Get web page contents

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Get web page contents

28 Feb 2021, 16:34

I need to get the contents of VirusTotals results page.
The code below gets something but not the list of detections.

Code: Select all

POST_Data := "" ; Typically, POST data is used for submitting data, like filled forms, to a page.
Headers_In := "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)"
url =
HTTPRequest( URL, Page_Data := POST_Data, Headers_Out := Headers_In )

HTTPRequest( url, byref in_POST_out_DATA="", byref inout_HEADERS="", options="" ) { ; --------------
; Function by [VxE]. Special thanks to derRaphael for inspiring this function. Version (10-14-2011).
; Available @:
; VersionInfo:
; Submits one request to the specified URL and returns the number of bytes in the response.
; 'in_POST_out_DATA' must be a variable, which may contain data to be send as POST data. If the
; request completes successfully, 'in_POST_out_DATA' receives the response data. 'inout_HEADERS'
; must be a variable, and may contain headers to use for the request. If the request completes
; successfully, 'inout_HEADERS' receives the response headers; otherwise it receives an error summary.
; NOTE: If the function encounters an error, an error message will be put into 'inout_HEADERS' and
; the function will return '0'. Since it is possible for a successful request to elicit a response
; with zero bytes, you should consult the response headers to determine if an error occured. On the
; other hand, if you are requesting data, a zero-byte response would indicate an error anyways.
; IMPORTANT: each header in 'inout_HEADERS' must conform to the following format:
; "<header name>: <header text>", and multiple headers MUST be separated by a linefeed.
; Cookie          -> The flag INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES is applied to the request.
; Content-Length  -> The header is added automatically IF AND ONLY IF the post data is not empty.
;                    Use the Content-Length header to override data length auto-detection.
; Content-MD5     -> The value is computed automatically IF AND ONLY IF the VALUE is left blank.
;                    If the response headers contain a 'Content-MD5' header, a 'Computed-MD5'
;                    header is appended to the response headers with the calculated MD5 hash.
; User-Agent      -> The header is set automatically if it isn't specified or if the value is blank.
;                    NOTE: The automatic user-agent contains the script file's name and OS version.
;                    If this is not desirable, please specify your own user-agent.
; Referrer        -> Is uncorrected to 'Referer' because that's the actual official header name.
; Any of the following may appear in the 'options' parameter:
; +FlagName          Use this to set custom flags for a request. 'FlagName' can either be the name
;                    of one of the internet flags specified below OR an exact power of 2.
;                    E.g: "+INTERNET_FLAG_FORMS_SUBMIT", OR "+0x40"
; -FlagName          This can remove an internet flag in case you want to negate one of the default
;                    flags. Default flags include KEEP_CONNECTION, RELOAD and NO_CACHE_WRITE.
; > FilePath         Use this to write the downloaded data to a file (overwriting the file).
;                    After the data has been written to the indicated file, the file is read into
;                    'in_POST_out_DATA' (this function still returns the number of bytes downloaded,
;                    which may not be the actual length of the data). This will overwrite the file
;                    if it already exists. This is functionally similar to URLDownloadToFile.
;                    In version (09-10-2011) and later, the '>' may be preceeded by either 'n', 'r'
;                    or both. 'N' prevents HTTPRequest from reading the file's contents into the
;                    data output variable (in_POST_out_DATA is made blank). 'R' causes HTTPRequest
;                    to resume a download, if the file already exists.
; AutoProxy          Connects using internet explorer's proxy configuration in the registry.
;                    This means that if internet explorer is configured to use a proxy, HTTPRequest
;                    will use that same configuration. NOTE: If this doesn't work, it could mean
;                    that your system is preventing registry access.
; Binary             Tells HTTPReqeust to treat the response data as non-text (i.e: HTTPRequest
;                    won't change the character encoding or update the output variable's length).
; Callback: F[, VAL] Use this to specify a callback function to handle upload/download progress.
;                    The function should require a maximum of 3 parameters. During POST upload, the
;                    function is called with the current fraction of the upload minus 1 as parameter
;                    1, the total number of bytes in the upload as parameter 2, and 'VAL' as
;                    parameter 3. During data download, the function is called with the current
;                    fraction of the download as parameter 1, the total number of bytes in the
;                    download as parameter 2, and 'VAL' as parameter 3. Finally, the function may
;                    return the word "cancel" to cancel the current operation (either upload or
;                    download), possibly terminating the transaction.
; CodePage           Tells HTTPRequest to convert text POST data to the stated codepage.
;                    This option MUST be accompanied by a 'Content-Type' header WITH the 'Charset'
;                    attribute. HTTPRequest will convert the POST data text from the script's
;                    codepage to the one specified as the 'Charset' value.
; Method: VERB       Use the specified HTTP method verb when submitting the request. Normally, the
;                    'POST' verb is used when submitting POST data, otherwise 'GET' is used. Some
;                    APIs require other verbs for certain functions. Supported verbs are 'GET',
;                    'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', and 'TRACE'.
; Proxy: HostURL     Use this options to specify a proxy service to use when making the request.
; ProxyBypass: Host  Use this to define a host (repeat this for multiple hosts) that HTTPRequest
;                    should access directly, not through any proxy.
; Upload: FilePath   Uses the contents of the file at 'filepath' as the POST data, instead of 
;                    whatever is in 'in_POST_out_DATA'. This option reads from the file as it
;                    uploads, so only a few KB of the file will be in memory at a time.
; ! IMPORTANT ! when submitting text as POST data, be mindful of the character encoding (charset, 
; or codepage). HTTPRequest will assume the server will accept the POST data AS-IS unless you
; specifically tell it otherwise. This is particularly important for UNICODE versions of AHK; either
; user StrPut() to convert text to the desired codepage, or use the 'CodePage' option (see above)
; along with a 'Content-Type' header that has the 'charset' attribute.

