Sending and receiving a broadcast message. Topic is solved

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Sending and receiving a broadcast message.

10 Sep 2023, 08:31

I have a color picker that I would like to use to broadcast a value to any script that is listening.

For extra context.
20230910092312.png (40.76 KiB) Viewed 502 times

Does anyone have a good method to accomplish this?
I think that there is a message that can be used but I can't recall what it was.
A simple example of script 1 passing script 2 a value of "FF0000" when you press f1 would be perfect.
Thanks for your time.
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Re: Sending and receiving a broadcast message.  Topic is solved

28 Oct 2023, 16:24

Thanks mikeyww.

In my case though I needed something that would allow any script that is set to "listen" to be able to get the values.

This is what I have found that does the trick (so far).

Code: Select all

;Script 1

#SingleInstance Force

objShell := ComObjCreate( "WScript.Shell" )
objEnv := objShell.Environment( "Volatile" )
objEnv.Item( "Color" ) := "22262A"


	objEnv.Item( "Color" ) := Random( min := 0 , max := 100 )
Random( min := 0 , max := 100 ){
	local outputVar
	Random, outputVar , min , max 
	return outputVar


;Script 2
#SingleInstance Force


	objShell := ComObjCreate( "WScript.Shell" )
	objEnv := objShell.Environment( "Volatile" )
	MsgBox, % objEnv.Item( "Color" )


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