Resize GUI with ALL its contents

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Resize GUI with ALL its contents

04 Oct 2023, 13:02


Lets say we have a simple GUI.
The question is:
How can we RESIZE it with ALL its contents resized (zoomed in or zoomed out) accordingly?
The Gui, +resize is not resize ALL GUI contents - it just add a resize of the GUI Window.
I see the relevant topic at:

My question is:
Is there an EASY (not complicated) method to do it?
For example something like:
Gui, +resizeALL ???
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Re: Resize GUI with ALL its contents

04 Oct 2023, 15:23

There is no "easy solution" because "resize" is a blanket term.

Some examples.

resi.gif (149.14 KiB) Viewed 592 times

How can we RESIZE it with ALL its contents resized (zoomed in or zoomed out) accordingly?
This suggests that you are talking about scaling the gui which is largely just applying a multiplier to every position and size.
The best way to do that is to create an object for each control { X: "" , Y: "" , W: "" , H: "" } and apply your multiplier to each (Font size is a thing ;) ).

resi2.gif (1.03 MiB) Viewed 592 times
Posts: 192
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Re: Resize GUI with ALL its contents

07 Oct 2023, 02:49

Thank you very much!
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Posts: 2114
Joined: 23 Sep 2017, 13:34

Re: Resize GUI with ALL its contents

17 Oct 2023, 12:03

Here is a Gui class that has scaling.

Gui Scale class 1.gif
Gui Scale class 1.gif (997.64 KiB) Viewed 398 times

This works with the normal set of gui controls.
If you use controls such as ListViews, etc. you will have to do scaling for those controls separately.
( OriginalSize -> OriginalSize * Scale )

Here is the class. Just paste it at the bottom of any script you want to use it in.

