Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

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Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

22 Oct 2017, 06:16

I cannot get the info out of the getdeviceinfo structure , instead of literal name and driver filename it returns integers so probably i am making a mistake here....
Hope someone can take a look ,to run the code you need bass.dll :
or from the webpage :

I only used it with ahk unicode 32bit.

If anyone is interested in recording using the wasapi functons let it known :) , i am working on a recorder that intercepts the sound to the loudspeakers using the software loopback in wasapi.


Code: Select all

        BASS_DEVICEINFO structure
        name Description of the device.  
        driver The filename of the driver.  
        flags The device's current status... a combination of these flags.  
        typedef struct {
            char *name;
            char *driver;
            DWORD flags;
Python code

        class BASS_DEVICEINFO(Structure):
            _fields_ = [
                ("name", c_char_p),
                ("driver", c_char_p),
                ("flags", DWORD)



VarSetCapacity( info,16,0) 

    name := NumGet(info, 0, "char")
    driver := NumGet(info, 4, "char")
    flags := NumGet(info, 8, "UInt")

msgbox % name "`n" z "`n" flags "`n" format("{1:#x}",BASS_GetVersion())


; added  BASS functions

	Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_SetDevice", UInt, device)

BASS_GetDeviceInfo(device,ByRef info){
	Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_GetDeviceInfo", UInt, device, UInt, &info)

; Wrapper for bass.dll (
; for AHK
; by toralf
; Version 0.1 (2010-02-20)
; based on BASS Library	by k3ph

; NEEDS:  bass.dll      www.un4seen

; ################################
; ##  List of public functions  ##
; ################################
; BASS_Load([DLLPath, Device, PlugIns]) ;loads BASS wrapper, must be called before any other function
; BASS_Free()                           ;frees BASS wrapper, must be called at end of script
; BASS_IsPlaying(hStream)               ;returns playback status: 0=Stopped, 1=Playing, 2=Stalled, 3=Paused
; BASS_Play([File])                     ;plays a file or restarts it when paused and no file is specified
;                                         (returns hStream on success, otherwise -1)
; BASS_Stop()                           ;stop playback of file (returns hStream="" on success, otherwise -1)
; BASS_Pause()                          ;toogles pause of playback of file (returns hStream on success, otherwise -1)
; BASS_Volume([Volume])                 ;sets or gets master volume: 0 (silent) to 1 (max)
; BASS_GetDevice(hStream)               ;returns device number, otherwise -1
; BASS_Seconds2Bytes(hStream,SecPos)    ;converts a position from seconds to bytes,
;                                         returns on Error negative value
; BASS_Bytes2Seconds(hStream,BytePos)   ;converts a position from bytes to seconds,
;                                         returns on Error negative value
; BASS_GetLen(hStream)                  ;returns playback length in bytes, returns on Error -1
; BASS_GetPos(hStream)                  ;returns playback position in bytes, returns on Error -1
; BASS_SetPos(hStream,BytePos)          ;sets playback position in bytes, returns 1, otherwise 0
; BASS_GetLevel(hStream, ByRef LeftLevel, ByRef RightLevel) ;returns level (peak amplitude) of a stream, returns on Error -1
; BASS_GetLevel(hStream)                ;returns level (peak amplitude 0-32768) of a stream, returns on Error -1 or 0 when stream is stalled
; BASS_IsSliding(hStream,Attrib)        ;returns 1 if attribute is sliding, otherwise 0,
;                                         Attributes: 1=Freq, 2=Vol, 3=Pan, 4=EAXMix
; BASS_SetSliding(hStream,Attrib,NewValue,TimeMS)   ;set attribute from its current value to slide to new value in time period
; BASS_GetCPU()                         ;returns CPU usage of BASS
; BASS_GetVersion()                     ;returns version of BASS that is loaded
; BASS_ProgressMeter_Add([x, y, Width, Height, Color, Bgcolor, ControlID, GuiID])  ;adds a progress meter to a gui
; BASS_ProgressMeter_Update(hStream [, ControlID, GuiID])   ;updates a progress meter for a stream
; BASS_PluginLoad(File)                 ;loads a plugin of BASS
; BASS_PluginFree([hPlugin])            ;frees a plugin of BASS ("" or 0 = All Plugins)
; BASS_ErrorGetCode()                   ;Return the error message as code and description
; #################################
; ##  List of private functions  ##
; #################################
; BASS_InitFree([Modus, DLLPath, Device, Plugins])
; BASS_StreamFileToChannel(Modus [, File])
; BASS_ProgressMeter(GuiID, ControlID, WidthOrhStream, Height [, Color, Bgcolor, X, Y])

