The script uses A_PriorKey to get the name of the previous key pressed, but it prints a letter, such as a dot . in the English layout, and ç in the Turkish layout. But i need to get the code of the pressed key (vk code), not the name, regardless of the layout.
That is, when you press dot, you should always get vkBE, not a dot or ç.
How would it be possible to convert ç value to vkBE code, or some other way?
A_PriorKey value convert to vk code
Re: A_PriorKey value convert to vk code
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Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33
priorVK := Format("vk{:X}", GetKeyVK(prior := A_PriorKey))
MsgBox 64, Prior key, % "Key = " prior "`n`n" priorVK