***Make sure that you turn off the default scaling ( "-DPIScale" )


Code: Select all

class Gui	{
	static Index := 0 , Windows := [] , Handles := []
	;Written By: Hellbent
	;Date: Sept 9th, 2021
	;Last Edit: Oct 16th 2023
	;Class to create Easy Scale windows
	__New( Options := "+AlwaysOnTop" , Title := "" ){
		local hwnd
		Gui, New, % Options " +Hwndhwnd" , % Title
		This.Hwnd := hwnd
		This.Controls := {}
		This.ControlArray := []
		This.Handles := []
		This.FontType := "Arial"
		This.FontSize := 10
		This.FontColor := "Black"
		This.FontOptions := ""
		This.Color := "F0F0F0"
		This.ControlColor := "FFFFFF"
		Gui.Handles[ This.Hwnd ] := Gui.Windows[ ++Gui.Index ] := This
		This.Show( "Hide w1 h1 " )
	Show( Options := "" , Title := "" ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Show" , % Options , % Title
	Hide( Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Hide"
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":-Disabled"
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":+Disabled"
	Destroy( Name := 1 ){
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Destroy"
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Destroy"
	Get( Control , SubCommand := "" ){
		local output
		GuiControlGet, output, % This.Hwnd ":" SubCommand , % Control
		return output
	Set( Control , Value := "" , SubCommand := "" ){
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":" SubCommand , % Control , % Value
	Margin( x := 10 , y := 10 ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Margin", % x , % y
	SetColors( Color1 := "" , Color2 := "" ){
		if( Color1 != "" )
			This.Color := Color1
		if( Color2 != "" )
			This.ControlColor := Color2
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Color", % This.Color , % This.ControlColor
		local x , y , w , h
		WinGetPos, x , y , w , h , % "ahk_id " This.Hwnd
		return { X: x , Y: y , W: w , H: h }
	ControlPosition( Hwnd ){
		local pos , posX , posY , PosW , PosH
		GuiControlGet, pos , % This.Hwnd ":pos", % Hwnd
		if( This.Handles[ hwnd ].Index ){
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].Position := { X: posX , Y: posY , W: posW , H: posH }
			return { X: posX , Y: posY , W: posW , H: posH }
	Add( Type := "Button" , Options := "" , Display := "" , ControlName := "" , ScaleMode := "" , rows := "" ){ ;scaleMode 1: scale via font size. 2= scale via controls size
		static ScaleModeList := { "Text": 1 , "Edit": 1 , "Button": 1 , "DDL": 2 , "DropDownList": 2 , "ListBox": 1 , "CheckBox": 1 }
		local hwnd 
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Add", % Type, % Options " hwndhwnd " , % Display
		if( ControlName != "" ){
			This.Controls[ ControlName ] := {}
			This.Controls[ ControlName ].Name := ControlName
			This.Controls[ ControlName ].Hwnd := hwnd
			This.Controls[ ControlName ].Type := type
			This.Handles[ hwnd ] := This.Controls[ ControlName ]
			This.ControlArray.Push( This.Controls[ ControlName ] )
			This.Controls[ hwnd ] := {}
			This.Controls[ hwnd ].Name := hwnd
			This.Controls[ hwnd ].Type := Type
			This.Controls[ hwnd ].Hwnd := hwnd
			This.Handles[ hwnd ] := This.Controls[ hwnd ]
			This.ControlArray.Push( This.Controls[ hwnd ] )
		if( ScaleMode != "" )
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode := ScaleMode
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode := ScaleModeList[ type ]
		if( This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode = "" )
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode := 1
		This.Handles[ hwnd ].Index := This.ControlArray.Length()
		This.ControlPosition( Hwnd )
		This.Handles[ hwnd ].Font := { Type: This.FontType , Size: This.FontSize , Color: This.FontColor , Options: This.FontOptions }
		if( rows != "" )
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].Rows := rows
	SetFont( Size := "" , color := "" , Options := "" , Type := "" ){
		if( Size != "" )
			This.FontSize := Size
		if( color != "" )
			This.FontColor := Color
		if( Options != "" )
			This.FontOptions := Options
		if( Type != "" )
			This.FontType := Type
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Font", % "norm s" ( This.FontSize * A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) " c" This.FontColor " " This.FontOptions , % This.FontType
	Options( Options ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":" Options
	Bind( Control , Method , BoundObject := "" ){
		local fn 
		if( BoundObject = "Label" )
			fn := Method
		else if( BoundObject != "" )
			fn := Func( Method ).Bind( This , Control , BoundObject )
			fn := Func( Method ).Bind( This , Control )
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+g", % Control, % fn
	ScaleControl( ControlHwnd , scalefactor , mode := 1 ){
		if( mode = 1 ){
			cc := This.Handles[ ControlHwnd ].Position
			x := cc.X * scaleFactor
			y := cc.Y * scaleFactor
			w := cc.W * scaleFactor
			h := cc.H * scaleFactor
			This.SetControlFont( controlhwnd , , , , , scalefactor )
			This.Set( ControlHwnd , "X" x " y" y " w " w " h" h , "MoveDraw" )
		}else if( mode = 2 ){
			cc := This.Handles[ ControlHwnd ].Position
			x := cc.X * scaleFactor
			y := cc.Y * scaleFactor
			w := cc.W * scaleFactor
			h := ( 16 * This.Handles[ ControlHwnd ].Rows ) * scaleFactor
			This.SetControlFont( controlhwnd , , , , , scalefactor )
			This.Set( ControlHwnd , "X" x " y" y " w " w " h" h , "MoveDraw" )
	SetControlFont( controlhwnd , Size := "" , color := "" , Options := "" , Type := "" , Scale := 1 ){
		cc := This.Handles[ controlhwnd ].Font
		if( Size != "" ){
			cc.Size := Size
			Size /= A_ScreenDPI / 96
			Size *= Scale
			Size := ( cc.Size / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) ) * Scale
		if( color != "" )
			cc.Color := Color
			Color := cc.Color
		if( Options != "" )
			cc.Options := Options
			Options := cc.Options
		if( Type != "" )
			cc.Type := Type
			Type := cc.Type 
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Font" , % " norm s" size " c" color " " options , % Type
		This.Set( controlhwnd ,, "Font" )
	ScaleAllControls( scale := 1 ){
		for k, v in This.ControlArray	{
			cc := This.ControlArray[ k ]
			This.ScaleControl( cc.Hwnd , Scale , mode := cc.ScaleMode )
Here is an example of creating a new window.
***Make sure that you turn off the default scaling ( "-DPIScale" )

Gui Syntax Example 1

Code: Select all


Gui1 := New Gui( "+AlwaysOnTop -DpiScale " , "Gui Scale" )

Gui1.Margin( 10 , 10 )
Gui1.SetFont( 8 , "White" , "Bold" , "Microsoft YaHei" )
Gui1.SetColors( "22262a" )


