Stitching thousands of images together with AHK Topic is solved

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Tactical Shrimp
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Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

15 Jul 2016, 17:41

So i have many well logs in pdf format i convert them to Tiffs which my software can use but they are separate images for the different pages

each PDF is about 50 pages so i got 50 images to stick in order however that may vary i a thinking define a variable to be set by the user
i have some ideas but would like some advice on where to start don't write me any code i can do that but any ideas would be much appreciated

remember there are hundreds of PDFs so dont call me lazy i would die if i did that all manual
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Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

15 Jul 2016, 18:21

Hello Tactical.

I can think of two ways to do it:

1 - GDIP (Create a canvas with enougth size (sum of all heights and maximum width) and than proceed to paste the images one after the other in the canvas based on height (next images will be pasted on current coordinate + last images height).


2 - Study the file structure for .tiff and than write a new .tiff file holding all the images.

Number 2 will probably have far better results (i even doubt the software in question would know how to individualize the images if do it the first way) but it will also require the most effort. Either way, it will be an excellent exercise and well worth the effort you put into it.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the file structure (and how to assemble it using AutoHotkey).

Best wishes.
Tactical Shrimp
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Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

15 Jul 2016, 19:20

Gio wrote:Hello Tactical.

I can think of two ways to do it:

1 - GDIP (Create a canvas with enougth size (sum of all heights and maximum width) and than proceed to paste the images one after the other in the canvas based on height (next images will be pasted on current coordinate + last images height).


2 - Study the file structure for .tiff and than write a new .tiff file holding all the images.

Number 2 will probably have far better results (i even doubt the software in question would know how to individualize the images if do it the first way) but it will also require the most effort. Either way, it will be an excellent exercise and well worth the effort you put into it.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the file structure (and how to assemble it using AutoHotkey).

Best wishes.
thank you i might have to do number 2 however all i need to do is the equivalent of someone using an image editor dragging a bunch of pictures together but it might be more effective and clean to do the thing you said about the file structure but how would what you described even be acheived witha n image editing program or would it be all non visual and would i be able to do something like that with c++ because that seems like a better way of doing it
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Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

15 Jul 2016, 20:01

This can be done easily with the montage feature in either GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick. Here's an article I wrote that discusses how to do it with GraphicsMagick:

Create an image (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF, etc.) from a multi-page PDF

And when I say easy, I mean easy — literally one command line — although there are a ton of options. Regards, Joe
Tactical Shrimp
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Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

16 Jul 2016, 10:12

Code: Select all

C:\Users\**>gm.exe montage -tile 2x10000 C:\Users\**\Desktop\PDFs\Clasifiedname.PDF output.tif
gm.exe montage: Failed to find Ghostscript (not installed?). ("" -q -dBATCH -dMa
xBitmap=50000000 -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ppmraw -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits
=4 -r72x72  "-sOutputFile=C:\Users\**\AppData\Local\Temp\gm8AIEYg" -- "C:\User
s\**\AppData\Local\Temp\gmGao6Tl" -c quit).
thats the error i got not sure what its on about what is ghost script?

edit: i also couldn't find the output file iit said was made in my appdata folder
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Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

16 Jul 2016, 11:22

> thats the error i got not sure what its on about what is ghost script?

Ghostscript is an extremely popular, open source interpreter for PostScript and PDF. Many imaging products call it to perform rasterization/rendering of PDF files. Its website is here:

The downloads are here:

Install the Ghostscript with the same bit-level as the GraphicsMagick you installed (32-bit or 64-bit).

> i also couldn't find the output file iit said was made in my appdata folder

Since it didn't find Ghostscript, it probably didn't make an output file. Should work fine once you have Ghostscript installed, but you can test it before that by making the source file a BMP, JPG, PNG, etc., i.e., it needs Ghostscript because your source file is a PDF.

Regards, Joe
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Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

16 Jul 2016, 19:44

okay it works but the resolution trash is there a way to make the resolution render out better
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Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

16 Jul 2016, 21:17

> okay it works

That's great! You're welcome.

> is there a way to make the resolution render out better

If you didn't specify the -density option, which is the horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image, then it defaults to just 72 DPI. I suggest trying 200. You may read about this option here: ... ls-density

If you didn't specify the -quality option, which is the compression level for JPEG, PNG, and TIFF, then it defaults to just 75. The range is 0 (lowest image quality and highest compression) to 100 (best image quality and lowest compression). I suggest trying values from 90 to 100. You may read about this option here: ... ls-quality

When used in conjunction with montage, the -geometry option specifies information about the tiles. I suggest making it 100%. You may read about this option here: ... s-geometry

Taking into account everything above, the command that you showed in your earlier post would look like this

Code: Select all

gm.exe montage -tile 2x10000 -geometry 100% -density 200x200 input.pdf -quality 100 output.tif
Warning: this will result in a large (uncompressed) TIFF file.

You may (or may not) get better quality results by using Xpdf's pdftopng.exe utility to convert the PDF to PNGs first, then create a TIFF montage with GraphicsMagick from the PNGs created by pdftopng. Download for the Xpdf utilities is here:

Regards, Joe

Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

17 Jul 2016, 23:00

    man joe you are a lfe savor i looked through all those montag options and couldnt find anything that was resolution or DPI but yet again thank you sooo much
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    Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

    17 Jul 2016, 23:46

    You're welcome!
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    Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK  Topic is solved

    21 Jul 2016, 13:50

    This will do it with the Gdip library. I wrote it directly in the browser so it is untested

    Code: Select all

    pToken := Gdip_Startup()
    files := []
    ;widthTotal := 0, heightMax := 0
    heightTotal := 0, widthMax := 0
    loop, Files, *.tiff
    	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(A_LoopFileName)
    	Gdip_GetDimensions(pBimap, w, h)
    	;widthTotal += w
    	;if (h > heightMax)
    	;	heightMax := h
    	heightTotal += h
    	if (w > widthMax)
    		widthMax := w
    	files.Insert({ bitmap: pBitmap, w: w, h: h })
    ;pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(widthTotal, heightMax)
    pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(widthMax, heightTotal)
    ;xCurrent := 0
    yCurrent := 0
    loop % files.MaxIndex()
    	f := files[A_Index]
    	;Gdip_DrawImage(pBitmap, f.bitmap, xCurrent, 0, f.w, f.h, 0, 0, f.w, f.h)
    	;xCurrent += f.w
    	Gdip_DrawImage(pBitmap, f.bitmap, 0, yCurrent, f.w, f.h, 0, 0, f.w, f.h)
    	yCurrent += f.h
    Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, "myFile.png")
    Appends all tiffs to the right of the last. Easily modified for vertical layout

    Updated code to append images vertically stacked. Left commented code for horizontally
    This method uses a lot of memory, but is the quickest. A slower method could be written to use very little memory, by doing the dimension calculations, and then disposing the images in that same loop.
    Tactical Shrimp
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    Re: Stitching thousands of images together with AHK

    21 Jul 2016, 15:13

    thanks for writing this but i discarded the autohotkey approach for using c++ and graphics magic but thank you for this and im sure this will help anyone else not using c++

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