problem with macro execution when starting ahk window

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problem with macro execution when starting ahk window

10 May 2021, 10:45

Hi I have actually 2 problems.

I made a simple box where it saves and reads at the beginning the hotkey that is introduced and that when pressing the Save button and pressing the hotkey, it writes for example in notepad, "hello world". all good until there.

The first problem is that I have to press the Save button so that it sends "hello world" with any key that is entered in the hotkey.
Is it possible that only when you start the window again and press the hotkey, it says "hello world"? Without having to press the "Save" button.

The second problem is optional, I really don't think it can be because I've already tried it in many ways.
As you can see there is a checkbox called "SpaceKey"
Is it possible that when setting the checkbox to 1, the hotkey is just the space bar?

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force

Gui, Add, Checkbox,vcheck1 gCheck_1,SpaceKey
Gui, Add, Hotkey,vKey,
Gui, Add, Button,,Save
IniRead, read1, %A_Desktop%\initest.ini, Test10, key1
GuiControl,,Key, %read1%

Gui, Submit, NoHide
if (check1=1)
	GuiControl, disable, Key
	GuiControl, enable, Key
	Gui, Submit, NoHide
	IniWrite, %key%, %A_Desktop%\initest.ini, Test10, key1
	HotKey, $%Key%, SayHello
	Send, Hello World
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Re: problem with macro execution when starting ahk window

10 May 2021, 11:00

Here is an idea. It still has some issues when certain keys are pressed in the GUI after a hotkey has already been assigned.

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Checkbox, vcheck1 gSave, SpaceKey
Gui, Add, Hotkey, vKey gSave
IniRead, read1, % ini := A_Desktop "\initest.ini", Test10, key1
GuiControl,, Key, %read1%
Gui, Show,, Test
Gui, Submit, NoHide
GuiControl, % check1 ? "Disable" : "Enable", Key
IniWrite, % hk := check1 ? "Space" : Key, %ini%, Test10, key1
HotKey, $%hk%, SayHello
Send Hello World
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Re: problem with macro execution when starting ahk window

10 May 2021, 12:40

Hello friend, I have been trying to couple your code that works in my code without success.
I have tried to enter step by step what you do but the last lines of your code I do not understand.
To make it work, what you did is put a function in the "Save" hotkey.
So, I think the script saves everything at startup.
Could you explain this to me?

Code: Select all

GuiControl,% check1? "Disable": "Enable", Key

here I do not understand why only "%" and the question mark (?)
Is the same as this true?

Code: Select all

Gui, Submit, NoHide
if (check1=1)
	GuiControl, disable, Key
	GuiControl, enable, Key
I realized that this is the code that works when starting the window.
But I've tried to understand it and I can't.

Code: Select all

 IniWrite,% hk: = check1? "Space": Key,% ini%, Test10, key1
Write a variable and store it in check1?

Could you help me understand? or make a simpler code? Let's forget about problem 2, about the "space" key ... only that the program is executed when the window starts.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force

ini := A_Desktop "\initest.ini"								;Ini = initest direction
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vcheck1 gSave,SpaceKey					;New Checkbox V=check1, G=Save, Name=SpaceKey
Gui, Add, Hotkey, vKey gSave								;New Hotkey V=Key, G=Save
IniRead, read1, %ini%, Test10, key1							;Read Key1 of Ini, Secction Test10
GuiControl,, Key, %read1%									;Make control V=Key with read1 
Gui, Show,, Test

Gui, Submit, NoHide
GuiControl, % check1 ? "Disable" : "Enable", Key
IniWrite, % hk := check1 ? "Space" : Key, %ini%, Test10, key1
HotKey, $%hk%, SayHello

Send Hello World
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Re: problem with macro execution when starting ahk window

10 May 2021, 13:09

Sure. See Ternary operator, which is like "If... then... else"-- like you have it. The result is assigned to "hk", which is the final hotkey.

What does it do? If the "Space" box is checked, then hk is "Space"; otherwise, it is the value from the hotkey field. The script will then use hk in the Hotkey command.

In AHK, spaces sometimes matter, so := differs from : =. Check all of your syntax carefully; you changed what I wrote.
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Re: problem with macro execution when starting ahk window

10 May 2021, 14:43

So is there any way that the hotkey when starting a window is executed?
with some simpler code?

I tried to put yours similar, but it does not work
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Re: problem with macro execution when starting ahk window

10 May 2021, 15:31

This shows the GUI rather than executing the hotkey. If you want to execute the hotkey, just Gosub, SayHello.

Code: Select all

IniRead, Key, % ini := A_Desktop "\initest.ini", Test10, key1
Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vcheck1 gHK, SpaceKey
Gui, Add, Hotkey  , vKey    gHK
GuiControl,, Key, %Key%
Loop {
 WinWait, % wTitle := "ahk_exe notepad.exe"
 Gui, Show,, Test, NoActivate
 If !startedx
  Gosub, HK
 Gui, Hide

SoundBeep, 1500
Gui, Submit, NoHide
If (hk > "") {
 Hotkey, IfWinActive, %wTitle%
 HotKey, $%hk%, Off
 Hotkey, IfWinActive
If check1 {
 GuiControl, Disable, Key
 hk = Space
} Else {
 GuiControl, Enable, Key
 hk := Key
Hotkey, IfWinActive, %wTitle%
HotKey, $%hk%, SayHello, On
Hotkey, IfWinActive
startedx := True

Send Hello World

done(ExitReason, ExitCode) {
 IniWrite, %hk%, %ini%, Test10, key1
 SoundBeep, 1000

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