having trouble using "Epic" electronic medical record with AHK, please help Topic is solved

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Re: having trouble using "Epic" electronic medical record with AHK, please help

Post by Descolada » 15 Feb 2024, 04:03

@someguyinKC I kept the second script (using the InputBuffer class) running overnight and there were no problems with text expansion nor sending the end character, so I am unable to reproduce your problem. I'm running Windows 10, AHK v2.0.10. Perhaps you are able to produce a script less than a mile long, but what still reproduces the problem?
I'm not sure whether a script running suspended would have an effect, but you could still try closing it and see whether it makes a difference.

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Joined: 25 Oct 2018, 11:33

Re: having trouble using "Epic" electronic medical record with AHK, please help

Post by someguyinKC » 15 Feb 2024, 11:16


I tried again today using the scripting that you suggested (the buffered hotstring script) and it is still giving me problems. the "ending character" isn't coming through about half of the time. when it does it, i can leave "epic" and go somewhere else and the problem doesn't occur there. I am on autoHotKey version 2.0.11.

I'll go ahead and post my (mile long) script to see if there is anything that you notice that could be causing the problem. i did have to remove a number of hotstrings that are all scripted the same as the ones above, just different words.

Code: Select all

#requires AutoHotkey v2
; #MaxThreadsPerHotkey needs to be higher than 1, otherwise some hotstrings might get lost
; if their activation strings were buffered.
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 10
; Enable X (execution) and B0 (no backspacing) for all hotstrings, which are necessary for this library to work.
; Z option resets the hotstring recognizer after each replacement, as AHK does with auto-replace hotstrings
#Hotstring ZXB0

; For demonstration purposes lets use SendEvent as the default hotstring mode.
; This can't be enabled with `#Hotstring SE` because that setting is not accessible from AHK.
; O (omit EndChar) argument needs to be changed with this AND with `#Hotstring O`.
_HS(, "SE", Clip)

; Regular hotstrings only need to be wrapped with _HS. This uses SendEvent with default delay 0.
::fwi::_HS("for your information")
; Regular hotstring arguments can be used; this sets the keydelay to 40ms (this works since we are using SendMode Event)
:K40:afaik::_HS("as far as I know")
; Other hotstring arguments can be used as well such as Text
:T:omg::_HS("oh my god{enter}")
; To use regular hotstrings without _HS, reverse the global changes locally (X0 disables execute, B enables backspacing)
:X0B:btw::by the way
; Backspacing can be limited to n backspaces with Bn
:*:because of it's::_HS("s", "B2")

; Clip() - Send and Retrieve Text Using the Clipboard
; by berban - updated 6/23/2023
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=118764
Clip(Text:="", Reselect:="", Restore:=False)
	Static BackUpClip, Stored := False, LastClip, RestoreClip := Clip.Bind(,,True)
	If Restore {
		If (A_Clipboard == LastClip)
			A_Clipboard := BackUpClip
		BackUpClip := LastClip := Stored := ""
	} Else {
		If !Stored {
			Stored := True
			BackUpClip := ClipboardAll() ; ClipboardAll must be on its own line (or does it in v2?)
		} Else
			SetTimer RestoreClip, 0
		LongCopy := A_TickCount, A_Clipboard := "", LongCopy -= A_TickCount ; LongCopy gauges the amount of time it takes to empty the clipboard which can predict how long the subsequent clipwait will need
		If (Text = "") {
			ClipWait LongCopy ? 0.6 : 0.2, True
		} Else {
			A_Clipboard := LastClip := Text
			ClipWait 10
		SetTimer RestoreClip, -700
		Sleep 40 ; Short sleep in case Clip() is followed by more keystrokes such as {Enter}
		If (Text = "")
			Return LastClip := A_Clipboard
		Else If ReSelect and ((ReSelect = True) or (StrLen(Text) < 3000)) ; and !(WinActive("ahk_class XLMAIN") or WinActive("ahk_class OpusApp"))
			Send("{Shift Down}{Left " StrLen(StrReplace(Text, "`r")) "}{Shift Up}")

 * Sends a hotstring and buffers user keyboard input while sending, which means keystrokes won't
 * become interspersed or get lost. This requires that the hotstring has the X (execute) and B0 (no
 * backspacing) options enabled: these can be globally enabled with `#Hotstring XB0`
 * Note that mouse clicks *will* interrupt sending keystrokes.
 * @param replacement The hotstring to be sent. If no hotstring is provided then instead _HS options
 * will be modified according to the provided opts.
 * @param opts Optional: hotstring options that will either affect all the subsequent _HS calls (if
 * no replacement string was provided), or can be used to disable backspacing (`:B0:hs::hotstring` should
 * NOT be used, correct is `_HS("hotstring", "B0")`). Additionally, differing from the default
 * AHK hotstring syntax, Bn backspaces only n characters and B-n leaves n characters from the
 * beginning of the trigger word.
 * * Hotstring settings that modify the hotstring recognizer (eg Z, EndChars) must be changed with `#Hotstring`
 * * Hotstring settings that modify SendMode or speed must be changed with `_HS(, "opts")` or with hotstring
 *  local options such as `:K40:hs::hotstring`. In this case `#Hotstring` has no effect.
 * * O (omit EndChar) argument default option needs to be changed with `_HS(, "O")` AND with `#Hotstring O`.
 * Note that if changing global settings then the SendMode will be reset to InputThenEvent if no SendMode is provided.
 * SendMode can only be changed with this (`#Hotstring SE` has no effect).
 * @param sendFunc Optional: this can be used to define a default custom send function (if replacement
 * is left empty), or temporarily use a custom function. This could, for example, be used to send
 * via the Clipboard. This only affects sending the replacement text: backspacing and sending the
 * ending character is still done with the normal Send function.
 * @returns {void}
_HS(replacement?, opts?, sendFunc?) {
    static HSInputBuffer := InputBuffer(), DefaultOmit := false, DefaultSendMode := A_SendMode, DefaultKeyDelay := 0, DefaultTextMode := "", DefaultBS := 0xFFFFFFFF, DefaultCustomSendFunc := ""
    ; Save global variables ASAP to avoid these being modified if _HS is interrupted
    local Omit, TextMode, PrevKeyDelay := A_KeyDelay, PrevKeyDurationPlay := A_KeyDurationPlay, PrevSendMode := A_SendMode, ThisHotkey := A_ThisHotkey, EndChar := A_EndChar
    ; Only options without replacement text changes the global/default options

    if !IsSet(replacement) {
        if IsSet(sendFunc)
            DefaultCustomSendFunc := sendFunc
        if IsSet(opts) {
            ; SendMode is reset if no SendMode is specifically provided
            DefaultSendMode := InStr(opts, "SE") ? "Event" : InStr(opts, "SI") ? "InputThenPlay" : InStr(opts, "SP") ? "Play" : "Input"
            if IsSet(setCustomSendFunc)
                CustomSendFunc := setCustomSendFunc
            if InStr(opts, "O")
                DefaultOmit := !InStr(opts, "O0")
            if RegExMatch(opts, "i)K *([-0-9]+)", &KeyDelay)
                DefaultKeyDelay := Integer(KeyDelay[1])
            if InStr(opts, "T")
                DefaultTextMode := InStr(opts, "T0") ? "" : "{Text}"
            else if InStr(opts, "R")
                DefaultTextMode := InStr(opts, "R0") ? "" : "{Raw}"
            if InStr(opts, "B")
                DefaultBS := RegExMatch(opts, "i)B *([-0-9]+)", &BSCount) ? Integer(BSCount[1]) : 0xFFFFFFFF
    if !IsSet(replacement) {
    ; Musn't use Critical here, otherwise InputBuffer callbacks won't work
    ; Start capturing input for the rare case where keys are sent during options parsing

