@mikey. Found it. Made sure it was in the right place and right path's were chosen it still won't print landscape after choosing it.Unless I have downloaded the wrong library? But everything appears fine.Here is the library.
Code: Select all
; SGDIPrint-library
; Simple GDI-Printing library for AHK_L (32bit & 64bit compatible)
; by Zed_Gecko
; thanks to: engunneer, Lexikos, closed, controlfreak, just me, fincs, tic
; Requires tics GDI+ Library unless you use bare GDI printing (means printing directly on the printer-DC)
; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32238
; with GDI+ you can either draw directly on the printer (SGDIPrint_printerfriendlyGraphicsFromHDC) or
; draw on a matching bitmap first (SGDIPrint_GetMatchingBitmap) which you copy later to the printer,
; which allows to preview the print and to save it to file
; but it uses more resources & time, and the printing result may differ from "direct"-printing
; Functions:
; SGDIPrint_GDIPStartup() Start GDI+
; SGDIPrint_EnumPrinters() Get List of Printer Names
; SGDIPrint_GetDefaultPrinter() Get default-Printer Name
; SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrinterName() Get GDI DC from Printer Name
; SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrintDlg() Get GDI DC from user-dialog
; SGDIPrint_GetMatchingBitmap() Get a GDI+ Bitmap matching to print-out size
; SGDIPrint_DeleteBitmap() deletes a GDI+ Bitmap
; SGDIPrint_BeginDocument() starts the GDI-print-session
; SGDIPrint_printerfriendlyGraphicsFromBitmap() creates GDI+ graphic
; SGDIPrint_CopyBitmapToPrinterHDC() copies a GDI+ Bitmap to a matching printer GDI DC
; SGDIPrint_printerfriendlyGraphicsFromHDC() creates GDI+ graphic
; SGDIPrint_TextFillUpRect() fills up a rectangle on a GDI+ graphic with text
; SGDIPrint_DeleteGraphics() deletes GDI+ graphic
; SGDIPrint_NextPage() starts new page in the GDI-print-session
; SGDIPrint_EndDocument() ends the GDI-print-session
; SGDIPrint_AbortDocument() aborts the GDI-print-session
; SGDIPrint_GDIPShutdown() End GDI+
; Global Vars
; SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrinterName() and SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrintDlg() create the folowing global vars:
; SGDIPrint_HDC_Orientation Page Orientation: PORTRAIT = 1 LANDSCAPE = 2
; SGDIPrint_HDC_Color Color-Printing.Mode: B/W = 1 COLOR = 2
; SGDIPrint_HDC_Copies the number of copies you or user selected [integer]
; SGDIPrint_HDC_Width Width in pixel
; SGDIPrint_HDC_Height Height in pixel
; SGDIPrint_HDC_xdpi X resolution in DPI
; SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi Y resolution in DPI
; Uncomment if Gdip.ahk is not in your standard library
#Include, D:\PortableApps\AutoHotkeyPortable\Jr Script's\MsgBoxGui's\Gdip_All.ahk
; SGDIPrint_GDIPStartup inits GDI+ or terminates the script when GDI+ is not availiable
; you can call Gdip_Startup directly if you prefer.
