Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

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Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

11 Mar 2023, 15:10

If I tab over to a Gui picture control, for example one defined as follows,

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Picture, +Border +TabStop gPickIcon vSelectedIcon Icon23, %A_WinDir%\System32\SHELL32.dll
, is it possible to trigger its g-label (here PickIcon) using the keyboard rather than the mouse? Neither Enter nor Space do the job (but a mouse click does).


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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

11 Mar 2023, 16:39

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33.02

#If GuiControlGetFocusedVarName() = "SelectedIcon"
	; ....

GuiControlGetFocusedVarName() {
	GuiControlGet focusedVarName, FocusV
	return focusedVarName
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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

11 Mar 2023, 16:40


You can create a hotkey that calls the same subroutine.
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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

13 Mar 2023, 10:12

Thank you both for the replies. Yes, a custom hotkey will do the trick, but what I was wondering was whether there was "Windows native" way (of which I was unaware) to trigger a picture control action, and I guess the answer is no. Microsoft is usually pretty good at making sure that things can be done with keyboard only (although they seem to have almost completely abandoned that effort in their "modern" apps and UI elements).

Thanks again.
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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

13 Mar 2023, 10:45

Another alternative is below.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33
image := A_ScriptDir "\test.png"
Gui Add, Pic,, % image
Gui Add, Button, ggo Default w0 h0
Gui Show

go() {
 MsgBox 123
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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

14 Mar 2023, 09:56

A simple way to add keyboard navigation is to create a list of controls to cycle through and track the index of the currently focused control.

For simple interactions you can just use context sensitive hotkeys like this. ( cycling through and interacting with 3 picture controls using the tab and enter keys )
change focus 1.gif
change focus 1.gif (356.16 KiB) Viewed 567 times

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

Gui1 := {}

Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +HwndHwnd
Gui1.Hwnd := hwnd

Gui1.Controls := {}
Gui1.Handles := []

cc := Gui1.Controls.Picture_1 := { Hwnd: "" , X: "m" , Y: "m" , W: 200 , H: 200 , Label: "PictureRoutine_1" }
Gui, Add, Picture, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " Icon46 hwndhwnd g" cc.Label , Shell32.dll
cc.Hwnd := Hwnd
Gui1.Handles[ Hwnd ] := cc

cc := Gui1.Controls.Picture_2 := { Hwnd: "" , X: "m" , Y: "+10" , W: 200 , H: 200 , Label: "PictureRoutine_2" }
Gui, Add, Picture, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " Icon47 hwndhwnd +Border g" cc.Label , Shell32.dll
cc.Hwnd := hwnd
Gui1.Handles[ hwnd ] := cc

cc := Gui1.Controls.Picture_3 := { Hwnd: "" , X: "m" , Y: "+10" , W: 200 , H: 200 , Label: "PictureRoutine_3" }
Gui, Add, Picture, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " Icon48 hwndhwnd g" cc.Label , Shell32.dll
cc.Hwnd := hwnd
Gui1.Handles[ hwnd ] := cc

Gui, Show

Gui1.ControlList := [ "Picture_1" , "Picture_2" , "Picture_3" ]
Gui1.FocusedControl := 2


#If ( WinActive( "ahk_Id " Gui1.Hwnd ) )

		WinSet, Style, -0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		( ++Gui1.FocusedControl > Gui1.ControlList.Length() ) ? ( Gui1.FocusedControl := 1 )
		WinSet, Style, +0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Focus", % Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd

			gosub, % Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Label
			Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":+OwnDialogs"
			MsgBox, Error 

	if( Gui1.FocusedControl != 1 ){
		WinSet, Style, -0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		Gui1.FocusedControl := 1
		WinSet, Style, +0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Focus", % Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
	ToolTip, % "Control # " Gui1.FocusedControl
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -2000
	SoundBeep 555
	if( Gui1.FocusedControl != 2 ){
		WinSet, Style, -0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		Gui1.FocusedControl := 2
		WinSet, Style, +0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Focus", % Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
	ToolTip, % "Control # " Gui1.FocusedControl
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -2000
	SoundBeep 666

	if( Gui1.FocusedControl != 3 ){
		WinSet, Style, -0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		Gui1.FocusedControl := 3
		WinSet, Style, +0x00800000 , % "ahk_id "  Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Focus", % Gui1.Controls[ Gui1.ControlList[ Gui1.FocusedControl ] ].Hwnd
	ToolTip, % "Control # " Gui1.FocusedControl
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -2000
	SoundBeep 777


