Mouse move in a circle whoes center is ....

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Mouse move in a circle whoes center is ....

05 Nov 2015, 12:22

move mouse in a circle
center = 800,450 ( my screen's center, it never changes )
radius = 50

help me with this script
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Re: Mouse move in a circle whoes center is ....

05 Nov 2015, 13:27


Code: Select all

for i, Point in GeneratePoints(800, 450, 50) {
    MouseMove, Point.1, Point.2, 0

; GeneratePoints - generates an array of points on a circle.
; PointsN = number of points
GeneratePoints(CentX, CentY, Radius, PointsN := 25) {
    Points := [], PI := 4 * ATan(1), Step := PI / (PointsN // 2), Quadrant := PointsN // 4
    Loop, % Quadrant {
        Rads := A_Index * Step
        X := Cos(Rads) * Radius
        Y := Sin(Rads) * Radius
        Points[A_Index] := [CentX + X, CentY + Y]
        Points[(Quadrant * 2) - A_Index] := [CentX - X, CentY + Y]
        Points[A_Index + (Quadrant * 2)] := [CentX - X, CentY - Y]
        Points[(Quadrant * 4) - A_Index ] := [CentX + X, CentY - Y]
    return Points
I hope this helps :)
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Re: Mouse move in a circle whoes center is ....

05 Nov 2015, 13:28

another one:

Code: Select all

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MoveMouse_Circle(800, 450, 50, 36) ; use 36 steps

MoveMouse_Circle(cx, cy, r, s) { ; move mouse in a circle
    $Pi := 4 * ATan(1)
    MouseMove, cx + r, cy, 0
    Loop, % s ; number of steps
        MouseMove, cx + r * Cos(A_Index * 2 * $Pi / s)
                 , cy + r * Sin(A_Index * 2 * $Pi / s)
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Re: Mouse move in a circle whoes center is ....

06 Nov 2015, 03:18

Code: Select all

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SetBatchLines -1

len   := 50                             ; Radius
wPos  := A_ScreenWidth/2     ; X center
hPos  := A_ScreenHeight/2    ; Y center
;steps: Slower << 360,180,120,90,72,60,45,36,30,24,18,10,9 >> Faster.
steps := 9 
point := (360/steps)

Loop % steps

GetPosFromAngle(ByRef x2,ByRef y2,x1,y1,len,ang)
{   ; MasonJar13
    ang := (ang-90) * 0.0174532925
    x2 := x1 + len * cos(ang)
    y2 := y1 + len * sin(ang)
Posts: 52
Joined: 14 Oct 2015, 22:37

Re: Mouse move in a circle whoes center is ....

08 Mar 2016, 02:01

Oops ! I didn't replay to your answers ? I am sorry in that case!

I tried all the scripts and all works like charm !

Thanks for quick replay. U guys are genious !
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Re: Mouse move in a circle whoes center is ....

26 Sep 2022, 16:11

Has anyone tried hooking one of these script up to a shortcut? Once I have selected the freeform snip in the windows snipping tool I would like to be able to run this code. An issue is that the circle will be of varying size depending on the snip. ANy advice appreciated.

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