    TextMode := DefaultTextMode, BS := DefaultBS, Omit := DefaultOmit, CustomSendFunc := sendFunc ?? DefaultCustomSendFunc
    SendMode DefaultSendMode
    if InStr(DefaultSendMode, "Play")
        SetKeyDelay , DefaultKeyDelay, "Play"
        SetKeyDelay DefaultKeyDelay
    ; The only opts currently accepted is "B" or "B0" to enable/disable backspacing, since this can't
    ; be changed with local hotstring options
    if IsSet(opts) && InStr(opts, "B")
        BS := RegExMatch(opts, "i)B *([-0-9]+)", &BSCount) ? Integer(BSCount[1]) : 0xFFFFFFFF
    ; Load local hotstring options, but don't check for backspacing
    if RegExMatch(ThisHotkey, "^:(.+):", &opts) {
        opts := opts[1]
        SendMode(InStr(opts, "SE") ? "Event" : InStr(opts, "SI") ? "InputThenPlay" : InStr(opts, "SP") ? "Play" : DefaultSendMode)
        if RegExMatch(opts, "i)K *([-0-9]+)", &KeyDelay) {
            KeyDelay := Integer(KeyDelay[1])
            if InStr(A_SendMode, "Play")
                SetKeyDelay , KeyDelay, "Play"
                SetKeyDelay KeyDelay
        TextMode := InStr(opts, "T") ? (InStr(opts, "T0") ? "" : "{Text}") : InStr(opts, "R") ? (InStr(opts, "R0") ? "" : "{Raw}") : DefaultTextMode
        if InStr(opts, "O")
            Omit := !InStr(opts, "O0")
    ; If backspacing is enabled, get the activation string length using Unicode character length
    ; since graphemes need one backspace to be deleted but regular StrLen would report more than one
    if BS {
        MaxBS := StrLen(RegExReplace(RegExReplace(ThisHotkey, ":.*?:"), "s)((?>\P{M}(\p{M}|\x{200D}))+\P{M})|\X", "_")) + (Omit ? 0 : StrLen(EndChar))
        , BS := BS = 0xFFFFFFFF ? MaxBS : BS > 0 ? BS : MaxBS + BS
    ; Send backspacing + TextMode + replacement string + optionally EndChar. SendLevel isn't changed
    ; because AFAIK normal hotstrings don't add the replacements to the end of the hotstring recognizer
    if TextMode || !CustomSendFunc
        Send((BS ? "{BS " BS "}" : "") TextMode replacement (Omit ? "" : (TextMode ? EndChar : "{Raw}" EndChar)))
    else {
        Send(BS ? "{BS " BS "}" : "")
        if !Omit ; This could also be send with CustomSendFunc, but some programs (eg Chrome) sometimes trim spaces/tabs
            Send("{Raw}" EndChar)
    ; Release the buffer, but restore Send settings *after* it (since it also uses Send)
    if InStr(A_SendMode, "Play")
        SetKeyDelay , PrevKeyDurationPlay, "Play"
        SetKeyDelay PrevKeyDelay
    SendMode PrevSendMode

 * InputBuffer can be used to buffer user input for keyboard, mouse, or both at once.
 * The default InputBuffer (via the main class name) is keyboard only, but new instances
 * can be created via InputBuffer().
 * InputBuffer(keybd := true, mouse := false, timeout := 0)
 *      Creates a new InputBuffer instance. If keybd/mouse arguments are numeric then the default
 *      InputHook settings are used, and if they are a string then they are used as the Option
 *      arguments for InputHook and HotKey functions. Timeout can optionally be provided to call
 *      InputBuffer.Stop() automatically after the specified amount of milliseconds (as a failsafe).
 * InputBuffer.Start()               => initiates capturing input
 * InputBuffer.Release()             => releases buffered input and continues capturing input
 * InputBuffer.Stop(release := true) => releases buffered input and then stops capturing input
 * InputBuffer.ActiveCount           => current number of Start() calls
 *                                      Capturing will stop only when this falls to 0 (Stop() decrements it by 1)
 * InputBuffer.SendLevel             => SendLevel of the InputHook
 *                                      InputBuffers default capturing SendLevel is A_SendLevel+2,
 *                                      and key release SendLevel is A_SendLevel+1.
 * InputBuffer.IsReleasing           => whether Release() is currently in action
 * InputBuffer.Buffer                => current buffered input in an array
 * Notes:
 * * Mouse input can't be buffered while AHK is doing something uninterruptible (eg busy with Send)
class InputBuffer {
    Buffer := [], SendLevel := A_SendLevel + 2, ActiveCount := 0, IsReleasing := 0, MouseButtons := ["LButton", "RButton", "MButton", "XButton1", "XButton2", "WheelUp", "WheelDown"]
    static __New() => this.DefineProp("Default", {value:InputBuffer()})
    static __Get(Name, Params) => this.Default.%Name%
    static __Set(Name, Params, Value) => this.Default.%Name% := Value
    static __Call(Name, Params) => this.Default.%Name%(Params*)
    __New(keybd := true, mouse := false, timeout := 0) {
        if !keybd && !mouse
            throw Error("At least one input type must be specified")
        this.Timeout := timeout
        this.Keybd := keybd, this.Mouse := mouse
        if keybd {
            if keybd is String {
                if RegExMatch(keybd, "i)I *(\d+)", &lvl)
                    this.SendLevel := Integer(lvl[1])
            this.InputHook := InputHook(keybd is String ? keybd : "I" (this.SendLevel) " L0 *")
            this.InputHook.NotifyNonText  := true
            this.InputHook.VisibleNonText := false
            this.InputHook.OnKeyDown      := this.BufferKey.Bind(this,,,, "Down")
            this.InputHook.OnKeyUp        := this.BufferKey.Bind(this,,,, "Up")
            this.InputHook.KeyOpt("{All}", "N S")
        this.HotIfIsActive := this.GetActiveCount.Bind(this)
    BufferMouse(ThisHotkey, Opts := "") {
        savedCoordMode := A_CoordModeMouse, CoordMode("Mouse", "Screen")
        MouseGetPos(&X, &Y)
        ThisHotkey := StrReplace(ThisHotkey, "Button")
        this.Buffer.Push(Format("{Click {1} {2} {3} {4}}", X, Y, ThisHotkey, Opts))
        CoordMode("Mouse", savedCoordMode)
    BufferKey(ih, VK, SC, UD) => (this.Buffer.Push(Format("{{1} {2}}", GetKeyName(Format("vk{:x}sc{:x}", VK, SC)), UD)))
    Start() {
        this.ActiveCount += 1
        SetTimer(this.Stop.Bind(this), -this.Timeout)

        if this.ActiveCount > 1

        this.Buffer := []

        if this.Keybd
        if this.Mouse {
            HotIf this.HotIfIsActive
            if this.Mouse is String && RegExMatch(this.Mouse, "i)I *(\d+)", &lvl)
                this.SendLevel := Integer(lvl[1])
            opts := this.Mouse is String ? this.Mouse : ("I" this.SendLevel)
            for key in this.MouseButtons {
                if InStr(key, "Wheel")
                    HotKey key, this.BufferMouse.Bind(this), opts
                else {
                    HotKey key, this.BufferMouse.Bind(this,, "Down"), opts
                    HotKey key " Up", this.BufferMouse.Bind(this), opts
            HotIf ; Disable context sensitivity
    Release() {
        if this.IsReleasing
            return []

        sent := [], clickSent := false, this.IsReleasing := 1
        if this.Mouse
            savedCoordMode := A_CoordModeMouse, CoordMode("Mouse", "Screen"), MouseGetPos(&X, &Y)

        ; Theoretically the user can still input keystrokes between ih.Stop() and Send, in which case
        ; they would get interspersed with Send. So try to send all keystrokes, then check if any more
        ; were added to the buffer and send those as well until the buffer is emptied.
        PrevSendLevel := A_SendLevel
        SendLevel this.SendLevel - 1
        while this.Buffer.Length {
            key := this.Buffer.RemoveAt(1)
            if InStr(key, "{Click ")
                clickSent := true
        SendLevel PrevSendLevel

        if this.Mouse && clickSent {
            MouseMove(X, Y)
            CoordMode("Mouse", savedCoordMode)
        this.IsReleasing := 0
        return sent
    Stop(release := true) {
        if !this.ActiveCount

        sent := release ? this.Release() : []

        if --this.ActiveCount

        if this.Keybd

        if this.Mouse {
            HotIf this.HotIfIsActive
            for key in this.MouseButtons
                HotKey key, "Off"
            HotIf ; Disable context sensitivity

        return sent
    GetActiveCount(HotkeyName) => this.ActiveCount

; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  HOTSTRINGS BELOW THIS LINE...  ABOVE THIS IS DESCOLADAS "BUFFERED HOTSTRING" SCRIPTING https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=125483#top xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

;---------------------------------------------Epic Section:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
^!p::Pause()  ; Press Ctrl+Alt+P to pause. Press it again to resume.  i want it to pause everything on this page but it doesn't work.

