Nested iFrames IE COM

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Nested iFrames IE COM

Post by timelizards » 09 Dec 2015, 15:12

*fixed subject 12/9

I am attempting to write a function to dig through the frames in a webpage and take an action with an element once found. This seems to work for some elements on the page, but not all. Specifically, after clicking a button "search", another frame appears (does not appear to be new window, and the current page does not navigate or change in any other way).

It is the elements in this newly visible frame that I cannot seem to access. I tried getting a new document object from the page but this didnt help. Futher testing that option seems to indicate the frame structure is not changing while interacting with the page up to this point (maybe its an invisible frame already there before i click 'search' and get the popup frame). Im still digging at this problem, however I havent made any progress in a few hours and Im wondering if my overall function is not digging through the nested frames correctly.

Here is a sample script that calls the function, but the website is not accessible from the internet. When i run this script on my computer, i get the msgbox for searchstring1 but not for searchstring2. There are at least 14 frames, with some frames having several nested frames (i think). I understand this may be extremely slow (it is), but if i could wrap my head around this issue i can look for forms or tag names instead of 'all' im thinking, and that should give my loops much smaller collections to work with.

Code: Select all


frames := wb.document.frames


	searchstring1 := "Search" ;i can click button with innertext 'search'
	searchstring2 := "searchText" ;i cannot input text into text field named 'searchText'
	loop % frames.length
		frame := frames[a_index-1]
		element_count := frame.document.all.length
		loop % element_count
			innertext := frame.document.all[a_index-1].innertext
			element_name := frame.document.all[a_index-1].name
			element_id := frame.document.all[a_index-1].id
				msgbox % "Found element id '" . element_id . "'`nname '" . element_name . "'`ninnertext '" . innertext . "'"
				msgbox found by %element_name%
				;frame.document.all[a_index-1].value := "anystring"
		if frames[a_index-1].length


IEGet(Name="") ;Retrieve pointer to existing IE window/tab
  IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame
    Name := ( Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer" ) ? "about:Tabs"
    : RegExReplace( Name, " - (Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer" )
  For wb in ComObjCreate( "Shell.Application" ).Windows
    If ( wb.LocationName = Name ) && InStr( wb.FullName, "iexplore.exe" )
      Return wb

iWB2 Learner info:

No problem here -
iwb21.png (13.53 KiB) Viewed 2116 times
iwb22.png (2.6 KiB) Viewed 2116 times
there is actually one more set of two frames i have a screenshot of but could only attach 3 total, no issue here anyway

Problem here -
IWB2.png (12.52 KiB) Viewed 2116 times

Posts: 20
Joined: 11 Sep 2015, 21:00

Re: Nested iFrames IE COM

Post by timelizards » 09 Dec 2015, 15:25

tried pre-loading the textbox with a value "LOOKFORME" then added the following code to with no success

Code: Select all

element_value := frame.document.all[a_index-1].value

	MSGBOX found element by value %element_value%

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Re: Nested iFrames IE COM

Post by Blackholyman » 09 Dec 2015, 15:44

Best bet is that you need to query the frames

Try the search at the top of for "ie error" there is a topic where i work though how to do it with another user...
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