;Method Name:		Add
;Purpose:			Add a new control to a window
;First Parameter:	The name of the window object 																			( 	"Gui1" 				)
;Second Parameter:	The name of the method to call 																			( 	"Add" 				)
;Third Parameter:	The type of control to add ( eg. "Button" , "Text" , "Edit" )											[ 	< Control Type > 	]
;Forth Parameter:	The options to use when creating the new control ( eg. "xm ym w200 h200 backgroundTrans gLable " )		[ 	< Control Options >	]
;Fifth Parameter:	The display value for the new control ( includes lists )												[ 	< Display Value > 	]
;Sixth Parameter:	( Optional ) The name to give the controls object reference ( ex. "SaveButton" "LastNameEdit" )			[ 	< Control Name > 	] 	*Optional
;Seventh Parameter:	( Optional ) The mode to use when scaling ( [ h * scale ] vs. [ fontsize * scale + Dummycontrol ] )		[	< Scale Mode >		]	*Optional

;		--->>>		Gui1.Add( < Control Type >  , < Control Options >	,	< Display Value >	,	< Control Name >	,	< Scale Mode >	,	< Rows >	)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Picture" 		,	"xm  w300 h-1" 		,	"C:\Users\CivRe\OneDrive\Desktop\AHK Tools\Color Picker Mini\Screen Shots\20231017121645.png" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Button" 		,	"xm  w120 r1" 		,	"Show" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Button" 		, 	"xm  w120 r1" 		, 	"Hide" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Button" 		, 	"x+m  w120 r1" 		, 	"Delete" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Checkbox" 		, 	"xm  w120 r1" 		, 	"Turn On / Off" 	)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Picture" 		, 	"xm  w300 h-1" 		, 	"C:\Users\CivRe\OneDrive\Desktop\AHK Tools\Color Picker Mini\Screen Shots\20231017121722.png" 	)

;		--->>>		Gui1.Font(	< Font Size >	,	< Font Color >		,	< Font Options >	,	< Font Type >	)
					;~ Gui1.Font( 	18 				,	"Black" 			, 	"Bold" 				, "Microsoft YaHei" )

;		--->>>		Gui1.Add( < Control Type >  , < Control Options >	,	< Display Value >		,	< Control Name >	,	< Scale Mode >	,	< Rows >	)


					Gui1.Add( 	"DDL" 			, "xm  w120 r5" 		,	"Show||Hide|I3|I4|I5" 	,						, 	2 				, 	7 			)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Edit" 			, "xm  w120 r1" 		,	"Show" 					)
					Gui1.Add( 	"ListBox" 		, "xm  w120 r5" 		, 	"Show|Hide" 			)
Gui1.Scale := 1.5
Gui1.ScaleAllControls( Gui1.Scale )
Gui1.Margin( 10 * Gui1.Scale , 10 * Gui1.Scale )
Gui1.Show( "AutoSize x200 y100" )
Here is a second example.
***Make sure that you turn off the default scaling ( "-DPIScale" )

Gui Syntax Example 2

Code: Select all

Gui2 := New Gui( "+AlwaysOnTop -DpiScale " , "Gui Scale 2" )
Gui2.Margin( 10 , 10 )
Gui2.SetFont( 8 , "White" , "Bold" , "Microsoft YaHei" )
Gui2.SetColors( "22262a" )

y := 10 , w := 120
Index := 0
Loop, 6	{
	x := 10
	Loop, 6	{
		Gui2.Add( "Button" , "x" x " y" y " w" 120 " r1 " , "Button: " ++Index , "Button_" Index )
		x += w + 10
	y += Gui2.Controls[ "Button_" Index ].Position.H + 10

Gui2.Scale := .7
Gui2.ScaleAllControls( Gui2.Scale )
Gui2.Margin( 10 * Gui2.Scale , 10 * Gui2.Scale )
Gui2.Show( "AutoSize" )

Here is an example of using the mouse wheel hotkey to change the scale. (uses the two example windows from above)
Scaling Example

Code: Select all

~$WheelUp::	;{ 
	name := ""
	MouseGetPos,,, win 
	if( win = Gui1.Hwnd )
		name := "Gui1"
	else if( win = Gui2.Hwnd )
		name := "Gui2"
	if( Name ){
		(%Name%).Scale += 0.1
		(%Name%).ScaleAllControls( (%Name%).Scale )
		(%Name%).Margin( 10 * (%Name%).Scale , 10 * (%Name%).Scale )
		(%Name%).Show( "AutoSize" )
	ToolTip, % "Scale:`n" (%Name%).Scale 
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -1000
Lastly. Here is my full test script.

