("ahk_exe anki.exe")
 Send x
Else WinActivate, ^.*Engvidshortcut.*$
Of course, this will activate your window only if Anki is active when you press the hotkey.
Posts: 134
Joined: 28 Nov 2018, 05:07

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 09:27

Yes it work, the problem is that after adding here it stops working. I cannot understand what influences this.
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Posts: 27366
Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 13:02

Debug in a stepwise fashion. See if the following works. If it does, you can add one or two more lines at a time, testing along the way. You don't need the RegEx, of course, though you proved that it works.

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
If !WinActive("ahk_exe anki.exe")
 Sleep 10
 Send, {Space}
} Else WinActivate, Engvidshortcut
Posts: 134
Joined: 28 Nov 2018, 05:07

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 14:46

As I understand it, it was necessary after #IfWinActive ahk_to put #IfWinActive at the end. :o
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Posts: 27366
Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 16:10

That's an alternative approach to accomplish the same thing. Don't confuse the If command with the #If directive.

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

Sleep, 10
Send {Space}

#IfWinActive ahk_exe anki.exe
F3::WinActivate, Engvidshortcut
You can add the closing #If directive if you have other code beneath it that does not pertain to that same context.
Posts: 134
Joined: 28 Nov 2018, 05:07

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 22:06

Why doesn't #If work in this code? The script works in any case, even when #If is not true.

Code: Select all


#If (ok:=FindText(152-150000, 148-150000, 152+150000, 148+150000, 0, 0, Text))
Sleep 250
Send {LCtrl Down}{LShift Down}{LAlt Down}{LWin Down}{scB}{LCtrl Up}{LShift Up}{LAlt Up}{LWin Up}
sleep 2000
Send {LCtrl Down}{LShift Down}{LAlt Down}{LWin Down}{scB}{LCtrl Up}{LShift Up}{LAlt Up}{LWin Up}

;===== Copy The Following Functions To Your Own Code Just once =====

; FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it
; X, Y --> the search scope's upper left corner coordinates
; W, H --> the search scope's Width and Height
; err1, err0 --> character "0" or "_" fault-tolerant in percentage
; Text --> can be a lot of text parsed into images, separated by "|"
; ScreenShot --> if the value is 0, the last screenshot will be used
; FindAll --> if the value is 0, Just find one result and return
; JoinText --> if the value is 1, Join all Text for combination lookup
; offsetX, offsetY --> Set the Max text offset for combination lookup
; ruturn --> a second-order array contains the [X,Y,W,H,Comment] of Each Find