     Static WorA := "", psz, pty, macp, macs, ModuleName := "WinINet.dll"
	, URL_Components, Scheme, Host, User, Pass, UrlPath, ExtraInfo
	, grep_text_type_content := "text/.*|.*/(?:atom|html|json|soap|xhtml|xml|x-www-form-urlencoded)"
	, iFlagList := "
; The list of internet flags and values has been condensed and obfuscated for version (09-10-2011).
; Flag values may be found here >
	, CPList := "|
; Codepage list taken from here >

	If ( WorA = "" ) ; Initialize Static Varaibles
		WorA := A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A" ; Either 'A' (ansi) or 'W' (wide-chars).
	; Filling the URL_Components structure with the addresses of static variables only needs to
	; happen once per script instance. For unicode, the string capacities are doubled.
	; URL_COMPONENTS structure >
		psz := A_PtrSize = "" ? 4 : A_PtrSize, pty := A_PtrSize = 8 ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
		macp := WorA = "W" ? "01200" : SubStr( 100000.0 + DllCall("GetACP"), 2, 5 )
		StringGetPos, pos, CPList, % "|" macp "="
		StringMid, macs, CPList, pos + 8, InStr( CPList, "|", 0, pos ) - pos - 8
		VarSetCapacity( URL_Components, 4 * 9 + ( 6 * psz ) , 0 )
		NumPut( 60, URL_Components, 0, "Int" )
		VarSetCapacity( Scheme, 16 << !! A_IsUnicode, 0 )
		NumPut( &Scheme, URL_Components, 4, "UInt" )
		VarSetCapacity( Host, 2048 << !! A_IsUnicode, 0 )
		NumPut( &Host, URL_Components, 12 + psz, "UInt" )
		VarSetCapacity( User, 2048 << !! A_IsUnicode, 0 )
		NumPut( &User, URL_Components, 20 + 2 * psz, "UInt" )
		VarSetCapacity( Pass, 2048 << !! A_IsUnicode, 0 )
		NumPut( &Pass, URL_Components, 24 + 3 * psz, "UInt" )
		VarSetCapacity( UrlPath, 4096 << !! A_IsUnicode, 0 )
		NumPut( &UrlPath, URL_Components, 28 + 4 * psz, "UInt" )
		VarSetCapacity( ExtraInfo, 4096 << !! A_IsUnicode, 0 )
		NumPut( &ExtraInfo, URL_Components, 32 + 5 * psz, "UInt" )

	iOpenType := 1, iDoCallback := Ignore_Text := output_resume := inohash := ifail := 0
	hRequest := hConnection := hInternet := hModule := 0
	options := "`n" options "`n"

	; Properly format the headers. For each line in the headers, check to make sure it's formatted
	; like a header (Name: Value) and if it is, then append it to the the actual headers followed
	; by CRLF. Also, check the headers for additional flags the user may want to use.
	VarSetCapacity( inout_HEADERS, StrLen( buffer := inout_HEADERS ) << ( WorA = "W" ), 0 )
	Loop, Parse, buffer, `n
		IfInString, A_LoopField, :
			StringReplace, buffer, A_LoopField, :, `n
			Loop, Parse, buffer, `n, % "`t`r "
				If ( A_Index = 1 )
					buffer := A_LoopField
				Else If ( buffer = "Accept" )
;					inout_HEADERS .= "Accept: " ( Accept_Types := A_LoopField )
					Accept_Types := A_LoopField
				Else If ( buffer = "User-Agent" )
					inout_HEADERS .= "User-Agent: " ( Agent := A_LoopField ) "`r`n"
				Else If ( buffer = "Content-MD5" ) && ( A_LoopField = "" )
					inout_HEADERS .= "Content-MD5: `r`n"
				Else If ( buffer = "Referer" || headername = "Referrer" )
					inout_HEADERS .=  "Referer: " ( Referer_URL := A_LoopField ) "`r`n"
;					Referer_URL := A_LoopField
				Else If ( buffer = "Content-Length" )
					Content_Length := A_LoopField
				Else If ( buffer = "Content-Type" )
					content := A_LoopField
					Loop, Parse, content, % ";", % "`t "
						If ( A_Index = 1 )
							content_type := A_LoopField
						Else If InStr( A_LoopField, "charset=" ) = 1
							StringTrimLeft, content_charset, A_LoopField, 8
				Else inout_HEADERS .= buffer ": " A_LoopField "`r`n"

	Flags := 0 ; Typical flags for normal HTTP requests.
	| 0x80000000 ; INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD
	| ( InStr( "`r`n" inout_HEADERS, "`r`nCookie: " ) ? 0x80000 : 0 ) ; INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES

	; Handle any other options specified
	Loop, Parse, options, `n, % "`t`r "
		If InStr( "+-", SubStr( A_LoopField " ", 1, 1 ) ) ; flags begin with either + or -
			options := RegexReplace( A_LoopField, "i)[+-](flag)?\W*" )
			If options IS NOT INTEGER
				StringGetPos, pos, iFlagList, % "|" SubStr( A_LoopField, 2 ) "|"
				If ( ErrorLevel )
					StringGetPos, pos, iFlagList, % "|INTERNET_FLAG_" SubStr( A_LoopField, 2 ) "|"
				If ( ErrorLevel )
				StringLeft, options, iFlagList, pos
				StringReplace, options, options, ., ., UseErrorLevel
				options := 1 << ErrorLevel
			Else If ( options != 1 << Round( Ln( options ) / Ln( 2 ) ) )
			flags := Asc( A_LoopField ) = 45 ? ~options & flags : options | flags
		Else If ( pos := InStr( A_LoopField, ">" ) + 3 >> 2 = 1 )
			Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, >, % "`t`n`r "
				If ( A_Index != 1 ) && ( !InStr( A_LoopField, "\" ) || FileExist( RegexReplace( A_LoopField, ".*\K\\.*" ) ) )
					output_file := A_LoopField
					no_output := !!InStr( output_options, "n" )
					If ( output_resume := InStr( output_options, "r" ) && FileExist( output_file ) )
						FileGetSize, output_resume, % output_file
						inout_Headers .= "Range: bytes=" . SubStr( output_resume + 0.0, 1, 1
						+ Floor( Log( output_resume ) ) ) "-" RegexReplace( "`r`n" inout_Headers, "i)\v+\KRange:\V*\v+" )
				Else output_options .= A_LoopField
		Else If ( A_LoopField = "binary" )
			Ignore_Text := 1
		Else If ( A_LoopField = "codepage" )
			Do_Codepage := 1
		Else If ( A_LoopField = "autoproxy" )
			iOpenType := 0
		Else If ( A_LoopField = "nohash" )
			inohash := 1
		Else IfInString, A_LoopField, :
			StringReplace, options, A_LoopField, :, `n
			Loop, Parse, options, `n, % "`t`r "
				If ( A_Index = 1 )
					options := A_LoopField
				Else If ( options = "Callback" ) ; use a transfer progress callback
					RegexMatch( A_LoopField, "(?<_func>[\w@#$]*)[\h,]*(?<_val>.*)", iDoCallback )
					iDoCallback := IsFunc( iDoCallback_func ) + 3 >> 2 = 1 ; OK if 0,1,2,3 params needed
					StringReplace, iDoCallback_val, iDoCallback_val, ``n, `n, A
				Else If ( options = "Upload" ) ; upload this file instead of the POST data
					bDoFileUpload := "" != FileExist( upload_file := A_LoopField )
				Else If ( options = "Proxy" ) ; use a proxy (don't bother checking the URL validity)
					proxy_url := A_LoopField, iOpenType := 3
				Else If ( options = "ProxyBypass" ) ; bypass the proxy for these hosts
					proxy_bypass .= A_LoopField "`r`n"
				Else If ( options = "Method" ) && ( A_LoopField = "GET" || A_LoopField = "HEAD"
					|| A_LoopField = "POST" || A_LoopField = "PUT" || A_LoopField = "DELETE"
					|| A_LoopField = "OPTIONS" || A_LoopField = "TRACE" )
					StringUpper, Method, A_LoopField
	StringTrimRight, proxy_bypass, proxy_bypass, 2

	If ( Accept_Types = "" )
		Accept_Types := "text/xml, text/json q=0.4, text/html q=0.3, text/* q=0.2, */* q=0.1"
	If ( Agent = "" )
		inout_HEADERS .= "User-Agent: " ( Agent := RegexReplace( A_ScriptName, ".*\K\..*" ) "/1.0 (Language=AutoHotkey/" A_AhkVersion "; Platform=" A_OSVersion ")" ) "`r`n"
	If ( Content_Length = "" )
		If ( bDoFileUpload )
			FileGetSize, Content_Length, % upload_file
		Else StringLen, Content_Length, in_POST_out_DATA
	If ( Method = "" )
		Method := Content_Length ? "POST" : "GET"

	; If there IS POST data (length > zero) then make sure there is also a content-type header.
	If ( Content_Length := SubStr( Content_Length + 0.0, 1, 1 + Floor( Log( Content_Length ))))
		; Detect the content type in the input headers. Default is either XML or forms data.
		If ( Content_Type = "" ) || ( Content_Type = "charset" )
			StringGetPos, pos, in_POST_out_DATA, <?xml
			Content_Type := !ErrorLevel && pos < 5 ? "text/xml" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
		If ( Content_Charset = "" )
			Content_Charset := macs
		; For text POST data, make sure the charset attribute is also in the content-type header.
		If RegexMatch( Content_Type, "i)" grep_text_type_content )
			If ( Content_Charset = "" )
				pos := 7 + InStr( CPList, "|" macp "=" )
				StringMid, Content_Charset, CPList, pos, InStr( CPList, "|", 0, pos ) - pos
			StringGetPos, pos, CPList, % "=" Content_Charset "|"
			StringMid, CodePage, CPList, pos - 4, 5