#HotIf WinActive("Hyperspace", ) ;  I turned it back on but only for ctrl-f function.


#HotIf             ;                it turns off here (see above)


{ ; V1toV2: Added bracket
Send("{Ctrl down}{F11}{Ctrl up}")

;F11::     i turned this off because I will use "KeyTweak" to disable the F11 button.
;send {Ctrl up}

;send {Ctrl down}

;send {F2}
;sleep 2000
;send {Ctrl down}{F11}{Ctrl up}

;SendMode, Play

;F8::     i turned this off because I used "KeyTweak" to disable the F8 button.
;send {Ctrl down}
;send f
;send {Ctrl up}
} ; V1toV2: Added Bracket before hotkey or Hotstring

{ ; V1toV2: Added bracket
} ; V1toV2: Added Bracket before hotkey or Hotstring

;#IfWinActive, Imaging and Procedures              ; to use for two windows then read here: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/misc/WinTitle.htm#ahk_group

{ ; V1toV2: Added bracket
Send("{Alt down}S{Alt up}")               ;             this is for when I paste from dragon box into the xray box, it signs it for me.
Send("{Ctrl down}{Shift down}M{Shift up}{Ctrl up}")   ; this selects the office note pane
Send("{Ctrl down}")  ;                                   this refreshes the note (four steps)
Send("{Ctrl up}")
} ; V1toV2: Added bracket in the end

;---------------------------------------------everything, including hyperspace section:-----------------------------------------------------------------


MButton::                                           ; this is the middle moust button that does FOUR* things:
;send, {Ctrl down}{Shift down}M{Shift up}{Ctrl up}   ;this selects the office note pane*
{ ; V1toV2: Added bracket
Send("{Click}")                                        ; places cursor in note.
Send("{Ctrl down}")
ToolTip("mbutton script")                                  ; refresh (three steps)
Send("{Ctrl up}")
Send("{F2}")                                           ; moves to next ***



::amag::_HS("AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Disease and Injury Causation, Second Edition")

::amagg::_HS("AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Fourth Edition")


:X:arent:: _HS("aren't")


::bctr::_HS("bilateral carpal tunnel releases")

::bctrs::_HS("bilateral carpal tunnel releases")

::bilctr::_HS("bilateral carpal tunnel releases")

::bilctrs::_HS("bilateral carpal tunnel releases")

::bc::_HS("because" . A_EndChar)

::cjm::_HS("Dr. Maugans")

::cmm::_HS("It is Okay to call in the medication as noted above.")

::cr::_HS("cervical radiculopathy")

::cts::_HS("carpal tunnel syndrome")


::dexa::_HS("We discussed the option")


::dupf::_HS("Dupuytren's fasciectomy")

::eb::_HS("excisional biopsy")

::ebs::_HS("excisional biopsies")

::ele::_HS("I sent this prescription electronically.")


::et::_HS("extensor tenosynovitis")



::gc::_HS("ganglion cyst")



::hnd::_HS("have a nice day")

::hehappy::_HS("He is very happy with how he is doing")

::hehappyhand::_HS("He is very with how his hand is doing")


::iff::_HS("index finger")


::le::_HS("lateral epicondylitis")

::lctr::_HS("left carpal tunnel release")

::lcts::_HS("left carpal tunnel syndrome")


::mci::_HS("midcarpal instability")

::mee::_HS("medial epicondylitis")

::noleft::_HS("The left side was not studied here")

::noright::_HS("The right side was not studied here")

::NR::_HS("no restrictions")

::om::_HS("I made an order in the chart for this")

::omt::_HS("I made an order in the chart for therapy")





::pss::_HS("I printed and signed the Prescription as below.")

::ptj::_HS("Pisotriquetral joint")

::rctr::_HS("right carpal tunnel release")

::rss::_HS("radial styloid")

::rta::_HS("I would like .him to  back to most activities.")

::rcts::_HS("right carpal tunnel syndrome")

::sa::_HS("sporting activities")



::sei::_HS("the skin envelope is completely intact")

::shehappy::_HS("She is very happy with how she is doing")

::shehappyhand::_HS("She is very happy with how her hand is doing")

::skd::_HS("Skeletal Dynamics")


::suturesout::_HS("We removed .his sutures today without any problems and discussed how to handle things from here")


::tcs::_HS("I would like the study to be done to include thin cuts in sagittal and coronal views of the Scaphoid in line with the thumb metacarpal to evaluate for healing and alignment of the Scaphoid.  I'd also like 3D reconstruction views, as well.")


::ty::_HS("Thank you")

::usf::_HS("ulnar styloid fracture")

::usfx::_HS("ulnar styloid fracture")

::utr::_HS("ulnar tunnel release")

::vmmm::_HS("I called and got a voicemail.  I left a generic message with no medical information.")


::wmmc::_HS("Western Missouri Medical Center")




::2pd::_HS("2-point discrimination")

::2pdi::_HS("2-point driscrimination intact")

::2v::_HS("2 views of the")

::2vl::_HS("2 views of the left")

::2vlc::_HS("2 views of the left clavicle")

::2vle::_HS("2 views of the left elbow")

::2vlf::_HS("2 views of the left forearm")

::2vlfa::_HS("2 views of the left forearm")

::2vlh::_HS("2 views of the left hand")

::2vlhu::_HS("2 views of the left humerus")

::2vls::_HS("2 views of the left shoulder")

::2vlt::_HS("2 views of the left thumb")

::2vlw::_HS("2 views of the left wrist")

::2vr::_HS("2 views of the right")

::2vrc::_HS("2 views of the right clavicle")

::2vre::_HS("2 views of the right elbow")

::2vrf::_HS("2 views of the right forearm")

::2vrfa::_HS("2 views of the right forearm")

::2vrh::_HS("2 views of the right hand")

::2vrhu::_HS("2 views of the right humerus")

::2vrs::_HS("2 views of the right shoulder")

::2vrt::_HS("2 views of the right thumb")

::2vrw::_HS("2 views of the right wrist")


::3v::_HS("3 views of the")

::3vl::_HS("3 views of the left")

::3vlh::_HS("3 views of the left hand")

::3vls::_HS("3 views of the left shoulder")

::3vlt::_HS("3 views of the left thumb")

::3vlw::_HS("3 views of the left wrist")

::3vr::_HS("3 views of the right")

::3vrh::_HS("3 views of the right hand")

::3vrs::_HS("3 views of the right shoulder")

::3vrt::_HS("3 views of the right thumb")

::3vrw::_HS("3 views of the right wrist")

::4v::_HS("4 views of the")

::4vl::_HS("4 views of the left")

::4vlw::_HS("4 views of the left wrist")

::4vr::_HS("4 view of the right")

::4vrw::_HS("4 views of the right wrist")









::ac::_HS("AC joint")














::acpp::_HS("acute calcific periarthritis")











::afa::_HS("a fair amount")

::afaict::_HS("as far as I can tell")

::Afaict::_HS("As far as I can tell")

::afamp::_HS("a fair amount of pain")







::all4::_HS("index, long, ring and small fingers")

::alm::_HS("at least moderate")

::almm::_HS("at least mild")


::ambe::_HS("as might be expected")