BASS_Load(DLLPath="", Device=-1, PlugIns="ALL"){  ;loads BASS wrapper, must be called before any other function
    Return BASS_InitFree("Load", DLLPath, Device, Plugins)
BASS_Free(){                             ;frees BASS wrapper, must be called at end of script
    Return BASS_InitFree("Free")
BASS_InitFree(Modus="", DLLPath="", Device="", Plugins=""){
    DLLName = bass.dll
    If (Modus = "Load"){                             ;load dll to memory
        If (!hBassDll := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str,DLLPath . DLLName)){
            MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
                Failed to start %DLLName%
                Please ensure you have %DLLName% in the correct path %DLLPath%
            Return 0
        local Freq=44100,Flags=0,Win=0,Clsid=0         ;initialize output device
        If !DllCall("BASS\BASS_Init", Int,Device, Int,Freq, Int,Flags, UInt,Win, UInt,Clsid){
            ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
            MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
                Failed to initialize BASS
                Error: %ErrorLevel%
            Return 0
        ;Load plugins
        PlugIns := PlugIns = "All"
        ? "tags,fx,vfx,enc,mix,vis,vst,wadsp,video,cd,midi,flac,wma,wv,aac,ape,mpc,ac3,alac,spx,tta,ofr"
: PlugIns
  Loop, Parse, PlugIns, `,
      If IsFunc("BASS_" A_LoopField "_Load")
      }Else If (Modus = "Free"){
          If !BASS_PluginFree()                          ;free all Plugins
              MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!, Failed to free all plugins.`nError: %ErrorLevel%
          DllCall("BASS\BASS_Free")                      ;free all resources used by the output device
          DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt,hBassDll)          ;free dll from memory
Return 1

BASS_IsPlaying(hStream){ ;returns playback status: 0=Stopped, 1=Playing, 2=Stalled, 3=Paused
    ;BASS_ChannelIsActive return values
    ; BASS_ACTIVE_STALLED := 2 ; Playback of the stream has been stalled due to a lack of sample data. The playback will automatically resume once there is sufficient data to do so.
    ; BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED  := 3 ;
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelIsActive", UInt,hStream)

BASS_Play(File=""){  ;plays a file or restarts it when paused and no file is specified (returns hStream on success, otherwise -1)
    Return BASS_StreamFileToChannel("Play",File)
BASS_Stop(){         ;stop playback of file (returns hStream="" on success, otherwise -1)
    Return BASS_StreamFileToChannel("Stop")
BASS_Pause(){        ;toogles pause of playback of file (returns hStream on success, otherwise -1)
    Return BASS_StreamFileToChannel("Pause")
    If (File AND !FileExist(File)){     ;Check if file Exists when specified
        MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
            File does not exist:
        ;Return -1
    If (Modus = "Play" And File){        ;play file from beginning
        If !(hStream := DllCall("BASS\BASS_StreamCreateFile", UInt,FromMem:=0
                  , UInt,&File, UInt64,Offset:=0, UInt64,Length:=0
                  , UInt,(A_IsUnicode ? 0x80000000 : 0x40000))){
            ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
        MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
            Failed to create a stream from file:
            Error: %ErrorLevel%
        Return -1
    If !DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelPlay", UInt,hStream, Int,Restart:=1){
        ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
        MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
            Failed to play stream from file:
            Error: %ErrorLevel%
        Return -1
}Else If (Modus = "Play" And !File And hStream){   ;restart playback (when Paused)
    If !DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelPlay", UInt,hStream, Int,Restart:=0){
        ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
        MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
            Failed to restart stream from file:
            Error: %ErrorLevel%
        Return -1
}Else If (Modus = "Stop" And hStream){             ;stop playback
    If BASS_IsPlaying(hStream)
        If !DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelStop", UInt,hStream){
            ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
            MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
                Failed to stop stream from file:
                Error: %ErrorLevel%
            Return -1
    hStream =                                        ;clear hStream
}Else If (Modus = "Pause" And hStream){            ;toogle Pause of playback
    local IsPlaying
    IsPlaying := BASS_IsPlaying(hStream)               ;get Status
    If (IsPlaying = 3)                                    ;stream is Paused
        hStream := BASS_Play()                                 ;restart playback
    Else If (IsPlaying = 1){                              ;stream is playing
        If !DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelPause", UInt,hStream){   ;Pause playback
            ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
            MsgBox, 48, BASS Error!,
                Failed to pause stream from file:
                Error: %ErrorLevel%
            Return -1
Return hStream

