Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files Topic is solved

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Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files

05 Nov 2019, 18:55

I found a quite usefull function on the forum to add a image to a gui button.
However, as far as i could test it, it only works on icon and bmp files.
Is it possible to rewrite it so it would also accept PNG files (or an other image with transparency functionality).

Another option would be to rewrite another similar function GuiButtonIcon, maybe this is easier?

Code: Select all

AddGraphicButton("SampleButton1", A_WorkingDir . "\icons\Assembly.bmp", "h30 w140 gMyButton", 20, 20)
Gui, Show,, Bitmap Buttons 


AddGraphicButton(VariableName, ImgPath, Options="", bHeight=32, bWidth=32) 
	Local ImgType, ImgType1, ImgPath0, ImgPath1, ImgPath2, hwndmode 
; BS_BITMAP := 128, IMAGE_BITMAP := 0, BS_ICON := 64, IMAGE_ICON := 1 
	Static LR_LOADFROMFILE := 16 
	Static BM_SETIMAGE := 247 
	Static NULL 
	SplitPath, ImgPath,,, ImgType1 
	If ImgPath is float 
		ImgType1 := (SubStr(ImgPath, 1, 1)  = "0") ? "bmp" : "ico" 
		StringSplit, ImgPath, ImgPath,`. 
		%VariableName%_img := ImgPath2 
		hwndmode := true 
	ImgTYpe := (ImgType1 = "bmp") ? 128 : 64 
	If (%VariableName%_img != "") AND !(hwndmode) 
		DllCall("DeleteObject", "UInt", %VariableName%_img) 
	If (%VariableName%_hwnd = "") 
		Gui, Add, Button,  v%VariableName% hwnd%VariableName%_hwnd +%ImgType% %Options% 
	ImgType := (ImgType1 = "bmp") ? 0 : 1 
	If !(hwndmode) 
		%VariableName%_img := DllCall("LoadImage", "UInt", NULL, "Str", ImgPath, "UInt", ImgType, "Int", bWidth, "Int", bHeight, "UInt", LR_LOADFROMFILE, "UInt") 
	DllCall("SendMessage", "UInt", %VariableName%_hwnd, "UInt", BM_SETIMAGE, "UInt", ImgType,  "UInt", %VariableName%_img) 
	Return, %VariableName%_img ; Return the handle to the image 

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Button, w22 h22 hwndIcon
if !GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "some.exe") ; Example of Icon not found
    GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "shell32.dll") ; Not Found then do this

Gui, Add, Button, w22 h22 hwndIcon
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, A_AhkPath)
Gui, Add, Button, w22 h22 hwndIcon
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "shell32.dll", 23)

Gui, Add, Button, w38 h38 hwndIcon1
Gui, Add, Button, w38 h38 hwndIcon2
Gui, Add, Button, w70 h38 hwndIcon3, Open
Gui, Add, Button, w70 h38 hwndIcon4, % " Save"
Gui, Add, Button, w70 h60 hwndIcon5, % "            Cut`n`n DANGER"
GuiButtonIcon(Icon1, "shell32.dll", 1, "s32")
GuiButtonIcon(Icon2, "imageres.dll", 46, "s32 a1")
GuiButtonIcon(Icon3, "shell32.dll", 46, "s32 a0 l2")
GuiButtonIcon(Icon4, "shell32.dll", 259, "s32 a1 r2")
GuiButtonIcon(Icon5, "shell32.dll", 260, "w40 h22 r20 b20")

Gui, Show



GuiButtonIcon(Handle, File, Index := 1, Options := "")
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)w\K\d+", W), (W="") ? W := 16 :
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)h\K\d+", H), (H="") ? H := 16 :
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)s\K\d+", S), S ? W := H := S :
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)l\K\d+", L), (L="") ? L := 0 :
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)t\K\d+", T), (T="") ? T := 0 :
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)r\K\d+", R), (R="") ? R := 0 :
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)b\K\d+", B), (B="") ? B := 0 :
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)a\K\d+", A), (A="") ? A := 4 :
	Psz := A_PtrSize = "" ? 4 : A_PtrSize, DW := "UInt", Ptr := A_PtrSize = "" ? DW : "Ptr"
	VarSetCapacity( button_il, 20 + Psz, 0 )
	NumPut( normal_il := DllCall( "ImageList_Create", DW, W, DW, H, DW, 0x21, DW, 1, DW, 1 ), button_il, 0, Ptr )	; Width & Height
	NumPut( L, button_il, 0 + Psz, DW )		; Left Margin
	NumPut( T, button_il, 4 + Psz, DW )		; Top Margin
	NumPut( R, button_il, 8 + Psz, DW )		; Right Margin
	NumPut( B, button_il, 12 + Psz, DW )	; Bottom Margin	
	NumPut( A, button_il, 16 + Psz, DW )	; Alignment
	SendMessage, BCM_SETIMAGELIST := 5634, 0, &button_il,, AHK_ID %Handle%
	return IL_Add( normal_il, File, Index )
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Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41

Re: Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files  Topic is solved

06 Nov 2019, 08:02

Try this:

Code: Select all

icoFile := "D:\Icons\icon.ico"
pngFile := "D:\Icons\image.png"

BS_ICON      := 0x40
BS_BITMAP    := 0x80

Gui, Add, Button, w100 h30 %BS_ICON% hwndhIconButton
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp wp hp %BS_BITMAP% hwndhImageButton

if !hIcon   := LoadPicture(icoFile, "h24 w-1", IMAGE_ICON)
   MsgBox, Can't load icon
if !hBitmap := LoadPicture(pngFile, "h24 w-1", IMAGE_BITMAP)
   MsgBox, Can't load image

if !(hIcon || hBitmap)

SendMessage, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON  , hIcon  ,, ahk_id %hIconButton%
SendMessage, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, hBitmap,, ahk_id %hImageButton%

Gui, Show

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Re: Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files

06 Nov 2019, 15:28

Amazing, I did not know that it was this (If you have the code) simple :bravo:
@teadrinker: Many thanks!