FindText( x, y, w, h, err1, err0, text, ScreenShot=1
  , FindAll=1, JoinText=0, offsetX=20, offsetY=10 )
  if (w<1 or h<1)
    return, 0
  SetBatchLines, -1
  sx:=x-zx, sy:=y-zy, sw:=w, sh:=h
  , arr:=[], info:=[], allv:=""
  Loop, Parse, text, |
    IfNotInString, v, $, Continue
    comment:="", e1:=err1, e0:=err0
    ; You Can Add Comment Text within The <>
    if RegExMatch(v,"<([^>]*)>",r)
      v:=StrReplace(v,r), comment:=Trim(r1)
    ; You can Add two fault-tolerant in the [], separated by commas
    if RegExMatch(v,"\[([^\]]*)]",r)
      v:=StrReplace(v,r), r1.=","
      StringSplit, r, r1, `,
      e1:=r1, e0:=r2
    StringSplit, r, v, $
    color:=r1, v:=r2
    StringSplit, r, v, .
    w1:=r1, v:=base64tobit(r2), h1:=StrLen(v)//w1
    if (r0<2 or h1<1 or w1>sw or h1>sh or StrLen(v)!=w1*h1)
    mode:=InStr(color,"-") ? 4 : InStr(color,"#") ? 3
      : InStr(color,"**") ? 2 : InStr(color,"*") ? 1 : 0
    if (mode=4)
      StringSplit, r, color, -
      color:="0x" . r1, n:="0x" . r2
      color:=RegExReplace(color,"[*#]") . "@"
      StringSplit, r, color, @
      color:=mode=3 ? ((r1-1)//w1)*Stride+Mod(r1-1,w1)*4 : r1
      n:=Round(r2,2)+(!r2), n:=Floor(9*255*255*(1-n)*(1-n))
    StrReplace(v,"1","",len1), len0:=StrLen(v)-len1
    e1:=Round(len1*e1), e0:=Round(len0*e0)
    info.Push( [StrLen(allv),w1,h1,len1,len0,e1,e0
      ,mode,color,n,comment] ), allv.=v
  if (allv="")
    SetBatchLines, %bch%
    return, 0
  num:=info.MaxIndex(), VarSetCapacity(input, num*7*4)
  , VarSetCapacity(gs, sw*sh)
  , VarSetCapacity(ss, sw*sh), k:=StrLen(allv)*4
  , VarSetCapacity(s1, k), VarSetCapacity(s0, k)
  , allpos_max:=FindAll ? 1024 : 1
  , VarSetCapacity(allpos, allpos_max*4)
  Loop, 2 {
  if (JoinText)
    mode:=info.1.8, color:=info.1.9, n:=info.1.10
    , w1:=-1, h1:=info.1.3, comment:="", k:=0
    Loop, % num {
      i:=A_Index, w1+=info[i].2+1, comment.=info[i].11
      Loop, 7
        NumPut(info[i][A_Index], input, 4*(k++), "int")
    ok:=PicFind( mode,color,n,offsetX,offsetY
      ,input,num*7,allpos,allpos_max )
    Loop, % ok
      pos:=NumGet(allpos, 4*(A_Index-1), "uint")
      , rx:=(pos&0xFFFF)+zx, ry:=(pos>>16)+zy
      , arr.Push( [rx,ry,w1,h1,comment] )
    For i,j in info
      mode:=j.8, color:=j.9, n:=j.10, comment:=j.11
      , w1:=j.2, h1:=j.3, v:=SubStr(allv, j.1+1, w1*h1)
      Loop, 7
        NumPut(j[A_Index], input, 4*(A_Index-1), "int")
      NumPut(0, input, "int")
      ok:=PicFind( mode,color,n,offsetX,offsetY
        ,input,7,allpos,allpos_max )
      Loop, % ok
        pos:=NumGet(allpos, 4*(A_Index-1), "uint")
        , rx:=(pos&0xFFFF)+zx, ry:=(pos>>16)+zy
        , arr.Push( [rx,ry,w1,h1,comment] )
  if (err1=0 and err0=0 and !arr.MaxIndex())
    For i,j in info
      if (j.6=0 and j.7=0)
        j.6:=Round(j.4*err1), j.7:=Round(j.5*err0)
  else Break
  SetBatchLines, %bch%
  return, arr.MaxIndex() ? arr:0