Full Working Example

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force


Gui1 := New Gui( "+AlwaysOnTop -DpiScale " , "Gui Scale" )

Gui1.Margin( 10 , 10 )
Gui1.SetFont( 8 , "White" , "Bold" , "Microsoft YaHei" )
Gui1.SetColors( "22262a" )


;Method Name:		Add
;Purpose:			Add a new control to a window
;First Parameter:	The name of the window object 																			( 	"Gui1" 				)
;Second Parameter:	The name of the method to call 																			( 	"Add" 				)
;Third Parameter:	The type of control to add ( eg. "Button" , "Text" , "Edit" )											[ 	< Control Type > 	]
;Forth Parameter:	The options to use when creating the new control ( eg. "xm ym w200 h200 backgroundTrans gLable " )		[ 	< Control Options >	]
;Fifth Parameter:	The display value for the new control ( includes lists )												[ 	< Display Value > 	]
;Sixth Parameter:	( Optional ) The name to give the controls object reference ( ex. "SaveButton" "LastNameEdit" )			[ 	< Control Name > 	] 	*Optional
;Seventh Parameter:	( Optional ) The mode to use when scaling ( [ h * scale ] vs. [ fontsize * scale + Dummycontrol ] )		[	< Scale Mode >		]	*Optional

;		--->>>		Gui1.Add( < Control Type >  , < Control Options >	,	< Display Value >	,	< Control Name >	,	< Scale Mode >	,	< Rows >	)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Picture" 		,	"xm  w300 h-1" 		,	"C:\Users\CivRe\OneDrive\Desktop\AHK Tools\Color Picker Mini\Screen Shots\20231017121645.png" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Button" 		,	"xm  w120 r1" 		,	"Show" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Button" 		, 	"xm  w120 r1" 		, 	"Hide" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Button" 		, 	"x+m  w120 r1" 		, 	"Delete" 				)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Checkbox" 		, 	"xm  w120 r1" 		, 	"Turn On / Off" 	)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Picture" 		, 	"xm  w300 h-1" 		, 	"C:\Users\CivRe\OneDrive\Desktop\AHK Tools\Color Picker Mini\Screen Shots\20231017121722.png" 	)

;		--->>>		Gui1.Font(	< Font Size >	,	< Font Color >		,	< Font Options >	,	< Font Type >	)
					;~ Gui1.Font( 	18 				,	"Black" 			, 	"Bold" 				, "Microsoft YaHei" )

;		--->>>		Gui1.Add( < Control Type >  , < Control Options >	,	< Display Value >		,	< Control Name >	,	< Scale Mode >	,	< Rows >	)


					Gui1.Add( 	"DDL" 			, "xm  w120 r5" 		,	"Show||Hide|I3|I4|I5" 	,						, 	2 				, 	7 			)
					Gui1.Add( 	"Edit" 			, "xm  w120 r1" 		,	"Show" 					)
					Gui1.Add( 	"ListBox" 		, "xm  w120 r5" 		, 	"Show|Hide" 			)
Gui1.Scale := 1.5
Gui1.ScaleAllControls( Gui1.Scale )
Gui1.Margin( 10 * Gui1.Scale , 10 * Gui1.Scale )
Gui1.Show( "AutoSize x200 y100" )

Gui2 := New Gui( "+AlwaysOnTop -DpiScale " , "Gui Scale 2" )
Gui2.Margin( 10 , 10 )
Gui2.SetFont( 8 , "White" , "Bold" , "Microsoft YaHei" )
Gui2.SetColors( "22262a" )

y := 10 , w := 120
Index := 0
Loop, 6	{
	x := 10
	Loop, 6	{
		Gui2.Add( "Button" , "x" x " y" y " w" 120 " r1 " , "Button: " ++Index , "Button_" Index )
		x += w + 10
	y += Gui2.Controls[ "Button_" Index ].Position.H + 10

Gui2.Scale := .7
Gui2.ScaleAllControls( Gui2.Scale )
Gui2.Margin( 10 * Gui2.Scale , 10 * Gui2.Scale )
Gui2.Show( "AutoSize" )