			If ( Do_Codepage ) && ( CodePage != macp )
				If ( WorA = "W" )
					buffer := in_POST_out_DATA
				; MultiByteToWideChar >
					Content_Length := DllCall( "MultiByteToWideChar"
						, "UInt", macp, "UInt", 0
						, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA, "UInt", size := Content_Length
						, pty, 0, "UInt", 0 )
					VarSetCapacity( buffer, Content_Length + 1 << 1, 0 )
					DllCall( "MultiByteToWideChar"
						, "UInt", macp, "UInt", 0
						, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA, "UInt", size
						, pty, &buffer, "UInt", Content_Length )
				; WideCharToMultiByte >
				Content_Length := DllCall( "WideCharToMultiByte"
					, "UInt", CodePage, "UInt", 0
					, pty, &buffer, "UInt", size := Content_Length
					, pty, 0, "UInt", 0
					, pty, 0, pty, 0 )
				VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, Content_Length + 1, 0 )
				DllCall( "WideCharToMultiByte"
					, "UInt", CodePage, "UInt", 0
					, pty, &buffer, "UInt", size
					, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA, "UInt", Content_Length
					, pty, 0, pty, 0 )
				buffer := ""
				inout_HEADERS .= "Content-Length: " ( Content_Length := SubStr( Content_Length + 0.0, 1, 1 + Floor( Log( size ) ) ) ) "`r`n"
			inout_HEADERS .= "Content-Type: " Content_Type "; Charset=" Content_Charset "`r`n"
		Else inout_HEADERS .= "Content-Type: " Content "`r`n"
	IfInString, inout_HEADERS, % "Content-MD5: `r`n"
		StringReplace, inout_HEADERS, inout_HEADERS, % "Content-MD5: `r`n", % "Content-MD5: " HTTPRequest_MD5( in_POST_out_DATA, bDoFileUpload ? upload_file : Content_Length ) "`r`n"

	size := 0
	; Load WinINet.dll
	If !( hModule := DllCall( "LoadLibrary" WorA, pty, &ModuleName ) )
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem loading WinINet.dll. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError
	Else Loop 1 ; Version (10-9-2011) uses a loop so 'Break' jumps to the cleanup step.
	; Put the sizes into the URL_Components structure (the sizes are the same for unicode and ansi
	; because the sizes are actually a character count, not a byte count).
	NumPut( 0016, URL_Components, 04 + 1 * psz, "Int" )
	NumPut( 2048, URL_Components, 12 + 2 * psz, "Int" )
	NumPut( 2048, URL_Components, 20 + 3 * psz, "Int" )
	NumPut( 2048, URL_Components, 24 + 4 * psz, "Int" )
	NumPut( 4096, URL_Components, 28 + 5 * psz, "Int" )
	NumPut( 4096, URL_Components, 32 + 6 * psz, "Int" )

	URL := InStr( URL, "://" ) >> 2 = 1 ? URL : "http://" URL ; add scheme if it doesn't seem to be there
	; InternetCrackUrl >
	If !DllCall( "WinINet\InternetCrackUrl" WorA, pty, &URL, "Int", StrLen( URL ), "UInt", 0, pty, &URL_Components )
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem with the provided URL (InternetCrackUrl). ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError
	; The port should always be 80... but if it's zero, then something went terribly wrong
	If !( Port := NumGet( URL_Components, 24, "UShort" ) )
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem with the provided URL. The connection port could not be determined."

	; Update the internal lengths of the strings that were just cracked
	VarSetCapacity( Scheme, -1 )
	VarSetCapacity( Host, -1 )
	VarSetCapacity( User, -1 )
	VarSetCapacity( Pass, -1 )
	VarSetCapacity( UrlPath, -1 )
	VarSetCapacity( ExtraInfo, -1 )
	Query := UrlPath ExtraInfo

	If ( Scheme = "https" ) ; Apply the following flags to HTTPS requests:
		Flags |= 0x1000 | 0x2000 | 0x800000 ; Technically, INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE is redundant for https
	Else If ( Scheme != "http" )
	; Schemes other than HTTP and HTTPS are not supported by this function.
		inout_HEADERS := "HTTPRequest does not support '" Scheme "' type connections."

	; Tweak the accept type string to look like a list
	Loop, Parse, Accept_Types, `,, % "`t`r "
		Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, % Chr( 59 + !( pos := A_Index ) ), % "`t`n`r "
			If ( A_Index = 1 )
				If ( pos = 1 )
					Accept_Types := A_LoopField
				Else Accept_Types .= "`n" A_LoopField
	VarSetCapacity( int_array, ( pos + 1 ) * psz, pos := 0 )

	; Build an array of pointers to the valid accept type strings and insert nulls into the
	; accept types string to make it look like a collection of null-terminated strings.
	Loop, Parse, Accept_Types, `n
		If ( WorA = "W" )
			NumPut( &Accept_Types + pos, int_array, ( A_Index - 1 ) * psz, pty )
			NumPut( 0, Accept_Types, -2 + pos += 1 + StrLen( A_LoopField ) << 1, "UShort" )
			NumPut( &Accept_Types + pos, int_array, ( A_Index - 1 ) * psz, pty )
			NumPut( 0, Accept_Types, -1 + pos += 1 + StrLen( A_LoopField ), "UChar" )

	; Get an internet handle. InternetOpen >
	If !( hInternet := DllCall( "WinINet\InternetOpen" WorA
		, pty, &Agent
		, "UInt", iOpenType ; INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE:( _PRECONFIG = 0 | _DIRECT = 1 | _PROXY = 3 )
		, pty, bUseProxy ? &proxy_url : 0
		, pty, bUseProxy && proxy_bypass = "" ? 0 : &proxy_bypass
		, "UInt", 0 ) )
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem opening an internet handle. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError

	; Open a connection. InternetConnect >
	If !( hConnection := DllCall( "WinINet\InternetConnect" WorA, pty, hInternet
		, pty, &Host
		, "UInt", Port
		, pty, &User
		, pty, &Pass
		, "UInt", Flags
		, "UInt", 0 ) )
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem opening a connection to the host. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError

	; Open a request. HttpOpenRequest >
	If !( hRequest := DllCall( "WinINet\HttpOpenRequest" WorA, pty, hConnection
		, pty, &Method
		, pty, &Query
		, pty, &( scheme := "HTTP/1.1" )
		, pty, &Referer_URL
		, pty, &int_array
		, "UInt", Flags ) )
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem opening the request. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError

	; apply the headers to the request ( to allow header errors to be detected and reported )
	If !( DllCall( "WinINet\HttpAddRequestHeaders" WorA, pty, hRequest
		, pty, &inout_HEADERS
		, "UInt", StrLen( inout_HEADERS )
		, "UInt", 0x20000000 ) ) ; HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD = 0x20000000
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem applying one or more headers to the request. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError "`nHeaders:`n" inout_HEADERS
		StringReplace, inout_HEADERS, inout_HEADERS, `r`n, `n, A

	; Update: Version (7-1-2011) - To implement the upload progress callback, I needed to swap out
	; the HttpSendRequest function for HttpSendRequestEx, which allows tighter control over the
	; POST operation. GET requests still use the HttpSendRequest function (for simplicity).
	If ( 0 < Content_Length )
		VarSetCapacity( int_array, 40, 0 )
		NumPut( 40, int_array, 0, "Int" )
		NumPut( Content_Length, int_array, 28, "Int" )
		; Send the POST request. HttpSendRequestEx >
		If !( DllCall( "WinINet\HttpSendRequestEx" WorA, pty, hRequest
			, pty, &int_array, "UInt", 0, pty, 0, "UInt", 0 ) )
			inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem sending the " method " request. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError

		If ( iDoCallback ) && "cancel" = %iDoCallback_func%( -1, Content_Length, iDoCallback_val )
			inout_HEADERS := "The callback function '" iDoCallback_func "' returned 'cancel' to terminate the data upload."
		; (9-10-2011) See if the user wants to upload a file from disk, rather than from memory.
		If ( bDoFileUpload )
			VarSetCapacity( buffer, 4096, 0 ) ; Use a 4K buffer
			If !( hFile := DllCall( "CreateFile" WorA, pty, &upload_file
				, "UInt", 0x80000000 ; GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
 				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0
				, "UInt", 4 ; OPEN_ALWAYS = 4
				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0 ) )
				inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem opening the file """ upload_file """. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError
			Loop ; Read the file and upload it in 4K chunks
				If ( Content_Length <= size )
					pos := size + 4096 < Content_Length ? 4096 : Content_Length - size
					; ReadFile >
					If ( ifail := !DllCall( "ReadFile", pty, hFile
						, pty, &buffer
						, "UInt", pos
						, "Int*", int_array
						, pty, 0 ) )
							inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem reading from the file """ upload_file """. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError
					pos := int_array
					; InternetWriteFile >
					If !( ifail := DllCall( "WinINet\InternetWriteFile", pty, hRequest
						, pty, &buffer
						, "UInt", pos
						, "Int*", int_array ) )
						inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem uploading the POST data. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError
					size += int_array

					If ( ifail := ( iDoCallback ) && "cancel" = %iDoCallback_func%( size / Content_Length - 1, Content_Length, iDoCallback_val ) )
						inout_HEADERS := "The callback function '" iDoCallback_func "' returned 'cancel' to terminate the data upload."
			DllCall( "CloseHandle", pty, hFile )
		Else Loop ; Submit the POST data from memory in 4K chunks
				If ( Content_Length <= size )
					If ( ifail := !DllCall( "WinINet\InternetWriteFile", pty, hRequest
						, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA + size
						, "Int", size + 4096 < Content_Length ? 4096 : Content_Length - size
						, "Int*", int_array ) )
						inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem uploading the POST data. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError
					size += int_array
					If ( ifail := ( iDoCallback ) && "cancel" = %iDoCallback_func%( size / Content_Length - 1, Content_Length, iDoCallback_val ) )
						inout_HEADERS := "The callback function '" iDoCallback_func "' returned 'cancel' to terminate the data upload."
		; A request opened by HttpSendRequestEx must be closed by HttpEndRequest.
		; HttpEndRequest >
		DllCall( "WinINet\HttpEndRequest" WorA, pty, hRequest, pty, 0, "UInt", 0, pty, 0 )
		If ( ifail )

		If ( iDoCallback ) && "cancel" = %iDoCallback_func%( "", 0, iDoCallback_val )
			inout_HEADERS := "The callback function '" iDoCallback_func "' returned 'cancel' to terminate the transaction."
			DllCall( "WinINet\HttpEndRequest" WorA, pty, hRequest, pty, 0, "UInt", 0, pty, 0 )
			DllCall( "WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", pty, hRequest )
			DllCall( "WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", pty, hConnection )
			DllCall( "WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", pty, hInternet )
			DllCall( "FreeLibrary", pty, hModule )
			Return 0
	Else	; Send no POST data. HttpSendRequest >
		If !( DllCall( "WinINet\HttpSendRequest" WorA, pty, hRequest
			, pty, 0, "UInt", 0, pty, 0, "UInt", 0 ) )
			inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem sending the " method " request. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError

	; Query the request for ready data. Actually, it waits for data to become ready.
	; InternetQueryDataAvailable >
	DllCall( "WinINet\InternetQueryDataAvailable", pty, hRequest, "Int*", int_array, "UInt", 0, pty, 0 )

	VarSetCapacity( inout_HEADERS, int_array := 4096, 0 ) ; use 4K as first-try for response header length.
	Loop 2 ; Get the response headers separated by CRLF. The first line has the HTTP response code
		; HttpQueryInfo >
		If ( pos := DllCall( "WinINet\HttpQueryInfo" WorA, pty, hRequest
			, "UInt", 22 ; HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF = 22
			, pty, &inout_HEADERS
			, "Int*", int_array
			, pty, 0 ) )