PicFind(mode, color, n, offsetX, offsetY
  , Scan0, Stride, sx, sy, sw, sh
  , ByRef gs, ByRef ss, ByRef text, ByRef s1, ByRef s0
  , ByRef input, num, ByRef allpos, allpos_max)
  static MyFunc, Ptr:=A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
  if !MyFunc
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    . "C243483C47889C85B5E5F5DC250008B8424900000008BB424B"
    . "4000000C744240C00000000C744241400000000C1E8100FB6C"
    . "08904248B8424900000000FB6C4894424040FB684249000000"
    . "0894424088B8424B0000000C1E00285F68944242489E88BAC2"
    . "4940000000F8E24FEFFFF8B9C24B000000085DB7E758B9C24A"
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    . "424248944241801C78D76008DBC27000000000FB643020FB64"
    . "B012B04242B4C24040FB6132B5424080FAFC00FAFC98D04400"
    . "FAFD28D04888D045039C50F930683C30483C60139DF75C98BB"
    . "C24B0000000017C24148B4424188344240C01034424108B742"
    . "40C39B424B40000000F8566FFFFFFE985FDFFFF85ED7E358B7"
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    . "9C60F4EC68BB424C4000000894424188B47FC89442404C1E00"
    . "201C6038424C8000000894424588B4424648B7C2428037C245"
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    . "08B54242431C08D1C398B0C8601D9803901740583EA01784A8"
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    . "0010000488BB42450010000448B94245801000089542428448"
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    . "C244531E431FF31ED0F1F8400000000004585ED7E614863142"
    . "4418D5C3D0089F848039424380100004589E0EB1D0F1F0083C"
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    . "3F9034589C2440F45D0803A3175D783C0014C63DE4183C0048"
    . "3C6014883C20139C34789149F75D844012C2483C50103BC241"
    . "80100004403A42400010000396C24047582834424180748834"
    . "424201C8B442418398424580100000F8F35FFFFFF83F9030F8"
    . "43D0600008B8424000100008BBC24080100000FAF842410010"
    . "0008BB424000100008D3CB88B842418010000F7D885C9448D2"
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    . "08B742428C744240400000000C74424180000000089F0440FB"
    . "6CEC1E8104589CC0FB6D84889F08B7424080FB6D44189DB89F"
    . "0440FB6C64889F1C1E8100FB6CD89D60FB6C08D2C0A8B94242"
    . "00100004129C301C3438D040129CE4529C48904248B8424180"
    . "10000C1E00285D2894424080F8E660100004C89BC244001000"
    . "0448BBC24180100004585FF0F8E91040000488B8C24F800000"
    . "04863C74C6354241831D24C03942430010000488D440102EB3"
    . "A0F1F80000000004439C37C4039CE7F3C39CD7C384539CC410"
    . "F9EC044390C240F9DC14421C141880C124883C2014883C0044"
    . "139D70F8E2D040000440FB6000FB648FF440FB648FE4539C37"
    . "EBB31C9EBD58B5C2428448B8C242001000031ED4531E44889D"
    . "84189DB0FB6DB0FB6F48B84241801000041C1EB10450FB6DBC"
    . "1E0024585C98904240F8EA10000004C89BC24400100004C89B"
    . "42448010000448B7C2408448BB424180100004585F67E60488"
    . "B8C24F80000004D63D44C039424300100004863C74531C94C8"
    . "D440102410FB600410FB648FF410FB650FE4429D829F10FAFC"
    . "029DA0FAFC98D04400FAFD28D04888D04504139C7430F93040"
    . "A4983C1014983C0044539CE7FC4033C244501F483C5014401E"
    . "F39AC2420010000758C4C8BBC24400100004C8BB4244801000"
    . "08B8424180100002B4424308904248B8424200100002B44243"
    . "C894424680F88540800008B7C24404D89F5488BAC243001000"
    . "0448B7424104C89FEC74424040000000048C74424280000000"
    . "0C74424200000000089F883E801498D4487044189FF4889442"
    . "4088B44243083E801894424788B042485C00F88D9000000488"
    . "B5C24288B8424100100004D89EC448B6C245401D8C1E010894"
    . "4247089D82B8424F000000089C7B8000000000F49C731FF894"
    . "4246C0FAF842418010000894424648B8424F000000001D8894"
    . "42474908B442404897C24188D1C388B4424384139C60F84AB0"
    . "000004189C131C04585ED448B44241C7F36E9C30000000F1F4"
    . "0004139CE7E1B418B148401DA4863D2807C150000740B4183E"
    . "901782E0F1F4400004883C0014139C50F8E920000004139C78"
    . "9C17ECC8B148601DA4863D2807C15000174BD4183E80179B74"
    . "883C701393C240F8D7AFFFFFF4D89E54883442428018B9C241"
    . "8010000488B442428015C2404394424680F8DFCFEFFFF8B4C2"
    . "42089C84881C4880000005B5E5F5D415C415D415E415FC3458"
    . "5FF7E278B4C241C4C8B4424084889F28B0201D84898807C050"
    . "001740583E90178934883C2044939D075E583BC24580100000"
    . "70F8EE60100008B442478488B8C24500100000344241844896"
    . "C2450448BAC241801000044897C24404883C1204889742410C"