GuiClose:	;{
~$WheelUp::	;{ 
	name := ""
	MouseGetPos,,, win 
	if( win = Gui1.Hwnd )
		name := "Gui1"
	else if( win = Gui2.Hwnd )
		name := "Gui2"
	if( Name ){
		(%Name%).Scale += 0.1
		(%Name%).ScaleAllControls( (%Name%).Scale )
		(%Name%).Margin( 10 * (%Name%).Scale , 10 * (%Name%).Scale )
		(%Name%).Show( "AutoSize" )
	ToolTip, % "Scale:`n" (%Name%).Scale 
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -1000
~$WheelDown::	;{ 
	name := ""
	MouseGetPos,,, win 
	if( win = Gui1.Hwnd )
		name := "Gui1"
	else if( win = Gui2.Hwnd )
		name := "Gui2"
	if( Name ){
		( ( (%Name%).Scale -= 0.1 ) < 0.3 ) ? ( (%Name%).Scale := 0.3 )
		(%Name%).ScaleAllControls( (%Name%).Scale )
		(%Name%).Margin( 10 * (%Name%).Scale , 10 * (%Name%).Scale )
		(%Name%).Show( "AutoSize" )
	ToolTip, % "Scale:`n" (%Name%).Scale 
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -1000
F1::	;{
	;~ list := [ 0.4 , 0.5 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 0.9 , 1 , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.25 , 1.3 , 1.4 , 1.5 , 1.6 , 1.7 , 1.8 , 1.9 , 2 , 2.5 , 3 , 5 ]
	list  := [ 1 , 1.01 , 1.02 , 1.03 , 1.04 , 1.05 , 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08 , 1.09 , 1.1 ]
	;~ scale := List[ Random( 1 , list.Length() ) ]
	scale := Random( 0 , 1 ) "." Random( 4 , 9 ) Random( 0 , 9 )
	for k, v in Gui2.Handles	{
		cc := Gui2.Handles[ k ]
		Gui2.ScaleControl( cc.Hwnd , scale , mode := cc.ScaleMode )
	Gui2.Margin( 10 * Scale , 10 * Scale )
	Gui2.Show( "AutoSize" )
	for k, v in Gui1.Handles	{
		cc := Gui1.Handles[ k ]
		Gui1.ScaleControl( cc.Hwnd , scale , mode := cc.ScaleMode )
	Gui1.Margin( 10 * Scale , 10 * Scale )
	Gui1.Show( "AutoSize" )
	ToolTip, % "Scale:`n" scale 
	SetTimer, TipsOff, -1000
Random( Min := 0 , Max := 100 ){
	local out
	Random, out , Min , Max
	return out
TipsOff:	;{ 
class Gui	{
	static Index := 0 , Windows := [] , Handles := []
	;Written By: Hellbent
	;Date: Sept 9th, 2021
	;Last Edit: Oct 16th 2023
	;Class to create Easy Scale windows
	__New( Options := "+AlwaysOnTop" , Title := "" ){
		local hwnd
		Gui, New, % Options " +Hwndhwnd" , % Title
		This.Hwnd := hwnd
		This.Controls := {}
		This.ControlArray := []
		This.Handles := []
		This.FontType := "Arial"
		This.FontSize := 10
		This.FontColor := "Black"
		This.FontOptions := ""
		This.Color := "F0F0F0"
		This.ControlColor := "FFFFFF"
		Gui.Handles[ This.Hwnd ] := Gui.Windows[ ++Gui.Index ] := This
		This.Show( "Hide w1 h1 " )
	Show( Options := "" , Title := "" ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Show" , % Options , % Title
	Hide( Name := 1 ){
		Gui, % Name ":Hide"
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":-Disabled"
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":+Disabled"
	Destroy( Name := 1 ){
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Destroy"
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Destroy"
	Get( Control , SubCommand := "" ){
		local output
		GuiControlGet, output, % This.Hwnd ":" SubCommand , % Control
		return output
	Set( Control , Value := "" , SubCommand := "" ){
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":" SubCommand , % Control , % Value
	Margin( x := 10 , y := 10 ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Margin", % x , % y
	SetColors( Color1 := "" , Color2 := "" ){
		if( Color1 != "" )
			This.Color := Color1
		if( Color2 != "" )
			This.ControlColor := Color2
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Color", % This.Color , % This.ControlColor
		local x , y , w , h
		WinGetPos, x , y , w , h , % "ahk_id " This.Hwnd
		return { X: x , Y: y , W: w , H: h }
	ControlPosition( Hwnd ){
		local pos , posX , posY , PosW , PosH
		GuiControlGet, pos , % This.Hwnd ":pos", % Hwnd
		if( This.Handles[ hwnd ].Index ){
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].Position := { X: posX , Y: posY , W: posW , H: posH }
			return { X: posX , Y: posY , W: posW , H: posH }
	Add( Type := "Button" , Options := "" , Display := "" , ControlName := "" , ScaleMode := "" , rows := "" ){ ;scaleMode 1: scale via font size. 2= scale via controls size