::apl::_HS("AP and lateral x-rays of the")

::aplo::_HS("AP, lateral and oblique x-rays of the")

::apm::_HS("anesthesia pain management")

::apo::_HS("AP and oblique x-rays of the")









::arom::_HS("active range of motion")

::arr::_HS("Dr. Rosenthal")




::asb::_HS("anatomic snuffbox")






::asr::_HS("Dr. Rosenthal")

::asrfu::_HS("This followup is to be schedule with Dr. Rosenthal")











::awbe::_HS("as would be expected")

::az::_HS("Dr. Zonno")





::benet's::_HS("Bennett's fracture")

::benets::_HS("Bennett's fracture")

::benett's::_HS("Bennett's fracture")

::benetts::_HS("Bennett's fracture")

::bennet's::_HS("Bennett's fracture")

::bennets::_HS("Bennett's fracture")

::bennett's::_HS("Bennett's fracture")

::bennetts::_HS("Bennett's fracture")




::bmd::_HS("bone mineral density")




::bss::_HS("blood sugar")




::btw::_HS("by the way")






::c/o::_HS("complain of")

::caf::_HS("carpal avulsion fracture")






::cav::_HS("carpal avulsion fracture")

::cb::_HS("carpal boss")




::cesi::_HS("cervical epidural steroid injection")

::cfb::_HS("counterforce brace")

::cgt::_HS("continue therapy")



::ci::_HS("cortisone injection")

::cis::_HS("cortisone injections")

::cjm::_HS("Dr. Maugans")








::clp::_HS("cases prior to this one will need their location changed.  thanks and sorry.")


::cmc::_HS("CMC joint")

::cmcs::_HS("carpometacarpal joints")

::cmh::_HS("Children's Mercy Hospital")

















::crps::_HS("Complex Regional Pain Syndrome")

::ct::_HS("CT scan")

::cta::_HS("Cuff Tear Arthropathy")

::ctct::_HS("carpal tunnel compression test")

::ctr::_HS("carpal tunnel release")

::ctrr::_HS("cubital tunnel release, possible transposition")

::ctrs::_HS("carpal tunnel releases")

::cts::_HS("carpal tunnel syndrome")

::ctt::_HS("Calcific Tendonitis")

::cub::_HS("cubital tunnel syndrome")

::Cub::_HS("cubital tunnel syndrome")


::cubr::_HS("cubital tunnel release, possible transposition")

::cubrr::_HS("cubital tunnel release")

::cw::_HS("consistent with")





::darv::_HS("Darvocet N-100")


::dce::_HS("distal clavicle excision")






::deq::_HS("de Quervain's disease")

::deqr::_HS("de Quervain's release")


::dhf::_HS("distal humerus fracture")

::dhfx::_HS("distal humerus fracture")




::dip::_HS("DIP joint")


::dips::_HS("DIP joints")











::djd::_HS("degenerative joint disease")




::dp::_HS("distal phalanx")

::drf::_HS("distal radius fracture")

::drfx::_HS("distal radius fracture")

::drr::_HS("distal radius")



::Druj::_HS("distal radioulnar joint")




::dup::_HS("Dupuytren's Disease")

::dur::_HS("distal ulna resection")

::duu::_HS("distal ulna")



::dwg::_HS("dorsal wrist ganglion")

::dwi::_HS("Dorsal Wrist Impingement")









::ebm::_HS("evidence-based medicine")




::eft::_HS("elbow flexion test")




::ell::_HS("Essex Lopresti Lesion")



::emgg::_HS("EMG and nerve conduction study")




::etr::_HS("extensor tendon repair")

::etrs::_HS("extensor tendon repairs")

::ets::_HS("extensor tenosynovitis")









::expectsorenessf::_HS("I told her that I would expect what little soreness that she has to go away over time")

::expectsorenessm::_HS("I told him that I would expect what little soreness that he has to go away over time")



::f8::_HS("figure of 8 brace")




::fbb::_HS("foreign body")




::fdc::_HS("first dorsal compartment")


::ff::_HS("forward flexion")


::fig8::_HS("figure of 8 brace")








::fooslh::_HS("fell on outstretched left hand")

::foosrh::_HS("fell on outstretched right hand")

::fps::_HS("fat pad sign")






::ftr::_HS("flexor tendon repair")

::ftrct::_HS("full thickness rotator cuff tear")

::fts::_HS("flexor tenosynovitis")


::ftt::_HS("flexor tendon transfer")

::fu::_HS("follow up")

::fws::_HS("first web space")


















::gasa::_HS("gym and sporting activities")

;~ ::gcc::***
;~ {
;~ SendHS("The pathology is consistent with a ganglion cyst.  We talked about this.  There is a risk of recurrence of this type of mass and we went over this again today")

::gct::_HS("Giant Cell Tumor")

::gctts::_HS("Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath")


::gen::_HS("General Anesthesia")

::gfd::_HS("Dr. Dugan")

::GFD::_HS("Dr. Dugan")

::gg::_HS("Dr. Go")

::gh::_HS("Glenohumeral joint")



::gp::_HS("growth plate")

::grap::_HS("good radial artery pulse")

::gsa::_HS("gym or sporting activities")

::gsaa::_HS("gym and sporting activities")

::gt::_HS("go therapy")

::gtt::_HS("greater tuberosity")




::hbp::_HS("high blood pressure")

::hbtsoo::_HS("hand based thumb spica orthoplast orthosis")


::hecuff::_HS("He is in his cuff")

::Hesh::_HS("He is in his shoulder immobilizer")

::hesh::_HS("He is in his shoulder immobilizer")

::hesi::_HS("He is in his shoulder immobilizer")

::Hesi::_HS("He has been in the shoulder immobilizer")

::hesling::_HS("He is in his sling")

::HEsling::_HS("He is in his sling")

::Hesling::_HS("He is in his sling")

::hetherapy::_HS("He is in therapy")

::hehasbrace::_HS("He has been in a brace")

::hehascast::_HS("He has been in a cast")

::hecast::_HS("He is in a cast")

::hehascast::_HS("He has been in a cast")

::hesplint::_HS("He is in a splint")

::hehassplint::_HS("He has been in a splint")

::hehastherapy::_HS("He has been in therapy")

::hetherapy::_HS("He has been in therapy")

::Hfn::_HS("He first noticed this")

::Hftm::_HS("His father tells me that")

::HH::_HS("Home Health")

::hh::_HS("Home Health")

::Hftm::_HS("Her father tells me that")

::Hmftm::_HS("Her mother tells me that")




::hlh::_HS("He is left handed.")

::Hmftm::_HS("Her mother tells me that")

::Hmtm::_HS("His mother tells me that")

::hn::_HS("healing nicely")

::hnw::_HS("he not want")

::ho::_HS("A `"Wrist/hand exercises range of motion`" handout was given to the patient / family and they were instructed as to how to use it and do the exercises")

::hoo::_HS("A `"Mallet Finger Splint Treatment`" handout was given to the patient and I went over the details of the handout with the patient in detail.")

::hoof::_HS("A `"Mallet Finger Splint Treatment`" handout was given to her and I went over the details of the handout with her in detail.")

::hoom::_HS("A `"Mallet Finger Splint Treatment`" handout was given to him and I went over the details of the handout with him in detail.")