    . "744243C07000000448974244448897C24484989CF895C247C8"
    . "9C64C89642430418B074489EA29C28944245C8B8424E800000"
    . "001F039C20F4EC239F0894424580F8CD0000000418B47148BB"
    . "C2420010000412B7F0449635FFC458B4F08458B670C8944246"
    . "08B442474458B771039C70F4FF8488B44241048C1E3024C8D1"
    . "41848035C24308B442464448D04068B44246C39F84189C37F7"
    . "2904585C97E234489F131D2418B04924401C04898807C05000"
    . "1740583E90178464883C2014139D17FE28B4424604139C40F8"
    . "4AA0000004585E40F8EA100000089C131D2EB0D4883C201413"
    . "9D40F8E8E0000008B04934401C04898807C05000074E483E90"
    . "179DF4183C3014501E84439DF7D8F83C601397424580F8D6EF"
    . "FFFFF488B7C2448448B7C2440448B742444448B6C2450488B7"
    . "424104C8B6424304883C701393C240F8D97FDFFFFE918FEFFF"
    . "F6690037C240844017C241883442404014401EF8B442404398"
    . "424200100000F854DFBFFFF4C8BBC2440010000E996FCFFFF8"
    . "B44245C8344243C074983C71C8D7406FF8B44243C398424580"
    . "100000F8F87FEFFFF448B7C2440448B742444448B6C2450488"
    . "B7C24488B5C247C488B7424104C8B64243048634424208B542"
    . "418039424080100004C8B9C24600100000B5424708D4801398"
    . "C2468010000418914830F8E9AFDFFFF4585FF7E1D4C8B44240"
    . "84889F08B104883C00401DA4C39C04863D2C64415000075EB4"
    . "883C701393C24894C24200F8DBAFCFFFFE93BFDFFFF0F1F440"
    . "0008B842418010000038424080100002B442430894424308B8"
    . "42410010000038424200100002B44243C39842410010000894"
    . "424440F8F230400008B8424000100008BBC24080100000FAF8"
    . "42410010000448B642440448B6C24544C8B8C24F8000000C74"
    . "42420000000008D04B8034424288944243C8B4424303984240"
    . "80100000F8F2F0100008B8424100100008B6C243CC1E010894"
    . "424408B8424080100008904248D450289EF2B7C24284585ED4"
    . "898450FB61C018D45014898410FB61C014863C5410FB634010"
    . "F8E140100008B442438894424188B44241C8944240431C0EB6"
    . "244395424107E4E418B0C8601F98D5102448D41014863C9410"
    . "FB60C094863D24D63C0410FB61411470FB6040129F10FAFC94"
    . "429DA4129D80FAFD2450FAFC08D1452428D14828D144A39542"
    . "4087207836C241801786B4883C0014139C50F8E9E000000413"
    . "9C44189C27E96418B0C8701F98D5102448D41014863C9410FB"
    . "60C094863D24D63C0410FB61411470FB6040129F10FAFC9442"
    . "9DA4129D80FAFD2450FAFC08D1452428D14828D144A3B54240"
    . "80F864BFFFFFF836C2404010F8940FFFFFF8304240183C5048"
    . "B0424394424300F8DEDFEFFFF83842410010000018BBC24000"
    . "100008B442444017C243C3B8424100100000F8D9CFEFFFFE97"
    . "CFBFFFF0F1F0048634424208B5424400B1424488BBC2460010"
    . "0008D48013B8C24680100008914870F8D56FBFFFF830424018"
    . "3C504894C24208B0424394424300F8D82FEFFFFEB93448B5C2"
    . "428448B84242001000031DB8B84241801000031F6448B94241"
    . "80100004183C30141C1E3074585C08D2C85000000000F8E8CF"
    . "9FFFF4585D27E57488B8C24F80000004C63CE4C038C2430010"
    . "0004863C74531C0488D4C01020FB6110FB641FF440FB661FE6"
    . "BC04B6BD22601C24489E0C1E0044429E001D04139C3430F970"
    . "4014983C0014883C1044539C27FCC01EF4401D683C3014401E"
    . "F399C24200100007595E91CF9FFFF8B8C24200100008B84241"
    . "801000031DB31F6448B8C241801000085C98D2C85000000007"
    . "E7D4585C97E694C63C6488B8C24F80000004863C74D89C24C0"
    . "38424300100004C0394242801000031D2488D4C0102440FB61"
    . "90FB641FF4883C104440FB661FA6BC04B456BDB264101C3448"
    . "9E0C1E0044429E04401D8C1F8074188041241C60410004883C"
    . "2014139D17FC401EF4401CE83C3014401EF399C24200100007"
    . "58383BC2420010000020F8E6CF8FFFF4863B424180100008B9"
    . "C24180100008BBC2420010000488D5601448D67FFBF0100000"
    . "04889D0480394243001000048038424280100004889D58D53F"
    . "D4C8D6A0183BC241801000002488D1C067E7E4989C04D8D5C0"
    . "5004989D94929F04889E90FB610440FB650FF035424284439D"
    . "27C44440FB650014439D27C3A450FB6104439D27C31450FB61"
    . "14439D27C28450FB650FF4439D27C1E450FB650014439D27C1"
    . "4450FB651FF4439D27C0A450FB651014439D27D03C60101488"
    . "3C0014983C1014883C1014983C0014C39D8759383C7014801F"
    . "54889D84139FC0F8562FFFFFFE989F7FFFF31C9E9FAF8FFFF9"
    . "0909090909090909090909090"
    MCode(MyFunc, A_PtrSize=8 ? x64:x32)
  return, DllCall(&MyFunc, "int",mode, "uint",color
    , "uint",n, "int",offsetX, "int",offsetY, Ptr,Scan0
    , "int",Stride, "int",sx, "int",sy, "int",sw, "int",sh
    , Ptr,&gs, Ptr,&ss, "AStr",text, Ptr,&s1, Ptr,&s0
    , Ptr,&input, "int",num, Ptr,&allpos, "int",allpos_max)