Or for more complicated interactions you can monitor the window message [ 0x100 ]

Code: Select all

OnMessage( 0x100 , Func( "_CaptureKeys" ).Bind( Gui1) )
In this example there is only one control and everything you think you see is fake. ( It's all just one updating image / picture control )
change focus 2.gif
change focus 2.gif (226.59 KiB) Viewed 567 times
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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

14 Mar 2023, 10:34

I think that the request related to not using any hotkey definitions to accomplish the goal.
Yes, a custom hotkey will do the trick, but what I was wondering was whether there was "Windows native" way (of which I was unaware) to trigger a picture control action.
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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

14 Mar 2023, 10:45

mikeyww wrote:
14 Mar 2023, 10:34
I think that the request related to not using any hotkey definitions to accomplish the goal.
Yes, a custom hotkey will do the trick, but what I was wondering was whether there was "Windows native" way (of which I was unaware) to trigger a picture control action.
Or for more complicated interactions you can monitor the window message [ 0x100 ]

Code: Select all

OnMessage( 0x100 , Func( "_CaptureKeys" ).Bind( Gui1) )

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

Gui1 := {}

Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +HwndHwnd
Gui1.Hwnd := hwnd

Gui, Show, w300 h300
OnMessage( 0x100 , Func( "_CaptureKeys" ).Bind( Gui1 ) )


_CaptureKeys( Gui1 , input ){
	hwnd := WinActive( "A" )
	if( hwnd != Gui1.Hwnd )
		return 1
	if( Input = 9 )
		ToolTip, % "You Pressed the TAB key"
		ToolTip, % "You Pressed: " chr( Input ) "`nInput: " Input 
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -2000


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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

14 Mar 2023, 11:59

Here is a specific example of triggering the label of a picture control using window messages to monitor for a "Enter" keystroke.
Depending on what you are doing it can get more complex and require some extra logic. See my two earlier posts for insights.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

Gui1 := {}

Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +HwndHwnd
Gui1.Hwnd := hwnd

Gui, Margin, % Gui1.Margin := 10 , 10

Gui1.Controls := {}

cc := Gui1.Controls.Picture_1 := { hwnd: "" , X: Gui1.Margin , Y: Gui1.Margin , W: 200 , H: 200 , Label: "PicRoutine" }

Gui, Add, Pic, %  "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " Icon46 +hwndhwnd g" cc.Label , Shell32.dll

cc.Hwnd := hwnd

Gui, Show,

OnMessage( 0x100 , Func( "_CaptureKeys" ).Bind( Gui1 ) )


	Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":+OwnDialogs" 
	MsgBox, You pressed the pic control
_CaptureKeys( Gui1 , input ){
	hwnd := WinActive( "A" )
	if( hwnd != Gui1.Hwnd )
		return 1
	if( Input = 13 )
		gosub, % Gui1.Controls.Picture_1.Label

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Re: Trigger a picture control g-label via keyboard?

31 Mar 2023, 10:27

Thank you both for all the suggestions. I'll do some testing when I get a chance ...

... but now that I come back to this question with fresh eyes, a simpler thought occurs to me: create a size 0 x 0 button at the expected tabstop position of the picture control (i.e. add the button immediately after adding the picture) and give it the same g-label as the picture -> pressing the spacebar when the invisible button has focus will have the same effect as clicking the picture:

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Picture, x5 y5 +Border gPickIcon vSelectedIcon Icon23, %A_WinDir%\System32\SHELL32.dll
Gui, Add, Button, x5 y5 w0 h0 gPickIcon,
Whay say you?


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