BASS_Volume(Volume=""){ ;sets or gets master volume: 0 (silent) to 1 (max)
    If Volume is Float
        Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_SetVolume", Float,Volume)
        Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_GetVolume", Float)
BASS_GetDevice(hStream){  ;returns device number, otherwise -1
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelGetDevice", UInt,hStream)

BASS_Seconds2Bytes(hStream,SecPos){  ;converts a position from seconds to bytes, returns on Error negative value
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes", UInt,hStream, Double,SecPos, UInt64)
BASS_Bytes2Seconds(hStream,BytePos){ ;converts a position from bytes to seconds, returns on Error negative value
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds", UInt,hStream, UInt64,BytePos, Double)
BASS_GetLen(hStream){        ;returns playback length in bytes, returns on Error -1
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelGetLength", UInt,hStream, UInt,BASS_POS_BYTE := 0, UInt64)
BASS_GetPos(hStream){      ;returns playback position in bytes, returns on Error -1
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelGetPosition", UInt,hStream, UInt,BASS_POS_BYTE := 0, UInt64)
BASS_SetPos(hStream,BytePos){   ;sets playback position in bytes, returns 1, otherwise 0
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelSetPosition", UInt,hStream, UInt64,Bytepos, UInt,BASS_POS_BYTE := 0)

BASS_GetLevel(WidthOrhStream, Byref LeftLevel,Byref RightLevel){ ;returns level (peak amplitude 0-32768) of a stream, returns on Error -1 or 0 when stream is stalled
    If ((LevelDWord := DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelGetLevel", UInt,hStream)) = -1)
        ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
    If (LevelDWord > 0) {                       ;the level of the ...
        LeftLevel := LevelDWord & 0xffff            ;left channel is Returned in the low word (low 16-bits)
        RightLevel := (LevelDWord>>16) & 0xffff     ;Right channel is Returned in the high word (high 16-bits)
        LeftLevel = 0
        RightLevel = 0
    ;Return LevelDWord
    Return LeftLevel

BASS_IsSliding(hStream,Attrib){ ;returns 1 if attribute is sliding, otherwise 0, Attributes: 1=Freq, 2=Vol, 3=Pan, 4=EAXMix
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ                := 1 ; 100 (min) to 100000 (max), 0 = original rate
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_VOL                 := 2 ; 0 (silent) to 1 (full).
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_PAN                 := 3 ; -1 (full left) to +1 (full right), 0 = centre
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_EAXMIX              := 4 ; 0 (full dry) to 1 (full wet), -1 = automatically calculate the mix based on the distance (the default).
    If Attrib is not Number
        If InStr(Attrib,"Freq")
            Attrib = 1
        Else If InStr(Attrib,"Vol")
            Attrib = 2
        Else If InStr(Attrib,"Pan")
            Attrib = 3
        Else If InStr(Attrib,"EAX")
            Attrib = 4
    If Attrib not Between 1 and 4
        Return 0
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelIsSliding", UInt,hStream, UInt,Attrib)
BASS_SetSliding(hStream,Attrib,NewValue,TimeMS){ ;set attribute from its current value to slide to new value in time period
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ                := 1 ; 100 (min) to 100000 (max), 0 = original rate
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_VOL                 := 2 ; 0 (silent) to 1 (full).
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_PAN                 := 3 ; -1 (full left) to +1 (full right), 0 = centre
    ;   BASS_ATTRIB_EAXMIX              := 4 ; 0 (full dry) to 1 (full wet), -1 = automatically calculate the mix based on the distance (the default).
    If Attrib is not Number
        If InStr(Attrib,"Freq")
            Attrib = 1
        Else If InStr(Attrib,"Vol")
            Attrib = 2
        Else If InStr(Attrib,"Pan")
            Attrib = 3
        Else If InStr(Attrib,"EAX")
            Attrib = 4
    If Attrib not Between 1 and 4
        Return 0
    If NewValue is not Float
        Return 0
    If TimeMS is not Number
        Return 0
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_ChannelSlideAttribute", UInt,hStream, UInt,Attrib, Float,NewValue, UInt,TimeMS)

BASS_GetCPU(){      ;returns CPU usage of BASS
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_GetCPU", Float)
BASS_GetVersion(){  ;returns version of BASS that is loaded
    Return DllCall("BASS\BASS_GetVersion")