xywh2xywh(x1,y1,w1,h1,ByRef x,ByRef y,ByRef w,ByRef h)
  SysGet, zx, 76
  SysGet, zy, 77
  SysGet, zw, 78
  SysGet, zh, 79
  left:=x1, right:=x1+w1-1, up:=y1, down:=y1+h1-1
  left:=left<zx ? zx:left, right:=right>zx+zw-1 ? zx+zw-1:right
  up:=up<zy ? zy:up, down:=down>zy+zh-1 ? zy+zh-1:down
  x:=left, y:=up, w:=right-left+1, h:=down-up+1

GetBitsFromScreen(x, y, w, h, ByRef Scan0, ByRef Stride
  , ScreenShot=1, ByRef zx="", ByRef zy="", bpp=32)
  static bits, oldx, oldy, oldw, oldh
  static Ptr:=A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", PtrP:=Ptr "*"
  if (ScreenShot or x<oldx or y<oldy
    or x+w>oldx+oldw or y+h>oldy+oldh)
    oldx:=x, oldy:=y, oldw:=w, oldh:=h, ScreenShot:=1
    VarSetCapacity(bits, w*h*4)
  Scan0:=&bits, Stride:=((oldw*bpp+31)//32)*4, zx:=oldx, zy:=oldy
  if (!ScreenShot or w<1 or h<1)
  win:=DllCall("GetDesktopWindow", Ptr)
  hDC:=DllCall("GetWindowDC", Ptr,win, Ptr)
  mDC:=DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", Ptr,hDC, Ptr)
  VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0), NumPut(40, bi, 0, "int")
  NumPut(w, bi, 4, "int"), NumPut(-h, bi, 8, "int")
  NumPut(1, bi, 12, "short"), NumPut(bpp, bi, 14, "short")
  if hBM:=DllCall("CreateDIBSection", Ptr,mDC, Ptr,&bi
    , "int",0, PtrP,ppvBits, Ptr,0, "int",0, Ptr)
    oBM:=DllCall("SelectObject", Ptr,mDC, Ptr,hBM, Ptr)
    DllCall("BitBlt", Ptr,mDC, "int",0, "int",0, "int",w, "int",h
      , Ptr,hDC, "int",x, "int",y, "uint",0x00CC0020|0x40000000)
    DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", Ptr,Scan0, Ptr,ppvBits, Ptr,Stride*h)
    DllCall("SelectObject", Ptr,mDC, Ptr,oBM)
    DllCall("DeleteObject", Ptr,hBM)
  DllCall("DeleteDC", Ptr,mDC)
  DllCall("ReleaseDC", Ptr,win, Ptr,hDC)

MCode(ByRef code, hex)
  SetBatchLines, -1
  VarSetCapacity(code, len:=StrLen(hex)//2)
  lls:=A_ListLines=0 ? "Off" : "On"
  ListLines, Off
  Loop, % len
    NumPut("0x" SubStr(hex,2*A_Index-1,2),code,A_Index-1,"uchar")
  ListLines, %lls%
  Ptr:=A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", PtrP:=Ptr . "*"
  DllCall("VirtualProtect",Ptr,&code, Ptr,len,"uint",0x40,PtrP,0)
  SetBatchLines, %bch%

    . "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
  StringCaseSense, On
  lls:=A_ListLines=0 ? "Off" : "On"
  ListLines, Off
  Loop, Parse, Chars
    i:=A_Index-1, v:=(i>>5&1) . (i>>4&1)
      . (i>>3&1) . (i>>2&1) . (i>>1&1) . (i&1)
  ListLines, %lls%
  StringCaseSense, Off
  return, s

    . "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
  lls:=A_ListLines=0 ? "Off" : "On"
  ListLines, Off
  Loop, Parse, Chars
    i:=A_Index-1, v:="|" . (i>>5&1) . (i>>4&1)
      . (i>>3&1) . (i>>2&1) . (i>>1&1) . (i&1)
  ListLines, %lls%
  return, s

  if RegExMatch(s,"\$(\d+)\.([\w+/]+)",r)
    s:=RegExReplace(base64tobit(r2),".{" r1 "}","$0`n")
  else s=
  return, s

; You can put the text library at the beginning of the script,
; and Use Pic(Text,1) to add the text library to Pic()'s Lib,
; Use Pic("comment1|comment2|...") to get text images from Lib

Pic(comments, add_to_Lib=0)
  static Lib:=[]
  if (add_to_Lib)
    Loop, Parse, comments, |
      if RegExMatch(A_LoopField,re,r)
    Loop, Parse, comments, |
      Text.="|" . Lib[Trim(A_LoopField)]
    return, Text

  return, Pic( RegExReplace(Number, ".", "|$0") )

; Use PicX(Text) to automatically cut into multiple characters
; Can't be used in ColorPos mode, because it can cause position errors

  if !RegExMatch(Text,"\|([^$]+)\$(\d+)\.([\w+/]+)",r)
    return, Text
  w:=r2, v:=base64tobit(r3), Text:=""
  c:=StrLen(StrReplace(v,"0"))<=StrLen(v)//2 ? "1":"0"
  wz:=RegExReplace(v,".{" w "}","$0`n")
  SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
  While InStr(wz,c) {
    While !(wz~="m`n)^" c)
    While (wz~="m`n)^.{" i "}" c)
    v:=RegExReplace(wz,"m`n)^(.{" i "}).*","$1")
    wz:=RegExReplace(wz,"m`n)^.{" i "}")
    if v!=
      Text.="|" r1 "$" i "." bit2base64(v)
  return, Text

; Screenshot and retained as the last screenshot.