		If ( A_LastError = 122 ) ; ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 122
			VarSetCapacity( inout_HEADERS, int_array + 2, 0 )

	If !( pos )
		inout_HEADERS := "There was a problem reading the response headers. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError

	; Update response header outputvar length and remove carriage returns
	VarSetCapacity( inout_HEADERS, -1 )
	StringReplace, inout_HEADERS, inout_HEADERS, `r`n, `n, A
	StringMid, ResponseCode, inout_HEADERS, InStr( inout_HEADERS, " " ) + 1, 3
	; Get the content length header (since the content-length header is not guaranteed to be in
	; the response headers, the value is only used in the progress callback function).
	RegexMatch( inout_HEADERS "`nContent-Length: 65536", "i)`nContent-Length: \K\d+", Content_Length )

	; Download the response data
	Size := 0
	If ( iDoCallback ) && "cancel" = %iDoCallback_func%( ( output_resume + size )
	/ ( Content_Length + output_resume ), Content_Length + output_resume, iDoCallback_val )
		inout_HEADERS .= "The callback function '" iDoCallback_func "' returned 'cancel' to terminate the download. Only " size " bytes were downloaded.`n"
	Else If ( output_resume && ResponseCode != "206" )
		inout_HEADERS .= "Resume download failed: the server did not respond with '206 Partial Content'.`n"
	Else If ( output_file != "" )
		; If the user isn't resuming a download, then delete the file if it exists.
		If !( output_resume ) && FileExist( output_file )
			FileDelete, % output_file

		; Use binary-mode file write. CreateFile >
		If !( hFile := DllCall( "CreateFile" WorA, pty, &output_file
				, "UInt", 0x40000000 ; GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000
 				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0
				, "UInt", 4 ; OPEN_ALWAYS = 4
				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0 ) )
			inout_HEADERS .= "HTTPRequest Error: Could not create/open the file for writing. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError "`n"
			If ( output_resume ) ; output_resume holds the size in bytes of the partially downloaded file
			; SetFilePointerEx >
				DllCall( "SetFilePointerEx", pty, hfile
					, "Int64", output_resume
					, pty, 0, "UInt", 0 )
			If ( no_output )
				VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, 0 )
			; Read from the internet response and write to the file
				VarSetCapacity( buffer, 4096, 0 ) ; Use a 4K buffer
				; InternetReadFile >
				If !( pos := DllCall( "WinINet\InternetReadFile", pty, hRequest
					, pty, &buffer
					, "UInt", 4096
					, "Int*", int_array ) ) || !int_array
					; CloseHandle >
					If !( pos )
						inout_HEADERS .= "HTTPRequest Warning: InternetReadFile Failed. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError "`n"
					Else If !( no_output )
					; ReadFile >
						VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, size + 2, 0 )
						, DllCall( "ReadFile", pty, hFile, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA, "UInt", size, pty, 0, pty, 0 )
					DllCall( "CloseHandle", pty, hFile )
				Sleep -1
				Size += int_array
				; WriteFile >
				If !DllCall( "WriteFile", pty, hFile, pty, &buffer, "UInt", int_array, "Int*", int_array, pty, 0 )
					inout_HEADERS .= "HTTPRequest Error: There was a problem writing to the file. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError "`n"
					DllCall( "CloseHandle", pty, hFile )
					FileDelete, % output_file
				Sleep -1
				If ( iDoCallback ) && "cancel" = %iDoCallback_func%( ( size + output_resume )
				/ ( Content_Length + output_resume ), Content_Length + output_resume, iDoCallback_val )
					inout_HEADERS .= "The callback function '" iDoCallback_func "' returned 'cancel' to terminate the download. Only " size " bytes were downloaded.`n"
					DllCall( "CloseHandle", pty, hFile )
			buffer := ""
			If !inohash && InStr( inout_HEADERS, "`nContent-MD5: " )
				inout_HEADERS .= "Computed-MD5: " HTTPRequest_MD5( buffer, output_file ) "`n"
		; Read the response and store it into a pseudo-array of buffers
			buffer := A_Index
			VarSetCapacity( HTTPRequest_Buffer_%A_Index% := "", 4096, 0 )
			; InternetReadFile >
			pos := DllCall( "WinINet\InternetReadFile", pty, hRequest
				, pty, &HTTPRequest_Buffer_%A_Index%
				, "UInt", 4096
				, "Int*", int_array )
			If !( pos && int_array )
			Size += HTTPRequest_BufferSize_%A_Index% := int_array
			Sleep -1
			If ( iDoCallback ) && "cancel" = %iDoCallback_func%( ( size + output_resume )
			/ ( Content_Length + output_resume ), Content_Length + output_resume, iDoCallback_val )
				inout_HEADERS .= "The callback function '" iDoCallback_func "' returned 'cancel' to terminate the download. Only " size " bytes were downloaded.`n"
		If !( pos )
			inout_HEADERS .= "HTTPRequest Warning: InternetReadFile Failed. ErrorLevel = " ErrorLevel ", A_LastError = " A_LastError "`n"
		VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, Size + 1 << !!A_IsUnicode, 0 ) ; always put an ending null, even for non-text data
		Size := 0
		Loop % buffer - 1 ; Then copy the buffered data into the output parameter.
			; MoveMemory >
			DllCall( "RtlMoveMemory"
				, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA + Size
				, pty, &HTTPRequest_Buffer_%A_Index%
				, "UInt", HTTPRequest_BufferSize_%A_Index% )
			Size += HTTPRequest_BufferSize_%A_Index%
			HTTPRequest_Buffer_%A_Index% := ""
		If !inohash && InStr( inout_HEADERS, "`nContent-MD5: " )
			inout_HEADERS .= "Computed-MD5: " HTTPRequest_MD5( in_POST_out_DATA, size ) "`n"
	} ; End Else
	If ( iDoCallback )
		%iDoCallback_func%( 1, Content_Length, iDoCallback_val )