; BASS_ProgressMeter
; based on idea by zed gecko  (StreamGUI, which comes with bass lib)
; adds a progress meter to a gui
BASS_ProgressMeter_Add(x = "", y = "", Width=300, Height=100, Color="green", Bgcolor="gray", ControlID="", GuiID=1){
    Return BASS_ProgressMeter(GuiID, ControlID, Width, Height//2, Color, BgColor, X, Y)
; updates a progress meter for a stream
BASS_ProgressMeter_Update(hStream, ControlID="", GuiID=1){
    Return BASS_ProgressMeter(GuiID, ControlID, hStream, "???????????")
BASS_ProgressMeter(GuiID, ControlID, WidthOrhStream, Height, Color="", Bgcolor="", X="", Y=""){
    local  SegmentSpace,SegmentSize,TransferVar,PrevSegment,NOS,LeftLevel,RightLevel
    If (Height = "???????????"){
        SetControlDelay, -1
        Loop, % NOS := NumberOfProgressMeterSegments%ControlID% {
            PrevSegment := A_Index - 1
            GuiControlGet, TransferVar, %GuiID%:, ProgressMeterL%ControlID%%A_Index%
            GuiControl,%GuiID%:, ProgressMeterL%ControlID%%PrevSegment%, %TransferVar%
            GuiControlGet, TransferVar, %GuiID%:, ProgressMeterR%ControlID%%A_Index%
            GuiControl,%GuiID%:, ProgressMeterR%ControlID%%PrevSegment%, %TransferVar%
        BASS_GetLevel(WidthOrhStream, LeftLevel, RightLevel)
        GuiControl,%GuiID%:, ProgressMeterL%ControlID%%NOS%, %LeftLevel%
        GuiControl,%GuiID%:, ProgressMeterR%ControlID%%NOS%, % 32768 - RightLevel
        SegmentSpace = 2                    ;Visible size of one segment in Pixel
        SegmentSize := SegmentSpace + 1
        NumberOfProgressMeterSegments%ControlID% := (WidthOrhStream // SegmentSize) - 1
        Gui, %GuiID%:Add, Progress, Range0-32768 vProgressMeterL%ControlID%0 w%SegmentSize% h%Height% %X% %Y% c%Color% BackgRound%BgColor% Vertical,
        Gui, %GuiID%:Add, Progress, Range0-32768 vProgressMeterR%ControlID%0 w%SegmentSize% h%Height% y+0 c%BgColor% BackgRound%Color% Vertical, 32769
        Loop, % NumberOfProgressMeterSegments%ControlID%{
            Gui, %GuiID%:Add, Progress, Range0-32768 vProgressMeterL%ControlID%%A_Index% w%SegmentSize% h%Height% xp+%SegmentSpace% yp-%Height% c%Color% BackgRound%BgColor% Vertical,
            Gui, %GuiID%:Add, Progress, Range0-32768 vProgressMeterR%ControlID%%A_Index% w%SegmentSize% h%Height% y+0 c%BgColor% BackgRound%Color% Vertical, 32769
    Return 1

BASS_PluginLoad(File){   ;loads a plugin of BASS
    ;With any combination of these flags
    ;   BASS_UNICODE = 0x80000000 ;file is unicode
    Flags = 0
    If !hPlugin := DllCall("BASS\BASS_PluginLoad", UInt,&File, UInt,Flags)
        ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
    Return hPlugin
BASS_PluginFree(hPlugin=0){  ;frees a plugin of BASS (0 = All Plugins)
    If !(Ret := DllCall("BASS\BASS_PluginFree", UInt,hPlugin))
        ErrorLevel := BASS_ErrorGetCode()
    Return Ret