FindTextOCR(nX, nY, nW, nH, err1, err0, Text, Interval=20)
  OCR:="", RightX:=nX+nW-1, ScreenShot()
  While (ok:=FindText(nX, nY, nW, nH, err1, err0, Text, 0))
    For k,v in ok
      ; X is the X coordinates of the upper left corner
      ; and W is the width of the image have been found
      x:=v.1, y:=v.2, w:=v.3, h:=v.4, comment:=v.5
      ; We need the leftmost X coordinates
      if (A_Index=1 or x<LeftX)
        LeftX:=x, LeftY:=y, LeftW:=w, LeftH:=h, LeftOCR:=comment
      else if (x=LeftX)
        Loop, 100
          if FindText(x, y, w, h, err, err, Text, 0)
            LeftX:=x, LeftY:=y, LeftW:=w, LeftH:=h, LeftOCR:=comment
          if FindText(LeftX, LeftY, LeftW, LeftH, err, err, Text, 0)
    ; If the interval exceeds the set value, add "*" to the result
    OCR.=(A_Index>1 and LeftX-nX-1>Interval ? "*":"") . LeftOCR
    ; Update nX and nW for next search
    nX:=LeftX+LeftW-1, nW:=RightX-nX+1
  return, OCR

; Reordering the objects returned from left to right,
; from top to bottom, ignore slight height difference

SortOK(ok, dy=10) {
  if !IsObject(ok)
    return, ok
  SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
  For k,v in ok
    x:=v.1+v.3//2, y:=v.2+v.4//2
    y:=A_Index>1 and Abs(y-lasty)<dy ? lasty : y, lasty:=y
    n:=(y*150000+x) "." k, s:=A_Index=1 ? n : s "-" n
  Sort, s, N D-
  Loop, Parse, s, -
    ok2.Push( ok[(StrSplit(A_LoopField,".")[2])] )
  return, ok2

; Reordering according to the nearest distance

SortOK2(ok, px, py) {
  if !IsObject(ok)
    return, ok
  SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
  For k,v in ok
    x:=v.1+v.3//2, y:=v.2+v.4//2
    n:=((x-px)**2+(y-py)**2) "." k
    s:=A_Index=1 ? n : s "-" n
  Sort, s, N D-
  Loop, Parse, s, -
    ok2.Push( ok[(StrSplit(A_LoopField,".")[2])] )
  return, ok2

; Prompt mouse position in remote assistance

MouseTip(x="", y="") {
  if (x="")
    VarSetCapacity(pt,16,0), DllCall("GetCursorPos","ptr",&pt)
    x:=NumGet(pt,0,"uint"), y:=NumGet(pt,4,"uint")
  x:=Round(x-10), y:=Round(y-10), w:=h:=2*10+1
  Gui, _MouseTip_: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +Hwndmyid +E0x08000000
  Gui, _MouseTip_: Show, Hide w%w% h%h%
  DetectHiddenWindows, On
  d:=4, i:=w-d, j:=h-d
  s=0-0 %w%-0 %w%-%h% 0-%h% 0-0
  s=%s%  %d%-%d% %i%-%d% %i%-%j% %d%-%j% %d%-%d%
  WinSet, Region, %s%, ahk_id %myid%
  DetectHiddenWindows, %dhw%
  Gui, _MouseTip_: Show, NA x%x% y%y%
  Loop, 4 {
    Gui, _MouseTip_: Color, % A_Index & 1 ? "Red" : "Blue"
    Sleep, 500
  Gui, _MouseTip_: Destroy