	; Convert the text result's codepage to the instance's codepage
	If ( !Ignore_Text && size ) && RegexMatch( inout_HEADERS, "i)`nContent-Type: \K\V+", Content )
	&& RegexMatch( SubStr( Content, 1, InStr( Content " ", " " ) - 1 ), "i)" grep_text_type_content )
		If !InStr( Content ";", " charset=" macs ";" )
			StringGetPos, pos, CPList, % RegexReplace( Content, "i).*\bcharset(=[\w-]+).*", "$1|" )
			StringMid, CodePage, CPList, pos - 4, 5
			size := DllCall( "MultiByteToWideChar"
				, "UInt", CodePage, "UInt", 0
				, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA, "UInt", Content_Length := size
				, pty, 0, "UInt", 0 )
			VarSetCapacity( buffer, size + 1 << 1, 0 )
			DllCall( "MultiByteToWideChar"
				, "UInt", CodePage, "UInt", 0
				, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA, "UInt", Content_Length
				, pty, &buffer, "UInt", size )
			If ( WorA = "W" )
				VarSetCapacity( buffer, -1 ), in_POST_out_DATA := buffer
				size := DllCall( "WideCharToMultiByte"
					, "UInt", macp, "UInt", 0
					, pty, &buffer, "UInt", Content_Length := size
					, pty, 0, "UInt", 0
					, pty, 0, pty, 0 )
				VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, 0 )
				VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, size + 1, 0 )
				DllCall( "WideCharToMultiByte"
					, "UInt", macp, "UInt", 0
					, pty, &buffer, "UInt", Content_Length
					, pty, &in_POST_out_DATA, "UInt", size
					, pty, 0, pty, 0 )
			VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, -1 )
		Else VarSetCapacity( in_POST_out_DATA, -1 )

	; Version (10-9-2011) and later push the cleanup here.
	; InternetCloseHandle >
	DllCall( "WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", pty, hRequest )
	DllCall( "WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", pty, hConnection )
	DllCall( "WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", pty, hInternet )
	DllCall( "FreeLibrary", pty, hModule )
	Return Size
} ; HTTPRequest( url, byref in_POST_out_DATA="", byref inout_HEADERS="", options="" ) --------------

HTTPRequest_MD5( byref data, length=-1 ) { ; -------------------------------------------------------
; Computes the MD5 hash of a data blob of length 'length'. If 'length' is less than zero, this
; function assumes that 'data' is a null-terminated string and determines the length automatically.
; If length is the path to a file, this function returns the 
; Static variables and constants r[0~63], encoded here as bytes with an offset of 64
; ( that means the real value is the byte value minus 64, e.g: r[0] = 7, so 7 + 64 = 71 = 'G' )
	; Initialize the block buffer S and constants p and k[0~63]
	If !( p )
		VarSetCapacity( k, 256 )
		VarSetCapacity( S, 64, 0 )
		u := !!A_IsUnicode
		pty := A_PtrSize = "" ? "UInt" : "Ptr"
		Loop, 64
			NumPut( i := Floor(Abs(Sin(A_Index)) * 0x100000000 ), k, A_Index - 1 << 2, "UInt" )

	If length IS NOT NUMBER
		IfExist, % length ; use file-MD5 mode.
			hFile := DllCall( "CreateFile" ( u ? "W" : "A" ), "Str", length
				, "UInt", 0x80000000 ; GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
 				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0
				, "UInt", 4 ; OPEN_ALWAYS = 4
				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0 )
			VarSetCapacity( l, 8 )
			DllCall( "GetFileSizeEx", pty, hFile, pty, &l )
			length := NumGet( l, 0, "Int64" )

	; autodetect message length if it's not specified (or is not positive)
	If Round( length ) < 1
		StringLen, length, data

	; initialize running accumulators
	ha := 0x67452301, hb := 0xEFCDAB89, hc := 0x98BADCFE, hd := 0x10325476

	; Begin rolling the message. This loop does 1 iteration for each 64 byte block such that the
	; last block has fewer than 55 bytes in it ( to leave room for the terminator and data length )
	Loop % length + 72 >> 6
		If ( f := length - 64 > ( e := A_Index - 1 << 6 ) ? 64 : length > e ? length - e : 0 )
			If ( hFile )
				DllCall( "ReadFile", pty, hFile, pty, &s, "UInt", f, pty, &l, pty, 0 )
			Else DllCall( "RtlMoveMemory", pty, &s, pty, &data + e, "UInt", f ) ; copy the block
		If ( f != 64 && e <= length ) ; append the terminator to the message
			NumPut( 128, s, f, "UChar" )
		If ( f < 56 )
			Loop 8 ; if this is the real last block, insert the data length in BITS
				NumPut( ( ( length << 3 ) >> ( A_Index - 1 << 3 ) ) & 255, s, 55 + A_Index, "UChar" )

		a := ha, b := hb, c := hc, d := hd ; copy running accumulators to intermediate variables