::hrft::_HS("Her father tells me that")

::Hrft::_HS("Her father tells me that")

::Hrmt::_HS("Her mother tells me that")

::hrmt::_HS("Her mother tells me that")

::hrmtm::_HS("Her mother tells me that")

::Hrmtm::_HS("Her mother tells me that")


::hs::_HS("he states")

::hsft::_HS("His father tells me that")

::Hsft::_HS("His father tells me that")

::hsftm::_HS("His father tells me that")

::hsftmt::_HS("His father tells me that")


::hsmt::_HS("His mother tells me that")

::Hsmt::_HS("His mother tells me that")

::hsmtm::_HS("His mother tells me that")

::hsmtmt::_HS("His mother tells me that")





::htmt::_HS("He tells me that")




::hwip::_HS("hardware in place")






::ic::_HS("The pathology reveals an inclusion cyst.  We talked about this.  There is a risk of recurrence of this type of these and we went over this again today")

::icc::_HS("The pathology reveals an inclusion cyst.  We talked about this.  There is a risk of recurrence of this type of these and we went over this again today")

::iff::_HS("index finger")

::il::_HS("index and long fingers")

::ilr::_HS("index, long and ring fingers")























::inthe::_HS("in the")


::ip::_HS("IP joint")

::ips::_HS("interphalangeal joints")



::jd::_HS("joint debridement")

::jkv::_HS("John Knox Village")

::JKV::_HS("John Knox Village")

::jrr::_HS("Dr. Rapley")










::kcbj::_HS("Kansas City Bone and Joint")


::kien::_HS("Kienbock's disease")

::Kien::_HS("Kienbock's disease")


::lac::_HS("long arm cast")










::lbp::_HS("Low Back Pain")

::lctrr::_HS("left cubital tunnel release, possible transposition")

::lcubr::_HS("left cubital tunnel release, possible transposition")

::le::_HS("lateral epicondylitis")

::LE::_HS("lateral epicondylitis")

::lec::_HS("Level 3 Consult.  Thank you")

::lef::_HS("Level 3 follow-up.  Thank you")

::leftwrist::_HS("left wrist")

::letosteopenia::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::letosteoporosis::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteoporosis and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::letterosteopenia::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::lettosteoporosis::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteoporosis and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::lff::_HS("Dr. Frevert")

::LFF::_HS("Dr. Frevert")

::lhb::_HS("long head of the biceps tendon")

::lhbt::_HS("long head of the biceps tendon")

::lhppd::_HS("left hand permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")




::lle::_HS("lower extremity")

::lmn::_HS("letter of medical necessity")




::lov::_HS("last office visit")

::lr::_HS("long and ring fingers")



::lrs::_HS("long, ring an small fingers")

::lsh::_HS("Lee's Summit Hospital")

::lsmc::_HS("Lee's Summit Medical Center")


::ltc::_HS("Level two Consult.  Thank you")

::ltf::_HS("Level 2 followup.  Thank you")

::ltn::_HS("Level two New Patient.  Thank you")

::lueappd::_HS("left upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")

::lueappda::_HS("left upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")

::lueppd::_HS("left upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")

::lueppda::_HS("left upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")





::mav::_HS("Dr. Valdes")

::MAV::_HS("Dr. Valdes")


::mcb::_HS("metacarpal base")

::mcbf::_HS("metacarpal base fracture")

::mcbfx::_HS("metacarpal base fracture")

::mcc::_HS("The pathology reveals a mucous cyst.  We talked about this.  There is a risk of recurrence of this type of these and we went over this again today")

::mci::_HS("Mid-Carpal Instability")


::mcn::_HS("metacarpal neck")

::mcnf::_HS("metacarpal neck fracture")

::mcnfx::_HS("metacarpal neck fracture")

::mcp::_HS("MCP joint")


::mcps::_HS("metacarpophalangeal joints")


::mdp::_HS("Medrol dosepak")





::mf::_HS("middle finger")

::mfs::_HS("middle fingers")

::mhs::_HS("modular hand set")

::ml::_HS("most likely")










::mp::_HS("middle phalanx")


::mrii::_HS("MRI scan")

::mris::_HS("MRI scans")


::ms::_HS("Multiple Sclerosis")





::mtl::_HS("more than likely")



::n/v::_HS("nausea and vomiting")

::na::_HS("Needle Aponeurotomy")





::nat::_HS("numbness and tingling")



::nbl::_HS("nailbed laceration")


::nbr::_HS("nailbed repair")



::neckguyf::_HS("We discussed that her symptoms are likely from her neck.  This is something that we should treat with therapy.  I made an order for this and my office will attempt to get this arranged.  I'd also like to arrange a consultation for her neck and my office will attempt to get this arranged also.  I made an order for this in her chart.")

::neckguym::_HS("We discussed that his symptoms are likely from his neck.  This is something that we should treat with therapy.  I made an order for this and my office will attempt to get this arranged.  I'd also like to arrange a consultation for his neck and my office will attempt to get this arranged also.  I made an order for this in his chart.")



::nep::_HS("There is no evidence of any problem")




::ngsa::_HS("no gym or sporting activities")

::nh::_HS("Nursing Home")




::nms::_HS("Note may state:")

::nmsngsa::_HS("Note may state: No gym or sporting activities")

::nmsnr::_HS("Note may state: No restrictions")

::nob::_HS("no block")

::noevid::_HS("There is no evidence of any problem")

::noevidence::_HS("There is no evidence of any problem")

::nogsa::_HS("no gym or sporting activities")


::notleft::_HS("The left side was not studied here")

::notright::_HS("The right side was not studied here")



::novv::_HS("next office visit")

::npm::_HS("narcotic pain medication")


::nr::_HS("no restrictions")




::nte::_HS("not to exceed 8 tablets per 24 hours")





::nwb::_HS("non weight-bearing")

::nxr::_HS("At that time we will need an X-ray of the ")




















::okp::_HS("outerbridge kashiwagi procedure")


::oo::_HS("Orthopaedic Oncologist")

::OOA::_HS("Out of Office Assistant")

::ooa::_HS("Out of Office Assistant")

::oob::_HS("out of brace")

::oobb::_HS("out of braces")

::oobs::_HS("out of braces")

::ooc::_HS("out of cast")

::oocc::_HS("out of casts")

::oocs::_HS("out of casts")

::oooa::_HS("Out of Office Assistant")

::OOOA::_HS("Out of Office Assistant")

::ooot::_HS("ordered and obtained in the office today reveal")

::oor::_HS("I'd like to have this patient see either Dr. Howard Rosenthal at Menorrah Medical Center or Dr. Kim Templeton at KU Medical Center for evaluation and treatment of")

::oos::_HS("out of splint")

::ooss::_HS("out of sling")

::oot::_HS("out of town")

::opm::_HS("offered pain med")




::oslh::_HS("outstretched left hand")


::osrh::_HS("outstretched right hand")



::osteopeniadexa::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteopenial::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteopenialet::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteopenialett::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteopenialetter::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteopenlet::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteopenlett::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteopenia and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")



::osteoporosisdexa::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteoporosis and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteoporosisl::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteoporosis and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteoporosislet::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteoporosis and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")

::osteoporosislett::_HS("Please fax a copy of her DEXA to her Primary Care Physician.  Then please call her and tell her that her DEXA shows osteoporosis and that she needs to call her Primary Care Physician and get an appointment to discuss treatment for that.")


::otc::_HS("over the counter")

::oty::_HS("Okay, thank you")










::pci::_HS("plus the cortisone  plus the injection")

::pcp::_HS("Primary Care Physician")


::pe::_HS("physical examination")






::pg::_HS("Pyogenic Granuloma")

::phf::_HS("proximal humerus fracture")

::phfx::_HS("proximal humerus fracture")

::pip::_HS("PIP joint")


::pips::_HS("proximal interphalangeal joints")



::pld::_HS("peri-lunate dislocation")







::pnin::_HS("pain in")

::pnn::_HS("peripheral neuropathy")


::pob::_HS("Pre-op Block")



::pp::_HS("proximal phalanx")

::ppd::_HS("permanent partial disability")

::ppda::_HS("permanent partial disability at the")

::ppfc::_HS("proximal finger flexion crease")

::prc::_HS("proximal row carpectomy")


















::prom::_HS("passive range of motion")




::pruj::_HS("proximal radioulnar joint")

::psrd::_HS("Please see the report for details")

::psrr::_HS("please send a review request to this patient")


::pu::_HS("pick up")

::qab::_HS("quite a bit")

::qabb::_HS("quite a bit better")

::qaf::_HS("quite a few")

::qaw::_HS("quite a while")


::ra::_HS("Rheumatoid Arthritis")




::rc::_HS("radiocarpal joint")