If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system
return %pToken%
; SGDIPrint_EnumPrinters retrieves a LineFeed-delimited List of NAMES of available printers
; use this or SGDIPrint_GetDefaultPrinter() to get a valid printer-name for SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrinterName()
NULL := ""
Level := 4
pcbNeeded := 0
pcReturned := 0
out := DllCall("Winspool.drv\EnumPrinters", "UInt", PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, "Str", NULL, "UInt", Level, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0, "UIntP", pcbNeeded, "UIntP", pcReturned)
pcbGranted := VarSetCapacity(pPrinterEnum , pcbNeeded)
out := DllCall("Winspool.drv\EnumPrinters", "UInt", PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, "Str", NULL, "UInt", Level, "Ptr", &pPrinterEnum, "UInt", pcbGranted, "UIntP", pcbNeeded, "UIntP", pcReturned)
loop, %pcReturned%
Offset := (A_Index - 1) * (A_PtrSize * 3)
pName := StrGet(Numget(pPrinterEnum, 0 + Offset))
Namelist .= ((A_Index = 1)? "" : "`n") . pName
VarSetCapacity(pPrinterEnum, 0)
return %Namelist%
; SGDIPrint_GetDefaultPrinter retrieves the NAME of the default printer
; use this or SGDIPrint_EnumPrinters() to get a valid printer-name for SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrinterName()
Null := ""
DllCall("winspool.drv\GetDefaultPrinter", "Ptr", NULL, "UintP", nSize)
if A_IsUnicode
nSize := VarSetCapacity(gPrinter, nSize*2)
nSize := VarSetCapacity(gPrinter, nSize)
DllCall("winspool.drv\GetDefaultPrinter", "Str", gPrinter, "UintP", nSize)
Defaultprinter := gPrinter
Return %Defaultprinter%
; SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrinterName returns a GDI DC-Handle for the printer specified by NAME
; and sets global Vars SGDIPrint_HDC_Orientation , SGDIPrint_HDC_Color , SGDIPrint_HDC_Copies
; SGDIPrint_HDC_Width , SGDIPrint_HDC_Height (both in pixel) , SGDIPrint_HDC_xdpi , SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi (both resolution in DPI)
; with the optional parameters dmOrientation , dmColor , dmCopies you can change the default values used by the printer:
; Orientation: PORTRAIT = 1 LANDSCAPE = 2
; Color: B/W = 1 COLOR = 2
; Copies: any number of copies you want [integer]
SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrinterName(pPrinterName, dmOrientation = 0, dmColor = 0, dmCopies = 0)
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Orientation
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Color
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Copies
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Width
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Height
global SGDIPrint_HDC_xdpi
global SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi
MainhWnd := A_ScriptHwnd
NULL := ""
VarSetCapacity(pPrinter , A_PtrSize, 0)
out := DllCall("Winspool.drv\OpenPrinter", "Ptr", &pPrinterName, "PtrP", pPrinter, "UInt", NULL, "Ptr")
sizeDevMode := DllCall("Winspool.drv\DocumentProperties", "Ptr", MainhWnd, "Ptr", pPrinter, "Ptr", &pPrinterName, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0, "Int")
VarSetCapacity(pDevModeOutput , sizeDevMode, 0)
out2 := DllCall("Winspool.drv\DocumentProperties", "Ptr", MainhWnd, "Ptr", pPrinter, "Ptr", &pPrinterName, "Ptr", &pDevModeOutput, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 2, "Int")
if ((dmOrientation = 1)||(dmOrientation = 2))
NumPut(dmOrientation, pDevModeOutput, 44, "Short")
if dmCopies is integer
if (dmCopies > 0)
NumPut(dmCopies, pDevModeOutput, 54, "Short")
if ((dmColor = 1)||(dmColor = 2))
NumPut(dmColor, pDevModeOutput, 60, "Short")
out3 := DllCall("Winspool.drv\DocumentProperties", "Ptr", MainhWnd, "Ptr", pPrinter, "Ptr", &pPrinterName, "Ptr", &pDevModeOutput, "Ptr", &pDevModeOutput, "UInt", 10, "Int")
dmOrientation := NumGet(pDevModeOutput, 44, "Short")
dmCopies := NumGet(pDevModeOutput, 54, "Short")
dmColor := NumGet(pDevModeOutput, 60, "Short")
DllCall("ClosePrinter", "Ptr", pPrinter)
hDc := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateDC", "Str", NULL, "Ptr", &pPrinterName, "Str", NULL, "Ptr", &pDevModeOutput, "Ptr")
SGDIPrint_HDC_Orientation := dmOrientation
SGDIPrint_HDC_Color := dmColor
SGDIPrint_HDC_Copies := dmCopies
VarSetCapacity(pDevModeOutput , 0)
VarSetCapacity(pPrinter , 0)
; Determine the size of the printable area in pixels:
SGDIPrint_HDC_Width := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",8)
SGDIPrint_HDC_Height := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",10)
; Determine the resolution of the printer in pixels per inch:
SGDIPrint_HDC_xdpi := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",0x58)
SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",0x5A)
return %hDc%
; SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrintDlg returns a GDI DC-Handle for the printer selected by the user in a dialog-window
; and sets global Vars SGDIPrint_HDC_Orientation , SGDIPrint_HDC_Color , SGDIPrint_HDC_Copies
; SGDIPrint_HDC_Width , SGDIPrint_HDC_Height (both in pixel) , SGDIPrint_HDC_xdpi , SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi (both resolution in DPI)
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Orientation
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Color
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Copies
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Width
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Height
global SGDIPrint_HDC_xdpi
global SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi
pdstructsize := (A_PtrSize = 4) ? 66 : 120
NumPut(pdstructsize,PRINTDIALOG_STRUCT, "UInt")
PD_NOPAGENUMS := 0x00000002
PD_NOSELECTION := 0x00000004
NumPut(PD_Flags,PRINTDIALOG_STRUCT, A_PtrSize * 5)
if !DllCall("comdlg32\PrintDlg","Ptr",&PRINTDIALOG_STRUCT)
if (hDevNames := NumGet(PRINTDIALOG_STRUCT,A_PtrSize * 3))
if (hDevModeOutput := NumGet(PRINTDIALOG_STRUCT, A_PtrSize * 2))
pDevModeOutput := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr", hDevModeOutput)
dmOrientation := NumGet(pDevModeOutput + 0, 44, "Short")
dmCopies := NumGet(pDevModeOutput + 0, 54, "Short")
dmColor := NumGet(pDevModeOutput + 0, 60, "Short")
; Get the newly created printer device context.