BASS_ErrorGetCode(){ ;Return the error message as code and description
    static ErrorCodes :=
        ";error codes returned by BASS_ErrorGetCode
        0  BASS_OK             all is OK
        1  BASS_ERROR_MEM      memory error
        2  BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN can't open the file
        3  BASS_ERROR_DRIVER   can't find a free sound driver
        4  BASS_ERROR_BUFLOST  the sample buffer was lost
        5  BASS_ERROR_HANDLE   invalid handle
        6  BASS_ERROR_FORMAT   unsupported sample format
        7  BASS_ERROR_POSITION invalid position
        8  BASS_ERROR_INIT     BASS_Init has not been successfully called
        9  BASS_ERROR_START    BASS_Start has not been successfully called
        14 BASS_ERROR_ALREADY  already initialized/paused/whatever
        18 BASS_ERROR_NOCHAN   can't get a free channel
        19 BASS_ERROR_ILLTYPE  an illegal type was specified
        20 BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM an illegal parameter was specified
        21 BASS_ERROR_NO3D     no 3D support
        22 BASS_ERROR_NOEAX    no EAX support
        23 BASS_ERROR_DEVICE   illegal device number
        24 BASS_ERROR_NOPLAY   not playing
        25 BASS_ERROR_FREQ     illegal sample rate
        27 BASS_ERROR_NOTFILE  the stream is not a file stream
        29 BASS_ERROR_NOHW     no hardware voices available
        31 BASS_ERROR_EMPTY    the MOD music has no sequence data
        32 BASS_ERROR_NONET    no internet connection could be opened
        33 BASS_ERROR_CREATE   couldn't create the file
        34 BASS_ERROR_NOFX     effects are not enabled
        37 BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL requested data is not available
        38 BASS_ERROR_DECODE   the channel is a decoding channel
        39 BASS_ERROR_DX       a sufficient DirectX version is not installed
        40 BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT  connection timedout
        41 BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM unsupported file format
        42 BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER  unavailable speaker
        43 BASS_ERROR_VERSION  invalid BASS version (used by add-ons)
        44 BASS_ERROR_CODEC    codec is not available/supported
        45 BASS_ERROR_ENDED    the channel/file has ended
        -1 BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN  some other mystery problem"
    Error := DllCall("BASS\BASS_ErrorGetCode", Int)
    Needle := "m`n)^" Error " +\w*\s*(?P<Value>.*)$"
    RegExMatch(ErrorCodes, Needle, Return)
    Return Error " = " ReturnValue

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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

22 Oct 2017, 06:29

I couldn't load bass.dll for some reason, however, look at the struct definition,

Code: Select all

typedef struct {
	char *name;
	char *driver;
	DWORD flags;
note the * infront of name and driver, that means those are pointers. So try,

Code: Select all

    name := NumGet(info, 0, "ptr")
    driver := NumGet(info, A_PtrSize, "ptr")
    flags := NumGet(info, A_PtrSize*2, "UInt")
and then, eg, strget(name,"CP0")
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

22 Oct 2017, 06:34

If anyone is interested in recording using the wasapi functons let it known
Let's guess that there are indeed interested folx to see that outcome. Keep it coming :)
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

22 Oct 2017, 06:45


Thank you Helgef , i only had to add the correct encoding to get the literal string ! I do not know why bass.dll did not load i use it on winXP and win10 pro without errors?

This was the first step and i already ran into trouble so people have to wait a bit BoBo :)
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

22 Oct 2017, 06:52

Good :thumbup: I probably made a mistake with bass.dll, I know it should work, because I have your radio player, the one with the ship :)

Edit: Added link. :wave:
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

23 Oct 2017, 07:02

I probably made a mistake with bass.dll
No mistake :salute: the radioplayer extracts the correct 64 dll if it finds ahk running 64bit version but i attached 32bit dll to this post !
Thanks again my project is now on track .
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

14 Oct 2022, 15:59

Using this topic I was able to write a loop to find a specific device number (thank you):

Code: Select all

	DllCall(BASSDLLPath "\BASS_RecordGetDeviceInfo", UInt, A_Index, UInt, &info)
	Name := NumGet(info, 0, "ptr")
	Name := StrGet(Name, "cp0")
	if (Name = "Microphone (2- Realtek High Definition Audio)")
		DeviceNumber := A_Index
	else if not Name
		MsgBox Recording device not found. Aborting.
But I wasn't able to get the sample rate using another dllcall, another structure:

Code: Select all

DllCall(BASSDLLPath "\BASS_RecordGetInfo", UInt, &info)

MsgBox % SampleRate := NumGet(info, 16, "UInt")
typedef struct {
DWORD flags;
DWORD formats;
DWORD inputs;
BOOL singlein;
DWORD freq;

What am I missing?
Last edited by Rafaews on 14 Oct 2022, 17:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

14 Oct 2022, 17:03

malcev wrote:
14 Oct 2022, 16:29
Also pointer to structures should be send as "ptr".
Could you elaborate?
(I tried some brute force variations with "ptr" in every place, btw, no success)
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

14 Oct 2022, 17:36

Code: Select all

   VarSetCapacity(BASS_DEVICEINFO, A_PtrSize*2 + 4, 0) 
   if (DllCall("bass.dll\BASS_RecordGetDeviceInfo", "int", A_Index - 1, "ptr", &BASS_DEVICEINFO) = 0)
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Re: Bass.dll getDeviceInfo structure

14 Oct 2022, 17:47

malcev wrote:
14 Oct 2022, 17:36

Code: Select all

Thank you! I think I found the issue.. I think I misinterpreted the usage of the function.. I was using the call that retrieves info about the 'current recording device'.. But I was trying to get that information before starting the recording. My bad

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