/***** C source code of machine code *****

int __attribute__((__stdcall__)) PicFind(
  int mode, unsigned int c, unsigned int n
  , int offsetX, int offsetY, unsigned char * Bmp
  , int Stride, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh
  , unsigned char * gs, char * ss, char * text
  , int * s1, int * s0, int * input, int num
  , unsigned int * allpos, int allpos_max)
  int o, i, j, x, y, r, g, b, rr, gg, bb, max, e1, e0, ok;
  int o1, x1, y1, w1, h1, sx1, sy1, len1, len0, err1, err0;
  int o2, x2, y2, w2, h2, sx2, sy2, len21, len20, err21, err20;
  int r_min, r_max, g_min, g_max, b_min, b_max;
  ok=0; w1=input[1]; h1=input[2];
  len1=input[3]; len0=input[4];
  err1=input[5]; err0=input[6];
  max=len1>len0 ? len1 : len0;
  // Generate Lookup Table
  for (j=0; j<num; j+=7)
    o=o1=o2=input[j]; w2=input[j+1]; h2=input[j+2];
    for (y=0; y<h2; y++)
      for (x=0; x<w2; x++)
        i=(mode==3) ? y*Stride+x*4 : y*sw+x;
        if (text[o++]=='1')
  // Color Position Mode
  // This mode is not support combination lookup
  // only used to recognize multicolored Verification Code
  if (mode==3)
    sx1=sx+sw-w1; sy1=sy+sh-h1;
    for (y=sy; y<=sy1; y++)
      for (x=sx; x<=sx1; x++)
        o=y*Stride+x*4; e1=err1; e0=err0;
        j=o+c; rr=Bmp[2+j]; gg=Bmp[1+j]; bb=Bmp[j];
        for (i=0; i<max; i++)
          if (i<len1)
            j=o+s1[i]; r=Bmp[2+j]-rr; g=Bmp[1+j]-gg; b=Bmp[j]-bb;
            if (3*r*r+4*g*g+2*b*b>n && (--e1)<0)
              goto NoMatch3;
          if (i<len0)
            j=o+s0[i]; r=Bmp[2+j]-rr; g=Bmp[1+j]-gg; b=Bmp[j]-bb;
            if (3*r*r+4*g*g+2*b*b<=n && (--e0)<0)
              goto NoMatch3;
        if (ok>=allpos_max)
          goto Return1;
    goto Return1;
  // Generate Two Value Image
  o=sy*Stride+sx*4; j=Stride-4*sw; i=0;
  if (mode==0)  // Color Mode
    rr=(c>>16)&0xFF; gg=(c>>8)&0xFF; bb=c&0xFF;
    for (y=0; y<sh; y++, o+=j)
      for (x=0; x<sw; x++, o+=4, i++)
        r=Bmp[2+o]-rr; g=Bmp[1+o]-gg; b=Bmp[o]-bb;
        ss[i]=(3*r*r+4*g*g+2*b*b<=n) ? 1:0;
  else if (mode==1)  // Gray Threshold Mode
    for (y=0; y<sh; y++, o+=j)
      for (x=0; x<sw; x++, o+=4, i++)
        ss[i]=(Bmp[2+o]*38+Bmp[1+o]*75+Bmp[o]*15<c) ? 1:0;
  else if (mode==2)  // Gray Difference Mode
    for (y=0; y<sh; y++, o+=j)
      for (x=0; x<sw; x++, o+=4, i++)
    sx1=sw-2; sy1=sh-2;
    for (y=1; y<=sy1; y++)
      for (x=1; x<=sx1; x++)
        i=y*sw+x; j=gs[i]+c;
        if ( gs[i-1]>j || gs[i+1]>j
          || gs[i-sw]>j || gs[i+sw]>j
          || gs[i-sw-1]>j || gs[i-sw+1]>j
          || gs[i+sw-1]>j || gs[i+sw+1]>j )
  else // (mode==4) Color Difference Mode
    r=(c>>16)&0xFF; g=(c>>8)&0xFF; b=c&0xFF;
    rr=(n>>16)&0xFF; gg=(n>>8)&0xFF; bb=n&0xFF;
    r_min=r-rr; g_min=g-gg; b_min=b-bb;
    r_max=r+rr; g_max=g+gg; b_max=b+bb;
    for (y=0; y<sh; y++, o+=j)
      for (x=0; x<sw; x++, o+=4, i++)
        r=Bmp[2+o]; g=Bmp[1+o]; b=Bmp[o];
        ss[i]=(r>=r_min && r<=r_max
            && g>=g_min && g<=g_max
            && b>=b_min && b<=b_max) ? 1:0;
  // Start Lookup
  sx1=sw-w1; sy1=sh-h1;
  for (y=0; y<=sy1; y++)
    for (x=0; x<=sx1; x++)
      o=y*sw+x; e1=err1; e0=err0;
      if (e0==len0)
        for (i=0; i<len1; i++)
          if (ss[o+s1[i]]!=1 && (--e1)<0)
            goto NoMatch1;
        for (i=0; i<max; i++)
          if (i<len1 && ss[o+s1[i]]!=1 && (--e1)<0)
            goto NoMatch1;
          if (i<len0 && ss[o+s0[i]]!=0 && (--e0)<0)
            goto NoMatch1;
      if (num>7)
        x1=x+w1-1; y1=y-offsetY; if (y1<0) y1=0;
        for (j=7; j<num; j+=7)
          o2=input[j]; w2=input[j+1]; h2=input[j+2];
          len21=input[j+3]; len20=input[j+4];
          err21=input[j+5]; err20=input[j+6];
          sx2=sw-w2; i=x1+offsetX; if (i<sx2) sx2=i;
          sy2=sh-h2; i=y+offsetY; if (i<sy2) sy2=i;
          for (x2=x1; x2<=sx2; x2++)
            for (y2=y1; y2<=sy2; y2++)
              o1=y2*sw+x2; e1=err21; e0=err20;
              for (i=0; i<len21; i++)
                if (ss[o1+s1[o2+i]]!=1 && (--e1)<0)
                  goto NoMatch2;
              if (e0!=len20)
                for (i=0; i<len20; i++)
                  if (ss[o1+s0[o2+i]]!=0 && (--e0)<0)
                    goto NoMatch2;
              goto MatchOK;
          goto NoMatch1;
      if (ok>=allpos_max)
        goto Return1;
      // Clear the image that has been found
      for (i=0; i<len1; i++)
  return ok;