if !(hDC := NumGet(PRINTDIALOG_STRUCT,A_PtrSize * 4))
SGDIPrint_HDC_Orientation := dmOrientation
SGDIPrint_HDC_Color := dmColor
SGDIPrint_HDC_Copies := dmCopies
; Determine the size of the printable area in pixels:
SGDIPrint_HDC_Width := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",8)
SGDIPrint_HDC_Height := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",10)
; Determine the resolution of the printer in pixels per inch:
SGDIPrint_HDC_xdpi := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",0x58)
SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetDeviceCaps","Ptr",hDC,"int",0x5A)
return %hDC%
; SGDIPrint_GetMatchingBitmap returns a GDI+ Bitmap matching the current printers page-size with white background
; you need to call SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrintDlg or SGDIPrint_GetHDCfromPrinterName first to
; init the global width&height vars
SGDIPrint_GetMatchingBitmap(width = "g", height = "g", color = 0xFFFFFF)
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Width
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Height
if (width = "g")
width := SGDIPrint_HDC_Width
if (height = "g")
height := SGDIPrint_HDC_Height
pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(width, height)
; set background-color (default is white)
G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)
pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xffffffff)
Gdip_FillRectangle(G, pBrush, 0, 0, width, height)
return %pBitmap%
; SGDIPrint_DeleteBitmap deletes a GDI+ Bitmap
; SGDIPrint_BeginDocument starts the GDI-print-session and the first page
; returns a value > 0 on success
SGDIPrint_BeginDocument(hDC, Document_Name)
VarSetCapacity(DOCUMENTINFO_STRUCT,(A_PtrSize * 4) + 4,0),
NumPut((A_PtrSize * 4) + 4, DOCUMENTINFO_STRUCT)
if DllCall("Gdi32.dll\StartDoc","Ptr",hDC,"Ptr",&DOCUMENTINFO_STRUCT,"int") > 0
out := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\StartPage","Ptr",hDC,"int")
return %out%
; SGDIPrint_printerfriendlyGraphicsFromBitmap returns a GDI+ graphic object with printerfriendly preformatting
G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
return %G%
; SGDIPrint_CopyBitmapToPrinterHDC copies a GDI+ Bitmap on a matching Printer HDC
SGDIPrint_CopyBitmapToPrinterHDC(pBitmap, hDC)
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Width
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Height
PG := SGDIPrint_printerfriendlyGraphicsFromHDC(hDC)
Gdip_DrawImage(PG, pBitmap, 0, 0, SGDIPrint_HDC_Width, SGDIPrint_HDC_Height)
; SGDIPrint_printerfriendlyGraphicsFromHDC returns a GDI+ graphic object with printerfriendly preformatting
G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hDC)
; The default unit of measurement in this case appears to be UnitDisplay.
; Change it to UnitPixel, or our drawing will be off.
; Set the smoothing mode to antialias = 4 to make shapes appear smother (only used for vector drawing and filling)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)
; Interpolation mode has been set to HighQualityBicubic = 7
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
return %G%
;SGDIPrint_TextFillUpRect(G, Text, xpos, ypos, Width, Height, Font, Style, Align, sizeinpoints, Color, tabstoplist)
;SGDIPrint_TextFillUpRect fills up a rectangle (on GDI+ graphic) with text and returns the part of the text that did not fit.