::rcr::_HS("rotator cuff repair")

::rcr+::_HS("rotator cuff repair with subacromial decompression and distal clavicle excision")

::rct::_HS("rotator cuff tear")

::rctrr::_HS("right cubital tunnel release, possible transposition")

::rcubr::_HS("right cubital tunnel release, possible transposition")
































::rf::_HS("ring finger")

::rff::_HS("rheumatoid factor")

::rfs::_HS("ring fingers")

::rh::_HS("radial head")




::rhf::_HS("radial head fracture")

::rhfx::_HS("radial head fracture")

::rhppd::_HS("right hand permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")

::rightwrist::_HS("right wrist")


::rjt::_HS("Dr. Takacs")

::rkb::_HS("reverse knuckle bender type of splint")

::rnf::_HS("radial neck fracture")

::rnfx::_HS("radial neck fracture")

::rom::_HS("range of motion")


::rsb::_HS("radial sagittal band")

::rsf::_HS("ring and small fingers")


::rss::_HS("radial styloid")



::rtc::_HS("rotator cuff")

::rtcc::_HS(" to the office")

::rto::_HS(" to the office")

::rts::_HS("Radial Tunnel Syndrome")

::rtss::_HS(" to sports")

::rtw::_HS(" to work")

::rueappd::_HS("right upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")

::rueappda::_HS("right upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")

::rueppd::_HS("right upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")

::rueppda::_HS("right upper extremity permanent partial disability at the  week-level.")







::sac::_HS("short arm cast")

::sadv::_HS("some Advil")

::salev::_HS("some Aleve")

::saleve::_HS("some Aleve")

::sas::_HS("short arm splint")

::sasa::_HS("some aspirin")

::sasp::_HS("some aspirin")


::satsc::_HS("short arm thumb spica cast")




::sc::_HS("surgery center")



::scc::_HS("Sternoclavicular joint")

::scf::_HS("Scaphocapitate fusion")




::SCKC::_HS("Surgicenter of Kansas City")

::sckc::_HS("Surgicenter of Kansas City")


::scs::_HS("surgery centers")



::se4cf::_HS("Scaphoid excision, 4 corner fusion")

::secf::_HS("Scaphoid excision, 4 corner fusion")



::seeofficef::_HS("I'd like to see her in the office to discuss this")

::seeofficem::_HS("I'd like to see him in the office to discuss this")


::sei::_HS("The skin envelope is completely intact")




::sf::_HS("small finger")

::Sfn::_HS("She first noticed this")

::sfn::_HS("She first noticed this")

::sfs::_HS("small fingers")


::shconsult::_HS("I'd like to arrange a consultation with Dr. Frevert or Dr. Rapley for this shoulder")

::shecast::_HS("she is in a cast")

::shehascast::_HS("she has been in a cast")

::sheiscast::_HS("she is in a cast")

::shecuff::_HS("She is in her cuff")

::shesh::_HS("She is in her shoulder immobilizer")

::Shesh::_HS("She is in her shoulder immobilizer")

::Shesi::_HS("She is in her shoulder immobilizer")

::shesi::_HS("She is in her shoulder immobilizer")

::Shesling::_HS("She is in a sling")

::shehassling::_HS("She has been in a sling")

::sheissplint::_HS("She is in a splint")

::shehassplint::_HS("She has been in a splint")

::shesplint::_HS("She is in a splint")

::shecuff::_HS("She is in her cuff")

::shesh::_HS("She is in her shoulder immobilizer")

::shesh::_HS("She is in her shoulder immobilizer")

::shesi::_HS("She is in her shoulder immobilizer")

::shesi::_HS("She has been in the shoulder immobilizer")

::shesling::_HS("She is in her sling")

::sHEsling::_HS("He is in her sling")

::sHesling::_HS("She is in her sling")

::shetherapy::_HS("She is in therapy")

::shehasbrace::_HS("She has been in a brace")

::shehascast::_HS("She has been in a cast")

::shecast::_HS("She is in a cast")

::shehascast::_HS("She has been in a cast")

::shesplint::_HS("She is in a splint")

::shehassplint::_HS("She has been in a splint")

::shehastherapy::_HS("She has been in therapy")

::shetherapy::_HS("She has been in therapy")


::si::_HS("shoulder immobilizer")

::sibu::_HS("some ibuprofen")




::slac::_HS("SLAC wrist arthritis")

::sle::_HS("St. Lukes East Hospital")

::slesc::_HS("St Lukes Surgicenter")

::sli::_HS("State Line Imaging")


::slsc::_HS("St Lukes East Surgericenter")

::smhs::_HS("Synthes modular hand set")

::sMot::_HS("some Motrin")

::smot::_HS("some Motrin")

::snac::_HS("SNAC wrist arthritis")

::snu::_HS("Scaphoid non-union")

::snw::_HS("she not want")






::ss::_HS("she states")


::ssss::_HS("stack splint")


::stepdown::_HS("I'd suggest we step down to")





::Stmt::_HS("She tells me that")

::stmt::_HS("she tells me that")



::stspl::_HS("stack splint")



::styl::_HS("some Tylenol")






::svlw::_HS("scaphoid views of the left wrist")

::svrw::_HS("scaphoid views of the right wrist")





::t3::_HS("Tylenol #3")

::T3::_HS("Tylenol #3")







::tes::_HS("counterforce brace")

::tess::_HS("counterforce braces")


::tf::_HS("to follow")










::thi::_HS("thumb and index finger")

::thil::_HS("thumb, index and long fingers")












::tign::_HS("This is good news")









::tnep::_HS("There is no evidence of any problem")






::tos::_HS("thoracic outlet syndrome")
















::ts::_HS("thumb spica")

::tsvwb::_HS("thumb spica Velcro wrist brace")

::ttwb::_HS("toe-touch weight bearing")








::ty::_HS("thank you")



::tyvk::_HS("Thank you very kindly")

::ua::_HS("Uric acid")

::uci::_HS("Ulnocarpal impaction")



::ue::_HS("upper extremity")

::ues::_HS("upper extremities")

::ufu::_HS("fu in approx 10-12 days")



::unv::_HS("Ulnar Negative Variance")

::upv::_HS("Ulnar Positive Variance")

::uso::_HS("ulnar shortening osteotomy")




::uts::_HS("Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome")














::vi::_HS("very important")







::vpa::_HS("Volar Plate Arthroplasty")



::vwb::_HS("Velcro wrist brace")

::vwbs::_HS("Velcro wrist braces")

::vwg::_HS("volar wrist ganglion")

::wab::_HS("Whiteman Airforce Base")

::WAB::_HS("Whiteman Airforce Base")





::wb::_HS("weight bearing")

::wbat::_HS("weight bearing as tolerated")

::wbe::_HS("would be expected")

::wc::_HS("worker's compensation")





::wep::_HS("without evidence of a problem")

::wh::_HS("work hardening")

::whatlittle::_HS("What little soreness that he has in his hand should slowly dissipate and we discussed this")

::Whatlittle::_HS("What little soreness that he has in his hand should slowly dissipate and we discussed this")

::whatlittlef::_HS("What little soreness that she has in her hand should slowly dissipate and we discussed this")

::whatlittlem::_HS("What little soreness that he has in his hand should slowly dissipate and we discussed this")


::whss::_HS("well healed surgical scar")

::whwip::_HS("with hardware in place")








::wlf::_HS("What little soreness that she has in her hand should slowly dissipate and we discussed this")

::wlm::_HS("What little soreness that he has in his hand should slowly dissipate and we discussed this")

::wnl::_HS("within normal limits")





::wrr::_HS("work related")

::wrrr::_HS("work restriction")




















;autocorrect 2018 is below here: added by SAL 11/10//2018.**************************************************************************************************************************************************