;================= The End =================
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Posts: 27366
Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 22:10

This reading may interest you.

As noted, #If only defines context for hotkeys and hotstrings.
Posts: 134
Joined: 28 Nov 2018, 05:07

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

09 Jan 2021, 22:56

I've read this before but don't fully understand these technical definitions.

MatcWhy doesn't it work?
h: S | Quizlet – Cent Browser
ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
ahk_exe chrome.exe
ahk_pid 3692

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#If WinActive(Quizlet)
Send {LCtrl Down}{LShift Down}{LAlt Down}{LWin Down}{scB}{LCtrl Up}{LShift Up}{LAlt Up}{LWin Up}
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Posts: 27366
Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 09:06

You are confusing the "If" command with the "#If" directive. #If defines a context for the hotkeys and hotstrings that follow it. See the examples in the documentation. You can remove "#" if you would like use the standard command.
Posts: 134
Joined: 28 Nov 2018, 05:07

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 09:38

I changed these commands in places, but it still doesn't work. As I understand it

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
does not find WinActive(Quizlet).
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Posts: 27366
Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 09:43

1. Show the revised script.
2. Show what Window Spy shows as the complete window title.
Posts: 134
Joined: 28 Nov 2018, 05:07

Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 09:55


Code: Select all

#If WinActive(Quizlet)
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Send {LCtrl Down}{LShift Down}{LAlt Down}{LWin Down}{scB}{LCtrl Up}{LShift Up}{LAlt Up}{LWin Up}
Match: S | Quizlet – Cent Browser
ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
ahk_exe chrome.exe
ahk_pid 1400
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 09:58

Three problems:

1. For #If directive, a change in match mode should be set in the auto-exec section.
2. Functions use expressions such as "Quizlet" (with quotation marks for literal strings). A word such as Quizlet would otherwise be considered a variable name.
3. Closing #If, when present, would follow Return.

Here is the fix.

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

#IfWinActive Quizlet ahk_exe chrome.exe
Numpad4::Send {LCtrl Down}{LShift Down}{LAlt Down}{LWin Down}{scB}{LWin Up}{LAlt Up}{LShift Up}{LCtrl Up}
See examples at the bottom of the following page.
Last edited by mikeyww on 10 Jan 2021, 10:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 10:05

But I think I need to deactivate

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
How to do it?
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 10:06

You can alter the match mode again in any labeled routine.

:arrow: SetTitleMatchMode

You need the match mode of 2 if you would like to find words within the window title, as in your example. An alternative is to use the default match mode and use the start of the window title in your match.

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive S | Quizlet ahk_exe chrome.exe
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 10:17

But I cant use after

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive Quizlet ahk_exe chrome.exe
Numpad4::Send {LCtrl Down}{LShift Down}{LAlt Down}{LWin Down}{scB}{LWin Up}{LAlt Up}{LShift Up}{LCtrl Up}
For example

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
#IfWinActive RegEx
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 10:30

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx

#IfWinActive Quizlet ahk_exe chrome\.exe
Numpad4::Send {LCtrl Down}{LShift Down}{LAlt Down}{LWin Down}{scB}{LWin Up}{LAlt Up}{LShift Up}{LCtrl Up}

#IfWinActive RegEx
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 10:46

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive Quizlet ahk_exe chrome.exe
Two Wintitles in one.
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 10:54

Your line will work with RegEx as well, since . as a RegEx symbol will match the "." in "chrome.exe".
Posts: 134
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Re: SetTitleMatchMode not working

10 Jan 2021, 11:04

It is very difficult to understand these rules. The documentation is so sparse.

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