		Loop 64 ; begin rolling the block. These operations have been condensed and obfuscated.
			e := NumGet( r, ( i := A_Index - 1 ) << u, "UChar" ) & 31
			f := 0 = ( j := i >> 4 ) ? (b&c)|(~b&d) : j=1 ? (d&b)|(~d&c) : j=2 ? b^c^d : c^(~d|b)
			g := &s + (( i * ( 3817 >> j * 3 & 7 ) + ( 328 >> j * 3 & 7 ) & 15 ) << 2 )
			w := (*(g+3) << 24 | *(g+2) << 16 | *(g+1) << 8 | *g) + a + f + NumGet(k,i<<2,"UInt")
			a := d, d := c, c := b, b += w << e | (( w & 0xFFFFFFFF ) >> ( 32 - e ))

		; add the intermediate variables to the running accumlators (making sure to mod by 2**32)
		ha := ha+a&0xFFFFFFFF, hb := hb+b&0xFFFFFFFF, hc := hc+c&0xFFFFFFFF, hd := hd+d&0xFFFFFFFF
		VarSetCapacity( S, 64, 0 ) ; zero the block
	If ( hFile )
		DllCall( "CloseHandle", pty, hFile )
	Loop 32 ; convert the running accumulators into 32 hex digits
		g:=1&(i:=A_Index-1), e:=Chr(97+(i>>3))
		, f:=15&(h%e%>>((!g-g+i&7)<<2)), s.=Chr(48+f+39*(9<f))
	s .= "0000"
	Loop 6
		Loop, % 4+0*(g := Abs("0x" SubStr( s,A_Index*6-5,6)))
			i:=(g>>6*(4-A_Index))&63, s.=i=63 ? "/" : i=62 ? "+" : Chr(i<26 ? i+65 : i<52 ? i+71 : i-4)
	Return SubStr( s, 37, 22 ) "==" ; return the base 64 encoded MD5 hash.
} ; HTTPRequest_MD5( byref data, length=-1 ) -------------------------------------------------------

HTTPRequest_Base64Encode( byref data, length ) { ; -------------------------------------------------
; Returns the byte stream encoded using base64. If 'length' is the path to a file (instead of a
; number), this function returns the file's contents in base64 encoding.
	Static u, pty, b64 := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
	If !( u )
		u := !!A_IsUnicode, pty := A_PtrSize = "" ? "UInt" : "Ptr"
	oel := ErrorLevel, b := &data
	If length IS NOT NUMBER
		IfExist, % length ; use file base64 encode mode
			hFile := DllCall( "CreateFile" ( u ? "W" : "A" ), "Str", length
				, "UInt", 0x80000000 ; GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
 				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0
				, "UInt", 4 ; OPEN_ALWAYS = 4
				, "UInt", 0, pty, 0 )
			VarSetCapacity( l, 8 )
			DllCall( "GetFileSizeEx", pty, hFile, pty, &l )
			length := NumGet( l, 0, "Int64" )
			VarSetCapacity( buffer, 3072, 0 )
	VarSetCapacity( output, ( 16 + length * 4 ) / 3 << u, 0 )
	Loop, % length // 3
		If ( !( A_Index - 1 & 1023 ) && hFile )
			DllCall( "ReadFile", pty, hFile, pty, b := &buffer, "UInt", A_Index * 3 < length ? 3072 : length + 3072 - A_Index * 3, pty, &l, pty, 0 )
		i := ( *( b ) << 16 ) | ( *( b + 1 ) << 8 ) | ( *( b + 2 ) )
		StringMid, ch1, b64, 1 + ( i >> 18 & 63 ), 1
		StringMid, ch2, b64, 1 + ( i >> 12 & 63 ), 1
		StringMid, ch3, b64, 1 + ( i >> 6 & 63 ), 1
		StringMid, ch4, b64, 1 + ( i & 63 ), 1
		output .= ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4, b += 3
	If Mod( length, 3 )
		If ( b = 3069 && hFile )
			DllCall( "ReadFile", pty, hFile, pty, b := &buffer, "UInt", Mod( length, 3 ), pty, &l, pty, 0 )
		i := ( *( b ) << 16 ) | ( Mod( length, 3 ) = 2 ? *( b + 1 ) << 8 : 0 )
		StringMid, ch1, b64, 1 + ( i >> 18 & 63 ), 1
		StringMid, ch2, b64, 1 + ( i >> 12 & 63 ), 1
		StringMid, ch3, b64, 1 + ( i >> 6 & 63 ), 1
		output .= ch1 ch2 ( Mod( length, 3 ) = 2 ? ch3 : "=" ) "="
	If ( hFile )
		DllCall( "CloseHandle", pty, hFile )
	return output, ErrorLevel := oel
} ; HTTPRequest_Base64Encode( byref data, length ) -------------------------------------------------
Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.
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Posts: 460
Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 19:52

Re: Get web page contents

02 Mar 2021, 12:39

Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.
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Posts: 17387
Joined: 21 Dec 2014, 02:44

Re: Get web page contents

02 Mar 2021, 12:53

If the HTML code doesn’t contain the data because it’s generated by a Javascript call, you can send ^a^c to a browser displaying the page to capture the contents to the clipboard, then parse the captured text to get the list of detections.
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Posts: 460
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Re: Get web page contents

02 Mar 2021, 12:59

boiler wrote:
02 Mar 2021, 12:53
If the HTML code doesn’t contain the data because it’s generated by a Javascript call, you can send ^a^c to a browser displaying the page to capture the contents to the clipboard, then parse the captured text to get the list of detections.
That was my original plan, but then I wanted to do it without opening the browser.
If there is no way to get the results generated by Javascript then I will go the clipboard route.
Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.
Posts: 1769
Joined: 12 Aug 2014, 12:37

Re: Get web page contents

02 Mar 2021, 12:59

You have to learn how works winhttprequest + their api.

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