		static ScaleModeList := { "Text": 1 , "Edit": 1 , "Button": 1 , "DDL": 2 , "DropDownList": 2 , "ListBox": 1 , "CheckBox": 1 }
		local hwnd 
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Add", % Type, % Options " hwndhwnd " , % Display
		if( ControlName != "" ){
			This.Controls[ ControlName ] := {}
			This.Controls[ ControlName ].Name := ControlName
			This.Controls[ ControlName ].Hwnd := hwnd
			This.Controls[ ControlName ].Type := type
			This.Handles[ hwnd ] := This.Controls[ ControlName ]
			This.ControlArray.Push( This.Controls[ ControlName ] )
			This.Controls[ hwnd ] := {}
			This.Controls[ hwnd ].Name := hwnd
			This.Controls[ hwnd ].Type := Type
			This.Controls[ hwnd ].Hwnd := hwnd
			This.Handles[ hwnd ] := This.Controls[ hwnd ]
			This.ControlArray.Push( This.Controls[ hwnd ] )
		if( ScaleMode != "" )
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode := ScaleMode
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode := ScaleModeList[ type ]
		if( This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode = "" )
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].ScaleMode := 1
		This.Handles[ hwnd ].Index := This.ControlArray.Length()
		This.ControlPosition( Hwnd )
		This.Handles[ hwnd ].Font := { Type: This.FontType , Size: This.FontSize , Color: This.FontColor , Options: This.FontOptions }
		if( rows != "" )
			This.Handles[ hwnd ].Rows := rows
	SetFont( Size := "" , color := "" , Options := "" , Type := "" ){
		if( Size != "" )
			This.FontSize := Size
		if( color != "" )
			This.FontColor := Color
		if( Options != "" )
			This.FontOptions := Options
		if( Type != "" )
			This.FontType := Type
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Font", % "norm s" ( This.FontSize * A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) " c" This.FontColor " " This.FontOptions , % This.FontType
	Options( Options ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":" Options
	Bind( Control , Method , BoundObject := "" ){
		local fn 
		if( BoundObject = "Label" )
			fn := Method
		else if( BoundObject != "" )
			fn := Func( Method ).Bind( This , Control , BoundObject )
			fn := Func( Method ).Bind( This , Control )
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+g", % Control, % fn
	ScaleControl( ControlHwnd , scalefactor , mode := 1 ){
		if( mode = 1 ){
			cc := This.Handles[ ControlHwnd ].Position
			x := cc.X * scaleFactor
			y := cc.Y * scaleFactor
			w := cc.W * scaleFactor
			h := cc.H * scaleFactor
			This.SetControlFont( controlhwnd , , , , , scalefactor )
			This.Set( ControlHwnd , "X" x " y" y " w " w " h" h , "MoveDraw" )
		}else if( mode = 2 ){
			cc := This.Handles[ ControlHwnd ].Position
			x := cc.X * scaleFactor
			y := cc.Y * scaleFactor
			w := cc.W * scaleFactor
			h := ( 16 * This.Handles[ ControlHwnd ].Rows ) * scaleFactor
			This.SetControlFont( controlhwnd , , , , , scalefactor )
			This.Set( ControlHwnd , "X" x " y" y " w " w " h" h , "MoveDraw" )
	SetControlFont( controlhwnd , Size := "" , color := "" , Options := "" , Type := "" , Scale := 1 ){
		cc := This.Handles[ controlhwnd ].Font
		if( Size != "" ){
			cc.Size := Size
			Size /= A_ScreenDPI / 96
			Size *= Scale
			Size := ( cc.Size / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) ) * Scale
		if( color != "" )
			cc.Color := Color
			Color := cc.Color
		if( Options != "" )
			cc.Options := Options
			Options := cc.Options
		if( Type != "" )
			cc.Type := Type
			Type := cc.Type 
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Font" , % " norm s" size " c" color " " options , % Type
		This.Set( controlhwnd ,, "Font" )
	ScaleAllControls( scale := 1 ){
		for k, v in This.ControlArray	{
			cc := This.ControlArray[ k ]
			This.ScaleControl( cc.Hwnd , Scale , mode := cc.ScaleMode )
Posts: 52
Joined: 21 Oct 2020, 21:03

Re: Resize GUI with ALL its contents

14 Apr 2024, 02:18

Amazing, Thank you very much! :bravo:

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