how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor? Topic is solved

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how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?

24 Feb 2022, 19:03

im little bit confused with && operator? can you guys help me? thanks

Code: Select all

square2()  {
         PixelSearch, X, Y, 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight%, 0x00ff00, 0, fast
	 PixelGetColor, yellow, 25, 39, RGB
	if yellow = 0xFFFF63 && ErrorLevel=0  {
        MsgBox You found square2
	sleep, 100
     else {
     sleep, 500
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Re: how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?

24 Feb 2022, 19:18

Here are some ideas.

Code: Select all

x := 25, y := 39

WinGetPos,,, winWidth, winHeight, A
MouseMove, x, y
PixelGetColor, rgb, x, y, RGB
PixelSearch,,, 0, 0, winWidth, winHeight, 0x00FF00,, Fast
err := ErrorLevel
WinGetActiveTitle, wTitle
MsgBox, 64, %wTitle%, ErrorLevel (search) = %err%`n`nrgb (%x%`, %y%)           = %rgb%
If !err && rgb = 0xFFFF63 {
 MsgBox, You found square2
 Sleep, 100
} Else Sleep, 500
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Re: how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?

27 Feb 2022, 14:57

will this be fine?

Code: Select all

square2()  {
        PixelSearch, X, Y, 66, 65, 120, 106, 0xF90200, 0, fast
	PixelGetColor, yellow, 25, 39, RGB
        err := ErrorLevel
	if !err && yellow = 0xFFFF63 { 

        ControlSend, ahk_parent, !0, ahk_pid %AhkPID%
        sleep, 200
	ControlSend, ahk_parent, {F9}, ahk_pid %AhkPID%
        soundbeep, 750, 2500
	sleep, 9000
        ControlSend, ahk_parent, !0, ahk_pid %AhkPID%
        sleep, 200
     else {
     sleep, 20
Last edited by ravena1 on 27 Feb 2022, 17:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?

27 Feb 2022, 14:58

What happened when you tried it? Is your indentation random, or is there some sort of pattern to it?
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Re: how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?

28 Feb 2022, 05:24

i have wierd issue

i try to debug it
yellow = 0xFFFF63 works fine
!err did not work and it seems ignores it completely

funny thing is i even hide the color from pixelsearch and only yellow from pixelgetcolor visible to my screen but still it says found :lol:

Code: Select all

        err := ErrorLevel
	if !err && yellow = 0xFFFF63 { 
         SplashTextOn,,, found!
         Sleep 2000
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Re: how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?  Topic is solved

28 Feb 2022, 05:32

By assigning ErrorLevel to err after the PixelGetColor, it is always going to be 0 because PixelGetColor sets it (and almost never has an error), so it has nothing to do with the result of the PixelSearch. Move the assignment after the PixelSearch and prior to PixelGetColor, or put the order of the PixelGetColor and the PixelSearch lines the way mikeyww had it.
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Re: how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?

28 Feb 2022, 05:38

boiler wrote:
28 Feb 2022, 05:32
By assigning ErrorLevel to err after the PixelGetColor, it is always going to be 0 because PixelGetColor sets it (and almost never has an error), so it has nothing to do with the result of the PixelSearch. Move the assignment after the PixelSearch and prior to PixelGetColor, or put the order of the PixelGetColor and the PixelSearch lines the way mikeyww had it.
it working now.. thank u

Code: Select all

        PixelGetColor, yellow, 166, 101, RGB
        PixelSearch, X, Y, 322, 74, 381, 86, 0xFFFFFF, 0, fast
        err := ErrorLevel
	if !err && yellow = 0x8CE7A5 { 
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Re: how do you make && operator for pixelgetcolor?

28 Feb 2022, 05:43

I second mikeyww’s question about your indentation, I suggest you adopt an approach that represents the logical flow of your code. The haphazard nature of the way your code is indented makes it hard for others to follow, and is actually a bit unsettling to look at.

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