Include ... strange behaviour Topic is solved

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Include ... strange behaviour

15 Apr 2021, 13:50


I'm using a certain routine in my script (Database.ahk) for questioning my MySQL-Server, it is mysql_ahkclass.ahk.
My scripts are called from a network share, it is V:\, subdir "Test" therefore I've

Code: Select all

"#include V:\test\Class_MySQLAPI.ahk"

in my script. From mysql_ahkclass.ahk rRequired .dll's are in there (v:\test) too. It works but it is slow.

I copied my script, that mysql_ahkclass.ahk and the .dll's to my C:\temp dir
then I put

Code: Select all

#include Class_MySQLAPI.ahk
into it and startet it - its five times faster, because everything is on "C:\temp", what I wanted.

Because I need my Script "Database.ahk" on a Networkshare, I wanted it to stay on "v:\test\Database.ahk".
Therefore I put

Code: Select all

#include c:\temp\Class_MySQLAPI.ahk
into my script.

As soon, as I start that "Database.ahk" from V:\test, it tells me, that it cant find that "mysql_ahkclass.ahk" on "V:\test" despite I told it, that the wanted class is on "C:\temp".

Because of performance issues, I need it to have it's libraries on c:\temp and to start the caller of that libraries from v:\test (company wide network, so we share our programs with our staff members). How about that ??

AHK: Ansi, 32-Bit; Win10 22H2 64 bit, german
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Re: Include ... strange behaviour  Topic is solved

15 Apr 2021, 14:00

I found that issue, in mysql_ahkclass.ahk is that path to required .dll coded by "A_ScriptDir"

AHK: Ansi, 32-Bit; Win10 22H2 64 bit, german

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