Static variables for GUI control associated variables?

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Re: Static variables for GUI control associated variables?

23 Sep 2018, 13:36

It does not work for me either - without being able to explain it. I manage to make it work monitoring the WM_SYSCOMMAND message, though (specifically, one of its wParam value, namely SC_CLOSE):

Code: Select all

G1 := new GUI(), G2 := new GUI()
G3 := new gui_("hello method")

Class GUI {

	__New() {
		local _hwnd
		Gui, New, % "+Resize +Hwnd_hwnd +Label" . this.__class . "On"
		Gui, Add, Edit, x0 y0 vEdit
		Gui, Show, w800 h500
class gui_ { ;cf.
		this.n := n
		gui new, +resize +hwndh
		this.h := h
		gui % this.h ":show", w200 h100
		onmessage(WM_SIZE := 0x05, objbindmethod(this,"guiSize"))
		onmessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND := 0x112, objbindmethod(this,"guiClose"))
		; onmessage(WM_CLOSE := 0x10, objbindmethod(this,"guiClose"))
	guiSize(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd){
		if this.h != hwnd
			0: The window has been restored, or resized normally such as by dragging its edges.
			1: The window has been minimized.
			2: The window has been maximized.
			; width and height
			w := lParam & 0xFFFF
			h := lParam >> 16 
		tooltip % w "`t" h "`t" wParam "`n" this.n
	guiClose(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) { ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF060 = SC_CLOSE
		if this.h != hwnd
			return ; we return nothing in order to process any GuiClose label, if registered
		return GUIOnClose(hwnd)

GUIOnSize(_hwnd, _eventInfo, _width, _height) {
	ToolTip % _hwnd "," _eventInfo "," _width "," _height
GUIOnClose(_hwnd) {
	MsgBox 4,, Are you sure you want to hide the GUI whose ID is %_hwnd%?
    IfMsgBox No
        return 1
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Re: Static variables for GUI control associated variables?

23 Sep 2018, 14:43

@A_AhkUser Thanks for your code and the Gui, +Label hint. :)
with Gui, +Label I can get my GUI class to work with one external function. No more hard-coded labels.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

    MainGui := new GUI("Main", "Two Buttons ...", "+AlwaysOnTop")
    AUXGui := new GUI("AUX", "... and an EditBox.", "-MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox")

    MainGui.Show(50, 50)
    AUXGui.Show(400, 50)

Esc:: ; end of auto-execute section

class GUI ; object oriented GUI structure
    __New(Name, WinTitle := "", Options := "") ; constructor
        this.Name := Name
        Gui, % this.Name ":New", HWNDhGui, %WinTitle%
        Gui, +Labelmy +Resize %Options%
        Gui, Font, s16
		Gui, Add, Edit, HWNDhEdit w250, Hello, World!
        Gui, Add, Button, HWNDhButton1 wp hp, 1
        Gui, Add, Button, HWNDhButton2 wp hp, 2

        ; define actions
		onTyping := this.Edit_onTyping.Bind(this)
		onClick := this.Button_onClick.Bind(this)

        ; bind to controls
		GuiControl +g, %hEdit%, % onTyping
		GuiControl +g, %hButton1%, % onClick
		GuiControl +g, %hButton2%, % onClick

        ; house keeping
        this.Handle := hGui
        this.WinTitle := WinTitle
        OnMessage(0x05, ObjBindMethod(this, "GuiSize")) ; WM_SIZE

        Gui, % this.Name ":Destroy"

    Show(x := "Center", y := "Center")
        Gui, % this.Name ":Show", x%x% y%y%

	GuiSize(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) ; resize events
        if this.Handle != hwnd

        /* wParam = "event info"
        0: The window has been restored or dragged by its edges.
        1: The window has been minimized.
        2: The window has been maximized.

        ; lParam = (width and height)
        w := lParam & 0xFFFF    ; low word  (bits 16..32)
        h := lParam >> 16       ; high word (bits  1..15)

        ToolTip, Resizing ...`n%w%`n%h%`n%wParam%

    Edit_onTyping(hwnd, GuiEvent, EventInfo)
        GuiControlGet, outVar,, %hwnd%
        Tooltip, % "You are typing @" outVar "@ in Edit box on " this.Name

        Tooltip, % "You pressed button " A_GuiControl " on " this.Name

} ; end of class

myClose() ; {Alt+F4} pressed, [X] clicked
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Re: Static variables for GUI control associated variables?

24 Sep 2018, 02:06

Been busy these past few days, thanks for the replies, I will take a detailed look asap.
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Re: Static variables for GUI control associated variables?

24 Sep 2018, 08:36

wolf_II wrote:@A_AhkUser Thanks for your code and the Gui, +Label hint. :)
with Gui, +Label I can get my GUI class to work with one external function. No more hard-coded labels.
You should use this:


instead of:


Because, "Labels" has priority over "Functions" in this case (Gui Labels, Gui control labels, etc)!

If the below code is included in your script, when a gui close button is triggered, the "msgbox, myclose" shows up instead the script exiting itself!

msgbox, myclose


You can even use this inside the class:

myClose() ; {Alt+F4} pressed, [X] clicked
myclose: ;if any "myclose:" label is used outside this "class", a "duplicated" label found msgbox shows up!