; Sep 13 2007: Added more misspellings.
;              Added fix for -ign -> -ing that ignores words like "sign".
;              Added word beginnings/endings sections to cover more options.
;              Added auto-accents section for words like fiancée, naïve, etc.
; Feb 28 2007: Added other common misspellings based on MS Word AutoCorrect.
;              Added optional auto-correction of 2 consecutive capital letters.
; Sep 24 2006: Initial release by Jim Biancolo (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.biancolo.com&d=DwIGaQ&c=oOuZnXo7RmjFQr0_owzPncA_brXcQVV21PNU2unn8Ec&r=u09iLpWkAZiy2MR9N5U1Fy2f7JUUvU64ZwcY60yKFkc&m=HdX1EBQ-F2JZiedy445kABOR3PJ4yAvmNG1fJxCemb4&s=vHgV9UbDJrUfjNomp6dB6s5YfkUyx9Io314dZNd3TDU&e= )
; This is an AutoHotKey script that implements AutoCorrect against several
; "Lists of common misspellings":
; This does not replace a proper spellchecker such as in Firefox, Word, etc.
; It is usually better to have uncertain typos highlighted by a spellchecker
; than to "correct" them incorrectly so that they are no longer even caught by
; a spellchecker: it is not the job of an autocorrector to correct *all*
; misspellings, but only those which are very obviously incorrect.
; From a suggestion by Tara Gibb, you can add your own corrections to any
; highlighted word by hitting Win+H. These will be added to a separate file,
; so that you can safely update this file without overwriting your changes.
; Some entries have more than one possible resolution (achive->achieve/archive)
; or are clearly a matter of deliberate personal writing style (wanna, colour)
; These have been placed at the end of this file and commented out, so you can
; easily edit and add them back in as you like, tailored to your preferences.
; https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__en.wikipedia.org_wiki_Wikipedia-3ALists-5Fof-5Fcommon-5Fmisspellings&d=DwIGaQ&c=oOuZnXo7RmjFQr0_owzPncA_brXcQVV21PNU2unn8Ec&r=u09iLpWkAZiy2MR9N5U1Fy2f7JUUvU64ZwcY60yKFkc&m=HdX1EBQ-F2JZiedy445kABOR3PJ4yAvmNG1fJxCemb4&s=QWsRy55SfbYLuxFLDcYFkP8_8SVog-iV440tBXmXj2s&e=
; https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__en.wikipedia.org_wiki_Wikipedia-3ATypo&d=DwIGaQ&c=oOuZnXo7RmjFQr0_owzPncA_brXcQVV21PNU2unn8Ec&r=u09iLpWkAZiy2MR9N5U1Fy2f7JUUvU64ZwcY60yKFkc&m=HdX1EBQ-F2JZiedy445kABOR3PJ4yAvmNG1fJxCemb4&s=2HjoSw8BYSYYIacc_dPeEkaiFWC3PW8JfV6uSlXofTs&e=
; Microsoft Office autocorrect list
; Script by jaco0646 https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.autohotkey.com_forum_topic8057.html&d=DwIGaQ&c=oOuZnXo7RmjFQr0_owzPncA_brXcQVV21PNU2unn8Ec&r=u09iLpWkAZiy2MR9N5U1Fy2f7JUUvU64ZwcY60yKFkc&m=HdX1EBQ-F2JZiedy445kABOR3PJ4yAvmNG1fJxCemb4&s=Lb4bPh2YAx1zz35JAAMZNj-Yr-R_mAtO68RMSgjX5zI&e=
; OpenOffice autocorrect list
; TextTrust press release
; User suggestions.
;   Settings
;   AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals (commented out by default)
;   Win+H code
;   Fix for -ign instead of -ing
;   Word endings
;   Word beginnings
;   Accented English words
;   Common Misspellings - the main list
;   Ambiguous entries - commented out

; Settings
; REMOVED: #NoEnv ; For security
;#SingleInstance force

; AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals.
; Disabled by default to prevent unwanted corrections such as IfEqual->Ifequal.
; To enable it, remove the /*..*/ symbols around it.
; From Laszlo's script at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.autohotkey.com_forum_topic9689.html&d=DwIGaQ&c=oOuZnXo7RmjFQr0_owzPncA_brXcQVV21PNU2unn8Ec&r=u09iLpWkAZiy2MR9N5U1Fy2f7JUUvU64ZwcY60yKFkc&m=HdX1EBQ-F2JZiedy445kABOR3PJ4yAvmNG1fJxCemb4&s=dFyL0QMBCiWPK3VJrDSCmslmRFzp-yOWHoFzmEfhEnY&e=

; The first line of code below is the set of letters, digits, and/or symbols
; that are eligible for this type of correction.  Customize if you wish:
;keys = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
;Loop Parse, keys
;    HotKey ~+%A_LoopField%, Hoty
;   CapCount := SubStr(A_PriorHotKey,2,1)="+" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey<999 ? CapCount+1 : 1
;    if CapCount = 2
;        SendHS("% "{BS}" . SubStr(A_ThisHotKey,3,1)
;    else if CapCount = 3
;        SendHS("% "{Left}{BS}+" . SubStr(A_PriorHotKey,3,1) . "{Right}"


; Win+H to enter misspelling correction.  It will be added to this script.
; Get the selected text. The clipboard is used instead of "ControlGet Selected"
; as it works in more editors and word processors, java apps, etc. Save the
; current clipboard contents to be restored later.
; REMOVED: AutoTrim Off  ; Retain any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard.
;ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll()
;A_Clipboard := ""  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
;Errorlevel := !ClipWait(1)
;if ErrorLevel  ; ClipWait timed out.

; Replace CRLF and/or LF with `n for use in a "send-raw" hotstring:
; The same is done for any other characters that might otherwise
; be a problem in raw mode:
; StrReplace() is not case sensitive
; check for StringCaseSense in v1 source script
; and change the CaseSense param in StrReplace() if necessary
;Hotstring := StrReplace(A_Clipboard, "`, ```, All",,,, 1)  ; Do this replacement first to avoid interfering with the others below.
; StrReplace() is not case sensitive
; check for StringCaseSense in v1 source script
; and change the CaseSense param in StrReplace() if necessary
;Hotstring := StrReplace(Hotstring, "`r`n", "``r")  ; Using `r works better than `n in MS Word, etc.
; StrReplace() is not case sensitive
; check for StringCaseSense in v1 source script
; and change the CaseSense param in StrReplace() if necessary
;Hotstring := StrReplace(Hotstring, "`n", "``r")
; StrReplace() is not case sensitive
; check for StringCaseSense in v1 source script
; and change the CaseSense param in StrReplace() if necessary
;Hotstring := StrReplace(Hotstring, A_Tab, "``t")
; StrReplace() is not case sensitive
; check for StringCaseSense in v1 source script
; and change the CaseSense param in StrReplace() if necessary
;Hotstring := StrReplace(Hotstring, "`;", "```;")
;A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
; This will move the InputBox's caret to a more friendly position:
;SetTimer MoveCaret,10
; Show the InputBox, providing the default hotstring:
;InputBox(Hotstring, Hotstring, "Provide the corrected word on the right side. You can also edit the left side if you wish.") ;`n`nExample entry:`n::teh::the,,,,,,,, ::%Hotstring%::%Hotstring%
;InputBox("Provide the corrected word on the right side. You can also edit the left side if you wish.",Hotstring,,Hotstring) ;`n`nExample entry:`n::teh::the,,,,,,,, ::%Hotstring%::%Hotstring%

;if (ErrorLevel != 0)  ; The user pressed Cancel.

; Otherwise, add the hotstring and reload the script:
;FileAppend("`n" Hotstring, A_ScriptFullPath)  ; Put a `n at the beginning in case file lacks a blank line at its end.
;Sleep(200) ; If successful, the reload will close this instance during the Sleep, so the line below will never be reached.
;msgResult := MsgBox("The hotstring just added appears to be improperly formatted.  Would you like to open the script for editing? Note that the bad hotstring is at the bottom of the script.", "", 4)
;if (msgResult = "Yes")
;    Edit()

;} ; Added bracket before function

;if !WinActive("Hotstring")

; Otherwise, move the InputBox's insertion point to where the user will type the abbreviation.
;Loop StrLen(Hotstring) + 4
;    SendInput("{Right}")

;#Hotstring R  ; Set the default to be "raw mode" (might not actually be relied upon by anything yet).