;supports (configurable) tab-stops and word/page-wraps only on word boundaries
; G = GDI+ Graphic Handle
; Text = text to print
; xpos, ypos, Width, Height = position and size of the rectangle to be filled. default is the whole page
; Font = the name of an existing font. default is Arial
; Style = a number (0-15) defining the font-style. default is regular = 0. add up:
; Bold := 1 , Italic := 2 , Underline := 4 , Strikeout := 8
; Align = a number (0-2) defining text-alignment. default is left = 0. choose one:
; Left/Near := 0 , Center := 1 , Right/Far := 2
; sizeinpoints = font size in points(1 Point = ydpi / 72), like your Wordprocessor. default is 12
; Color = color of text in ARGB. default is black = 0xff000000
; tabstoplist = a variable list(delimiter = |) with tab-stop-offsets in parts-per-hundred (%) of the rect-width
; Each tab-stop offset, except the first one, is relative to the previous one.
; The first tab-stop offset is relative to the rect-boarder
; default is "10|10|10|10|10|10|10|10|10", 9 TabStops at 10%,20%,...,80%,90% of the rect-width
SGDIPrint_TextFillUpRect(G, Text, xpos = 0, ypos = 0, Width = "full", Height = "full", Font = "Arial", Style = 0, Align = 0, sizeinpoints = 12, Color = 0xff000000, tabstoplist = "10|10|10|10|10|10|10|10|10")
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Width
global SGDIPrint_HDC_Height
global SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi
size := Round((SGDIPrint_HDC_ydpi / 72) * sizeinpoints)
SingleBitPerPixelGridFit := 1
Rendering := 3
if !((Style >= 0) && (Style <= 15))
Style := 0
if !((Align >= 0) && (Align <= 2))
Align := 0
if Color is not number
Color := 0xff000000
if xpos is not number
xpos := 0
if ypos is not number
ypos := 0
if Width is not number
Width := SGDIPrint_HDC_Width
if Height is not number
Height := SGDIPrint_HDC_Height
if sizeinpoints is not number
sizeinpoints := 12
Loop, parse, tabstoplist, |
if (A_Index > 1)
sanetabstoplist.= "|"
if !((A_Loopfield > 0) && (A_Loopfield < 100))
sanetabstoplist.= 10
sanetabstoplist.= A_Loopfield
tabstopcount := A_Index
tabstoplist := sanetabstoplist
hFamily := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(Font)
hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style)
FormatStyle := 0x4000
hFormat := Gdip_StringFormatCreate(FormatStyle)
pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(Color)
CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, Height)
Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(G, Rendering)
; possible 64bit problem, size of real-number = ptr-size?
VarSetCapacity(tabstops, tabstopcount * 4)
Loop, parse, tabstoplist, |
Sized_Loopfield := A_Loopfield * Width / 100
NumPut(Sized_Loopfield, tabstops , (A_Index - 1) * 4, "float")
firstTabOffset := 0
a := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetStringFormatTabStops", "ptr", hFormat, "float", firstTabOffset, "int", tabstopcount, "ptr", &tabstops)
VarSetCapacity(RC2, 16)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipMeasureString", "ptr", G
, "wstr", Text, "int", -1, "ptr", hFont, "ptr", &RC, "ptr", hFormat, "ptr", &RC2, "uint*", Chars, "uint*", Lines)
if (StrLen(Text) > Chars)
NewStop := Chars + 2 - A_Index
if (NewStop <= 0)
breakchar := SubStr(Text, Newstop , 1)
if breakchar in %A_Space%,%A_Tab%,`n,`r
NewStop := Chars
StringLeft, NewText, Text, NewStop
StringTrimLeft, Text, Text, NewStop
E := Gdip_DrawString(G, NewText, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, RC)
return %Text%
; SGDIPrint_DeleteGraphics deletes the GDI+ graphic object
; SGDIPrint_NextPage creates a new page in the current printer document
; SGDIPrint_EndDocument ends the printing session and deletes the DC
; SGDIPrint_AbortDocument aborts the printing session and deletes the DC
; SGDIPrint_GDIPShutdown ends GDI+
; you can call Gdip_Shutdown directly if you prefer.