Input trigger on Website with Variable Load Times

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Input trigger on Website with Variable Load Times

Post by CuriousDad » 03 Apr 2023, 19:02

Hi again.

I have a website that I routinely visit that requires input. The website will load with variable timing and the subsequent websites that load will also have variable load times based on previous activity on the website.

I have set Sleep commands to accommodate the longest wait time, but wondered if there was a way to have the script recognize when a webpage is loaded and then input the information based on the presence of the specific website.

I tried to use WinWaitActive, but apparently, the function was not meant for specific websites.

There was a thread that looked for specific pixels in a specific position that seemed a bit too complex for my abilities.

I was wondering if there was already a function that could look for the WinTitle or WinTitle and ahk_class of a specific website to help move the script forward when the page loads.


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