I tried to search this in the Autohotkey Help, but could not find it.
This would be a good example to add to the Gui section of the Autohotkey help, images on the buttons make the Gui more userfriendly and seems to me an option that a lot of users are looking for.

I tried playing a little bit with the code, and I have the impression that it does not matter if you use 0x40 or 0x80.
Also the parameter IMAGE_BITMAP and IMAGE_ICON can be left out, does anybody knows what is their function is?

Code: Select all

PicFile := A_ScriptDir "\icons\Assembly.png"
Gui, Add, Button, 0x80 w40 h40 hwndhButton
if !hPic   := LoadPicture(PicFile, "h24 w-1")
	MsgBox, Can't load Picture
SendMessage, 0xF7 ,   , hPic ,, ahk_id %hButton%

Gui, Show
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Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41

Re: Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files

06 Nov 2019, 16:03

AHK_user wrote: Also the parameter IMAGE_BITMAP and IMAGE_ICON can be left out, does anybody knows what is their function is?
Documents know:
LoadPicture() wrote:If this parameter is omitted or not a variable, the return value is always a bitmap handle (icons/cursors are converted if necessary). This is because reliably using or deleting an icon/cursor/bitmap handle requires knowing which type it is.
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Re: Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files

13 Sep 2021, 10:01

I added it to a usefull function:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

imageFile := "SHELL32.dll"
GuiAddImageButton(" hwndhIconButton", imageFile,  "icon4")

Gui, Show


GuiAddImageButton(Options, ImageFile, ImageOptions := ""){
	ImageType := (ImageFile ~= "\.(exe|ico)") ? IMAGE_ICON := 1 : IMAGE_BITMAP := 0
	BOptions := (ImageFile ~= "\.(exe|ico)") ? BS_ICON := 0x40 : BS_BITMAP := 0x80
	BHandle := RegexMatch(options, ".*\bhwnd(\w+).*", Match) ? Match1 : "hTemp"
	BOptions .= RegexMatch(options, ".*\bhwnd(\w+).*") ? "" : " hwnd" BHandle ; Add handle if not defined
	Gui, Add, Button, %Options% %BOptions%
	BHeight := RegexMatch(options, ".*\bh(\d+).*", Match) ? Match1 : 21 ; Assume height of 21 if not defined
	ImageOptions .= RegexMatch(ImageOptions, ".*\bh(\d+).*", Match) ? "" : (ImageFile ~= "\.(exe|ico)") ? " h" BHeight-8 : " h" BHeight-4 ; if not defined, fill button with image, the icon a little bit smaller
	if !hImage   := LoadPicture(ImageFile, ImageOptions, ImageType)
		MsgBox, Can't load file
	SendMessage, BM_SETIMAGE := 0xF7, ImageType  , hImage  ,, % "ahk_id " %BHandle%
	; Free the Image handle
	oDelete := ["DeleteObject", "DestroyIcon", "DestroyCursor"]
	DllCall(oDelete[ImageType+1], "ptr", hImage)
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Re: Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files

13 Sep 2021, 12:07

Awesome! Thanks for sharing this.

I was able to take a gdip drawing and use it as a image on the button. Wish more of this type of stuff was listed in the docs. I would have never found any of this or known that it existed if you hadn't posted when you did. :thumbup:

Code: Select all

#Include <GDIP>
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchlines, -1


pBitmap := HB_BITMAP_MAKER()
hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)

Gui, Add, Button, xm ym w200 h50 0x80 hwndButtonHwnd
SendMessage, 0xF7 , 0 , hBitmap,, % "ahk_id " ButtonHwnd

Gui, Show,


	;Bitmap Created Using: HB Bitmap Maker
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 40 , 40 ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrush( 8 , 6 , 32 , 33 , "0xFF333333" , "0xFF222222" , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 3 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawLine( G , Pen , 10 , 10 , 30 , 30 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrush( 8 , 6 , 32 , 33 , "0xFF333333" , "0xFF222222" , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 3 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawLine( G , Pen , 10 , 30 , 30 , 10 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrush( 8 , 2 , 30 , 37 , "0xFF333333" , "0xFF222222" , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 8 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 3 , 3 , 32 , 32 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFF3399FF" , 4 ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 3 , 3 , 32 , 32 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrush( 8 , 5 , 29 , 34 , "0xFFF0F0F0" , "0xFF222222" , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 2 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 3 , 3 , 32 , 32 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFF3399FF" , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawLine( G , Pen , 10 , 30 , 30 , 10 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFF3399FF" , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawLine( G , Pen , 10 , 10 , 28 , 28 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	return pBitmap
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Location: Belgium

Re: Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files

13 Sep 2021, 14:30

I just found the extreme similar version for V2, that adds methods to the gui object.
Even better :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

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Re: Rewrite AddGraphicButton to accept PNG files

14 Sep 2021, 05:06


I think it is easier to implement the shared "GuiButtonic" function on this page: viewtopic.php?t=1985. Also accept .png.

The code to be implemented is as short as:

Code: Select all

Gui, CopyButtom:Add, Button, x1 y17 w64 h65 hwndIcon gCopyTexClip
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "clipboard1.ico", 1, "s90")
Where the second line tells you the name of the icon and the size. Also accept .dll of icons.

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