; Fix for -ign instead of -ing.
; Words to exclude: (could probably do this by  without rewrite)
; From: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.morewords.com_e&d=DwIGaQ&c=oOuZnXo7RmjFQr0_owzPncA_brXcQVV21PNU2unn8Ec&r=u09iLpWkAZiy2MR9N5U1Fy2f7JUUvU64ZwcY60yKFkc&m=HdX1EBQ-F2JZiedy445kABOR3PJ4yAvmNG1fJxCemb4&s=Ue7BAITDOFoGHYLlwAx60IUgdSwNIiRQoRWNIGubcWM&e=  nds-with/gn/
;#Hotstring B0  ; Turns off automatic backspacing for the following hotstrings.





































  ; This makes the above hotstrings do nothing so that they override the ign->ing rule below.

;#Hotstring B  ; Turn back on automatic backspacing for all subsequent hotstrings.

; Word endings





:?:, btu::_HS(", but")
   ; Not just replacing "btu", as that is a unit of heat.

:?: btu::_HS("; but")


; Word beginnings






























  ; Omit asterisk so that it doesn't disrupt the typing of developed/developer.





















































; Word middles

 ; Covers incompat:* and compat:*
  ; Covers subcatagories and catagories.

; Accented English words, from, amongst others,
; https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__en.wikipedia.org_wiki_List-5Fof-5FEnglish-5Fwords-5Fwith-5Fdiacritics&d=DwIGaQ&c=oOuZnXo7RmjFQr0_owzPncA_brXcQVV21PNU2unn8Ec&r=u09iLpWkAZiy2MR9N5U1Fy2f7JUUvU64ZwcY60yKFkc&m=HdX1EBQ-F2JZiedy445kABOR3PJ4yAvmNG1fJxCemb4&s=ir36gjZzMTK_v6oBJzwvh_Mzjhe5gkx429q_96rNbBU&e=
; I have included all the ones compatible with reasonable codepages, and placed
; those that may often not be accented either from a clash with an unaccented
; word (resume), or because the unaccented version is now common (cafe).


::a bas::_HS("à bas")

::a la::_HS("à la")

::ancien regime::_HS("Ancien Régime")





::ao dai::_HS("ào dái")










::belle epoque::_HS("belle époque")

::bete noire::_HS("bête noire")











::cinema verite::_HS("cinéma vérité")

::cinemas verite::_HS("cinémas vérité")

::cinema verites::_HS("cinéma vérités")


::charge d'affaires::_HS("chargé d'affaires")
















::coup d'etat::_HS("coup d'état")

::coup d'etats::_HS("coup d'états")

::coup de tat::_HS("coup d'état")

::coup de tats::_HS("coup d'états")

::coup de grace::_HS("coup de grâce")





::creme brulee::_HS("crème brûlée")

::creme brulees::_HS("crème brûlées")

::creme caramel::_HS("crème caramel")

::creme caramels::_HS("crème caramels")

::creme de cacao::_HS("crème de cacao")

::creme de menthe::_HS("crème de menthe")





















::deja vu::_HS("déjà vu")

















::el nino::_HS("El Niño")





















::fin de siecle::_HS("fin de siècle")




::Fohn wind::_HS("Föhn wind")

::folie a deux::_HS("folie à deux")

::folies a deux::_HS("folies à deux")
















::grafenberg spot::_HS("Gräfenberg spot")











::langue d'oil::_HS("langue d'oïl")

::la nina::_HS("La Niña")





::maitre d'hotel::_HS("maître d'hôtel")











::menage a trois::_HS("ménage à trois")

::menages a trois::_HS("ménages à trois")




::mobius strip::_HS("Möbius strip")

::mobius strips::_HS("Möbius strips")




::motley crue::_HS("Mötley Crüe")











::neufchatel cheese::_HS("Neufchâtel cheese")

::nez perce::_HS("Nez Percé")



::número uno::_HS("número uno")

::objet trouve::_HS("objet trouvé")

::objets trouve::_HS("objets trouvé")




::opera bouffe::_HS("opéra bouffe")

::operas bouffe::_HS("opéras bouffe")

::opera comique::_HS("opéra comique")

::operas comique::_HS("opéras comique")




::piece de resistance::_HS("pièce de résistance")



::pina colada::_HS("Piña Colada")

::pina coladas::_HS("Piña Coladas")
























::raison d'etre::_HS("raison d'être")










::roman a clef::_HS("roman à clef")












::sinn fein::_HS("Sinn Féin")



















::ventre a terre::_HS("ventre à terre")


::vin rose::_HS("vin rosé")

::vins rose::_HS("vins rosé")

::vis a vis::_HS("vis à vis")


I do, so much, appreciate your help,
thank you,


Posts: 1193
Joined: 23 Dec 2021, 02:30

Re: having trouble using "Epic" electronic medical record with AHK, please help  Topic is solved

Post by Descolada » 15 Feb 2024, 13:55

@someguyinKC I'm wondering whether the problem is that Epic is too slow to process the Ctrl+V from Clip? I could reproduce a similar problem in VSCode with

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2

:X:a::Clip("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), Send("b")

; Clip() - Send and Retrieve Text Using the Clipboard
; by berban - updated 6/23/2023
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=118764
Clip(Text:="", Reselect:="", Restore:=False)
	Static BackUpClip, Stored := False, LastClip, RestoreClip := Clip.Bind(,,True)
	If Restore {
		If (A_Clipboard == LastClip)
			A_Clipboard := BackUpClip
		BackUpClip := LastClip := Stored := ""
	} Else {
		If !Stored {
			Stored := True
			BackUpClip := ClipboardAll() ; ClipboardAll must be on its own line (or does it in v2?)
		} Else
			SetTimer RestoreClip, 0
		LongCopy := A_TickCount, A_Clipboard := "", LongCopy -= A_TickCount ; LongCopy gauges the amount of time it takes to empty the clipboard which can predict how long the subsequent clipwait will need
		If (Text = "") {
			ClipWait LongCopy ? 0.6 : 0.2, True
		} Else {
			A_Clipboard := LastClip := Text
			ClipWait 10
		SetTimer RestoreClip, -700
		Sleep 40 ; Short sleep in case Clip() is followed by more keystrokes such as {Enter}
		If (Text = "")
			Return LastClip := A_Clipboard
		Else If ReSelect and ((ReSelect = True) or (StrLen(Text) < 3000)) ; and !(WinActive("ahk_class XLMAIN") or WinActive("ahk_class OpusApp"))
			Send("{Shift Down}{Left " StrLen(StrReplace(Text, "`r")) "}{Shift Up}")
where about half the time the "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" was not sent and only "b" was. That is opposite to what you are encountering, but maybe they are manifestations of the same problem? I could fix that by changing the line Sleep 40 ; Short sleep in case Clip() is followed by more keystrokes such as {Enter} inside the Clip function to something bigger, eg Sleep 200. Try doing that and if that fixes it, slowly decrease the Sleep until you find the minimum amount of Sleep necessary.

Posts: 68
Joined: 25 Oct 2018, 11:33

Re: having trouble using "Epic" electronic medical record with AHK, please help

Post by someguyinKC » 15 Feb 2024, 19:49

The final tweak of changing the "sleep 40" to "sleep 200" works!!

Thank you so much @Descolada !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :D
thank you,


Posts: 68
Joined: 25 Oct 2018, 11:33

Re: having trouble using "Epic" electronic medical record with AHK, please help

Post by someguyinKC » 23 Feb 2024, 15:25

@Descolada: I was trying to add back in the "autocorrect" script that permits one to highlight a misspelled word and hit Win-H (or whatever they choose) to add it to the script. I was looking at this viewtopic.php?f=83&t=120220&p=559328#p559328thread and couldn't figure out how to add it and whether it would work with the "buffered hotstring" method we discussed here.
thank you,


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