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

    MainGui := new GUI("Main", "Two Buttons ...", "+AlwaysOnTop")
    AUXGui := new GUI("AUX", "... and an EditBox.", "-MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox")

    MainGui.Show(50, 50)
    AUXGui.Show(400, 50)

Esc:: ; end of auto-execute section

class GUI ; object oriented GUI structure
    __New(Name, WinTitle := "", Options := "") ; constructor
        this.Name := Name
        Gui, % this.Name ":New", HWNDhGui, %WinTitle%
        Gui, +Labelmy +Resize %Options%
        Gui, Font, s16
		Gui, Add, Edit, HWNDhEdit w250, Hello, World!
        Gui, Add, Button, HWNDhButton1 wp hp, 1
        Gui, Add, Button, HWNDhButton2 wp hp, 2

        ; define actions
		onTyping := this.Edit_onTyping.Bind(this)
		onClick := this.Button_onClick.Bind(this)

        ; bind to controls
		GuiControl +g, %hEdit%, % onTyping
		GuiControl +g, %hButton1%, % onClick
		GuiControl +g, %hButton2%, % onClick

        ; house keeping
        this.Handle := hGui
        this.WinTitle := WinTitle
        OnMessage(0x05, ObjBindMethod(this, "GuiSize")) ; WM_SIZE

        Gui, % this.Name ":Destroy"

    Show(x := "Center", y := "Center")
        Gui, % this.Name ":Show", x%x% y%y%

	GuiSize(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) ; resize events
        if this.Handle != hwnd

        /* wParam = "event info"
        0: The window has been restored or dragged by its edges.
        1: The window has been minimized.
        2: The window has been maximized.

        ; lParam = (width and height)
        w := lParam & 0xFFFF    ; low word  (bits 16..32)
        h := lParam >> 16       ; high word (bits  1..15)

        ToolTip, Resizing ...`n%w%`n%h%`n%wParam%

    Edit_onTyping(hwnd, GuiEvent, EventInfo)
        GuiControlGet, outVar,, %hwnd%
        Tooltip, % "You are typing @" outVar "@ in Edit box on " this.Name

        Tooltip, % "You pressed button " A_GuiControl " on " this.Name

   myClose()      ; {Alt+F4} pressed, [X] clicked
    myclose:      ;if any "myclose:" label is used outside this "class", a "duplicated" label found msgbox shows up!

} ; end of class
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Re: Static variables for GUI control associated variables?

25 Sep 2018, 04:50

If you only want to have 'named' controls outside of the global namespace:

AHK 1.1.20+ provides the option to use functions as event handlers. It also provides the option to access GUI controls via HWND.

Function specific parameters are passed to the functions, but AHK also creates the traditional 'label' variables like A_Gui, A_GuiControl, etc. They can be used to access the controls via a non-global name. You just have to associate the name with the HWND of the control in a GUI specific array. That might meet the requirements posted in th OP.

Code: Select all


GuiMainClose() {
   Gui, +OwnDialogs
   MsgBox, Gui %A_Gui% will be closed!
   Gui, Destroy

GuiMainCreate() {
   Gui, Main:New, +LabelGuiMain +hwndHGUI, Test Main
   Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
   Gui, Font, s16
   Gui, Add, Edit, vMyEdit hwndHEDT gGuiMainEvents x10 y10 w200 , Hello world!
   Gui, Add, Button, vMyButton1 hwndHBTN1 gGuiMainEvents x10 y50 w200 h40, Reset Edit
   Gui, Add, Button, vMyButton2 hwndHBTN2 gGuiMainEvents x10 y100 w200 h40, Clear Edit
   Values := {HGUI: HGUI, MyEdit: HEDT, MyButton1: HBTN1, MyButton2: HBTN2}
   GuiStore("Main", Values)

GuiMainShow() {
   Gui, Main:Show

GuiMainEvents(CtrlHwnd, GuiEvent, EventInfo, ErrLevel := 0) {
   ThisGui := GuiStore(A_Gui)
   If (A_GuiControl = "MyButton1")
      GuiControlGet, Caption, , %CtrlHwnd%
      HEDT := ThisGui["MyEdit"]
      GuiControl, -g, %HEDT%
      GuiControl, , %HEDT%, Hello world!
      GuiControl, +g%A_ThisFunc%, %HEDT%
      Tooltip You pressed <%Caption%> on %A_Gui% with HWND %CtrlHwnd%
   Else If (A_GuiControl = "MyButton2")
      GuiControlGet, Caption, , %CtrlHwnd%
      HEDT := ThisGui["MyEdit"]
      GuiControl, -g, %HEDT%
      GuiControl, , %HEDT%
      GuiControl, +g%A_ThisFunc%, %HEDT%
      Tooltip You pressed <%Caption%> on %A_Gui% with HWND %CtrlHwnd%
   Else If (A_GuiControl = "MyEdit")
      GuiControlGet, Content, , %CtrlHwnd%
      Tooltip You are typing text in Edit box on %A_Gui% with HWND %CtrlHwnd%`n`n%Content%

GuiStore(Name, Values := "") {
   Static GuiValues := {}
   If (Values = "Delete")
   Else If IsObject(Values)
      GuiValues[Name] := Values
   Return GuiValues[Name]

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